1788/Dirty Dancing!

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Dirty Dancing!
Date of Scene: 24 July 2024
Location: Juuban Ward
Synopsis: Everyone's dancing in the streets! The problem? They don't want to! Heroes and Villains put a stop to this silliness.
Cast of Characters: Nanoha Takamachi, Sugata Shindo, Takashi Agera, Kureha Senkenzan, Glimmer Brightmoon, Takuto Tsunashi

Nanoha Takamachi has posed:
Dancing in the streets. That's what's currently happening in a part of Juuban today, near the FaM-Mart. Close to the public library. There's a LOST LOGIA signature coming from the library. But it's not so simple.

Nanoha Takamachi is flying to the scene! Yuuno on her shoulder as she lowers her descent into the morass of tired, dancing people.

"Huh... looks like... people are enjoying themselves..?" no. No they are not.

And as soon as she enters the zone of the effect? She suddenly falls the ten feet she was in the air and joins the dancing. "H--huh what!?" she mutters.

Yuuno is ALSO dancing. This is probably as adorable as you think it is." We're not immune to the effects it seems...!" worries Yuuno.

Nanoha Takamachi tries to dance in the direction of the library.

It's...not really working at a good speed. She spins backwards every so often.

Sugata Shindo has posed:
"Tiny horses on Saturday, dancing on Wednesday," Sugata Shindo huffs, twirling around Takuto - neither leading nor following, just, dancing about in a manner that's more graceful than it ought to be, slightly less ridiculous than it should be. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were conspiring to make things more ridiculous than usual."

Because of course, Takuto has already challenged one enemy to a dance party. They'd been grabbing snacks after class, on the way to pick up Wako, and the next thing they'd known, there was a dancing crowd, and the two of them were in the midst.

At least the snacks are safe in Sugata's bag.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Scattered in front of Takashi Agera, in a now-empty office next to his actual office, are hundreds of tiny little crystal slivers. He is working alongside his Device to try and sort a specific subset of crystals from the others - a deep dark almost black purple, the crystals of this kind that react in this way isolated from the others.

    <<LOST LOGIA - PROBABLE JEWEL SEED DETECTED.>> Axion chimes suddenly. A Jewel Seed... As much as he wanted to get his own hands on one... this might be exactly what he needs. Joker's words have been echoing in his head now that the drama of Beryl's evolution and defeat are over. That bad things always happen to people around Takashi, and that he might be seen as part of the problem within Obsidian. He needs good press - and he needs someone on the Board who has a slight interest in his continued employment. A Jewel Seed to deliver to Precia would be... a great way to gain her on his side, he figures.

    Takashi stands up and walks out to the greater office. It's empty now, though - Mami, Catra, Norie; all of them must be off on their own work. No Keaka either. He turns to his office and winces.

    "Hey, Glimmer. I need a partner to help me with a project..."

    And so after opening a Midchildan Rune on the floor and channeling energy into it, Riventon and Glimmer are teleported halfway across Tokyo to Juuban - directly within the zone of the effect.

    Riventon immediately starts dancing, and it's very strange to him. "The hell?!" he asks as his body starts to move on its own in the same direction as Nanoha. "Not now, friggin' horse magic!!" well, he's been expecting some kind of song-and-dance number problem ever since he was coated in the stuff as part of turning Hinoiri into an Alicorn. "Aggghhhh" he whines. "Wait, it's not just me."


    "Greeeaaat." he says as he dance-slides around a corner.

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    Kureha Senkenzan is not here hunting a magical artifact. It is entirely coincidence; she's been picked up at a local train station after riding it here from a /larger/ train station deeper in Tokyo. Why not just get picked up in Tokyo? As usual, it's Hozan Chikafuji's fault - this month marks one year of her miracle return to perfect health, and he's commissioned a renowed jewler to create a ring for his 'beloved' daughter in celebration.

    And she has to go pick it up.

    After a long train ride back from Kyoto.

    It is most assuredly not the kind of hot summer afternoon that would have the yukata-clad ojou in the mood to dance. And yet, as she and her attendant Yozakura walk... that is exactly what happens. Or at least, it starts, anyway. Confusion quickly turns to alarm, to frustration, and her body quickly stops dancing - but shudders the entire time, as every ounce of effort is going into preventing her from dancing. It gives Kureha enough time to look up and see everyone on the street, Yozakura included, is dancing as well.

