1684/This time it's Personal

From Radiant Heart MUSH

This time it's Personal
Date of Scene: 20 June 2024
Location: Administrative Office
Synopsis: Hinoiri gets re-personed with some help from Amy and Setsuna. However, as they work, Hinoiri discusses some of her beliefs and theories and magic, dampening the spirit of one puella, only for the ninth planet (still one) to help lift them again.
Cast of Characters: Hinoiri Kirara, Setsuna Meiou, Amanda Faust

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara was, well... admittedly a bit nervous about this. Meeting with people who were working on making her a person again. After all, she wasn't human. And she'd heard stories about what humans did to unicorns that walked into the wrong neighborhoods.

Took their horns.

... Fortunately she had no horn to take, so it was a silly thought to have. But she'd been de-personed and attacked so often, she was still a bit wary and nervous about things, somehow, getting worse. But it wasn't like she had much choice.

But now it was time to face the music, as it were. And hey. At least these two had never tried to kill her, and she'd met Setsuna's daughter/little sister that one time, so it wasn't like she was a danger.

She was wearing her normal clothing, jacket, pants, slightly nervous face... But she did come. And when she came, she knocked on the door, giving a soft sigh and, a part of her?

... A part of her hoped they'd tell her to get lost. It was all a joke. They weren't going to help her. But a part of her was terrified they would. She didn't know what to do, or how to do it. She needed help and she loathed it.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Nurse Meiou has always done her best to let it be known among the mahou community that the Infirmary is a place of Sanctuary.

A place where one can come and get help dealing with the insanity that is a Mahou's existence.

Sometimes, it's just a quiet place to de-stress for a few moments before going out and having to face the world.

Sometimes it's a bandage and a sympathetic ear from someone who understands what's really going on.

Sometimes it's just getting an excuse becuse one had to go run out in the middle of the school day to deal with a youma attack.

And, in at least a few cases, it's been a place to come to get an identity established when magical shenanigans have left a wayward mahou bereft of any documented identity at all.

Thus, when Hinoiri knocks on the door, it's almost immediately opened by Nurse Meiou who gently waves her in, "Come in, Miss Kirara. I hear you're having a bit of an issue."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy has set up her laptop and pulled up a chair, just in case another computer can help. It's a bulky-by-modern-standards Thinkpad T61 -- The same laptops they use on the space station! -- and as tempted as she is to dress for illicit computer activity, 1. she's not actually sure how a l33t hacker grrl dresses, and 2. it's 80 degrees out, so she's opted instead for pairing a plain black T-shirt with the red jersey-knit skirt that came with the body. It's so soft!

    She looks over and waves from the desk, smiling cheerfully. "Hi!" Although, she looks concerned when she notices the expression on Hinoiri's face. "Geeze, you don't need to look so scared, we're just dealing with records, it's not going to be that terrible. ...Well, I mean, no one likes going to the DMV but--" she blinks. "Right, you've never-- Look, don't worry, we'll figure things out, okay? Somehow this school's able to make records. They did for me! I would kind of love to know how it works..."

    "...Seriously, you're among friends here."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara took a slow, deep breath. She could do this. She slowly walked in. "Yeah. Uhhhh... turns out? Obsidian? Kind of evil. And no matter how much junk you do for them, they can apparently just... un-exist you."

"Everything they setup, they broke down. Might have got my driver's license too, but scared to check. And, unfortunately, since I'm not from here, I had no idea that was even a thing they could do. So... yeah. My history, my medical records. All of it, gone. The fact the school has anything at all I guess just means they only removed the stuff they setup... but unfortunately, that was most of it..."

"... And I have no idea what a 'DMV' is? Just... I can probably handle most of it... but I don't want to get... like... deported the moment someone decides to run my records and it's not like I can just mind wipe any cops that come after me, so I just need to exist. I can take care of myself past that."

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Nurse Meiou scowls a bit, "Vindictive bastards."

She shakes her head, waving Hinoiri over to a seat, "Well come in, have a seat, have a cookie..."

