2295/Cure La Licorne

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Cure La Licorne
Date of Scene: 04 February 2025
Location: Beach
Synopsis: When Chongire tries to take motivation energy from the beach goers of Tokyo, he runs into La Mer, Cure Wing, Pagemage, Amy and Pulp Noir. But when it looks like he might actually win, Cure La Licorne makes her debut! A redemption over a year in the making finally comes to a head as she takes her place besides her friends!
Cast of Characters: Hinoiri Kirara, Rashmi Terios, Hinote Kagari, Amanda Faust, Tsubasa Yuunagi, Laura La Mer, Takashi Agera

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara was, once again, out on the beach. This time, though, she wasn't actually doing any painting. She was just sitting on the boardwalk and staring out at sea. A pencil was in hand and she had a drawing pad in her lap. She was... drawing. Which was NOT painting, but admittedly close enough.

Drawing a sunset that... admittedly, wasn't happening yet, but the rest of the beach was. There was plenty for her to work on, as it was. Helping her clear her mind, focus on things. It had been... hectic, as of late. Very hectic. Wild and... destructive, even. And she had a lot on her mind because of it. Molly. Her friends. The loss of her powers. The time loop.

But time was going forward, so that was what mattered most. She was growing. There were still things she had to do, challenges she had to face, but... admittedly, she wasn't there yet.

What she did have was a small plate of cookies besides her, which she occasionally picked at.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
It has been... a *ruinous* week, for Rashmi, but even a little time means a little bit of healing. And the reminder that she has friends who still actively care about her... helped a lot. Maybe the fear and doubt would always be there, but... it hasn't taken away the duty that comes with the power. And discussing it with Chrono, she took to heart his caution to keep it light, for now.

She can do that. She can quarter an area, and if she sees something wrong, call in backup. Absolutely *no* taking anything on alone, and definitely not punching above her weight class. That is reasonable, and it is doable.

But so lost in her own head is she, that it actually comes as a surprise to come back to the present, and find herself... flying over Yumegahama Beach.

The pit of her stomach fills with dread, and she has to shout her own hindbrain down. No Eclipse Towers in the area. No Dark Energy to speak of. *Definitely* no Tomoe Lifesciences heavyweights.

Even if something does happen here... Call for backup, do not engage without help. She can do this.

She can do this.


Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari.. no. Tokyo's Greatest Detective Pulp Noir is at the beach. He's looking for clues. Any sort of clue. Any sort of existance that Molly was...thrown from the portal. That she's amnesic and searching for help. He'd settle for a stand of long purple hair, but he isn't even finding that.

He's hopping from rooftop to the ground, inconspicuously to normal people. Trying to be mysterious and debonair even in his less than stellar mental state. Look, sometimes you have an image you need to keep.

He was coming up nixy sticks though. Nothing. Not even a gut feeling, or a hunch to follow. And usually those we're things he had! Magically even! So maybe... maybe he's wrong.

Dammit, Tracy stop the urge to make a string board about a Molly Survival Conspiracy! >,< Rashmi would MURDER him on the spot.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    While out on patrol, Amy happens by the train station at just the right time to practice riding the train; as in, on the roof; she hasn't done that in awhile, and it may occasionally come in handy. When she reaches Yumegahama, she disembarks, and... Well, since she's here, maybe before she catches a train back towards the four wards, she could stop by the beach.

    The young woman with long red hair is bundled up in an overly long red scarf and an oversized, cream-colored winter coat against the cold, black leggings insulating her legs, sneakers treading across the sand.

    Molly has no grave to visit. Amanda stands about where the portal was and listens to the sea.

    What... can she even say?

    "I'm sorry." She chokes out, eyes watering.

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
Sometimes, patrol paths cross over each other and converge. Coming in from over the open water, a small colorful streak of orange, red, and yellow is making it's way across the sky and back over land. Noticing Rashmi out on patrol, Cure Wing changes his vector, a rolling twist of his body that brings the flying precure onto the same level as the device mage as he slows down to match her speed as well.

"Hey!" he greets warmly, a two-fingered salute off of his temple. "I was just taking some supplies out to a boat." He had found they forgot their cooler and he had carried it out to them.

"I haven't seen you in a while, Page Mage." There's a smile there, he's heard the rumors about Molly, but he did not know the girl. But he does know Rashmi - and wanting to check on her seems to be the right thing to do. "Just catching some air? The currents a couple of hundred feet up are excellent."

Laura La Mer has posed:
"Ok, so is this the place?", Laura asks, looking at a young boy whose hand she is holding. They are in front of a small diner not too far from the beach, both of them peering inside through the crowd of people. The boy brings a hand to his eyes, reddish with tears, and sniffs a bit, peering at the building's interior.

"I think so", he holds Laura's hand a little bit tighter, like she is just going to disappear if he doesn't. "Good, don't worry then. We only need to wait here a bit. I am sure your parents are looking for you", the pinkette smiles reassuringly.

"You have been quite brave so far. Let's go inside, maybe they even left their number to the diner", she guides him inside, ruffling his hair a bit. "Can I have a minute of your time?", Laura stops a waiter, who looks back at her with a bite of his lips. "Yes, how may I help?"

The mermaid nods and asks. "Have a pair of anxious parents been by here? Looking for a kid like him?" she makes the staff look at the boy. "Yes, I think so. They left a number, just wait a moment", he leaves them there to reach behind the counter.

"See? Your parents are going to be here any minute", Laura gives another smile at the boy, while the two of them hear the vague voice of the waiter talking to someone on a phone.

A few minutes later, rushed steps head inside, worried exclamations of joy accompanying it. "Aoi! Thank goodness you are here!" a male voice exclaims, picking the boy up. "Sorry, dad", he sniffs into her shoulder.

"Don't worry, the important part is you are here now. Thank you so much", the father turns to Laura gratefully. "Now, what do we say to the nice girl, Aoi?", he spurs his son. "Thank you, miss", the boy takes the face away from the man's shoulders.

