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Welcome home!
Date of Scene: 13 July 2024
Location: Plot Room 1
Synopsis: After the events of Moon moon, Hotaru tells the outers of her many adventures while they were gone. Including the fact she met a dragon, a phoenix AND a mermaid! Then it's time for dinner and SNUGGLES!
Cast of Characters: Setsuna Meiou, Haruka Tenoh, Michiru Kaiou, Hotaru Tomoe

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
The trip to the Moon was...eventful.

Even for one who knew not only the places they'd be visiting, but what the group had been doing there on the Moon...there were still some rather interesting surprises.

Frankly, Setsuna had not expected there to be as much physically surviving on the surface of the moon...and the echo of the Queen that answered many questions from the Guardians she'd left behind had been rather a surprise as well.

But now the trip is over. The Senshi have teleported back to Earth and the Inners and Outers have decamped back to various homes. For the Outers, that means a short stint of roof-running which finally lands them at a spot in the yard deliberately chosen for it's concealment due to nearby trees as well as being within easy jump range from a nearby tall building from someone as physically empowered as a Sailor Senshi.

After landing, Sailor Pluto walks across the backyard...and the moment she steps inside, there's a burst of cosmic nonsense and the impression of ribbons...and Setsuna Meiou continues on through the back door, wearing, as usual for her, a ridiculously oversized black t-shirt like a one-piece dress.

This one features a large simplified model of an atom at the center, and written in a circle around it is the legend 'Science Doesn't Care * What You Believe'.

She quickly heads down the short snip of hallway into the kitchen, where she beelines for the fridge and a bottle of ramune, "...well...that was...more eventful than I'd expected, honestly."

Haruka Tenoh has posed:
    Sailor Uranus 'pops' back into her 'civilian mode' or her 'real mode' depending on your perspective. She's not sure which is which - she's both Sailor Uranus and Haruka Tenoh, and that is ever-more apparent in times when the past seems so much closer than usual. She's in jeans and a t-shirt, because going to the moon was enough effort, and she didn't feel like wearing anything fancy, and she follows behind Setsuna.

    "We got answers, and some of them sucked less than I expected going in." She says, opening the fridge right after Setsuna and getting her own bottle of sugar-drink.

    "I feel a little better about things I have no control over. That's a start."

Michiru Kaiou has posed:
    It certainly was eventful. Michiru had never expected she'd ever get the opportunity to speak with Queen Serenity. She hadn't thought, she'd just spoken, letting her passionate fury guide her like a storm. The look on Setsuna's face made it all worth it.

    She de-henshined with a splash of water and a suggestion of ribbons, passing through the entrance to the kitchen dressed in a flowy blue, spaghetti-strap sundress and cute white sandals. Pretty as always.

    "I feel better too," Michiru says with a bit of a laugh, walking over to get a glass from the cupboard before filling it with water. How boring. "Knowing that we're already doing better at some things gives me hope that we'll do better at defeating Beryl and Metallia too."

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
"Halt, trespassers!" a voice called. In a valiant leap from the top of the stairs, Sailor Charon landed in the main hall!

Aaaaand they were in the kitchen, so it meant *nothing*. They'd hear the frantic running as Sailor Charon ran down the hall... and then see her skid by the door, unable to stop in time.

But then, she came running in, glaive ready and stomping it on the floor. "HALT! You did not say the password!" she called. There was no password. "How do I know you're the real livers of this household?! Also..."

Then she let the glaive go and it stood up on its own, before she leaped forward to hug the girls... likely spilling poor Setsuna's Ramune. "Did you have fun?! I had so much fun! I went on patrols! I saved a MERMAID! And I did combination attacks! And there's this precure called Cure Wing and he says we're compatible so I got to joust off the back of a PHOENIX!"

<< ... Stressful. >> Luminous Titan's voice echoed through the kitchen. He, apparently, had opinions about her behavior as well.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna manages to avoid spilling her drink by dint of good prediction.

