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From Radiant Heart MUSH

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Garden Crasher
Date of Scene: 14 January 2024
Location: Plot Room 1
Synopsis: Sunbreaker decides to break into Nounamu Sweets greenhouse to retrieve some flowers. This draws in EVERY SPARKLE IN A THREE-HUNDRED YARD RADIUS and teaches her to fear the hammer of Daifuku. Beware, there is cat tail grabbing.
Cast of Characters: Hinoiri Kirara, Rashmi Terios, Chiyo Sakai, Usagi Tsukino, Niji Dasshu, Amanda Faust, Makoto Kino, Kazuo Saitou, Takashi Agera

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara had, well... been by Nounamu Sweets earlier in the day. Well, she had an invite to check out the garden....

.... Even though she hadn't even gone into the shop. She could FEEL the dark energy. Oh, how she could feel it. And from there, well... Her flowers. Something had happened. She didn't know how, it obviously wasn't HER fault. Someone, somewhere, had messed up. Obviously. And now her precious flowers, one of a kind, straight from Kirakirafantastica...

... Were absorbing energy.

She'd ended up turning around before she even came to the door. Flowers. Nice old man. Flowers. Nice old man.

... Even though she'd talked to herself about it, the truth was she knew there was no decision here to be made. Not even a little bit. Even if those flowers were one of the few things she had from home.... they could, in theory, be replaced.

Someone's grandfather couldn't be.

However, then an idea occured. Of COURSE! Just steal the flowers, dug! Sunbreaker could do that. Get the flowers away from him, take them with her, and nobody ever had to know.

That had been the plan.

That is, until she'd accidentally... well... the door had been jammed. She'd tugged on it. and tugged. And yanked. And then, finallyu...

It had given away to her insistence. In a sudden burst. Making her shriek, tumble back and trip over a nearby bucket, making her fall backwards and well...

Suffice to say, in her furious grousing, a rock maaaaay have been tossed furiously. And maaaaay have gone through one of the windows of the sweet shop. And she miiiiiight have accidentally set off the shops alarms.

... Shit.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
The Veil, generally, sucks as a concept. Between her recent talk with Catra, and prior talks with all the others, Rashmi has very firmly placed the veil in the mental filing box of 'Stuff that sucks but has to be lived with.'

Like finals, or the existence of squid-flavored chips.

But unlike squid-flavored chips, the Veil *does* have its uses. Like today, when she can be out of school but flying around on patrol, just in case more of Chrono's crew turns up. But instead of a *happy* accident, Rashmi banks over the area around Nounamu *just in time* to hear an alarm. Homing in on the noise, Rashmi's eyes widen in horror as her friend's sweet shop turns out to be the source of the noise. Then;


Well *now* Rashmi has gone from 'worried' to 'heckin concerned,' as she picks up the pace toward the noise disturbance.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Alarms going off were enough to shake anyone awake. Especially when they lived in the apartment both above and behind the shop in question. Chiyo had been exhausted as she had been lately trying to restore her Ojiisan's energy with her special form of cooking while at the same time trying to find where this constant power leech was coming from. It crawled over her skin and made her ache but she couldn't pin point it. That wasn't her strong suit. The fact that there *was* a constant drain had only been something she'd learned when Mamoru had attempted to heal him--Though she was fairly certain that was the case beforehand as well.

Chiyo leaps out of her bed, stumbling in the darkness, as she reaches for her cellphone and the one weapon that she was familiar with in the house: A baseball bat. Don't ask where that came from but it was for intruders and not magical girl shenanigans as she wasn't immediately clued in that the cause was Sunbreaker. To the window she runs peering outside, then to the other side where she SPOTS Sunbreaker cursing in the garden of all places.

"What the..."

Fumbling for her phone she switches from calling the police to texting a different number quickly.

TTEXT from Chiyo to Usagi: Sunbreaker at shop !!!

That's all she sends, all she can send, before taking a deep breath. The baseball bat is left to lean against the door as she barrels out running down the steps two at a time, while yelling, "Let's cook!" to begin her transformation.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Night time is ideal for patrol time, especially when you're avoiding sleep but can't hide out in your bed with the covers up and a flashlight out because your cat is a traitor who will demand you study if you're going to waste perfectly good sleeping hours on comics and video games. So much for being a revered and respected Princess! It hadn't even taken Luna two weeks to be totally over it and go back to griping at her about reasonable sleeping hours and performing well in school and living up to your legacy.