"But of course! This was nothing!", Laura smiles, waving at them. "Take more care, next time, Aoi-kun", she winks, leaving father and son behind and getting out of the diner. "Hmmm, what to do now? Do I head back to school?" she muses to herself, looking between the streets and the beach.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Chongire, one of the minions of the Witch of Delays, grumbled to himself as he looked down at Pikarigoaka below. He'd been sent out by Butler once again to gather Motivation powere to fill up the Fool's Casket for the Witch of Delays. Which was, frankly, a pretty huge bother. He had food to cook and a kitchen to stand around in. Things that he enjoyed a lot more. But now here his, floating in a boat that defies gravity high above the city. "Man, I'm not feeling this." he grouches to himself, looking down at the dark purple orb in his pincer.

    "Does it really matter what I throw it at? It really doesn't..." he grouches. Why would anyone be out on the beach today anyways? It's still chilly. And boring. Could be warm in a bed sleeping.

    But instead they're out there on the boardwalk, painting, doing all sorts of boring human nonsense, and looking engaged. "Meh, that's enough for me." He says.

    His eyes wander from spot to spot, when he spots a small girl dragging an octopus plush. "Yeah, whatever, that'll do." he says. "Come out, LAYABOUT!" he yells, hurling the orb with great force.

    It knocks the plushie free from the child's hand, and the girl turns to look at it. "Huh?" she asks. This is a moment before suddenly it's enveloped in a vortex of Dark Energy and grows to be several stories tall, with large plush tentacles, one of which crashes through an unfortunate hotdog stand.

    The people are about to react, but then the octopus-plush-monster's eyes flicker dark red. And instead... "Meh. I'll run away later." Someone says. "Yeah, for now I'm just gonna.. sit here." another person says. "I've got other toys." the child says, as they all slump to the ground and stare blankly at the sky.

    "There, good as anything else." The blue crab in the floating boat notes, crossing his arms. "Just keep sapping their motivation and we'll be home before the pot boils." He calls to his Layabout.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara glanced up at Rashmi when she saw the girl flying around. Was... she on patrol? After what happened? Oh... that... well... magic, she supposed. She sighed and reached into her bag, pulling out a pair of tinted glasses, putting them on. The sun was a bit bright to just look in that direction. Last thing she wanted was to hurt her eyes while trying to work. And... oh. There was someone else with her. That was good, she wasn't alone. Cure... Wing? She thought? She'd only met him a handful of times, but he seemed sweet.

And there was Amy, looking out and... oh... This... was near where it happened, wasn't it? She took a slow, deep breath and returned to her drawing. Poor girl. She didn't deserve...

And then there was a multi-story tall octopus plushy. Welp. She closed up her work and got to her feet. Time for the unicorn to hit the road. She glanced towards Rashmi and Cure Wing. Well... between those two and... huh. Was that Laura? Cure... La Mer, too, right? Yeah. That was a fair number of them. This thing didn't stand a chance... well...

She quickly started making some distance between her and them, before pausing and... starting... to draw Chongire. Cause why not? She couldn't fight and it'd be amusing.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Blinking rapidly as Cure Wing calls out to her, Rashmi tries on a smile as the magical boy shifts his flight path to parallel hers. It's... still pretty ill-fitting, but she bobs her head in greeting, and flushes when he remarks he hasn't seen her in awhile. "Yeah... I uh... lost a really, really good friend, last week. ...Around here, actually. But, youma'd *rather* I was too sad to fight, y'know? So I figure... may as well get some patrolling in, maybe I can still help--"

At which point a kaiju-sized plush octopus explodes into being, and Rashmi privately takes back everything she ever said about 'light' duty. Because *clearly* there is just no such thing.

"Nicomachea," she says allowed, already banking toward the octopus. Maybe she can push down the rising panic by doing what she knows she *can* do. "Show me known allies in the area, set up communications."

    << Cure Wing >>
    << Puella Rocket Red >>
    << Pulp Noir >>
    << Cure la Mer >>
    << Hinoiri >>

...Maybe not the last one. If things go wrong, Rashmi can think of few worse things than hearing it all go wrong in the middle of your head, with nothing to be done about it.

    << *BONG!* >> << TELEPATHY >>

<< Hello, everybody! I'm so glad you're all here, does this look familiar to anyone? >>

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Pulp Noir was now using a magical magnifying glass to scan an area juuust under where Amy was. Maybe there's faint impact signs.... no. Nothing. At least nothing like a body. He frowned. And then suddenly there was a commotion and he turned to it and the monster looked HUGE in his magnifying glass and he lowered it and the monster was STILL huge and heh huh'ed. "Well. That's a problem I guess I need to deal with." he says bluntly.

He started to run past and ran past Hinoiri and he said. "Keep your head down, Hino-san!" before he reached into his coat and produced two silver pistols. Each with an ivory covered handle and insert with an ace of spades, he draws the pistols up and starts shooting a bunch of magical homing shots at the octopus in rapid succession, Automatics blazing.

"Ace in the Hole!" he called out as he shot the weapons.

"Hey, fishbait, what do you think you're doing messing with an active crime scene!?" he calls out to Chongire as he shoots.

<< Yeah. This dude is a loser and he's draining the people of I think Motivation?. Laura would know more. If she's here. She here? >>

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
"I'm sorry." Cure Wing offers earnestly. "I heard about your friend. I did not know them well, but if I can help... or listen or..." the young Precure offers, just before the massive Octopus forms. "Well. We'll talk later!" he offers, as he moves into a barrel roll and starts to dive down towards the youma. <<Cure Wing, coming in on the attack!>>

Cure Wing descends from above, cutting through the salty air with speed and purpose. His fists clench, his legs coil, ready to strike. Below, the giant plush octopus wreaks havoc, its oversized, squishy limbs sweeping across the sand, sending beachgoers scrambling. Laughter and panic mix in the air as the creature bounces and flops, uncaring, unstoppable.

Wing doesn't hesitate. He dives in, fists first, striking the plush mass with a flurry of punches. His kicks follow, sharp and precise, driving into its soft, yielding form. But something is wrong. Each hit feels like it sinks too deep, swallowed rather than resisted. There's no impact, no recoil. Just a slow, creeping sensation, like his strength is being pulled away.

His arms grow heavy. His legs slow. He shakes his head, tries to push through, but the softness wraps around him, pressing close, pulling him in. His next strike barely lands. His balance wavers. His breath comes slower, steadier, too steady.