She offers a box with an assortment of common kinds from some local bakery, "And don't worry too much. I've actually had do do this several times before, so this is old hat."

She then grins, "...and at least some of your records they couldn't get to. I keep local copies of everyone's medical records in safe storage here as a precaution...it just so happens that having them will foil Obsidian's desires that much more."

Shehe glances over at Amy, then back to Hinoiri, "The DMV is the 'Department of Motor Vehicles'. They're the ones that issue driver's licenses, so we'd normally have to deal with them to get you certified to drive...but I have a work-around that will help there."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy frowns at the thought of what Obsidian did, as they discovered back at Rooftop Ramen. "I'm still hoping we have paper copies of medical records around here somewhere. Doctors' and Hospitals' damned refusal to upgrade from fax machines might do some good for once..." She nods as Setsuna mentions her local copies.

    "And for your school records, if I could just still get in... There might be a way to revert the change. And maybe find out who did it if there's any traces... They should be keeping backups there too, unless whoever's still there got lazy about it. "

    She blinks at Hinoiri, then Setsuna, then back at Hinoiri in surprise. "Wait, you got a driver's license?!" Amy turns to Setsuna. "Can I have a driver's license? I swear I can drive. I can even drive stick!" She points at her eye. "If anything, my vision's better, these eyes don't need glasses!"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara would take a cookie. A strawberry filled one. "Thanks," she muttered, walking to one of the chairs and taking a small nibble of the cookie. She then say on the chair backwards, resting her chin on the backrest. "And... yeah. Bastards. It's one thing to try and kill me, but taking all that? I'd worked hard for those payments. If I'd known they could take them, I'd have setup a secondary account. Only reason I even have a phone right now is that Sailor Moon advised me to get a burner. But I'll need to figure out what to do with that before long. Buck..." She rubbed her forehead. "I can't even get back at them like this. Bucking jerks..."

"... Oh, right. You're just a nurse, even if you're aware of magic. Not... sure how much you know, but ummmm. I was... Sunbreaker. And... sunset of Sora. So, um. Sorry about... kidnapping you that one time. And all. If nothing else, at least you two never tried to kill me. That list is growing larger by the day, I swear."

On the upside, as Amy got to work she'd find one thing was clear. Obsidian hadn't touched any of the school records. They only went to remove the stuff they'd setup. So anything the school had or had requested and got before the shift? They still had.

Hinoiri took another bite of her cookie and shrugged. "DMV? I got mine at a DLC. I did have to, technically, lie and fudge some things. But I've always been good at getting tests." Pause. "Technically it's probably illegal, but I don't care. Driving a motorcycle is one of the few bucking good things I get to do these days so I'm *not* sorry. It doesn't hurt anybody and I'm a damn good driver."

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Nurse Meiou shakes her head, "Oh, I'm far more than 'just a nurse', Miss Kirara...but we'll leave it at that, for now."

She then glances over at Amy and arches an eyebrow, "...and do you even have anything TO drive, Miss Faust?"

She shakes her head, then waves to the computer, "I've got hard copies and digital local copies of Miss Kirara's medical records. Those can be used to build her files...and I have contacts who specialize in forging identities that will be able to work up official documents given a few days."

She then walks over to one of the cabinets nearby and pulls out a small box which she hands over to Hinoiri, "As far as phones go, you can have this one. It's not the most recent model, but I had it spare, it's a fresh install and I've got it set up for a month or two of prepaid service that you can use until you can get something setup with your new documents."

Finally, a shrug is given, "As far as driving...that'll take couple of weeks, but I can help you get set up with an international drivers license."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Can't even get back at them... "I dunno. Could you rig your Eclipse Zone to do something really nasty to their energy supply? I guess you could also steal stuff from stores they own in henshin so they couldn't legally prove it was you. Would be hard to actually turn that into usable funds, though..." Then she remembers Hinoiri doesn't have a henshin anymore. "Oh, right. Shoot. Sorry..."

    Does she even have anything to drive?" Amy looks away awkwardly, "Well, no, but who knows if one day it's gonna come up? Maybe like. We're moving stuff for some magic project and you could really use another vehicle driver, I dunno!" She shrugs.

