Mamoru's Apartment

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Revision as of 20:32, 29 December 2024 by Mamoru (talk | contribs)

Allied Faction: Earth
Allied Groups: Shitennou, Sailor Senshi
Location Type: Private Space
Grid Locale: Juuban Ward
Mamoru's place is a penthouse apartment in a seven-storey double-footprint building, thirty or forty years old, in Juuban Ward's little "downtown". Coming in through the elevator into the apartment hall, and then into Mamoru's foyer with its shelves of genkan space, it feels bigger. Going from there through a 'front door' with a stained glass window in it drops a body into an immense space, airy and high-ceilinged, where the sun streams in through the array of tall picture windows and the wide doors to the balconies. At night it's the moonlight and the stars and city lights, or the warm and brightly-colored tapestries that pull closed to block out prying eyes.

Decor for the apartment in general seems to be cream/off-white walls and brown and brass baseboards and detailing, and there are plaster mouldings on the ceiling, and there are tapestries on the walls, too. All around the apartment near-ish the ceiling there's a large cat run. There are a lot of plants in pots and none of them is placed under parts of the cat run that can be jumped from. The kitchen, already claimed by Makoto, is painted in sunny warm summer colors; there's enough room in it for a small table and a few chairs, the floor is a very pretty patterned mosaic in many colors, and the refrigerator is a communal bulletin board.

The apartment's main living space holds a comfortable scattering of antique (mostly) furniture, heavy and handmade and sitting on little carpet casters to be slid easily across the polished hardwood floor. There are a number of little rugs with no-slip grip on the backs, and there's a big kotatsu -- it's in easy view of a large mirror that hangs over a low bookshelf, and some remote controlls and videogame controllers lie atop that bookshelf. There's a plastic sheet tucked under each of the two couches. Various doors and corners -- even in this big living room area -- indicate it's even bigger than it looks at first sight.

Associated Logs

Title Date Scene Summary
Downright Amazed at What I Can Destroy With Just a Hammer October 1st, 2024 Mamoru, Usagi, and Kazuo go to do a little remodeling before the contractors start their actual work.
A Clever Solution to Safe Dating October 3rd, 2024 Usagi and Mamoru have a new strategy for dates: fight first, romance second. The monsteers can't interrupt their dates if they go hunting for them first, right? And as a reward? Pizza, no sewer hunt, and a few kitchen kisses.
Paint It Black October 13th, 2024 Usagi and Mamoru have a wonderful Sunday, fussing with the new apartment and painting and rollerskating and generally having a lot of fun and some of it's even constructive... and then Mamoru gets a letter saying he can't have his new apartment.
Just Like In My Manga October 24th, 2024 Usagi Tsukino, boy edition, makes it to Mamoru's place. Some kissing ensuesm, and the start of a housewarming party is planned.
HopHopBunnyChan is Live & Streaming: Silent Hill October 31st, 2024 It's late afternoon/early evening on Halloween, and with the storm of the century breaking over Tokyo, HopHopBunnychan - aka Usagi Tsukino - is doing a Scream Stream! Join Hopchan, UnMaskAlive0807 - aka Mamoru Chiba - and a number of friends as they stream Silent Hill. Streams don't count as dates, right? They're not going to be interrupted... right?
Move-In November 9th, 2024 The list of people Most Willing To Figuratively Sit On Mamoru help him move in.
Act 14: Petite Etrangere November 17th, 2024 A light housewarming becomes chaos when a strange, pink-haired girl falls from the ceiling in Mamoru's apartment. When she declares herself Usagi Tsukino and demands the Silver Crystal, everyone knows they're in for a taste of the weird. Welcome to the 21st Century, Chibiusa!
Conspiracy of Joys November 19th, 2024 Rashmi and Mamoru talk after Chibiusa makes her chaotic entrance to the timeline, and she has a housewarming gift for him. And it's so sweet I stg.
Different Here Too November 29th, 2024 Mamoru spots Sad Chibiusa In Rain and invites her and Luna in to dry off and have some dinner. They talk about alternate universe counterparts and wards and talking cats and the Silver Crystal, and they talk around some very big things indeed.
Backscene: Happy New Years to You December 30th, 2024 For New Years' gifts, Usagi teamed up with Chibiusa and Makoto to make cookies and wrapping cloths. It even went pretty well - no bloodshed, only light poking.
The Littlest Things Matter January 8th, 2025 After 2215/Rabbit_Hunt,_Take_Two Chibiusa tells Mamoru who she is, and then meets Kazuo for the first time despite his actually living there.
Your Princess is from Another Future January 8th, 2025 Following Rabbit Hunt, Take Two and The Littlest Things Matter, our crew of heroes, now joined by Minako and Kazuo, put their heads together to talk about what they've learned, and learn even more from Chibiusa. The 30th Century is in trouble, and Princess Usagi Small Lady Serenity is seeking their aid.
With Usagi! Obviously! January 19th, 2025 Mamoru has news for Bow, and Bow has news for Mamoru.
Show Me February 2nd, 2025 The day after 2281/Murder,_She_Wrote, Kazuo fusses over Mamoru and Mamoru leans on Kazuo.
He Didn't Do Anything February 6th, 2025 Following 2281/Murder, She Wrote and all the other aftermath, Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask wake up their alternate future daughter at one in the morning to give her distressing news and also cuddle her a lot.
Post Dunking February 16th, 2025 In Scene 2330, Zoisite set Minako's bow on fire. Good news? Usagi put the fire out. Bad news? She did it with hot chocolate. Now Minako needs a shower - and some comfort for the wounds to her pride and heart. Luckily, her princess can help with both.
Show Me: Zoisite Edition February 16th, 2025 Zoi is in trouble. Takes place after all the dunk scenes.
Youma Don't Leave Bodies February 19th, 2025 In the aftermath of 2343/And Let School Spirit Scream a clutch of mahoujin stagger into Mamoru's apartment to talk over what just happened.
Rules February 22nd, 2025 CW: Profanity, maidenless behavior. Mamoru lays out the rules for existing as one of his Shitennou, and then things devolve into a feral clowder of twinks until Mamoru tells them to knock it off. You know. Shitennou time.
Just a Shot Away February 28th, 2025 After the death of Mimete, the Shitennou return to Mamoru's apartment, where Small Lady is putting up with an anxious Prince.
Looming Comfort March 4th, 2025 Kazuo checks in on Izou's condition after the heartstealing and the subsequent few days. It's amazing what can happen when people finally, finally, after over a year of people wanting to shake them, use their words.