Ugh, who needed any of that! She was an independent Senshi who didn't need a babysitter! Luna couldn't argue with her if she wanted to stay out all night on patrols! Ha!

(She would soon learn she is wrong about this. But that's a story for later.)

So Sailor Moon is doing her heroic thing, patrolling around the city - she'd started out in the neighborhoods near the school, then figured she'd branch out, make a lazy circle around through the wards, and if nothing turned up, see about snacks at the night market. It was shaping up to be a great plan, when her phone buzzed, and revealed a message from Chiyo -

Sunbreaker?! At Nounamu?!

    TEXT from Usagi to Chiyo: OMW!

She'd land on the roof of Nounamu Sweets as soon as she could, and strike her classic pose once steady on her feet.

"Sunbreaker! Don't you know the store is closed? Even the makers of delicious sweets need a good night's rest!" Ugh, tell her about it. She'd love to be getting a good night's sleep. "Setting off alarms at this hour is ruining everyone's precious sleep!"

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Niji Dasshu is, frankly, starting to get used to this whole magical girl thing. Go out for a run, fight a youma. Go to the Arcade, meet a few magical girls. Open a gym supply closet, have to bash a youma. Okay that one was weird, but she can now add 'destroyed an entity of evil with a jump rope' to her list of things she'd done.

    So the fact that she's in Pikarigoaka walking home with a bag of books (which she showed up right before closing and bought before anybody saw her buying books much less what books she was buying) and happens to hear a store alarm? She reflexively looks at the geode hanging from a rope around her neck. It's not lit up though. "Oh, good. Just regular crime for the regular cops to deal with." she says.

    Of course, two more steps after that, and it starts to glow. "Oh come ON." she says, rolling her eyes and grabbing the necklace to hold the stone up to her face. "I called that one and you KNOW it." she said, looking around. Ugh, she'll have to leave her books somewhere and go back for them later... sometimes this whole hero thing is super inconvinent.

    Following the hot-cold glow of her geode brings the recently henshined Geode Girl Loyalty towards Nounamu Sweets, towards Sunbreaker standing in the garden pitching a fit, towards that negative energy.

    And looking up towards Sailor Moon, who is absolutely mid Justice Speech, which is something Loyalty can really appreciate. "Also..." she begins, pointing a finger at Sunbreaker "in addition to ruining sleep, I think you might be trampling flowers! Double-rude!" she says. Well, okay look. She was still learning and the girl in the Sailor Suit and boots stole a lot of the good lines here.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Nighttime. In another life, it'd be time to play games, but... she feels like she hasn't patrolled enough the last few days, so out she goes, making her way towards a distant Witch trail. A sound like a car alarm going off in the distance gets her attention. Uggggh. Have those ever prevented a robbery? Everyone just ignores car alarms now because they always go off by accident. Although she hasn't heard one in awhile, come to think of it.

    It's kind of hard to ignore it and focus when she's looking for trouble.

    ...Alright, she'll be nosey and take a look. See if this car is ignored, or what the attitude of the owner is as they come out to turn it off.

    Amy roof-hops a few buildings over, and oh hey that's Nounamu sweets! And the alarm... is coming from there? It's a burglar alarm? She's never heard one of those go off in her entire life. She scratches her head as she thinks. Maybe she wouldn't care if this was some big box store or whatever, but like... it's the family business of her classmate and ally! So either it's actual burglars who will be easily chased off when faced with a real-life magical girl, or...

    ...Or it isn't burglars at all.

    Amy squints from the roof across the street. It's hard to see inside in the dark. She leaps across to the roof of the store-- and Sailor Moon is there!

    "It's Sunbreaker?! The hell's she want--" And then the look she's giving Usagi goes from confused to worried. Does Sunbreaker know Guardian Daifuku lives here?

    She looks around for Sunbreaker. "Are you the one responsible for that candy youma the other day?? Got a bit of a sweet tooth, Sunbreaker? Alright come out and..."

    Amy slumps a bit. "Y'know, I really don't wanna just fight you, ya know? I'd really rather talk and reach an understanding and stuff. I just wish you'd listen instead of insisting on this plan... Can't we do something else? There's gotta be a better way..."

Makoto Kino has posed:
By coincidence, Sailor Moon isn't even the only Sailor senshi out on patrol tonight. In Jupiter's case, she'd just finished a circuit around Penguin Park... more a relaxing walk than anything, spent listening to the murmuring of the night air through the trees. At least until the tranquility was split by the shrilling of an alarm.