Namely, she sets it down on the counter the moment she hears Hotaru thundering down the hall.

But mostly so that she can set herself to catch the flying hug missile of excited and excitable young woman.

And the runaway string of questions brings a smile to the taller woman's face, "It was fun enough. We learned some things we needed to know, at the very least."

Talk of patrols gets a small smirk and shake of the head, "Was this mermaid the young lady we hosted here a few weeks ago, or is there another one...?"

And then there's the mention of 'Cure Wing' and 'compatible', which gets narrowed eyes, "Oh, he did...did he?"

Mama Bear Instincts, Activate!

Haruka Tenoh has posed:
    Haruka smirked at 'Sailor Charon'. Hotaru had really made the house feel complete, in a very special way. "We have to do better than last time." she says, bluntly, to Michiru. "We don't have a second chance to wake up, as far as we know."

    Haruka's eyes also narrow, ever so slightly, at what Hotaru said. But on the other hand... "Joust as in like ride by and do some stabbing of... a youma, I hope?" She asks. She can respect that. Note to self, motorcycle joust a youma.

    "Mermaids, phoenixes, sounds like you had a lot of time while we were gone to cause trouble." She asks. "Were you actually keeping in mind being safe?" she asks. She grabs Hotaru away from Setsuna and her drink in her free arm and hugs her tight.

Michiru Kaiou has posed:
    Michiru turns around and feigns surprise when Hotaru dramatically commanded they halt. Her eyes are wide and her mouth open in an O-shape for just a moment before she cracks and laughs. She glides over to hug Hotaru and Haruka together. It's a sandwich hug!

    "We missed you, Charon-chan," she says, as she steps back, ruffling the girl's hair. She takes a couple more steps back until she's standing next to the glaive. She takes a sip of her water and looks aside at the weapon, saying, "Thanks for looking after her."

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Hotaru Tomoe shook her head. "Nuh uh! She was another mermaid! And she had a little floating apartment that I could go into and breathe in even if it was underwater, it was really cool! She's apparently looking for Pretty Cures! I'm not one, but she said I had the spirit of one. I wonder if that's why Cure Wing said we're compatible!"

"And yup! We stabbed the crud out of that youma! It was so cool, we looked so awesome and we made a new attack name for it! And I kept the city safe while you were gone! But, ummmm..."

Her gaze turned to Setsuna, and she looked... apologetic. "I am sad to say.... one of your cloaks.... ummmm.... was damaged in the field of combat. With chocolate. Please, do not hold it against it, it tried its best."

"I was very safe!"

<< Negative! >>

"... Other than going on patrol, I was very safe!"

<< ... Grudging affirmative. >>

"See? I also ran on top of a umbrella and bowled over a youma with it, it was great!"

She was giggling and quite happy with the many layered hug, nestling into it...

<< My duty >> Luminous Titan said in response to Michiru.

"So, tell me all about your trip! Was it exciting? Did you bring home anything special from... the moon?!" And her eyes positively shimmered. "Do you think one day you'll go to my moon, too?"

Then, finally, she ended the henshin, nestling into the sandwich hug. Yayyyy! Affection, love and... "Did anyone get hurt?"

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
As Haruka pulls Hotaru away to allow her to get herself together a bit, Setsuna stands up and smiles, idly brushing down her t-shirt.

But then as the torrent of questions comes forth, the taller woman snaps her fingers as if remembering something...at which point she steps forward, snags Michiru from the hug pile and pulls the shorter woman into a feet-off-the-ground twirling hug, her voice softly whispering in the teal-haired woman's ear, "...thank you for standing up for us..."

A mere two rotations are enough before she deposits the musician back on the ground...then she looks over at Hotaru, "I got you some genuine Moon rocks...but I'm going to get them cleaned off a little first. Moon dust is a notorious irritant and can cause noticable if temporary health effects."

