1138/Road Rash Remedy

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Road Rash Remedy
Date of Scene: 19 February 2024
Location: Administrative Office
Synopsis: After being dropped off by Haruka, Hinoiri gets to experience the joys of having pieces of gravel plucked out of her back. Ow. Still, she's tired and the infirmary beds are comfy.
Cast of Characters: Hinoiri Kirara, Setsuna Meiou

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara hobbled into the office, looking... better than she had. But yeah. She'd definitely crashed and road rashed. But... "I finally beat her!" Hinoiri said, lifting her arms in victory. "Ow." And earned a lot of strains. Thank goodness for magic healing.

Haruka, who dropped her off, did at least nod and confirm that Hinoiri 'won'. But also mouthed 'Never racing her again, she's nuts'. She also turned over a thumb drive from Mamoru, Good Omens 1 and 2, original english audio, before departing. She had to clean up as well.

Hinoiri had mud, a twig in her hair, and... really needed to clean up and get all those rocks off. "So, uhhhh. Mamoru-san said I should like... use the showers here and then get some tweezers to uhhh... get all the rocks out." She then gave a hiss of pain when she moved just a little wrong. "... Don't suppose like... there's a magic 'get all the rocks off' option? By any chance? Cause... that'd help. Mamoru-san at least helped with the uhhh... sprains..." She glanced towards the door.

There was something else, though. Hinoiri was making a weird gesture with her hands. Like little hooves, clutched up near her chest. She had actually done that the first month or so of school, but had eventually... just stopped doing it entirely. Though who knew if Setsuna had seen it or would even remember it?

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
As Haruka drops Hinoiri off en-passant before scarpering, Nurse Meiou gives the dishwater blonde's back a bit of a glare.

There will be WORDS discussed about this later.

Still, for the moment the injured student comes first.

She sighs, then shakes her head, "Sadly, no. There isn't a 'get all the rocks out' option. Especially since a lot of magical healing tends to work by boosting or superchgarging normal healing...which, given how absurd normal human healing is, means that if you don't get the little pebbles out first, there's a chance some of them can get embedded in you."

She shakes her head, "...which is most certainly NOT a desirable outcome."

She walks over to one of the exam beds and pulls several of the rolling dividers so that the bed isn't visible from the door anymore, "Come over here and have a seat and I'll get my trauma kit and get those out...then we can get you cleaned up, Miss Kirara."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a mournful sigh. Back home there were. Granted, she supposed that was part of the issue with being on this... planet. This weird world. She walked over and hopped up onto the bed.

And oh, there was a NEW hiss of pain! Ow. She then... very quickly took off the jacket. Very quickly, because by the end there were some tears in her eyes and she gave the smallest whimper. "I-I did win, though. I just kind of... didn't... land right. And what's the saying? No pain, no gain? And a win is a win. Sorry. I would have just... gone home and washed these out myself, but they insisted I get myself actually looked at. It was my own faul, though. Just... you know? In that second I had a choice. Victory or defeat. I had to take the chance."

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Nurse Meiou sighs and pats Hinoiri very gently on a non-traumatized bit of her shoulder, "...while OFFICIALLY I must most STRENUOUSLY and SERIOUSLY admonish you for your reckless behavior..."

There's a pause and she snorts, "...UNOFFICIALLY I understand...and since you seem to have been willing to pay the perhaps painful but fortunately not serious consequences..."

She shrugs, "...I suppose I can only say take the win, enjoy it...but DO try to avoid having to go to such lengths again if at all possible."

Frowning at the younger woman's back...the nurse sighs, then with as quick a motion as she can, yanks the damaged shirt away.

Once the damage is exposed, the Nurse then does something that will probably cause an almost instant endorphin rush to the redhead...by spraying her back with a very mild topical anesthetic solution, taking the edge off the pain signals almost immediately, "...sorry about that, but the shirt's probably a write-off anyhow...but this solution should be helping out rather quickly...okay, then...let's take a look at what's what...."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a small nod. "Yeah, I'm used to getting told that. But where would life be without the occasional risk? Admittedly... yeah. But I did look amazing, for a few minutes. And don't worry, I won't anymore. I... finally got my win. I've been trying to do that for a while. Now? I can just relax."

HA! As if she knew how.

However, the shirt getting yanked up made her SHRIEK and jump. Not to cover herself. But because of the *pain*. "Ow ow ow ow tartarus *ow*. Got a real grif-- oh... oh... okay... carry on..." she mumbled, drifting a little. Don't get her wrong, Mamoru's magic healing thing was nice. But that had been starting to wear off. This? Was more, and new, yay!

