Michiru Kaiou

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Michiru (Scenesys ID: 137)
"Protected by Neptune, the Outer Planet of the Seas, Guardian of the Deep Sea. I am Sailor Neptune!"
Name: Michiru Kaiou AKA: Sailor Neptune
Gender: Female Series: (CC) Sailor Moon
Origin: Sailor Senshi Grade: 10
Clubs: Music Club, Swimming Club Age: N/A
Group Information
Groups Radiant Heart Academy


Michiru Kaiou is a wealthy violin prodigy and artist of international renown, but she is also a high school student who is always getting top marks. She is sophisticated, patient, caring, and almost always injecting smiles or laughter into a situation. She is polite and calm to a fault, but is not the most social person. She dislikes being patronized and will not indulge others, showing her cold, stormy anger. Of course, she is also Sailor Neptune, the mysterious and aloof Sailor Senshi who always seems to know when trouble is near. In her past life, she protected the solar system against dark forces from beyond it's farthest reaches along side the other Outer Senshi.


Violin Prodigy, Accomplished Painter, A Better Swimmer Than You, The Perfect Pretty Princess, A Bit Aloof, Kill Them With Kindness, She Saw That Coming (No Really, She's Psychic), Stunning Beauty, Ridiculously Wealthy, If Patience Is A Virtue She Is A Saint

Vital Trivia

Height: Unknown
Blood Type: Unknown
Birthday: Unknown
Likes: Unknown
Dislikes: Unknown
Favorite Food: Unknown
Least Favorite Food: Unknown
Favorite Subject: Unknown
Least Favorite Subject: Unknown
Online Tag(s): Unknown