She'd sprinted for the sound, but finding Sailor Moon and others on the case, Jupiter slows to a more measured walk as she arrives at the storefront. The low heels of her boots strike an unhurried rhythm on the pavement as she walks into view. And... yeah, that sure is Sunbreaker from the attack on the culture fair a few months ago, isn't it. Jupiter folds her arms in front of her chest. "Seriously?" is all she says.

Kazuo Saitou has posed:
In Kazuo's case, it's not even patrol. He'd been out checking in with a couple of friends he hasn't seen in a while, largely because he may have been behaving, and they may possibly have dropped out of school and miiight possibly be avoiding the police.

And then alarm, and he knows what's in that direction.

Alarm meant friends sprinted the other way, but he ducked into cover before changing anyhow ... and, on arrival, paused a little further back. Everyone else is confronting Sunbreaker. But the glass shards indicate the window broke out, not in.

Maybe he'll hang back a little. Just for a moment. There's only room for so many people to make dramatic speeches at once, anyhow, and everyone else has priority.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker went entirely still when the alarm went off. Buck buck BUCK! She waited... and nothing. Whew. She got to her feet and--

"OH COME ON!" Sunbreaker snapped before turning to Sailor Moon. "Why are you EVERYWHERE I HAVE TO BE?!" she asked, pointing a finger accusingly at Sailor Moon. "If I didn't know any better I'd think you were stalking me! And I didn't WANT to set off the alarm! But their door SUCKS and I TRIPPED! Blame the idiots who don't oil their doors!" she yelled, glaring up at her.

... Then... "I would *never*," she snapped, glaring at Loyalty. "Ugh. Why do YOU keep popping up too?! Nobody comes for your rainbow-brite flank, but ohhhh, you just gotta show up everywhere, don't you?!" she yelled, her rage, her anger unsurmountable! "Flowers like these are grown with care and love and I'm a villain, not a monster!"

AND OH MY GOSH THEY WERE POPPING OUT EVERYWHERE! LIKE THE FLOWERS! "No, the candy youma was NOT me! I am brilliant, and wouldn't use candy for such things. You just don't tamper with a person's food, that's rude."

... And then Another fuku. "..."

"........." Well, this had escalated quickly. There were FOUR of them! FOUR! HOW DID THEY ALWAYS FIND HER?!

Wait. WAIT. This was an opportunity. All of them here... it looked like a trap. And this... Her options, in many ways, were to back off, admit the truth...


She gave a laugh, a hand moving to her mouth. "Ahhhh. I see how it is. Sailor Moon. I suspected you were connected to this shop. Now this trap? It all makes sense. It was you who found the flowers I had corrupted in the mountains a week ago and took them, wasn't it?! Well, it doesn't matter. Now they've gathered enough energy to suit my needs." And then... Then she ran into the greenhouse.

And closed the door.

"HA! See how much you like it when the door sticks on YOU!"

... She. She was serious. There wasn't... she didn't even summon a youma. She just... walked into the house made of glass. And closed the door behind herself. Simple solutions, to complex problems. Now she just had to...

... Ah crud. She... she actually didn't know where the flowers WERE! "Make sure they can't get in!" she said before holding out her arm and her familiar surged out and... coiled around the door knob.


Hissing and trying to bite any hand that came near it. While Sunbreaker started looking around the greenhouse! Crud crud crud where was iiiiiit?!

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Alighting behind the gathering justice-speech of magical girls, Rashmi clears her throat. "So uh... was that Sunbreaker I heard yelling from fifty meters up and across the street?" Clutching Nicomachea to her chest, the Device Mage peers around the gathered justice-speech of magical folk, looking worriedly through the glass. "Daifuku... ...are there like... exotic plants in there or something?"

Because this *has* to be purposeful, after all. It can't be random chance piling up on random chance to create a situation right out of the more-comedic kind of fiasco thriller.

Even in a magical world, that would just be silly, right?

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
It's always better to confront Sunbreaker with backup - Sailor Moon's learned her lesson on that, when it comes to a fight. She's happy to see Amy and especially happy to see Sailor Jupiter, throwing her a warm smile, and when she sees the bright rainbow streak that is Loyalty coming up beside her, the smile turns into a grin. This is amazing!