A glance is given towards Luminous Titan...and Setsuna makes a mental note to ask Chrono and Nicomachea what kinds of gifts might be good for an Intelligent Device.

Haruka Tenoh has posed:
    Haruka shakes her head at Hotaru. "I think you were much more at risk than we were." She says. "The only living things on the Moon were the guardians of Sailor Moon." she continues.

    "Well, now that's three mermaids I've heard about." Haruka says. Yes, she's counting 'her' mermaid in the group. There's also only a slight eyebrow twitch at the Compatible comment coming up again.

    "Thanks, LT." she says to the glaive, when it somewhat tattles on Hotaru but gives the grudging affirmative. Luminous Titan's name has too many syllables. "Just make sure you treat those rocks with proper respect, little bit." she says ruffling Hotaru's hair. If she knew how connected she was with graveyards, that might have not needed to say it. "I don't know, going to Charon is a lot farther. I have to think it would spend more energy..." she looks at the other two for confirmation. It's not a car, so... it's not her forte.

Michiru Kaiou has posed:
    Michiru is about to say something to Luminous Titan about how it may be its duty but she still feels gratitude, but she is suddenly airborne, and so is her glass of water. She is dextrous and skillful, but even the senshi of the sea cannot prevent the inevitable outcome.

    The water in Michiru's glass is flung up out of the glass and due to things like inertia and gravity ends up in both her and Setusna's faces. Michiru is giggling as she wraps her arms around the taller woman and gives her a tight hug. "I didn't even think about it. It all just came out, straight from my heart. I love you all, and it makes me so angry."

    She's set back down and she looks at her now empty glass, and sets it on the counter. Not even bothering to wipe her face off, she steps over to slide back up against Haruka, leaning in against her. "Besides, Haruka asked all my other questions I could think of."

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Hotaru Tomoe gave a small nod. "Well, I'm happy she stood up for you and Haruka-san!" Entirely misunderstanding what she meant by 'stood up for us'.

Her eyes lit up at genuine moon rocks. "Really?! That's awesome! eeee! I can't wait! I'm going to make the coolest little.... rocks!" she said happily. Not entirely sure what else she'd call them. Rocks were rocks.

But yeah, making sure she didn't get irritants would be a good idea. "I really wasn't in that much danger, it was basic youma things. None of them were even that scary. I didn't recognize the general, either. I wonder if they're new? Ohhhh... maybe I should bring them like a... 'Welcome to losing all your fights' cookie!"

"Was, ummmm... Sailor Moon happy, then? To be there? I mean... uhhhhh... She wasn't... annoyed I wasn't here, right? Since.... I'm not actually a sailor senshi?"

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Besides a small reflexive flinch, Setsuna more or less ignores getting doused in water.

Hugging one of the people closest to her by way of thanks is FAR more important.

However, when she puts the teal-haired woman down, Setsuna then reaches over to the counter and grabs a paper towel and wipes the worst of it off so she doesn't drip on the floor.

Looking over at Hotaru, she frowns slightly...but not in annoyance...more in thought as she obviously ponders how to put things, "...no, not really. It was..."

She sighs and shakes her head, "...there was a LOT of history aired when we found a data cache of sorts...Sailor Moon's...predecessor left a magical echo that answered some of our questions."

A glance is given over at Haruka, "...I think the three of us could probably manage it with some effort...but it'll more be a case of having somewhere to GO. If the Castles still exist like she said, it will mainly be a matter of how long thier self-repair systems have been active and what kind of condition they're still in."

She shrugs, "They might only need to be re-activated, they might need months or years of work. Sadly even restarting one is a bit of a task if I recall."

Haruka Tenoh has posed:
    It's okay, Haruka will have all of the responses Setsuna didn't. She breaks away. "Ack! That's cold!" she says, sharply, but her features immediately soften. She was hardly the big victim of the two older girls - she just got splashed. "Sorry, that was... surprising." Michiru is normally so graceful, Haruka wouldn't have expected the drink in her hand to be problematic. She starts laughing shortly thereafter, a soft laugh. She moves a wet strand of hair out of Michiru's eyes for her when she comes closer.