    Teeth grit. Frustration mounts. A tiny girl in a kimono takes slow, shaky, shuddering steps into an alleyway. A wave of heat surges from the alley, and a horned girl in a fiery kimono strides out, confident and steady. "At least it's easier to resist like this. Now, where is this coming from..." Onihime mutters, already starting to quite literally follow her nose.

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer had been resting at the time Riventon asked her for help. She lifted up her little eye cover and groaned. She still didn't feel her best, occasional bursts of darkness flowing over her and making her *glitch* with a jolt. One triggered by his arrival.

However, it seemed work called and while she made a few grouchy grumbles about it, she'd summoned her staff to hand before joining him. "Okay. Just... don't expect me to be able to teleport us out if things get bad, okay? I don't exactly have full capabilities yet."

While she could teleport... a little... it was nowhere NEAR as good as her 'full powered' capabilities.

Of course, when she arrived? "Oh, this is AWESOME! Woo hoo!" she yelled, lifting her hands over her head and doing a spinning wiggle. "Oh yeah, break it down, uh huh, we're dancing! Why didn't you tell me there was magic like this? Just call me Dance-ra!"

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
"It's not me! Just because I can dance," Takuto huffs right back, dancing with Sugata -- the amount the two of them spar, dancing's just fighting with style and a certain amount of synchronization. "Maybe you're being ridiculous and trying to pin it on me~"

He doesn't sound serious at all, and they don't sound too tired, honestly -- not yet, anyway. "Should we apprivoise or wait to see if someone else is taking care of it..." the redhead starts, and then Riventon and some pink and purple girl shows up, and he sighs. "That answers that."


Cue an incredibly dandy henshin sequence that's also dancing...

Nanoha Takamachi has posed:
The bad news for Nanoha, Riventon and Glimmer are here and arrive as a group. The Good? They're affected by the dancing too. Nanoha Takamachi spouts. "Riventon! I won't let you geeeeeeettttt." involuntary spin. "The Jewel Seed!" she commands as she tries to boogie, perhaps cutely as a nine year old can towards the library. She has to dance up steps. Before she side steps downwards. "Darnit!" she yells.

Meanwhile, dancing has been going on for a while, some of the normal folks caught up in this are looking ragged and tired, unable to dance out of the zone of effect.

Onihime seems unaffected. "H--hey! You! You're not dancing! Hey, help me!" she says. "L..Library!" she yells, it's all she can get out.

Dancing is exhausting, notably, when you can't stop.

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    The young oni's nose proves to be good - at least enough to lead her in the right direction. The scent of something odd on the wind draws Kureha onward, until she's presented with the site of... Nanoha yelling at someone. Who is dancing. While Nanoha is also dancing. "...everyone really is dancing," she mutters, before shaking her head and responding to Nanoha. "It is an effort of will. Perhaps my oni resistance is helping me to resist. Regardless, I remember you from the North Pole." Giving Nanoha a faint nod, Onihime turns to head towards the library... then stops.

    And turns back to look at Nanoha.

    "...I apologize for what I am about to do. It may be a bit rough, but please bear with it. I shall need your guidance."

    Then she jogs over, hooks an arm around the dancing mage's waist from behind, and picks her up. THEN she heads for the library.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Riventon looks at Nanoha. "I need it" -sliiiiide- "more than you do-o-o." he says, pointing and waving with his finger in a stylistic way. Some of it's the dance magic. Most of it is. But maybe not all of it.

    "Just as soon... as I break out-out-out of this dance-dance-dance." He says, and however he is dancing, to whatever unheard beat, it's probably verry different than Nanoha's song.

    "Hey! Why does she get broken out!" he calls after Onimhime. And then growls. "I guess I'll just have to brute force this."

    Runic energy lights up around Riventon but it takes him a few times before he get it to stay open while he spins in one spot. <<WARD ACTIVE.>> his Device calls as a shimmering barrier seems to wrap around him from the front. He's only got a limited amount of time that he can rely on it, though. He watches Onihime carry Nanoha off into the distance and turns back towards Glimmer.