    While they talk, Amy does think to do a simple search on Setsuna's computer. "You're already logged in, right? Good. Let's see... Well, looks like the school's record of you is still there, at least any part I can see from her access."

    She looks up at Setsuna again. "Do you think you know anyone who could get me staff access to the system again? I could help with stuff like this, if you want, since I already know the system..."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara sighed. "Right. Of course. You're probably something else too. Everyone gets to be magic but me," she muttered with just a massive hint of bitterness.

She did blink a few times as Setsuna just... fixed it. "Huh. So... I'll... exist? That'll be nice. There's no real... well... orphan and all, so I figure that stuff is the same as before. But... yeah. Existing would be nice..." She took the phone, staring at it. It'd help her get her feet under her, at least.

"As long as they haven't wrecked my license, I should be fine. I just lied about my age is all. But if you could make it less... that, well. That'd be cool." It was good enough for Haruka it was good enough for her, after all.

"But yeah, Amy. I wouldn't... get behind the wheel if I was you. It requires a lot of focus and you really don't seem to have that. There's a lot of jerks out there on the road." Yeah, she was one of them. "And no, I *don't* have a henshin anymore. If I did, none of this would be happening because instead of being their bucking punching bag, I'd be turning their stupid youma into *dust* and driving my boots so far up their--"

Hinoiri cringed, took a slow, deep breath... "No, though. I can't... activate anything with the Eclipse zones now. If I could, I'd break them down. They need dark energy to use. If I go near them, they might set me off and just..." She gave a sigh.

"... I can give you info on them, though. Not like I owe Obsidian anything at this point. Now I'm not even getting paid for the work I did."

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Nurse Meiou nods, "Yes, Miss Kirara, you'll exist again. We should have some temporary documents for you before you leave today. Swing by in a day or two and I'll have official ID cards and whatnot to give you that will actually pass any check that you're likely to run into."

Because when one has enough money, it's not terribly hard to find people willing to do that kind of thing.

She then looks over at Amy, "Sadly, no, Miss Faust. Frankly, the changes I make to her local records here in the school will merely be to match what my contact comes back with...we'll be setting Miss Kirara up with some international records in multiple countries to keep Obsidian from trying to do something like this again."

The nurse then turns back to Hinoiri, "...that being said...how are you doing? Physically, that is?"

Amanda Faust has posed:
> I wouldn't... get behind the wheel if I was you. It requires a lot of focus and you really don't seem to have that.
    Amy's mouth hangs open at the collossal diss from this girl.

    . o O ( Imagined Gyaru Amy waves a hand with a limp wrist. "Oh my gawd, like, driving is so hard, like, y'know? Tooootally." ) O o o O ( Imagined Gyaru Amy is miraculously unharmed after wrapping the front of a car around a tree on the side of the road. "Awww, man! Amy-chan totally made a little oopsie-poopsie!" ) O o .

    (She doesn't actually fully visualize these mental images, but they illustrate the connotation she reads into the comment.)

    She looks scandalized, although not truly angry just yet. "I... buh... I was driving for ten years before I moved to Japan! I only crashed twice! And, and the first time I was just a teenager and the second time there were, like I came around a corner on the highway and there was this sudden wall of stopped cars and, and I still stopped in time I just scraped against the divider!"

    She sighs and slumps her shoulders in the chair and crosses her arms. "It's not like I actually like driving anyway. I just thought maybe I could help if it was needed. I guess in a real emergency it's not like licenses are really gonna matter..."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a small nod. "That'll help. Not... sure how long I'll wanna stick around, honestly. Not having magic... sucks. Not really anywhere else for me to go, though, either. Your whole... fade thing in this world is miserable, you know that? My whole life was magic. I lose that, I just... stop. Existing. Possibly for real. But... thanks. For, um. The help. Nice to know you people still... care, I guess."