His eyelids droop. His body sags. The plush is warm, too warm, too inviting. His muscles give up the fight. He sinks, melting into the folds of fabric, his weight no longer his own. His knees hit the sand, then his side, then his cheek, cradled by the soft embrace of the creature. "Y... you're... a very comfortable calamari..." he manages before he plunges into unconsciousness.

A tiny sleep bubble forms at his nose, expanding and deflating in time with each quiet breath. The octopus plush jiggles slightly, victorious in the simplest way possible.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Dark energy.

    The feeling is a familiar one. Amy sighs, and turns to look, one hand in her pocket, the other holding the top of her hood against the wind as she looks at the octopus, mid-growth. Her henshin goes off without changing her position at all.

    Well, one bright side of a giant monster: She can easily target it without fear of hitting people. She lifts her hands into firing position as her trusty shoulder recoilless rifle manifests.


    Her shells explode against the side of the octopus's upper body.

    She... she should make a justice speech, but she's really not feelin' it at the moment... Maybe she'll just keep shooting it.

    Rashmi's voice in her head. << It's missing the sunglasses of a terribad... it's big for most types of youma... doesn't have the nose of an akanbe... do layabouts get bigger than the thing they're made from? I guess it could also be some kind of experiment... >>

    She glances up, holding her hand up to shade her eyes as Hinote calls out to Chongire; her hair and cloak whipped about by the sea breeze.

    << Oh it's that guy. Yeah this is probably a layabout. Sucks out people's motivation power. I think we specifically need Laura to get the motivation power back out of it before we kill it or purify it though, anyone know where she is? >>

Laura La Mer has posed:
Turning her head away from the beach, Laura settles on going back to school, not paying any mind to the scarcely populated beach that would admittedly offer her to have a fun time with ease. It's only going to be a few more months before masses of people start populating it with no space for anonimity. Summer always sucks quite a bit for her in that regard despite otherwise being the best season.

A crawling sensation at the back of her head however makes her rethink her decision, sighing at the familiar sensation of dark energy. Because why not, really? At least, she didn't have to do anything to find it this time. "A Octopus Layabout, eh? Which of the lazy band do I deal with today?", she confidently puts a hand into her hair, taking out her Mermaid Aqua Pact.

"Pretty Cure! Tropical Change!", the mermaid screams, surrounded by the essence of the seas and a pink sphere surrounding her like a cocoon.

Taking off the Heart Swirl Ring and inserting sideways into the keyhole of the Mermaid Aqua Pact, the Pretty Cure twists it upright, opening the seashell cover's two halves, revealing a purple base with white stars and a motif of blue waves and white heart, surrounding a blue circle decorated by crystals all around a white sphere.

The opened compact transforms her completely, enriching her appearance with make-up and her clothes as Cure La Mer. Jumping upwards with a splash of waters, finally Laura introduces herself. "The Shimmering Ocean! Cure La Mer!"

<<Those fins means it's a Layabout of the Witch of Delays! Don't purify it before I use the Aqua Pot to take back the motivation it stole!>> La Mer replies urgently to Rashmi and anybody else in the same connection as she rushes to the beach.

"What's wrong Chongire, couldn't find a live octopus to cook, so you take away a child's plushie?", Laura taunts him, preparing a kick to one of the tentacles with a leap.

Takashi Agera has posed:
Chongire gave a sigh as more magical people than he ever wanted to see just popped out of the woodwork. Including Cure La Mer. "Sigh... I'm 'really' not feeling this..." he muttered. He then glanced towards Pulp Noir who was calling him out. He puffed up slightly and... "Meh..." he said, giving a shrug and deflating.

The great youma, meanwhile, was rocked back slightly from the shot, floundering back in time to get assaulted by Cure Wing's punches and kicks! However, as the youma drained motivation, the poor boy found himself trapped in its clutches! A tentacle reached out, wrapping around him and then... wrapping him up in one of the arms, fluffy and soft but unrelenting and sapping his motivation as well. As Amy's shell came rocketing at it, it used the tentacle holding Wing to strike it, using him as a Cure-shield!

Even better, as La Mer came rocketing at it with her own kick, the youma whipped said tentacle again, this time at La Mer! Attempting to throw off her kick by putting Cure Wing in the way! And if it threw her off enough, it'd then try to snag her out of the air before its entire body began to spin, fluffy tentacles flying at Amy and Pulp Noir, to try and snag them!

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Cure Wing!" Rashmi cries out in panic, as her flying companion swoops down to the attack... and is almost immediately turned into a mahou shield to take the other hits aimed at the Layabout. In just the space of a few moments, this battle is already starting to turn against them, and two priorities are fighting for dominance; save the civilians or save her friends...

Panic rises as the redheaded Devicer freezes in midair, internally warring over what needs to be done first. But then, as more tentacles reach out for Red and Noir, everything crystallizes in her brain.

    << *BONG!* >> << SOLAR BARRET -- BLAZE SHIFT >>

Eight fist-sized balls of golden light blip into existence, then burst into dancing, golden flame. With a gesture, Rashmi sends them out to her targets; two for each of the appendages harassing her teammates, and *then* she does something about the civilian concern.

    << *BONG!* >> << TIME-SPACE BARRIER >>

A bubble of green-black staticky energy appears above the pages of her book, and expands explosively; just in case they need a half-kilometer-radius battlefield, she's gonna make sure her friends get one. As a bonus, it'll filter all trace of the mundane world out of this battle, and cut the enemy off from their primary power source.

At least this way, Laura has less motivation to take back?

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
Cure Wing doesn't struggle, the plush tentacle coiled around him, snug and unrelenting. His limbs dangle as the giant octopus swings him back and forth, his bright colors a blur against the sunlit sky. His eyes swirl, unfocused, his body limp as the energy drains from him with each sway.

The octopus flails him like a flag, using him as a shield as others attempt to fight back. Attacks meant for the creature bounce harmlessly off Wing's body, his once-powerful form reduced to a floppy, dazed ragdoll. His breath comes slow, his strength slipping further with every soft, rhythmic swing. Bubble up, bubble down.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Pulp Noir sees a tentacle and it's coming right for him! So he leaps into the air and does a wicked cool flip, landing on top of the tentacle, he stands there for a second, blinks like he didn't expect that to work... and starts running quickly up the tentacle, drawing his fist back as he throws the guns back into his coat quickly in the run.

"Drain THIS!." he calls out as he throws a barroom brawl style fist forward into the body of the octopus.