    "Sorry, I didn't mean to steal your thunder." Haruka says regarding questions. "I just... had it all bottled up. Both of me." she continues. "I've mostly got the whole being Sailor Uranus thing under control. But not entirely. She's still... her own self, sometimes."

    She starts laughing even more seriously, once Hotaru mentions the 'sucks to be you' cookie. "You should absolutely do that but only when the rest of us are around. Both to protect you and to laugh." She suggests.

    She turns to Setsuna. "Well, I'll leave all of that to you. I can manage getting us anywhere in Tokyo fast, but past that I'm not the biggest help." she notes. And then she gets a little more serious. "Some day... we should go and visit them, though. Just... Queen Beryl's the bigger issue. I'm not going to feel safe leaving Earth until she's gone."

Michiru Kaiou has posed:
    Michiru leans into Haruka's touch at her temple and then leans into Haruka's side. "We're a team, my prince. I asked the questions I was meant to ask," she says, looking up at Haruka from right next to her and smiling reassuringly. "It was a valuable trip. Well worth the time and energy we spent."

    "I think that a pie would be more appropriate," Michiru says, looking to Hotaru with a dead serious expression. "Banana creme. Right in the face."

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Hotaru Tomoe nodded along, a small, thoughtful look on her face. "Well... if it's really hard, we shouldn't do it. I wouldn't want to make you trouble yourself over me. It-- wait, there's a CASTLE on Charon?!" And there was that excitement again. Complete with almost jumping up and down.

However, she then shook her head. "Oh, no, the idea is to give them something nice. When I was Firefly I'd *always* lose and like... I was fine with that? Cause we were the bad guys. We aren't supposed to win. But then Pagemage started doing a 'loser gets dinner from the winner' thing. And that was really nice! It made me kind of look forward to losing. I'd like to do that for another villain, so they don't hate losing so much. It... kind of sucks to always have to be the bad guy, you know?"

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna hrms at Hotaru for a moment, then says, "I think perhaps hold off on that for a bit, Hotaru-chan. You'll need to wait for the right 'villain' to come along, since it takes an extra understanding and super special kind of person to be able to be that kind of 'bad guy'."

She winks, then grins a bit more, "Oh, Charon Castle isn't ON Charon, it's in ORBIT."

There's a faint noise, and Setsuna looks down at herself, "...and now I'm reminded that I only had a light lunch today. Anyone have any suggestions for dinner, I'm open for most anything."

Haruka Tenoh has posed:
    Haruka nods. It's nice for someone as turbulent as the wind to have the calmness of Sea and the ever-forward-moving nature of Time to help her. Sure, both of those elements have their own moments of tummult, but in general they do a lot to steady her. And Hotaru, who is just chaotic.

    She looks at Michiru and deadpans. "Okay, but when we're fighting for our life and Sailor Charon throws a bannana cream pie, I'm going to give you the same look I am now." she says, managing to hold her smile until she breaks eye contact with the Siren.

    "I think it's supposed to suck for the villains to lose, Hotaru. If they didn't want things to suck they could stop being villains. You know?" she offers.

    "Is it cheating to suggest Korma for dinner again?" she asks.

Michiru Kaiou has posed:
    Better a banana creme pie than the Silence Glaive, is what Michiru thinks. But that thought stays inside her head where Hotaru can't hear it. Instead the aquanette laughs and presses up on her toes to kiss Haruka on the cheek. "And your smile will be just as charming then as it is now."

    As she turns her attention to Setsuna's declaration of hunger, Michiru's tummy rumbles. She glances back to Haruka and then nods. "I second Korma." It's right down the street. It's delicious. And very often it comes with Rashmi and Chrono. How can they go wrong?