"Right, you're like... going through a time-rubberbanding, aren't you? Whiplashed back to a younger age and all that? I always meant to study that a bit more, but never really had the time when I was Sunbreaker," Hinoiri muttered, eyeing Amy. "But yeah, who you are now versus who you were then doesn't really matter. Time changes people, believe it or not. Even if your mind is older, it'll eventually snap into whatever your actual age is before long. Chronomancy is a pain in the flank for a reason, most people who study it eventually have to drop out just because of the headaches, let alone those who pass it." Pause. "I would have passed it, of course. But I was busy," Hinoiri said quickly.

"... In a real emergency you have magic and a rocket launcher. Lots of people in this city can drive. The number of people who can do what you can do can probably be counted on one hand. I certainly can't. So maybe focus more on all the stuff you, personally, can do, rather than trying to figure out more ways you could hypothetically be more useful. You'll just drive yourself mad chasing a standard that's impossible for anyone, let alone you, to meet."

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Nurse Meiou makes a disgusted noise, "Ugh. Chronomancy. You're right that it's a nightmare. Time just doesn't work the way most people think and I imagine that anyone trying to muck with it would get upset when it doesn't work the way they think it does."

She looks over to smile at Amy, whom she offers the box of assorted cookies to.

She walks over to another laptop she has nearby and starts doing a bit of rapid typing, "Okay, Miss Faust can hit print over there and you'll have some temporary documents that use all the names and locations you gave the school from your old records. I'm sending the email to my fixer now and I'll have your permanent official ones here in a day or two."

The nurse glances back over at Hinoiri, "...was there anything else you needed to get yourself established?"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy blinks at Hinoiri reminding them she was a wizard, or at least a magic student, or some kind of magic scientist on her homeworld. (Sorcerologist?) "Gods. I used to think about that sometimes. If I was sent to another world, or far back in time, like... I got a computer science degree. Without extremely developed technology, I'm kinda useless..." Oh. "Uh... well, at least you've still got time to pick a new area of study and degree? Just, don't go into debt for it..." She hangs her head. "But what could possibly be as interesting as real magic?"

    And then Hinoiri discusses chronomancy, and how age-changing magic has been studied on her world. And makes a pretty good point about emergencies, to which Amy nods, albeit a bit distractedly.

    "W-wait..." She turns the chair and looks to Hinoiri. "I'm gonna... I mean..." Amy looks down at the floor. "...I kinda noticed, already..." She's admitted it in confidence before, to a very few people, but hearing that it's expected makes it a little more okay to admit.

    And then she looks at Hinoiri again in alarm. "I'm not gonna lose my memories, am I? Identity death is real death!" She opens her mouth to explain and then blinks. "Right. Magic-ologist, you already know that..."

    Hit print? "Oh um..." Amy turns around and does that before looking back to Hinoiri, worried.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a small nod. "Exactly. There were some spells for closed time loops, but they really just seemed... well. Why? It'd give you a headache and you can't change anything. Open time loops are even worse and just... sooooo much trouble."

She cringed as Amy just... hit it right on the head. "Yeah. I really am, huh? But hey... better to just... disappear into obscurity as a nothing... than to destroy the world. I came really close to doing it, to being that kind of person. I got a second chance, so I'm just... I'd rather be nothing."

"... Yeah. A new study. I'm... sure I'll find something." No. No she wouldn't. She didn't see how anything could ever compare to what she was.

"Probably," Hinoiri said, flat out. "When you hit the point, you'll forget all about magic. You'll likely just think all of your stuff, prior, was a dream. Or a make-believe story you told as a kid. A game you used to play. Everyone around you will think the same. You probably won't mind. You'll probably think you were an orphan, who played a bunch of fancy games with the other kids, go on with the rest of your life as a normal kid. I don't... know how it affects puella, admittedly? But... my guess is the magic goes away. The ring goes out and you become just... human, again. Normal. I guess you'd just be a younger human? But human."

"... I'd make sure all of your records are in place before then. I mean, if you have to, you could turn to dark energy. I.... don't know if you could handle it, though. But they don't seem to have the fade hitting them. But there's always the chance you'll try to kill everyone you ever knew and cared about so probably not a good idea unless you're desperate."