Oh man, he always wanted to do this but he'll never admit it out loud. Ever.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara blinked as Rashmi took care of the whole... civilians thing. On the upside, she wasn't one. On the downside, she WASN'T one. Which meant she had an up close view of things.

On the other hand...

She inched away... She had an idea. A terribly violent idea. But hey, things inside the barrier were safe, right? So it didn't matter if they got broken...

Laura La Mer has posed:
"Like you ever feel like doing anything Chongire!", La Mer yells at the crab general in the midst of her kick. "Great job, Page Mage!", she then commends the Device Mage when she puts up a barrier. She was always particularly thankful anytime Rashmi was around to do that.

However her joy is short lived when her kick finds an unexpected countermeasure. "Wait, wait, wait!", Laura starts screaming frantically when the octopus plushie snags Wing and then uses him as a shield against both Red and her, with very little to do but shift her course slightly, betrayed by her own momentum.

"Wing!" she tries to grasp anything of his, a way to bring herself on top of the tentacle and start working at freeing her friend. "How despicable, Chongire Let him go!" she screams a second from succeding in getting on top before another tentacle cuts the air and brings the mermaid in its grip, a startled cry accompanying the interruption of her movement.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Oh good, Cure La Mer is conveniently here!

    Less convenient: Cure Wing has been grabbed! And with her weapons she really doesn't want him to be a shield for the monster... She lowers her weapon and starts running towards it, "Dammit!"

    A second henshin upgrades her outfit and she takes off after Pulp Noir, flying towards the base of the tentacle to try and slap explosives on it, then diving away while they hopefully explode behind her! "Let him go!"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Chongire watched and leaned back in his boat, occasionally glancing at his watch. Ugh. He didn't want the pot to boil over...

Meanwhile, the youma now had TWO of the sparkles! Mwa ha ha ha ha! IT was going well, all things considered! However, fire was now coming at it, balls of flame from a flying girl, and another boy was running up its tentacles and OW! PUNCHED IT! It didn't let the cures go, but it was launched back, before... Explosives. Oh. That... that did it. Amy's explosives struck it, launching it up into the air... releasing Wing and La Mer as the youma flew through the air, dropping the two cures on the beach as it kept flying, landing in the ocean with a splash.

"... Sigh... I don't wanna fish it out..." Chongire muttered.

It looked like things were going well, all things considered. The cures were free, the youma was in the water somewhere, so they won, right?

That would be... until any of them ran to check on the two cures.

The sand would explode and any of them nearby would find themselves enveloped in a sand-cloud! Moments before great tentacles would attempt to grab them! Hiding its position with the sand and trying to take more prisoners yet again!

Those who looked would see that all of its tentacles now had little bandaids from Rashmi's strike, a really BIG bandaid from where Pulp Noir had punched it and a nasty burn on the bottom from the explosions.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Pulp Noir jumps off from the octopus after punching it. Yeah, he looked so cool, he even grabs his mask and feels the underside of it as he points and tounge clicks. "Guess that's that, let's work on finishing this monster." he says.

He lands on the sand as he says. "So I can get back to my investig---" and then suddenly, giant tentacles rip up through the sand and grab him as he 'huhs'!? loudly, dammit, he saw that coming but he was so concerned with gloating for a second....

"--Crap." he says as he tries to punch himself free, ineffectually for a moment.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Horrified, Rashmi angled down toward the Cures the *moment* Noir's punch and Amy's explosions blasted the giant octopus clear. Mostly out of concern, but a little voice in the back of her mind started to gibber and panic at seeing their limp forms on the beach.

No no no nononononononono not again NOT AGAIN.

Touching down and skidding on the beach a bit, she crouches down next to Cure Wing and... just asleep. Oh thank whoever. She readies a quick battlefield-healing spell to give the pair back at least *some* energy--


Stumbling backward with a sharp cry, Rashmi whips left, right, and *shrieks* as a tentacle wraps around tightly, cinching her arms against her sides and leaving little room to do much more than struggle ineffectually. Ordinarily, this would be about the time when she does something desperate to turn the tide of battle...

But Rashmi has just *been through it* lately, and all she can think of is how many more of her friends could get hurt, maybe die.

If anyone else wants to do something desperate and stupid, now would be an excellent time.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy lands on the beach to check on La Mer and Wing, "Are you--"

    "Are you KIDDING me?!" She yells as the giant, strangely strong, plush tentacle that grabbed her raises her above the sand, and she tests her strength against it uselessly.

    And she's so tired. Her eyelids feel like lead. She really wasn't feelin' it today and just wanted the fight to be over. And instead of like, eww slimy, this tentacle feels like being wrapped up in a fluffy blanket. It's so easy to... stop...

    "Nnh, no!" The small red Puella Magi struggles with a burst of vigor, and even tries biting the plush tentacle to no avail, "It is not tentacles that finally get me after all this time! No! I won't allow it!" She fires her flight 'thrusters' to try and burn the tentacle holding her. "Unhand me! Un...Untentacle me!"

Laura La Mer has posed:
"Alright, you have done it now, you overinflated toy!", Laura screams ticked off when she is dropped casually in the sand, like it's its fault the flaming attacks and the punch had temporarily put it out of commission. Has... she forgotten what kind of toy it was?

She shakes her head quite a few times, and that does a good enough job to rid it of the sand that had gotten into her hair, mostly at least. The partial success does nothing to calm her down and her makeup pen appears in the marine Pretty Cure's hand with a twirl.

"Perfume Shiny Ring - Bubble Form!" she declares as she inserts her pen under the Aqua Pact and the ring above it, the cover splitting open again. Grasping it by the now attached pen, Cure La Mer shouts "Aqua Charge!" and rotates the disk, a vortex of bubbles entering her Aqua Pact.

The mermaid spins around, a trail of glowing pink energy following behind her. "Pretty Cure Ocean Bubble Shower!" she shouts, pointing the Mermaid Aqua Pact at where the Layabout fell, the magical item briefly glowing yellow before it rapidly fires an uncountable torrent of bubbles.

"How was it?", La Mer lands on the sand confidently, each hand at her hips. She really hopes it learns one shouldn't just snag her out of the air.

A burst of sand, and the youma does apply the lesson, surprising the pinkette from below instead. "Again? Are you serious?" she stares flabbergasted, trying in vain to loosen the tentacle's grip on her.