She relaxed, giving a soft sigh and closing her eyes. "Okay, yes, carry on..." she mumbled, leaning forward. Odd she didn't really react much to the 'shirt' part being gone. Then again, Setsuna was another woman, and a medical professional, so it wasn't like she was jsut some weirdo.

But honestly? She was still in a bit of a 'pony' mode thanks to Mamoru so not shirt didn't bother her.

The damage wasn't... quite as bad. Lots of bruises. All the mud would need to be cleaned off, likely, before she could see how bad it was. Likely need to disinfect a lot and... maybe put some bandages on her. Stubborn thing. Lucky she wasn't crying more than she was over it.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Nurse Meiou spends a few idle minutes as she lets the topical fully enagage gently working the twigs and various bits of debris out of Hinoiri's hair.

Then, precisely ten minutes after she first sprayed her patient's back, she steps over with a rolling table, a metal pan and a pair of tweezers and starts slowly and systematically moving from one side of the redhead's back to the other and then back again.

Whenever she finds a laceration or contusion, she gently checks it for a pebble, then removes one if she finds it.

She doesn't go particularly quickly...as it's quite obvious that she's prioritizing thoroughness over speed, "...let me know if the pain starts to flare back up to what it was before...the topical is by it's very nature, unfortunately somewhat mild...and everyone metabolizes it at a slightly different rate."

She pauses and leans around a little so she can be seen out of the corner of one eye, "...so let me know if you're starting to feel the pain come back and I'll reapply it. I wanna make sure I got everything before we get onto the next step."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara started to relax, her eyes drifting a bit as her hair was... managed. It didn't help that she was still in that kind of pony mindset. And her unicorn side, well... they were definitely social creatures. Humans were, too.

Isolation had never faired well for them. Just look at how it affected Hinoiri.

"Heh, I don't think anyone has brushed my hair since I was a foal," she mumbled. "And no... I think it's working fine... I'm told I heal fast. Probably has to do with being concentrated awesome. That or maybe I do have some magic in me, since I can like... remember it and all..." she mumbled softly.

"... So... you remembering magic, despite being an adult and all. Is that like... part of you being a nurse? Some big... thing... lets you remember... in return, you cobble the sparklers back together afterwards?"

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
After a good few minutes, the nurse is done picking all the tiny bits of gravel out...and then she steps away a few moments before coming back.

The sound of water in a bucket can be heard, then she's very gently using a warm, soaped, damp cloth to clean all the dirt away.

Normally such a thing would sting...but with the topical, anesthetic, just the warm and water comes through most noticably, "Oh, there are a few things about it. I'm a bit younger and older than I look...on top of that...well, as with so many other things, with magic there are often wierd edge cases that generally require more explaination than they're worth..."

Hinoiri's comments about her youth get an unseen raised eyebrow from Nurse Meiou...but she doesn't comment on the slip...instead she just files the comment away.

It doesn't take terribly long for her to finish cleaning off the younger woman's back...and then she uses a towel to gently pat the redhead's back dry.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a small nod. "Mmmmm hm. Gotcha. So immortal lich nurse? Puella magi thing with extra steps? Is cool," Hinoiri mumbled, not even cool. "My girlfriend... ex, I guess, now, is one. She heals better than me..."

She crossed her arms and relaxed her head on them, letting her get it all out.

"Yeah, magic is weird like that. Especially here. Doesn't work right half the time... would be so much easier if it did... then I could do stuff..." she muttered. "You're... very good at... th... at..."

It had been a long, long, long time since she'd let anyone take care of her like this. And even longer since she'd actually relaxed. And with that feeling of warmth and home echoing in her...


Setsuna Meiou has posed:
The comment about Hinoiri's ex girlfriend gets a blink and a small sigh from Nurse Meiou.

She thought the two (three?) of them together were cute.

After a few moments, she sighs and shakes her head...then goes back to finishing dressing the younger woman's wounds. A bit of ointment and self-adhesive bandages on the few places where there were actual lacerations take care of the wounds before the taller woman is forced to step back and frown a bit.

After a few moments contemplating the problem, the taller woman steps over to one of her closets and disappears for a few moments before coming back with a heather grey cotton t-shirt which she gently if slowly pulls over Hinoiri.

Slowly because handling an unconscious body by oneself is never a quick task...and the nurse is doing her best to put the shirt on the younger redhead without waking her.

After an injury like that, she likely needs the sleep.