    ...Before flying off for the Library himself. What? She's having fun.

Sugata Shindo has posed:
"I said if I didn't know any better," Sugata points out, and then sees Riventon, and scowls. "Right."


Another dandy henshin sequence that isn't as dandy as the first, filled with dancing - honestly it's impressive no one tripped - and then Ginga Kingu is - still dancing, but with a fist punched to his chest, to draw a glowing sword!

"Star Swordo - Diamante!"

The glowing blade of pure energy is held expertly in his hands, and as people all around them begin to shuffle more than dance, civilians looking exhausted and worn -

"Right, well then, off to the library?"

That's where Riventon and the other two are heading, so - digging Diamante into the floor, he dances himself along towards the library, stab-pull-dancing along. This section of the street is definitely going to be prone to potholes after this...

It's not the most dignified way to get around, but it works! He'll make it to the library!

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer WAS having fun, doing a little twirl before shrugging. "Wait, what? We have to go to the library? Do libraries here just have a lot of dancing? Oh, WAIT! That's cheating!" she yelled, before twirling again, then shrugging. Welp.

She looked to Kingu and Bishounen, before jamming her staff into the ground and polevaulting away! Directly into their path. And then...

Started greeser dancing. Snapping her fingers and smirking at them. "So, I'm supposed to like... help Riven-rapta this time sooooo... Two on their way in with him, and you two can be my dance partners." Pause. "Oh, wow, that actually works this time. Sweet. Also, sweet sword!" She then twirled and tries to SLAP Kingu out of the air with a twirling staff when he passed!

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
"STAR SWORDO... EMERAUDE!" sings out Takuto, pulling the green energy sword from his chest, and then as he pulls the blue one with his other hand, "STAR SWORDO... saaaaaPHIRRRR!"

The boy with the big white military coat with an astonishing amount of gold braid and the very Hinoiri-esque shock of spiky red and gold hair MOONWALKS after his blue-haired boyfriend toward the library...

...and then the pink and purple girl gets in the way. And then she tries to hit the Ginga Kingu with her staff.

He doesn't bother trying to block her from Sugata since Sugata has Diamante out already.

"Don't be annoying, that's my job," he tells her, "and don't piss off Sugata-kun, he's a master of the ancient Shindo school of kendo and also has an attack that blows streets up." He glances at Kingu. "Sugata-kun, you have a free hand, you take the pictures and I'll annoy the annoying girl-- hey what's your name, anyway?"

Nanoha Takamachi has posed:
People, tired from dancing are now starting to collapse to the ground. This getting dangerous for normal people now, and every so often someone new wanders into the zone, and starts of course, dancing.

Nanoha Takamachi watches Riventon cast some spell and make for the library. She tries to push forward, but she can't. Until...


Onihime picks up Nanoha, who is still a little wiggly, into the air and she seems happy to have her feet off the ground.

"Into the library, hurry!"

Inside the library..... are more people dancing.

Though there's more collapsed people there. How long as this been going on exactly!?

"Come on!" says Nanoha. She raises Raising Heart. It glows, maybe it can lead them to the cause.

Though no doubt Riventon can detect the same signal, somewhere on the second level!

Sugata Shindo has posed:
The staff is promptly blocked with Diamante, the energy blade sizzling against the staff, and Sugata frowns at Excited-To-Be-Here, deciding how to respond, before going with the truth - "Thanks, I stole it."

And then he shoves forward, twisting the sword to break their temporary stalemate in his favor.

They might be fighting, but they're still dancing, and so twists around her in a half circle, hips shimmying. One hand has Diamante. The other, does, in fact, get his phone.

"I'm not going to blow up this street, we like this store," he replies to Takuto, and angles the phone for a quick snapshot of Takuto. "A name would be a good idea, before I stick to calling you Excited-To-Be-Here forever."

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    The wiggly doesn't seem to bother Onihime, though if Nanoha recalls the Youkai Musume's demeanor from the North Pole, she seems a bit more tense here, more focused. Staving off the dancing effect is an effort of will. "Right, libray. Device, can you guide me?" she asks, glancing sidelong at Raising Heart; and if the tiny magical gizmo does in fact provide direction, Kureha will start following them - frequently running atop bookshelves and leaping over obstacles where feasible.