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
Thrown across the sand, Cure Wing bounces over and over again, finally coming to a rest. When he lands on his face, the bubble he had been blowing this entire time finally...


Cure Wing stirs just as the sand around him trembles. His body is sluggish, his limbs weighed down with exhaustion, but the sudden shift beneath him sends a jolt of awareness through his haze. His eyes snap open just as the sand erupts, a thick cloud swallowing everything in a blinding burst.

Too slow. The tentacles strike before he can fully react, wrapping around his arms, his waist---pulling him back into their grip. He thrashes, but his strength is still drained, his movements sluggish. His wings flutter weakly, barely stirring the dust around him.

"Ack! Not again--!" His voice is strained, but the fight in him isn't gone yet. He struggles, twisting in the plush grasp, trying to free himself before the others get caught too.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Chongire blinked from his boat, looking down as his youma... hey. It was winning. "I'm... ehhh... not really feeling this," he said with a shrug. He was, however, about one third of the way to feeling this.

The youma, however, tightened its grip, the tentacles working to crush them...

And then there was the sound... of an engine? Down the beach, a new sand cloud had formed. A dune buggy came into view, Hinoiri riding it as she skidded along the beach, then switched gears, driving STRAIGHT at the youma. "I'MMMMMM FEEEEEEEEEEEELINNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGG IIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!" she yelled.

Before she turned the dune buggy to the right, leaping from it before it drifted forward and SKIDDED into the youma, spilling its contents ( a bunch of cleaning equipment?)! It exploded from the blow, hitting the toy and...

... Had no effect. Hinoiri squeaked as the youma looked down at her. Right. Not magic. Well, you know what? She looked around, grabbing one of the mops that had fallen from the maintenance dune buggy. "Let! Them! Go! You! Oversized! SUSHI ROLL!" she yelled. It was good enough for Naru, it was good enough for her! Ugh, she really wished she'd remembered to bring some of Mamoru's flowers! They'd be SO USEFUL ABOUT NOW!

However, as she beat on it... her hand began to glow, as did La Mer's tropical compacts. A... silver ring formed on her finger, with a strange red and orange gemstone and... her name, in witch's runes on it. Those who had seen it might recognize it as being quite similiar to the one Sayaka had worn as a puella... and the one that Ula had made for Hinoiri, as a gift. Well... La Mer had said she had to resonate with a mermaid. Apparently it allowed some vaguelity on which mermaid she was closest to.

She hadn't yet noticed, though, as she was too busy trying to beat, ineffectually, a youma with a mop.

Laura La Mer has posed:
La Mer's tentatives to free herself of the tentacle stops as Hinoiri comes in, riding a buggy straight into the Layabout, then not even stopping at the explosion and attacking it with a mop. What kind of reckless tactic even is that?

Stuck between admiration and shock, the mermaid Pretty Cure shouts in concern at the redhead, "Don't, Hinoiri! You are not safe here! We will be fine", doubling her tries to get free.

Except she is silent when a familiar light she has seen twice already appears on Hinoiri's finger. Ok, the ring is a bit different, but still... That cannot be mistaken for anything else.

"Hinoiri, catch!", La Mer puts a hand into her hair and then the Aqua Pot, coming out of it with a Tropical Pact that is then tossed straight at the unicorn.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
"Huh?" Chongire said, blinking as... huh. If cool guys didn't look at explosions, what did it say if you napped through them? However, there was something... "Oh... I am definitely not feeling this..." he muttered.

Hinoiri yelped as the broom broke. Oh... oh that was NOT good. Boundless rage can only go so far. The yaneeda lifted the tentacles overhead, intending to end her existence, when... magic BS happened. But, for once, it happened in Hinoiri's FAVOR! Aside from all the other times it had done that, of course.

As the tentacles went up, the Tropical Pact was thrown to her. She dropped the mop and catched it and... she felt it. That knowledge, just entering her mind, like she'd done it a thousand times. And she knew what to do. Because the ring, while it matched a puella's, was in fact a Heart Kuru Ring. She dashed back, away from the tentacles, and held the pact up...

Hinoiri placed her heart kuru ring into her tropical pact and turned it clockwise, causing the pact to open. "Precure! Tropical change!" The pact opened, showing her reflection. She smirked and reached a hand up, putting a pair of shaded glasses on. "Let's make up! Bling!"

"Cheeks!" She tapped her cheeks with the shell brush, causing a little red. "Lips!" She applied the lipstick next. "Eyes!" And she brushed it over them, causing the shades to disappear with a flash and her to get eyeshadow. "Hair!" And there was the animation budget. Her hair erupted into flames, vanishing from her head to become a massive inferno. The inferno then retracted, becoming a strange distorted mass of writhing energy, as if one was staring at a sunset through a portal, and the portal was her hair. "Dress!"

Low heeled boots formed on her feet, fingerless black gloves with a sun emblem on the back of each. Flames erupted from her ankles and rolled up her body, covering her in a black bodysuit up to her chest, then forming a partial coat over her shoulders and arms. Spikes erupted from the wrists and boots a moment later, before a flaming skirt formed, snuffing out to reveal a sun-themed skirt. A small pouch to hold her compact formed at her hip a moment later. She then snapped her fingers three times, each time creating a small spurt of flames, before a definitely wicked grin formed on her lips. "Righteous Indignation! Cure La Licorne!"

Cure La Licorne blinked a few times... Her hands together, squeezing them a few times before, slowly, she looked up. And that grin? Many of them had seen it before. That was a Sunbreaker grin. That was the grin of someone who *knew* they were positively better than everyone around them. And who was absolutely, positively, incredibly, intending to demonstrate it. Regardless of how many times it had gone wrong. She flicked her head back once more, a bit of flame erupting from her gesture.

"I am *so* feeling this. I always wondered what this would be like. Let's put this through its paces... shall we? Don't cry for mercy too fast."

She then ran forward and--

Ran right into the youma, rebounding off it and wobbling a bit for a moment, slightly dazed. "W-whoa. Pretty cures, they've got a heck of a kick, don't they? I just--" And then a tentacle slammed down on her, crashing to the sand...

A moment later, it yanked back, singed now. "I was *talking*!" Cure La Licorne yelled. "Fine then! You want to play games? You want to *hurt* my *friends*? Then let's GO!" She yelled, leaping up and...