And then Sunbreaker starts talking. "I am not stalking you! I - "

Wait, a connection to this shop? Huh? Should she... go with it? Sailor Moon actually pauses and considers that, because on the one hand, it's not a bad thing for Sunbreaker to think this shop was under the protection of a magical girl, especially when it really was, especially when Sunbreaker didn't know that girl's true identity, but -

"Hey, wait, flowers you corrupted -"


"Did she just run into the greenhouse?"

Rashmi comes down behind them, joining the group, and Sailor Moon turns her way. "It was, and this is definitely one of the weirder days we've had."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
While the other magical types begin to surround the area, the alarm continues blaring. At least until Sunbreaker locks herself in the green house with it's glass walls that were admittedly hard to see through due to the humidity within fogging the sides, and the plants offering further cover. It wasn't too large a building. Perhaps the length of two sheds put end to end running the length of the building.

Then, abruptly, the blaring alarm gives one final chirp of protest and dies. Literally *dies* with a smashing crack of something breaking in the shop itself.

Silence reigns a few moments as a quiet skkrrrrrraaaaape of something against the ground can be heard... and then a figure emerges from the shadows of the building.

Culinary Guardian Daifuku.

The Kine, the mochi hammer she carries, drags along the ground behinde her as she walks. Shadows cover her face which is downturned a bit. Save for a glint of firey light igniting in her eyes as she hisses out, "SunBreeakeeerrrrrrRRRRR!"

Plants from the mountain. Plants that were HERS. Plants that were STEALING POWER from her grandfather. To say she was angry is a *severe* understatement.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy starts to run to the greenhouse but pauses when the familiar is deployed. She looks up at Rashmi as she hears the other magical girll. "Damn, being able to fly must be cool..."

    She turns back to Sunbreaker, arms folded. "You'll have to come out with the flowers, you know. we'll just wait."

    Amy smiles at her own cleverness.

    "...wait, shit, you can do that teleport thing! Uhhhhh..." She looks back to Rashmi. "Are short-range teleports easier than long-range ones? Or is that not really an option here?"

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Loyalty... doesn't know... entirely what's going on. There's no star bear or fire. So maybe this can still be talked through. She waits for the other girls to have their say - she didn't go to Evil Jerk Negotiation Situation school. Didn't get that memo.

    But it doesn't work anyways, and now, Sunbreaker is - walking inside the greenhouse? Loyalty walks up to just open the door, before the now wrapped around the knobs familiar hisses at her. She rolls her eyes. "Bad snake."

    "Just a moment guys." she says. Then she looks around, dashes off, and returns with a stick. Just a regular every day stick.

    And Loyalty starts using her speed to rapidly tag the eel on the head with the stick before moving back, incredibly quickly intent on either making it unravel to come after her, or just bopping on the head until it achieves something akin to a lack of consciousness. She could also go through a window but that's option B - this isn't her greenhouse. At some point in the middle of doing this she thinks to check if the greenhouse has a back door, though. This lets her stop in front of the Cullinary Guardian "Hey are you with the fire girl in the greenhouse because if you are I'll get to you in just a moment." she says before dashing off to continue.

Makoto Kino has posed:
A look of genuine affront comes onto Sailor Jupiter's face at Sunbreaker's speech. "What kind of third-rate supervillain wannabe messes with flowers?" she demands - not that she's likely to get an answer at this point. Other than, clearly, 'Sunbreaker.'

She shifts her stance, giving Daifuku a worried sidelong look before letting out a frustrated noise. "Okay, enough of this." They obviously can't just smash their way into the greenhouse, but--

As Loyalty ratatatats away at the eel, Jupiter strides up alongside her, pressing fist into palm. Bright threads of electricity crackle between her hands as they part - electricity which leaps from her fingers to the eel when she extends them towards the youma. "Knock that off!"

Kazuo Saitou has posed:
Let's amend a previous statement: two figures emerge from the shadows of the building. Because at Daifuku's arrival on the ground floor, Kunzite slips in to keep her company. It's less likely that anyone will guess where she's coming from if there's someone else there with her; and so behind the shadowed, furious Culinary Guardian is a guardian of a different sort, manifesting out of the darkness like a pale and uniformed spirit. He does not look angry. He does not look like he's experiencing any emotion.

Except that he says "No, she's fine," to Loyalty as if they knew each other casually. From, er, somewhere.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker did, in fact, run into the greenhouse. Because in a greenhouse, nobody could get you unless they broke open the door. And with her eel on it, they'd never get in. Truly, her brilliance even amazed herself most days. She truly was amazing.