Title Date Scene Summary
B-Point: The Monster at the End of This Book July 15th, 2024 (Content Warning: Death and Serious Injury) Having suffered heavy losses and overcome great odds, our heroes cross the final threshold, and initiate battle with the Demon Metallia. Under their combined force, the last of the Doom and Gloom Girls meet their end, with the extraordinary sacrifices of Guardian Shokupan, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, and Jolly Roger. Finally, the demon Metallia is pushed to her last legs... so why does the boss music come back on?
Act 10: Moon Moon June 27th, 2024 The Senshi (and Naru!) are taking a trip to the Moon, in search of a variety of important artifacts. The fallen Moon Kingdom is a place of many memories, but there is much for our heroes to gain.
Smash and Grab June 13th, 2024 Ikuto, Yuki, and Michiru raid an Easter Company building to recover the catboy's violin.
Sunbreaker broke the Sun June 2nd, 2024 Hinoiri Kirara, the Sunset of Sora, finally destroys the sun. Casting the world into darkness until her own sun takes over. However, as lost as she is in the darkness, all of the friends (and rivals) she'd made over the last year refuse to let her end on that path. In a brutal, magical fight, they peel back every layer of her anguish, anger and despair, making sure that she can hear them. Showing her that, no matter what happens, she's not alone. She's seen. They came for her. And, through sparkles, violence and a massive special effects budget, they get their unicorn back... and she actually learns a lesson. The right one, this time.
Plotting On Her Downfall (2) May 12th, 2024 Sailor Moon has invited those impacted by Beryl's time portal - either directly or indirectly - to enjoy a meal of ramen and cupcakes, as well as plot on Beryl's downfall.
Intruda Window May 8th, 2024 Michiru was just practicing her violin when a certain catboy came creeping at the window. It's a reunion of long lost childhood acquaintances and a discovery that they have even more things in common than they knew.
Chill Waters April 30th, 2024 Michiru, Ami, and Usagi have a conversation the day after their argument with Setsuna. Nothing was resolved, but positions are certainly being drawn.
Days of Our Outers Episode 1520: The Beacons are Lit April 29th, 2024 Following on the events of Scene 1513, Michiru comes home to find Setsuna curled up in bed. Fortunately, she is able to comfort her friend and housemate...and she calls for others who will help even more.
Days of our Outers Episode 1498: Dimension Past: Outer Aftermath April 25th, 2024 The Outer Senshi (and Sunbreaker and Rashmi) make it out of Beryl's time portal. There's cuddling to be done.
The Sound of Silence April 23rd, 2024 Thrown into memories of the distant past by Queen Beryl, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto witness something no-one should ever have seen. In the halls of Titan Castle, they see Sailor Saturn awaken to end all things so that they may be born anew. The see her awaken and they give her hugs.
Dimension Past: Back to the Past April 22nd, 2024 When a youma fight interrupts Queen Beryl's latest plans, she faces the mahou themselves, putting on a terrifying show of power - particularly when she takes note of Tuxedo Kamen. The taunts and insults of our heroes don't go over well, and the Queen of the Dark Kingdom decides to send the group on a trip down memory - transporting them to an echo of the past! Trapped first in the center of the Fall of the Moon Kingdom, our heroes eventually find themselves somewhere less awful... but still trapped. CW: war, death. You came for back to the future but eneded up in Saving Private Ryan
Radiant Hearts Prom 2024 April 6th, 2024 The first ever prom at Radiant Hearts had it all! Dancing, great food, three singers, hip throws, off-world travelers and fireworks!
Days of Our Outers Episode 1333: Currying Flavor March 23rd, 2024 Michiru invites Rashmi over to teach her and Hotaru how to cook a simple curry, taking something like a cooking episode and making it so much cuter.
Days of Our Outers Episode 1065: Date Night at Home January 31st, 2024 It's Haruka's birthday week, and Setsuna gave her yet another gift: a date night at home alone with Michiru. They put a movie on and snuggle up on the couch and then proceed to ignore the movie to be sappy and romantical at one another.
Days of Our Outers Episode 1029: On Bookstores and Apocalypses January 21st, 2024 Michiru arrives home from her afternoon of shopping only to be melodramatically greeted by her older housemate who had just been to Watanabe's Books. After talking about how easy it is to get lost in that store, the conversation turned to the apocalypse Michiru dreams about, and how she wishes she wouldn't.
Meet Cute Clothes! January 20th, 2024 Ami invites Makoto and Michiru to go clothes shopping with her. Introductions are made, both civilian and secret. Cute clothes! Friends!
I Always See It January 19th, 2024 Before Christmas, while the Gates of Time are still an essential shelter, Princess Serenity and Sailor Neptune finally speak. Hope is alive and well, but the Silence lurks.
Where's the Water Closet January 13th, 2024 Her first weekend morning at Casa del Outers, Ami goes searching for a bathroom and finds Michiru's art studio instead. It's filled with apocalyptic paintings, awkward jokes, and friendship! Our two water senshi get to know each other better before they've even had breakfast.
Days of Our Outers Episode 971: Ami Visits Casa Del Outers! January 6th, 2024 Ami stops by Casa Del Outers to deliver a New Years gift to Setsuna, and she gets to see what the Nurse is like in the mornings on her days off. She also gets to see Michiru baking bread!
The Bookstore is Bigger on the Inside January 3rd, 2024 Michiru takes Rashmi to a secret, labyrinthine book store in order to win her friendship. It is very effective. They get to know each other while navigating a maze of twisty passages all lined with books. By the end of it Rashmi even figures out Michiru is famous.
Our tallest thing needs us January 1st, 2024 Chrono grabs Haruka and Michiru early on christmas morning to go grab their lost planet before she can go rogue. (Prior to Where in Space/Time is Setsuna Meiou?)
The Princess is Who December 31st, 2023 Michiru and Setsuna arrive home after the events at Soryuu Shrine and debrief with Haruka present by way of communicator. Plans are made to reunite the couple while still guarding their precious wards.