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Soraia grins at the pair of them, moving back before doing a twirl, spinning on one foot, her staff digging into the ground. "Queen Glimmer of Brightmoon, pleased to make your acquintance, and you are? And huh, really? So many people steal their swords these days, mine's my dads. It's a long story," she said, before holding out her right hand. "Now then, shall we-- grrkzz!" And then an aura of darkness walked over her, and her eyes went wide, before she was sizzling. "Guh. Hate that, sorry. Where were we? You and me then?" she asked before doing a full ballerina leap in front of Bishounen... then spinning, bending over, staff twirling behind her and then striking out and down, to knock his feet out from under him. "Just Glimmer is fine, by the way." Well, she heard one of them call the other Sugata so...

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Riventon is a little bit delayed getting to the library. For one thing, whatever is causing the Jewel Seed to make people dance is *really* pressuring it, and so every once in a while he stops to dance - at least for a moment - before his barrier gets control. And at least once he has to recast it. He's got to seriously wonder if this is just how strong it is or if it's reacting with all of that damned Kirakirafantastic magic he got soaked in. Either way... it's highly annoying.

    It's especially frustrating to be fighting this hard against an effect when he's not planning to take home the goodies directly himself... But... now he's stuck in it anyways. He's trying to make his way up to the second floor - at least once he gets to the more open foyer of the library he can just float up ominously. "Axion, find the damn source of this." he says.

    <<SCAN DISRUPTED BY AURA.>> Well, great. That's helpful. He's pretty sure he passed some of those Team Galactic Grunts on the way in, but they're not here yet, at least. Maybe Glimmer was keeping them occupied.

    "What say we work together until we make the dancing stop at least?! Trying to fight you like this would be ridiculous." Riventon calls to the little artillery mage - and frankly anybody else who might be listening, because trying to constantly keep from breaking into a riverdance or something is kicking his butt.

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
"Funny. Kingu's sword was briefly *my* dad's, but he stole it too, I'm pretty sure. I inherited mine from my granddad," Takuto tells her, posing mid-move for the camera for two beats. Then he wanders into the bridge of the song that's stuck in his head and jumps over the stick, once and then twice, the second time to keep scanning to the beat.

"Glimmer. I'm the Ginga Bishounen, but you can call me Takuto. Nice to meet you! Are you okay? That looked like it hurt..."

This as he tries to disarm Glimmer with a rolling motion of one sword while making a feint at her hand with the other.

Nanoha Takamachi has posed:
Nanoha Takamachi is still trying to dance. But it's unsuccessful thanks to Onihime. Nanoha Takamachi is indeed using Raising Heart to lead the way and she looks over to Riventon. She listens to his parlay. She looks up to Onihime. She looks back to Riventon.

Things are getting more desperate for the normal people. Nanoha looks at all the collapsed , sometimes wiggling, people on the floor.

She frowns a little at Riventon.

"I don't trust you." she says. "But we have to stop the dancing..." she says.

That's her agreeing to the truce. Though, she doesn't ask Onihime's opinion of it.

"Okay?" she says, looking back up at Onihime.

Sugata Shindo has posed:
While Glimmer is making an effort at tripping Takuto, Sugata sweeps Diamante towards her legs - aiming to trip her up while Takuto goes for disarming her.

"Ginga Kingu, but you can call me Sugata." Please call him Sugata.

The dark spasm is... probably concerning, but Takuto's on hat, so why worry about it?

"You did ask for dance partners, right? Surely you don't mind that we're a pair."

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    There is a brief backward glance at Riventon. A glance down at Nanoha. A glance back up at Riventon.

    "If he has your assent, then I will trust your judgment."

    The oni comes to a stop between shelves, turns around, and begins a series of loping, borderline-hopping strides towards Riventon. "Please hold still. Carrying the two of you will take all the concentration I have left to spare." As she's hoisting Riventon onto her shoulder, the horned girl adds, "I am fully aware you intend to take the cause of this. But we may need your strength in suppressing it first. We can settle other matters after."