She stuffed the rest of the cookie into her mouth.

... She wasn't okay. She hadn't answered Setsuna's question earlier. 'Physically, how are you doing?'

She was, mostly, physically fine. But she wasn't okay. It was clear, seeing her slump over in that chair.

"Don't think of it as death. Think of it as a phoenix. Whoever you were before? They died. You're you, now. Reborn into this. I didn't know you before, I barely know you now. But... meh. You seem cool? You said some cool things when I was being an idiot and trying to destroy the world. So... maybe just be happy you got this second chance. Not everyone gets one." Pause. "We had phoenixes back home, it is *so* lame that your world doesn't have one. They are *such* little bastards. It's great."

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Nurse Meiou gives Hinoiri a bit of a gimlet eye...but then heaves a small sigh and shakes her head.

She knows the difference between 'okay' and 'fine', even if the former villain hasn't verbalized the statement...her reactions make it fairly clear that's what she would have said.

Now, however, is not the proper time to try to try to unravel THAT hot mess.

She doesn't have NEARLY enough cookies, for one.

Mentally shelving that for the effort of another day...week...month, probably...Nurse Meiou walks over to the printer and picks up several sheets which she then turns and hands over to Hinoiri, "Here you go. You now officially exist again...and in two days, you'll even have rock solid documents to prove it."

After which she nods, "...my advice? Relax for a few days. Do something that you find fun. Maybe read a book or watch a show. You've been through the wringer over the last while...now that your immediate problems are addressed, take a figurative moment to breathe and relax so you can make best use of YOUR second chance."

She waves at the documents, "...things are better for you now...and in a couple of days, they'll be better still."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Time loops? "Man... how many people are messing with time right now? It's gotta be more than one. There's a temporal Thirty Xanatos Pileup we don't even see..." Amy mutters.

BGM: Better break out the umineko music. Aci-L is too high energy though, as is resurrectedreplayer. Uhhhh... Kou from the Un-Go soundtrack is almost too calmly repetetive. A quiet horror, not something you're paniccing about. The beginning of Simcity 4's Terrain mode theme is great but the song swerves into a hopeful, bittersweet mood at the end, which is how Hinoiri's describing things but not how Amy feels. Let's go with...
BGM: Umineko - goldenslaughterer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raxEmANPTVc

    ...And then Hinoiri says all the wrong things. She'll forget about magic. Amy just looks increasingly horrified as Hinoiri describes the scenario and makes it realer.

    You'll think it was a story. You'll go on with your life as 'normal', whatever that is for someone without a past.

    There's dark energy, but you'd be a monster. May as well Witch if you were going to do that.

    Don't think of it as death. Think of it as a phoenix. Whoever you were before? That is, who she is now, with memories and all. This person... not just that she was, but who she is now...

    They died.

    Amy's face looks back at Hinoiri with an expression of sad emptiness.

    Hinoiri keeps speaking but the words don't really seem important, although at 'second chance' Amy snaps out of it to angrily retort, "I don't get a second chance! She does! Some amnesiac girl who replaces me!"

    And then the anger sort of... drains out of her and she hangs her head. "...That's almost worse somehow... I was ready to die in battle if that was the price for being a magical hero... But the thought that... my prize for surviving..." She trails off.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara gave a small nod to Setsuna, taking the forms. "Thanks. I'll... see that. Find out if anything does make me happy. Maybe... I don't know. It might not be better, but maybe now it can be."

Hinoiri went over the papers for a few moments, only to get jarred out of it when Amy blew up. She blinked, staring at her. Then rolled her eyes. "Geez. You really are melodramatic, aren't you?" Hinoiri asked, resting her chin on the backrest again. "Sure, people at Obsidian are, too. But they have dark energy."

"And no. *You* get a second chance. Yeah, that person is gone. Because they *became* you. Just like Sunbreaker is gone, because I got a second chance. Just like whoever the nurse here was twenty years ago, because she became this. We're all made up of the bits and pieces of our pasts. But that doesn't make us who we were."