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Hotaru Tomoe let out another wide eyed little excited gasp. "We could be in space..." she whispered. "I wonder if Luminous Titan can keep me safe in space."

Luminous Titan was NOT encouraging this kind of tomfoolery!

"Yeah, korma! Rashmi's always super nice! Um, should I wear a disguise, or order in? you guys have been gone all day, so I understand if you don't want to really go anywhere. We could watch a movie! OH! I also got sucked into a BOARD GAME youma! It was so coooool! I got to team up with a DRAGON!"

She just got to meet all the mythical creatures, didn't she?

"You know, I think that's the best part about being magic. I get to say things like that and NOT be crazy!"

She then glanced towards Haruka and... "I mean... not all villains really get the choice... You'd be surprised how many of them don't..."

Well... Hotaru would know.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna nods at each of the others in turn, "Very well, then. By unanimous consent, Khorma it is."

She then taps her lips, "...Hotaru-chan, I think the idea of eating and watching a movie is a fantastic idea."

She smirks, "It has the added benefit of letting me not only indulge relaxing on the couch, but I get to do so with the people I care about most in the world."

That all said, Setsuna twists her hand, producing her phone from her subspace pocket which she idly unlocks, then hits a speed-dial button.

After a few rings, the phone is answered and she has a brief conversation in English with whomever is on the other end.

<Hi, Ananda. It's Setsuna. Busy night? Cool. I won't keep you long. It's been a day, so we're eating in tonight. Can I get our usual full spread? Thanks. Just charge it to the usual card and throw a big tip on there for the driver. Thanks, have a good night!>

Then she hangs up and drops her phone back into storage, "So if the past is prologue, food should be here in about twenty to thirty minutes. She said they were busy but not slammed."

Haruka Tenoh has posed:
    "Woo!" Haruka says with an impish grin. "I am so ready for movie, snuggles, and snacks." she proclaims. "Sometimes my ideas are good!" she adds.

    Haruka leans in a bit when Setsuna makes the call. She doesn't speak English perfectly, but she speaks it better than one might expect given the time she has spent outside of Japan proper. "I should order in English when I call too, for the practice." she opines.

    "...you have entirely too much fun without me, Hotaru-chan." Haruka adds, picking up the small girl and literally carrying her over to the couch. "I let you out of my sight and you see a Phoenix, a Dragon, and a Mermaid? I'll just have to keep you within reach for a while so I can see cool stuff." She says, sitting down on the couch firmly, if quite in a silly manner, with Hotaru.

    "It's good to be home." And she is home. And it's wonderful.

Michiru Kaiou has posed:
    Michiru follows just a couple of steps behind Haruka. Far enough that she's standing a couple steps from the couch when the pair plops down on it. She laughs and claps. "It is, good to be home," she agrees before gracefully setting herself down on the other side of Hotaru, and then scooting in to snuggle up against her and Haruka on the other side of her.

Hotaru Tomoe has posed:
Hotaru Tomoe nodded. "Yesssss! Movie night! Movie night!" she said, then yelping as she was dragged to the couch and the pile of snuggles! "It was a lot of fun! We could go on patrols together! It'd be awesome! And I could introduce you to the phoenix and the mermaid! The dragon is, technically, a bad guy so I can't introduce you to her unless we fight her. But she was really cool too."

"It really is great to have you home. I missed all of you."

Then she looked to Setsuna expectently. She had to join the couch warriors! It was the only way, she couldn't leave her little moon to face this snuggle battle alone, could she?

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Setsuna walks in after the other three and finds that they have formed a Hotaru sandwich.

As she retrieves the remote from where it had been set on one of the bookshelves nearby, she absently ponders the arrangement...then she smiles, walks over, and sits down on the other side of Haruka...

...but for some reason, she sits kind of oddly. Basically sitting on the edge of the seat rather than relaxing back into the couch.

The reason why, however, is made clear a moment later as she drapes herself across all three other laps to complete the family snuggle.