    It takes seemingly no more effort for Onihime to carry both Riventon and Nanoha than it did for Nanoha alone - but keeping both of them steady, dashing through the halls, and restraining herself from dancing is just about the limit of her concentration. The strain is visible on her face the entire way.

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer gave a small nod. "Really? I think my dad made his. Or earned it. I never really asked, it didn't come up!"

"Takura, Sugara, got it!" she said, before yelping. She hadn't expected Sugata's addition to the fight. She yanked her food up, but it threw her off balance and, the staff being knocked out through the rolling feint double strike! She spun back, her staff flying through the air.

She then eeped, making two V signs with her hand. "Hee hee, I probably shouuuuuuuld have seen that coming, admittedly. And I'm fine, just a bit sick after a recent encounter with a mirror and a hag."

She then started rolling her fists, swaying her hips as she danced. "Not the first time I've come unarmed to a sword fight, though. So--"

and then in a pink flash she was gone, only to appear behind Takuto to try and give him a rather firm and solid... Spin, ducking down and push/twirling him towards Sugata. "Catch~" And hopefully avoid getting slashed on the back swing.

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
"Aw damn, she teleports," groans Takuto as he's spun into Sugata, spending basically all his attention on not stabbing anybody, including Glimmer, which is a very near thing. "Glitter, look out, jeez!"

The redhead angles his body carefully as he sees which way Sugata's moving -- it's all split-second while he's talking -- so as to swing with him instead of crash, and he hopes hopes hopes that Sugata will pick up on what he's telegraphing and use the momentum to launch him at Glimmer. "Reverse Eccentric Tau Missile?!"

The swords vanish in a KZAAKT, just to be on the safe side.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Riventon nods. "Well, if it helps, I still want the Jewel Seed, but I also want everyone to stop dancing. You can trust both of those about equally." He says.

    The next thing out of his mouth is a startled 'hrk?!' noise as the powerful Onihime grabs him and now he's just one oni's body away from Nanoha. He's doing his best to stop from squirming or dancing, which is easy now that he doesn't have to move, but...

    "This is not my ideal mode of transport but it does seem to be working." he adds. "Better to conserve my strength for whatever's at the source." he suggests. "But no blasting each other until we can stand without needing to focus on not doing the electric side, for sure."

Nanoha Takamachi has posed:
Things are getting worse. People are boogeying until they can't anymore. Nanoha Takamachi is soon leading the way to the second floor. The source finally becomes clear. There's a jewel seed. Or something close enough. Stuck in a book, glowing wildly and vibrating in mid air.

The title of the book? 'Dance First, Think Later'.

It's currently obviously the source of this distrubance.

So who's going to act first to try to stop it? Nanoha Takamachi is! "Shot Barret!" she calls out, still wiggling in Onihime's grip but firing out a series of scattered quick fire orbs at the floating book.

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    "Had I better options, I would be using them," Onihime replies to Riventon. As soon as they catch proper sight of the floating book, Nanoha opens fire, and Kureha's eyes widen a little in surprise. Shooting while being carried and fighting the urge to dance? That's impressive focus in and of itself. "I will set you both down now," she cautions simply, before doing just that - and she's even fair-minded enough to set Riventon down, smoothly, rather than just dropping him to the ground. Without further delay, however, the oni's right hand is wreathed in flame, and she dashes in to unload a superhuman, fiery punch on the Jewel Book. Book Seed? Book Jewel? The floating magic book.

Sugata Shindo has posed:
Ooooof course she teleports. But on the other hand, she also used his name, so he certainly doesn't resent it. There's a moment of dancing-even-more-than-usual, as he and Takuto work to make sure they don't impale anyone on limbs that aren't entirely under their own power, and then -

Diamant vanishes with it's own sizzling KZAAKT as Sugata grabs the back of Takuto's jacket, spinning with his momentum -

"You asked for it!"

Swing batta batta, swing! There's energy that races from Sugata's hands to Takuto, flooding with the same sort of energy the actual Tau Missile used, or at least, the Sugata version of it, before he launches him at Magic Bullet Speeds towards Glimmer!