"People change. Like it or not. You changed. You became... whatever you are now. An explosive mess. But talking about 'ready to die' bullshit? That's just hiding from your problems. If you want to die? Then just go bucking do it. If this is what you *wanted*? Then bucking count your blessing!"

"I had to give up my entire *life* to come here and then I had to give it up a *second time* so I didn't destroy your bucking *world* and become some *monster*. Do you think I *wanted* this? But for some bucking *reason* you sparkles all decided you still think I have enough value that I'm worth saving. It would be *so bucking easy* to just take this necklace off and go Sunbreaker until I inevitably snap and lose control again and then you have to put me down," Hinoiri snarled, getting to her feet with enough force to knock the chair over.

"But I don't and I won't. Because a lot of people worked hard to give me a second chance, even if I didn't deserve it, and rather than festering on how I couldn't be the person I *wanted* to be, I decided to at least *try* to be who I could. Maybe you should try doing the same rather than feeling sorry for yourself for getting a second chance of your own. I don't know your story but, frankly? Maybe it's time you try and figure it out *yourself* before you end up needing a miracle of your own."

Hinoiri was practically fuming when she said that, yelling at the girl, pointing an angry finger at her and it was only now, as her anger subsided that she... realized... maybe she'd gone a bit too hard. She pulled her hand back, then shook her head. "Ugh. Whatever. Thanks, both of you," Hinoiri snapped before storming out of the nurse's office, slamming the door behind herself.

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Nurse Meiou sighs as Hinoiri storms out, and she turns to look back at Amy.

She scowls at the younger woman...but it's quite clear from her expression that there's no real heat in it.

She's had similar worries herself, after all.

After a few moments, she shakes her head, "Amy-chan...I understand the concern. Believe me, it's something I've thought on...and I'm reasonably certain a solution exists...quite possibly more than one...and even though any I can think of will require several things to happen and probably no small amount of effort...it's not a problem that we can address anytime soon. Fortunately, it's not a problem you'll have to worry about anytime soon, anyhow...so don't let it bother you, okay?"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Melodramatic?! Amy looks at Hinoiri in dull shock. It's appropriate right now!

    Hinoiri talks to her as if... no. Hinoiri doesn't talk to her. Hinoiri talks to the girl who will replace her.

    Admittedly: Sunbreaker did leave her entire world, and she's going to get hit by the Fade too. She just may have it worse, having to learn how to exist on Earth only to forget there was ever anything else. Mallor-- Amy just has to learn how to exist as a teenage girl.

    It would be so easy to take the necklace off-- "I guess I couldn't blame you." Amy states, dully.

    She doesn't feel sorry for Future Amy -- no, the girl who will replace Amy. Lacking memories will suck for her, but like, how bad can her life be?

    She feels sorry for herself. The one that exists now.

    She's doomed. Just like La Pucelle. Only if she doesn't die halfway through the story, she'll die at the end.

    The yelling just kind of washes over her. It's the same as when grown-ups didn't understand. Yelled she should know better, when she never got the chance to learn. As a child, as a teenager, and then as an adult, that refrain never ended. She can't cross that barrier and make them understand. So she waits for the yelling to end, ashamed of how she's seen but knowing inside their perception is wrong.

    The door slams.

    Setsuna speaks to her.

    Amy states, quietly, without lifting her head: "The Fade... we have to stop it. Everyone goes through this. Even if they don't think about it."

    "...Oh, who am I kidding. You've been here for 14,000 years and seen how impossible it is. And I've... seen how the world won't change. For everything we do... for the villains we stop... for every apocalypse we avert... A world ruled by cruelty and greed is what we save. I almost wish I could forget that." Her throat tightens. "But she'll just learn it again."

    She finally lifts her gaze to look up at Setsuna. "That's how things never get done. 'I don't have to worry about that today.' And then days go by. Years go by. The world will abandon you the second you're no longer seen as a child. And sooner than that, if you're weird."