Where in Space/Time is Setsuna Meiou December 29th, 2023 The Senshi of Time and Space believes that she can isolate herself again. The senshi + time space administration bureau has other opinions. It's time for some permanent family leave. CW: Found family, hugs, commentary on massive truck.
Days of Our Outers 956: Christmas Together December 25th, 2023 After rescuing Setsuna from being trapped watching a door in an empty space, it's time for the three girls to share a Christmas together, as it should be.
Budget Cuts December 5th, 2023 Cyprine, the most powerful of the witches five decides to take matters into her own hands, facing down Sailor Moon, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus and special guest Stellar. Unfortunately, welllll... It turns out there were time for some budget cuts and as she brings in two salaries it just made good financial sense. (CW: Death)
Violins Inherent in the System November 26th, 2023 Sunbreaker enacts her plan to corrupt the magical girls! It.... does... not go the way she expects. And nearly ends up in her demise. But hey! She... she won one. That counts, right? Sailor Neptune, Uranus, Sharpsong and Red had better keep on their toes before things get... intense.
All washed up November 8th, 2023 Hinoiri nearly drowns, apparently it's dangerous to swim alone. Who knew? Fortunately, there's someone there to save her. Another classmate. With the help of Michiru, can Hinoiri not make a fool of herself? Or at least not die when she goes into the water? YES!
Yes It's A Planet! October 26th, 2023 Chasing down a punk of a youma leads to a meeting between Sailor Eris and Sailor Uranus. Thankfully, Sailor Neptune shows up before Sailor Uranus can eat her entire shoe.
Tower Talk October 25th, 2023 Haruka and Michiru have some alone time to try and process all that has happened, and all that seems prepared to happen.
Questions of Philosophy October 21st, 2023 Usagi Tsukino and Michiru Kaiou meet again, for the first time since the Outers drew a line between themselves and the Soldier of the Moon. Can the differences of opinions between the Outers and Inners really be solved?
Days of our Outers Episode 603 October 16th, 2023 Meeting up at home, the Outers discuss how to deal with enemies, yeeting badguys, the priveliege of kneecaps...and finish off with a food run.
Culminating Plans October 2nd, 2023 Sunbreaker has it out with Sailor Moon... but when the outers get involved, suddenly Sunbreaker finds out the consequences of her actions. Something that shakes her to the core.
Days of Our Outers Episode 523: Haruka Did What September 29th, 2023 Following the events of Haulin' Pt 2, Haruka returns to Casa Del Outers and relays what has transpired. Hugs are had and much Khorma Chameleon is gotten.
Haulin' Part Two. The Embiggening. September 27th, 2023 A 'new' villain creates a youma at a car show. Sailor V shows up to fight it...and gets help from a new ally! (CW: Truck Puns; Corporate Slogans; Gratuitous Ferrari Hate)
Days of Our Outers Episode 489: Setsuna Has a Boyfriend September 21st, 2023 Following the events of 'Laugh it up, Space Boy', Michiru and Haruka come back home that evening to find Chrono and smol Setsuna passed out on the couch together. The teasing will be remembered for ages.
Poking the Bear at Casa Del Outer September 17th, 2023 Michiru ambushes a barely-awake Setsuna...because CLEARLY a barely-caffiniated Setsuna is the best Setsuna to lay heavy news upon.
Candy Shop Chaos September 14th, 2023 Who is the handsome boy in the candy shop?
Strawberry Blender Sneak Attack September 14th, 2023 Michiru goes out to find trouble, and she finds way more than she expected. Firefly has a new glaive, and it sure does look terrifyingly familiar!
Text: Discussing Firefly September 14th, 2023 Usagi reaches out to Michiru after hearing Riventon is putting out a no-contact request between the ocean Senshi and Firefly.
Breakfast is...served September 3rd, 2023 Setsuna gives an impromptu cooking lesson.
They Were Roommates! September 2nd, 2023 Michiru has moved into Setsuna's mansion. She's got her own little wing. She leaves the door to her music studio open when she sits down to practice, and thus summons Haruka to her. They are so incredibly in love.
So I Heard You Have a Cat August 30th, 2023 Usagi tried to escape to the cafeteria to escape all of Luna's talk of destiny and duty, only to encounter the oh-so-pretty Michiru and all her talk of destiny and duty. Poor Usagi just want's to be a middle school girl so much.
The Most Distant Outers Commiserate August 26th, 2023 Michiru and Setsuna have a conversation...and together they put together some disturbing facts.
Seaing the Future August 21st, 2023 Haruka and Michiru finally get that date, but of course it's full of tears as they discuss their past lives and their destiny.
A Portrait of Friendship August 14th, 2023 Michiru invites Hotaru over to her place in order to paint the younger girl's portrait. They get to know each other a little better, but then when Hotaru sees the painting, she has a rather surprising reaction.
Revenge Is Cold. Coffee Is Not August 11th, 2023 Haruka asks Michiru over for a date, but Setsuna crashes, and the two Senshi reveal themselves to one another _and_ Haruka! It's tough being a teenager with a destiny.
Sound of Sea And Sky August 8th, 2023 Haruka finally tracks down the girl with the ocean for hair that she met at the dance, and remembers that names and cellphones and flirting all exist.
Just Dropping Off Some Paperwork July 20th, 2023 Michiru stopped by the school infirmiry to drop off all her medical paperwork, and Setsuna spent a little time making sure the newest student at Radiant Heart was settling in nicely.
Besties or just Estuaries July 18th, 2023 Michiru Kaiou was planning on getting her laps in - and she does that and more when she runs into Ami Mizuno at the school pool. Practice turns into a swim race - and an excellent introduction.
Good Versus Easel July 17th, 2023 Hotaru happens upon Michiru painting the main office building at Radiant Heart Academy.
Summer Dance July 15th, 2023 It's the event of the summer, Radiant Heart Academy's summer dance!
Birds Of A Feather July 14th, 2023 Lana, Takashi, and Michiru attempt to enjoy a quiet lunch. Too bad the birds have something to say about that.


Title Date Scene Summary
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