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon had only a moment to react as.... at this. Her eyes went wide and--

She was covered in darkness again. Bishounen CONNECTED! Slamming elbow first into her, she was dropped, hitting the ground and skidding along, Bishounen on top of her. She looked up at him. "You know..." she whispered. "That..."

"Was kind of awesome. But there's one problem..." she whispered.

And then she punched him. Or, well, tried to. and also tried to wrap her arms around him before. "I'm a BRAWLER!" And then punched again, a massive blast of bright, white light erupting from her fist if she connected and... Oh. That. That was actually a LOT harder than she meant it to be. Oops.

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
"Oh jeez I'm so sorry I'm so-- it was awesome? It was a--"

Being fair, the first punch absolutely gets Takuto square where she aimed it: his shoulder. The 'lady doing Math' meme is him right now because that was unexpected and he's shaking off deadarm as she announces she's a brawler and he rolls away from her violent embrace.

"You're holding back!" he accuses, sounding about as indignant as it gets, flipping himself to his feet in what is absolutely a backup dancer move. "There are two of us and you're holding back! Come on!"

He pulls up his own fists, glowing, and calls back to Sugata, "Wako looking for us yet? If not, wanna go in the library or watch me?"

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Riventon nods. It's the book. It's that damn book. "Dance first think later? Guess it's time to shoot first dance never." He pauses. He really could expect better out of himself on this. Then again, he's trying not to do the Robot or otherwise dance his way out a window or off a balcony.

    "It's a good thing so many problems can be solved with the application of violence."

    <JAWOHL.>Riventon's device agrees. And then as the teen thrusts his hand foreward and focus ribbons collect around his hand, Dark Energy collects into an orb in his palm until it erupts out like a blast of high-pressure black ink.<SCHATTENSCHLAG.> His device calls as the surging energy blast surges forward at the book.

Nanoha Takamachi has posed:
The combined might of Nanoha'sd Shot Barrets, Riventon's surge of dark energy ink, and Onihime's firey might the book starts to shake and with a burst of light the Lost Logia (Not properly a jewel seed but... looking like a gem now) separates from the book....! and it clatters to the ground as it stops glowing, sputtering to a stop.

With that, the dancing field stops, people are no longer required to dance. The sudden spontaneous dancing in normal people stop, though they look tired, the people on the ground will be fine in time. Like any standard energy drain event.

Nanoha Takamachi is too caught off by the burst of light of the event to make a move for the Lost Logia!

Onihime or Riventon will need to be quicker...!

Kureha Senkenzan has posed:
    Suddenly bereft of the urge to dance, Onihime briefly feels like her strings have been cut. Her body very faintly slumps with relief, and the mental relief is great enough that she completely loses track of the situation for a heartbeat. "Haaa... ah-" It all comes surging back to her at once, and the Youkai Musume whips around to spot the Lost Logia, making the fastest lunge she can make for it. But by the same token, her 'fastest' is pretty slow by magical girl standards, and combined with that moment of distraction, she's not confident in her ability to snag it in time. But she'll certainly try!

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Riventon is, mostly, happy that the dancing has stopped. If someone was paying attention they might even tell it wasn't only for his own good. And normally, he'd be more prepared to grasp for the Lost Logia, but that feeling of relief - of having full control of his body without requiring him to resist the entire time. He's danced enough forever.

    But all this means Onihime has a greater head start than many others have had, and the push between the two of them to take the Jewel Seed is a little bit more even than it might otherwise be. But he's diving for it anyways, because he can still hear that damned clown in his ear, see that tarot card. He needs a win, he needs an ally in Obsidian, and that drives him forward, reaching for it as well, channeling energy into his other hand to blast the Onihime who just helped him if need be.

    The dancing is over, the truce is over. The only question was who would get their hands on it - and how much chaos would erupt afterwards.

Sugata Shindo has posed:
No one can judge him, Takuto said what he said, and Sugata delivered! And if they did, for whatever reason, judge him, they would be wrong to do it!

That Glimmer gets a punch in on Takuto doesn't get much of a response from Sugata - why would it, when Takuto's dealt with far worse than a punch? That Glimmer got a punch in because she was holding back? That has him looking a touch indignant too, and he might have made something of it, except -

Except that the compulsion to dance stops, and he's able to shift his weight into a comfortable stance for the first time since this all started.