    Amy looks down. "I should be killing them. The people who make the world this way. The villains we're not stopping. Put that awful veil to use. I have. A fucking rocket launcher. Artillery. I don't even have to sneak in and assassinate. I wanted to ask that Lacuna girl why she doesn't do that. But I fear the answer might be she just didn't think of it."

    "I haven't because it doesn't seem like what a magical girl should be doing. But what does that even mean? All these ideas. Romantic silliness. It's going to get me killed one day. Moon knows we gotta kill people sometimes. I said I was okay with it getting me killed. But even better magical girls don't get happy endings. Not with the Fade."

    She sits up straighter and looks into the time abyss's eyes. "Give me something. Don't lie to me the way adults lie to children. Is all that really gonna get better? Can I really just 'not let it bother me' and it won't lead to an amnesiac cluelessly going out into a world of cruelties she's unaware of three years from now?"

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Nurse Meiou stares at Amy for a few moments, then quietly says, "I'm not immune, I'm under the same gun you are, Amy-chan. It's coming for me, as well. And yes, I've thought of it. I've pondered. Fourteen THOUSAND years. Gone. Never a point in my entire existence without magic. There wouldn't be ANYTHING. Not even an amnesiac woman with a confusing past."

She takes a deep breath, then shakes her head, "So trust me...I'm not throwing meaningless platitudes your way about this. There are things that have happened recently, things that have been exposed...and some VERY powerful forces at play."

The taller woman reaches up and rubs her face for a moment, then heaves a sigh, "...that said, certain things have to happen first...and certain opponents need to be defeated...and obsessing about the issue isn't going to help and can only do harm. So take the advice of someone who is not only a medical professional...but who has seen VERY MANY years...don't worry about this right now. Take it from someone who can literally feel the ebb and flow of time...we're going to get a chance to fix it all...but Destiny is a stone cold bitch and some absolutely absurd magicks are tied to her, so certain things will need to happen first."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy looks surprised to hear that Pluto's got a limit on whatever's kept her around this long. And she listens with interest as Setsuna speaks of certain things and certain opponents.


    "How soon. Is this something someone else gets a chance to fix in a hundred years? A thousand? Or is it now? Or is it at least... in a few years?" She blinks back tears and swallows as her throat feels swollen. "So that we'll at least be the last?"

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Nurse Meiou shakes her head, "Oh, no...we're at a point where things are moving WAY too fast for it to be anything other than the next few years."

She then shakes her head, "In any event, for tonight, I need to get closed up here. I'll likely see you tomorrow, Amy-chan."

After a moment, she decides to see if she can perhaps help Amy change gears mentally and she looks over, "Oh...and I was planning to go to Summer Comiket here in a few months. If you want to come with, let me know and let me know what costume you'd like so I can have time to make something."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Kyubey preys on the hearts of girls in a certain phase of life for a reason. They don't even need to run out of magic. And even when the world is full of light, it can seem filled with overwhelming darkness...

    But, Pluto's cryptic talk of a way to unfuck the world makes the darkness swimming in Amy's soul gem lighten slightly. As Amy asks, the worst of the mood passes. The visible corruption fades, but the red gem on her ring is a bit... dull. Like looking at red paint or ink under glass, rather than like looking into a ruby or the Jewel of Judgement.

    But the Puella Magi's eyes go wide in surprise as Setsuna matter-of-factly declares it will be in the next few years.

    Amy stands and hugs her for a moment, and as she steps back to discuss Comiket, the SOUL's brightness has returned. She's smiling at the thought of that. "I... I'll have to think about it! What to go as I mean. Of course I'd like to come!" There are a few... things, she needs to think about it, recontextualize plans for going now vs how she would have imagined going a year ago, but... it'd be pretty great! She grins even more at realizing that her cosplay options are so much better now. "I'll think about it! Thank you so much!"

    "Right, almost forgot..." She's a bit distracted, processing this, and then kind of snaps out of it and goes to shut down and pack up her computer.

    Summer Comiket...

Setsuna Meiou has posed:
Nurse Meiou just smiles at Amy, waits for her to depart, then closes up and locks down the infirmary for the evening.