Of course, there was more yelling outside. Weird, that. Did more arrive? Seriously, it had been ten seconds.

Oh well, it wasn't that bad, her eel had it.

Her eel most definitely DID NOT HAVE IT.

It hissed and kept trying to bite the hand that was booping it, but alas it was nowhere near fast enough. But, surely, it could handle this torrent, right?! Then... LIGHTNING!

The eel was now smoking. Charred. Loose on the door... but... but it could end--

And then, with the poke poke poke. The eel didn't move. It just stared at the living embodiment of rage that was approaching and... NOPE! It just NOPED out of there. It didn't even return to Sunbreaker. It just VAMOOSED like a frightened dog.

But they still had to deal with the door that stuck! HA! The thing that caused this whole mess to bregin with. NONE COULD FACE IT! It was unstoppable!

Meanwhile, Sunbreaker... was moving around the greenhouse. She REALLY should have come here before, as Hinoiri. To see where he PUT THE BLOODY THINGS! Come on, how hard would it be to find tainted Kirakirafantastica flowers?!

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Yeah, teleporting isn't something I'm all that good at yet," Rashmi answers Amy with a sigh. "But, it's okay. Daifuku, uh... doesn't look like she'd wait for that, so let's just... make it *not* her greenhouse in particular.

    << *BONG!* >> << TIME-SPACE BARRIER >>

Above Nicomachea's fluttering pages, a ball of grey-green static forms... Then explodes outwards, shunting everything magically active -- including the combatants -- half a dimension over, sweeping everything into an empty, vaguely Matrix-tinted copy of Tokyo.

On the upside, now Daifuku doesn't have to worry about breaking her greenhouse!

On the almost-downside, it'll probably be a lot easier to locate those flowers. Which pointthere'll be the mahou contingent to deal with.

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Loyalty watches Jupiter taze the disobedient danger noodle. "...cool!" she notes before she returns to bopping it. The eel looks like it's about to give up anyways, but then suddenly it just slithers off. "Yeah that's right, snake! You better run." she says to the eel.

    And then she turns around to see Guardian Daifuku. "Oh." she notes. "Are you uh... here for sunburn, too?" she asks. Then the world goes all... weird and isolated. "What did she do? Or you do? WHO DID THAT AND IS IT BAD OR NOT?!" she asks about the barrier.

    Then she just kind of... wisely gets out of the way of the Guardian and her giant hammer. "Really shoulda brought my bat though." But what was she supposed to do, carry it everywhere?

    "UUhhhh.... Anybody got a baseball bat? Or a pole? Or a really sturdy stick? I didn't get awesome electricity powers or anything." she notes. She's not sure if she needs it to fight Sunbreaker or to save Sunbreaker yet. Maybe both.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Jupiter zaps and Rashmi places some kind of barrier. Loyalty asks about it. "I think that removes all civilians from the area so we don't have to worry about hurting them. But... bystanders wasn't really the problem here..." she looks nervously at the greenhouse.

    Rainbow asks for a bat. "All I can make is this." she summons her rocket launcher. "It'll disappear the moment I make another, though..."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
A barrier goes up, and Sailor Moon grins, leaping down from the roof to land beside Sailor Jupiter. "Thanks, Page Mage! With the barrier up, we don't have to worry about damaging any of the glass or flowers! There's no need to worry about bats."

With a wink, she grabs her tiara, and winds her arm back for a throw.

"Moon Tiara Action!"

And the tiara goes flying, metal transformed to gleaming cosmic energy. The glass, much like a shed months ago, stands no chance. It shatters as the tiara flies through the glass door and out the back, shards raining down on the plants but not striking Sunbreaker. By the time the tiara flies back to Sailor Moon, she's grinning proudly. The door is wide open, sheets of glass having fallen down to open the way for them.

"After you, Daifuku-chan. I think she's got something to say to you."

Makoto Kino has posed:
Sailor Jupiter was in the process of reaching for the greenhouse doorknob, ready to yank it open before Daifuku gets there and does something drastic. Then Sailor Moon does the drastic for her. Jupiter is left blinking for a moment at the fantastic trail of shattering glass in the tiara's wake. "Okay," she says. "That works too."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Is she okay? The sort of threat from Loyalty about which side she's on doesn't get answered as Daifuku instead begins to raise that hammer. Begins to, but pauses when the voice behind her speaks up. It wasn't entirely familiar... but she also was just so, so angry. So incredibly angry.