"I think they've got this," he decides, and angles his phone for a picture of Takuto's glowing fists as he faces off against Glimmer.

His phone dings. "Aaaand that was Wako-chan. Make it quick, if you're going to return the favor."

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon shook her head. "Not at all! It's just *really* hard to brawl like I normally fight when my magic is on the fritz like it is! Besides, you two have swords and I have, well, had a stick. It was only fair. I don't wanna get stabbed."

Glimmer leaped to her feet, did another spin, before standing on her toes and arms up, in an 'Oley!' stance and--

The... magic stopped. She blinked a few times. Then pulled her fists in, up near her face, boxing style. "But if you wanna go, boxing style? Let's do this!" she said, grin on her lips. She was apparently more than willing to throw down. Besides, this guy seemed fun. "Besides, I can't really leave until Riventon finishes anyway sooooo... We can do this quick."

Takuto Tsunashi has posed:
"Oh, whoops," says Takuto, dukes still up for a half second, and then he drops his hands and half glances back at Sugata, keeping Glimmer in his peripheral vision. "Nah it's okay, we can--"

He looks back to Glimmer and examines her form for a second. "Boxing. Yes, good. Next time though? Can we boxing duel later? Because our girlfriend is wondering why we're taking forever with the snacks, we gotta go."

Nanoha Takamachi has posed:
The Three way battle for the Lost Logia is underway! Nanoha Takamachi finally recovers and leaps for it late....and Onihime leaps for it, but she's too slow....Riventon acquires the Lost Logia as Nanoha Takamachi breathes heavily, being tired out by the dancing plague like everyone else.

"H--hey give that back!" she says at Riventone with worry, stopping short of actually attack him. Maybe she doesn't have the strength after all... the dancing.

The dancing.

Glimmer Brightmoon has posed:
Glimmer Brightmoon blinked a few times and... "Oh, yeah, that makes..." She then trailed off. "Wait, OUR girlfriend, as in... both of yours? That's a thing?" she asked. "Oh, and no worries, you should get your snacks and-- OH! Reminds me. Here, get her something nice, from the terrible people at Obsidian," Glimmer said before pulling out a small envelope and tossing it towards them. It had... about 2000 yen in it. Not a lot. But it could afford some snacks.

"Sorry we had to mug you and--" Then she jerked, the dark energy enveloping her again. "Gahhhh! Mug you and all! Ugh, I hate having to WALK everywhere!" she yelled before... running to go pick up her stick. It was a fancy stick, at least. "Hopefully my powers are working right next time and I'll show you what I can do full tilt. Keep working on that missile of yours!" Then started towards the library to see how Riventon had done...

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Riventon is tired too, and he's got the gem and he's tugging it away from the book in one arm and holding out his other arm, clearly holding onto a sphere of collected Dark Energy. "Alright kids, it's been fun and the dancing is over but this gem is important to my continued not being disassembled so why don't we all just leave things where they are, huh?" he says, but he's NOT immediately blasting. Either because he's tired or because he is smart enough to not start nonsense when he's got it in his hand.

    <INTERNALIZING LOST LOGIA.> Axion reports. After it shimmers into his device, the other thing it does is connect to Glimmer telepathically. She is, at this point, hopefully not shocked by hearing Riventon in her head during fights. Or... dance fights. <<We're going, I got what we're here for. Get clear of anyone, gonna duskport with you.>>

    And Riventon will launch out of the library to fly-by grab Glimmer and tug her through a Duskport out of the battle/dance/chaoszone.

Sugata Shindo has posed:
Having money thrown his way is not a typical Sugata experience, he has to admit. Having people question their relationship?

"His girlfriend, my fiancé," he says, because he believes in choosing rhetorical violence. "If it isn't a thing, we're the last to know. But don't worry about it; we weren't actually here for... whatever caused this problem."

He shrugs, and there's actually a bit of a smile on his face, and he nods in her direction as she walks off. Once she's gone? He offers the cash to Takuto, promptly. "Here, this is enough for another icee, right?"