La Licorne twisted in midair, driving down with both feet at the youma!

"Ambitous blazer!" she yelled, before flame erupted around her body, both feet kicking down to strike the youma right in the head, sending it flying back and making its tentacles release! "Cure La Mer, now! Get the motivation energy! Let's finish this!" the dark-but-still-light-sided pretty cure yelled.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "AAH!" Amy screams, partly in surprise and partly in pain at the layabout suddenly deciding to actually crush her...



    "HELL YEAH!" Amy cheers, grinning!

    ...But the smoke clears, revealing that without magic it just doesn't seem to count. "Hey! No fair! Hax!"

    She is not in the best position to notice a ring appearing on someone's finger...

    There must be something she can do. "Hey! Hinoiri!" She calls out, and... "No! Come on!" The motivation-sapping somehow makes it harder for her to conjure explosives for Hinoiri. If using her power feels like sliding a key into a lock, right now her tired, metaphorical hand is missing the keyhole and scratching it up.

    But it's okay, magic BS has happened IN HINOIRI'S FAVOR FOR ONCE. Amy stares as what she thought she might never see happens right before her eyes: The tropical pact accepts her, no tricks, she just IS a magical girl, transforming right in front of them.

    "YEEEEEAH! GO CURE LA LICORNE!" Amy cheers, grinning, just happy to see her friend finally get what she wanted so desperately, what she deserves!

    And it seems she has a little figuring out of mahou powers to do. That's fine! That's normal! "YEAH!" She cheers again at the kick attack, and then finds herself released at last, opening and closing her hands before missile racks appear all over her body, ripple-firing a stream of little missiles to try and keep the octopus staggered while the cures do their thing.


    A few of the missiles fly up into the sky and explode into celebratory red-and-golden fireworks!

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Panic was slowly starting to take hold, warring with the sapping of energy. The result was a curious, dreamlike panic that didn't result in much actual struggle, or noise, but also didn't much acknowledge reality.

Until reality provided a dune-buggy, drift-crashed into the giant octopus by a furiously defiant Hinoiri.

It's really too bad, her muddled thoughts remarked. She would have made an *amazing* magical girl, it's a shame Rashmi won't be around to see--

Oh. Lookit that. Laura *gave* her Cure powers, and they are *working as intended.* Hinoiri is gonna get so many hugs, after Rashmi has a nap...

But as one would expect it to, screaming and fire and sharp impact rips the tentacle away from her, and Rashmi stumbles to the ground, taking a moment to recover her wits and her motivation.

Her friends are all around her. Hinoiri *has powers again.*

There is nothing this thing can throw at them that can help it win. And Rashmi will make sure of it.

    << *BONG!* >> << QUADRA BARRET -- BOOST UP >>

And exuberant, energetic power streaks off, lending her own supporting power to Pulp Noir! Cure Wing! Cure La Mer! And finally, the newest Tropical Pretty Cure... Cure La Licorne!

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Pulp Noir can feel his motivation drain! What a horrible fate... maybe he should give up being a detective and just be a janitor instead... and then there's a makeshift bomb crashing into the monster. WHICH... does not much because it isn't a magical attack. Oh. That's bad... scrubbing floors, restocking cleaning supplies yeah! Let's go... My Heart Unlock: Clean Sweep----

OH THANK GOD HE'S FREE OF THE TENTACLE when Hinoiri finally becomes a Cure and pounds into the monster from a high.

He draws out his Tommy Gun and with Rashmi's booster up, fires off a barrage of powered up shots into the Octopus.

"You made a mistake. YOU SCREWED WITH MY DREAM!"

Laura La Mer has posed:
La Mer had never seen the birth of a fire Pretty Cure before, but it made sense they would be so explosive, especially when combined with a power as high energy as that of a Tropical Cure.

The makeup progress and the actually pretty nice hair (was that her charm point?) did in fact provide reassurance that everything proceeded as intended, but... why so many dark clothes? Was that a hallmark of dark energy? Has she done wrong somehow?

Actually not, that's fantastic, she is actually going strong! She has probably never leaped that high before, has she? a smirk decorates the pinkette's face as she sees her go and go and go. And then fall like a radiant meteor full of ardor. It was such an impressive sight that Laura couldn't help but take out the Aqua Pot and take a bubble photo of it.

Which is also good, because she has it at the ready when the impact knocks the youma down and free them. "Of course, I will do right away!" she winks at her new ally, pointing the bottle towards the Layabout and ordering "Mermaid Aqua Pot, search!", before pressing the shell button on top it.

On the bottle's screen an image of the youma shows up, a small white light searching on it, before locking onto one of the cups' handle, and expanding with a big green heart inside with two arms ending in smaller hearts instead of hands. "It's Sunset Red!! Motivation power, come back!", Laura shouts, pressing the same button twice, a rainbow outline of a conch appearing into the air and entering the heart. It is then the green heart is set ablaze with rainbow flames and a rainbow stream of light rushes out of the Layabout and into the Aqua Pot.

"Alright, time to knock it down for good!" she tells the others, preparing to do the same thing herself.

"Marine Heart Swirl Ring! Charm Up!", she smiles, as she stretches her arm upwards, a blue sphere engulfing her from the ring on her arm and making her change form. "Five powers, roar through the seas!", she shouts, the ring creating a blue heart above her from which a bioluminescent whale comes out.

Jumping inside of its mouth, La Mer swims in it, sending the purifying whale crashing against the Layabout with a tail kick. "Pretty Cure Marine Beat Dynamic!"

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
The moment Cure La Mer and Cure La Licorne's efforts break through the plushy prison, Cure Wing gasps in fresh air, his limbs finally free. He stumbles forward, sand clinging to his suit, exhaustion still dragging at his frame. But then, flames.

La Licorne's fire surges around him, licking at his wings, but there's no burn, only heat and only power. It seeps into his body, igniting something deep inside. His wings flare wide, catching the rising energy as Rashmi's boost flows into him as well, a spark turning into an inferno.

With a single, powerful push of his legs, Wing takes to the sky, spiraling upward in a cyclone of flame. The exhaustion, the weight, the draining pull of the plush layabout, it all burns away as the fire cocoons around him, wrapping him in blazing light. Higher and higher he soars, his form shifting, his energy climbing, preparing for the moment of transformation, when he will break free completely and rise as something greater.

At the peak of his ascent, Cure Wing hovers for a fleeting moment, his breath steady, his heart pounding in sync with the blazing power surging through him. The sun bathes him in its golden light, and he tilts toward it, eyes narrowing with renewed purpose. Then, with a sharp turn, he dives.


The wind screams past him, the world blurring as he builds momentum. Fireworks explode around him, Puella Red's display illuminating his path in bursts of dazzling color. He twists through them, weaving between the sparks, his body streamlined like an arrow of vengeance. The pressure mounts, the very air resisting his speed-- until--


The sky erupts as the sonic barrier shatters around him, a shockwave rippling outward. The flames cocooning him roar to life, shifting, expanding, no longer just a Precure, but a burning force of nature, a phoenix streaking toward its prey.


His cry rings out, cutting through the chaos as he crashes into the giant plush octopus like a meteor, the force of his impact unleashing an explosion of flames and fury, a reckoning for the creature that dared to hold him down.

Wing slams into the creature at full force, fire and speed colliding in an eruption of light. For a heartbeat, everything holds still---then, with a deafening BOOM, he punches clean through. The force of his flight carries him forward, stopping his descent in a gust of flame and wind as he transforms back to his Precure form, twisting midair to see what remains of the creature he just tore through.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Cure La Licorne can't help but grin as La Mer releases the energy. As she felt that amplification, that boost, from Rashmi.

This power felt right. It felt GOOD. It wasn't like Sunbreaker's. That power had hurt, the stronger she became, the more it hurt. The more she ached. The more it damaged her. It had been wrong.

Equivalence hadn't been strong, it had been the damaged, cobbled together pieces of three different magical trinkets that she had never truly owned.

But this was hers. It felt right. It felt good. She felt... like she belonged. On their side. With them. And she felt that warmth of Rashmi's power-up. Because she belonged...

She was where she belonged. Besides the people she belonged with. She didn't need to create a sun, because they had already managed to warm her heart. And now? Now she was able to join them. She put her hands together, as if she was praying, before lifting both her hands up. With them, she grabbed the 'sun', holding it, but not taking it. Feeling the warmth of the rays.

As the rays fell, they became jagged, sharp and then shifted into blades, purifying, raining sunrays of destruction. "Scorching ray piercer!"

For those who had seen it, would realize the falling rays of sunshine were shaped incredibly similiar to the swords that Sayaka so often dropped on her opponent's.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
The tides had turned and the sparkles were released! Amy unleashed a torrent of explosives at the youma, driving it further back. Up above, Chongire was almost struck by one of the fireworks and let out a startled, if exhausted, yelp. "... I'm not feeling this," he muttered before disappearing.

La Mer was able to draw out the motivation power, freeing it from the youma. Worse, they were getting powered up! The youma couldn't even try to fight back as it recoiled from explosives and powerful tommy gun destruction, skidding along the sand...

Only for it to be hit by the triple threat of a mermaid's whale tail bash from below, a phoenixes flaming wing attack from above and the stabbing rays of magical sun from the side. The youma never stood a chance, its plushy body purified and enveloped in a big bubble before being blown away, all of the dark energy gone.


Hinote Kagari has posed:
Pulp Noir watches as the monster is defeated by... Cure La Licorne. Who is Hinoiri? Huh. He considers this a long moment. Time to update Hinoiri's case file and move her to the magical girl section is what this entrails for him.

He then draws his gun back into his coat and looks around. "Everyone kosher?" he asks.

"I'm kosher. I'm going to. Get back to my investigation." he says grimly.

What could he be investigating HERE!?

Rashmi Terios has posed:
A *lot* happens to that poor youma, at the end of the fight. Enough that for half a second, Rashmi *almost* feels sorry for it.


But when the dust settles, Rashmi cannons into Cure la Licorne's side with a cheer, wrapping her arms around her friend and squeezing, in the way only the henshin-augmented could ever manage *or* survive. "I knew you could do it! That was *so amazing,* you just drove that buggy up like *BOOM* and just went *yar rar rar* with a mop! *A mop!* And then you got your powers and just went all FWOOSH and POW *this is such a good day!*"

Her ebullience fades, only very slightly, as Pulp Noir announces he's back to his investigation. "Um... What's the case, Noir-kun?" she asks hesitantly.

...As if she might have an idea what it could be, here at the beach.

Laura La Mer has posed:
La Mer gives her back to the others when she sees the attacks are doing it! Kicking her leg high up, the mermaid, turns her upper body back so she faces behind her and now towards her allies, cheerfully declaring "VICTORY!", timing the shout just right in time for the Layabout's rainbow explosion. Another rainbow burst, this time a stream of light from the Aqua Pot containing the motivation power, heads over the Layabout's victims, and falls on them in sparkles of light.

"I was a bit concerned when you first appeared on that buggy, La Licorne, but you did well, you know that?", La Mer smiles brightly as she walks towards her new teammate. "Wait until you meet Snowdrop, I am sure she will be ecstatic too! And of course, you know what this calls for? A victory party! What do you say, Wing? Are you coming too?" she exclaims. And she has just the right idea for how to do it.

"I am good!", Laura nods confidently to Pulp Noir. "We totally showed Chongire who is boss. I am sure the Queen will be incredibly happy to hear about today", she cheers to the others.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Huh, is this how Sailor V and the magical girls trapped inside Scorn's handbag youma felt when Amy made her wish and joined them...?

    Amy just feels so happy for Hinoiri, and the youma getting beat down by everyone working together and purified is hella satisfying!

    And she's right there with Rashmi, sandwiching the new Cure between them in a hug, grinning with excitement, "That was awesome! Not even just the magic, what you did even when you thought you didn't have magic... You were kickass! AND THEN YOU GOT MAGIC! AND WERE EVEN MORE KICKASS!"

    Amy tries to squeeze the other two in a hug! "Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! You've deserved this for a long time!"

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
Floating in mid-air for several moments, Cure Wing keeps his fists at his side, just in case the attacks didn't work. Or in case the new Cure decided to do something... but he shakes off that feeling. Hinoiri will get another chance. As many chances as it takes to make it stick. But then La Mer is calling out to him, and the Soaring Sky Cure drops back to the beach, landing next to La Mer to give her a hug. "You have a new teammate!" he says to her cheerfully. "Congratulations!"

And then there comes the question of the celebration. "Sounds like fun." he admits with a smile. "I think I blasted most of the sand off of me..." though he takes a moment to dust off the sides of his coat. "...when I was flying down to attack."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
They'd done it. They'd all done it. She'd done it WITH them. It didn't hurt. It wasn't... She looked down at her hands, a grin on her lips. She'd, finally, after all of her effort, all of her work, she...

She did it. She turned towards the others and readied to say something--

Only for Rashmi to practically tackle hug her. Cheering her on. She looks down at the girl, before looking towards Cure La Mer. Who... who was coming to her. And then Amy came in, hugging her as well! And then Cure Wing! All but Pulp Noir and... well. Pulp Noir was an old film noir detective. They probably didn't DO tackle hugs. But...

Cure La Licorne blinked a few times and... she couldn't help it. Tears welled up in her eyes.

She'd spent so long in her life, trying again and again. Accomplishing so many things, things that she was proud of... And then she'd chased down people, tried to get them to watch. To see. Even now she'd been about ready to tackle and hug the others, to squeal with delight at what had happened.

But things were different now. She didn't have to chase them down. Because this was home. And when you were home, when you achieved victory? You didn't need to chase anyone down and go 'Look, look, I did it, are you proud?'

Because instead, they came to you. And they reveled in it. And they made you feel... welcome... and wanted... and...

She wiped the happy tears off her face, a big grin on her lips. "You... you know what? I think there's one very important tradition I need to experience now that we've won. Victory ramen? My treat."

Odd. She couldn't stop crying. But she supposed that was fine. When you were with the people who really mattered, none of them would judge you for a few tears.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Pulp Noir stops and looks to Cure La Mer. "A celebration sounds like fun, but later. This interrupted my investigation. I..." then Rashmi asks what the investigation is. He wants to lie. He wants to lie bad. The case of the missing sand castle, or something. But lying is antithetical to the truth. And that's what investigation is all about. Isn't it?

"Nrg. I am.. I am trying to find any sign of Molly-chan." he admits quietly. "But I... I'm not even getting a hunch the more I look and my hunches are magical." he says bluntly. "Can't even find a purple hair. Nothing, here." he says bluntly.

"But I can't... give up. Not just like that. I'm not closing her casefile." he says more grimly, adjust his mask a moment, to Rashmi.

"...Congratulations Hinoiri-san." he says. "Maybe later? I'll owe you ramen later." he says as he turns around. "I can't give this up right now. Sorry..."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
For a moment, the joy of the victory drains away, when Noir confesses the truth of his investigation. And oh boy, it hurts, because she *wants* to have that kind of hope but not after what she saw, what she experienced...

Closing her eyes for a moment, she pats Hinoiri's shoulder, then slips away, walking up to stand beside Pulp Noir, looking out over the sunset.

"...I don't know if I can believe she's still alive, Noir-kun," she says, quietly, honestly. "...But I hope you prove me wrong. And if you *do* get proof... share it with me? A happy end to a mystery would be... really nice, y'know?"

Resting a hand on his shoulder, she manages a small smile. "...And give me your ramen order, I'll bring it back to you, okay? As thanks... for not giving up."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy smiles at Hinoiri -- Cure La Licorne's invokation of victory tradition. She squeezes one more time before releasing the hug, "Yeah! Just uh, one sec!" And she grabs the now-normal octopus plushie and runs towards where the youma originally appeared, pink sparkles changing her outfit back to her school uniform with a puffy pink winter coat. "Heeeey! Did anyone lose this?" She won't look exhaustively, there's a celebration to get to, but she can spend a minute trying to reunite some kid with their lost toy.

    It also gives her a moment to work through some non-victorious thoughts. Like that she hopes victory ramen won't be at Molly's mom's shop. She's not sure she could take seeing that woman right now, and what if she saw them, knowing they're Molly's friends, and asked...

    She'll run back over from the boardwalk and rejoin the group before they head out.

Laura La Mer has posed:
"I know, right?" Laura smiles widely to Wing. "I am glad you were here to see it, that means a lot", she hugs him back.

Molly-chan? Still alive? An investigation? What even is going on here? La Mer stares between the Page Mage and Pulp Noir, the sobering thoughts of their words, well, bringing out a new wave of concern. "I think some good ramen in you will be nice", she settles in pointing out to Rashmi.

"And ramen is an excellent choice!" Laura commends Hinoiri's selection. "It's warm and delicious, and savory, yes, that's perfect." A soft smile is given at Hinoiri's tears. "Congratulations, La Licorne", she concludes more calmly.

Of course, what the unicorn doesn't suspect is the sweetest betrayal, for in the secrecy of Laura's mind... a second victory party was planned. Will Hinoiri be able to withstand the delicious trial upon her?

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Pulp Noir looks to Rashmi.... if Rashmi has given up... should he? No. Not.. yet. Just one more look. Maybe that'll all it'll take. One more look, and he'll find a shoe. her glasses. He'd settle for finding her device. Anything, he needs a clue, but all clues are leading to...

No. Don't think that right now. Keep looking, he tells himself. He's about to leap up to the nearby building when Rashmi places a hand on his shoulder. "Um. Tonotsu? That'll be fine. Double egg." he says. "Thank you." he says, to Rashmi, before he leaps onto the nearest shortest building.

He has work to do, tonight.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Cure La Licorne felt an icy chill and a bit of guilt at the remembrance that... they had lost one of their own, recently. Molly. It was... it was not an easy loss, for anyone. And her smile faltered. A part of her even wanted to retrac it. But.... But no. She'd.... done good. She'd done well. It sucked, but... she'd at least not do anything dumb like having the party at Molly's parents restaurant.

... And Molly... wouldn't want them to give up all joy with her loss. Besides, magic was wild. Maybe they'd find her, after all. Until they found her body....

"So, Ramen. Let's," she said, quickly making her way with the others. Giving Pulp Noir a small smile and a wave. They'd all been there for her, and so they'd all get their ramen... Heck. Hinoiri would even come back with Rashmi to give it to him, later.

Alas, she had no idea there was a double party coming. At long last, Sora's training in 'surprise cupcakes' would come in handy.