The barrier popping into existence, and the tiara exploding the greenhouse does at least make it easier because then she doesn't have to worry about such silly things as doors. Her path veers to the side of the courtyard, just a bit, so she's facing the middle of that greenhouse now exploded.

And the hammer comes DOWN onto the ground cracking it beneath her with a hiss of explosively released steam racing out toward poor, newly revealed Sunbreaker. She doesn't even call out the usual 'Baine Marie' cry as she instead howls, "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU YOU SON OF A --!"

Kazuo Saitou has posed:
'Page Mage,' Kunzite mouths silently. Well. It's valid. And there are sturdy sticks of a certain sort in the vicinity, he knows, but he is very definitely not going to point Loyalty at them, because Daifuku might murder them both first and then Sunbreaker. But --

Ah. There's the other blunt instrument fan.

And he's glad he's behind Sunbreaker at the moment, because he's not sure he can shield against steam. He lifts his hands all the same, ready to shield the Culinary Guardian if necessary --

Grudgingly, also ready to shield Sunbreaker if necessary. Just in case she's literal.

(She's probably literal. Hopefully she'll come out of it.)

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker was so gosh darn annoyed. WHO HAD THIS MANY FLOWERS?! WHY GROW THEM ALL IN A ... greenhouse. OKAY FINE BUT IT WAS STILL ANNOYING! She was never going to--

Oh, that was convenient. Suddenly a barrier was up and much of the greenhouse plants disappeared. And there it was. HA! Stupid magical girl, she gave her exactly what she wanted! Ha! What a fool!

AND THEN THE TIARA! She shrieked, covering her face. "Buck it! It's the cabin all over again!" Stupid magical girl, she was ruining all of Sunbreaker's plans! What a jerk!

No matter, she--

Why did she smell--

She looked over in time to see Daifuku launch STEAM at her! She swirled in place for a moment, forming a barrier beneath herself and being lifted up by it.

She flew up and righted herself, hovering a good ten feet up and panting. What in the world?! Why was Usagi so pissed at her?! She glanced to Daifuku and... oh. OH! "Wow. You look pissed. Seriously. Calm down. I'm not even attacking the candy or anything. You don't have anything to really get upset about. I'm just going to grab my flowers and well earned energy and go!" And then she dove towards the flowers...

And there they were. They might have been lovely once.... but now the flowers were red and black, a beautiful, if grim, crimson bouquet...

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Loyalty pauses. Kill her? She was pretty sure they didn't do killing. And then she looked around at the others. Wait! There were others! "Uhhh. Guys? or well, mostly girls? We don't do the whole 'gonna kill you thing', do we? I mean, at least I don't. I feel like we should kinda uh, step in?" she offers. Unsure.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"On it," Rashmi answers loyalty, for it's Daifuku's declaration of intent that *truly* worries the redhead. Enough to have her flitting ahead to get in front of the rampaging Culinary Guardian. "Hang on, hang on," she says, waving her hands in front of Daifuku's field of vision. "Don't do something that can't be fi--"

And Sunbreaker doubles down.

What a *jerk.*

"Hey Ironbutt! *Question!* What happens if someone spent every day in that greenhouse around *your flowers,* huh? What would happen to them?"

Because Rashmi has a good idea what would happen.

So she's pretty sure she knows *why* Daifuku is apparently in a killing rage.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Sailor Moon is all for giving Sunbreaker a usual butt-kicking, but uh - uh - uhhhhh -


Checking in really quickly because oh dear, oh dear, she's looking very mad actually and wait, hadn't she been saying something about her grandfather, at Khorma?

Oh, fuck.

There's only one thing to do - and then Sunbreaker doubles down. Well-earned energy? Well-earned energy?!"

"No," Sailor Moon says, and there's a hard edge in her voice now. "We stop her if and when it looks like she's going to go further than Sunbreaker usually does."

In her mind's eye, she's thinking of months ago, of her parents panicking because her brother came home with singed clothes and burnt hair, she's thinking of her brother with a witch's kiss on his throat, talking about a circus. Even more than that, she's thinking about the Moon, burning. Blood on the ground. Blood on her hands.

"But if anyone stops her
before she gets to swing that hammer into Sunbreaker's kneecaps, you'll go through me. 'kay?" And she doesn't turn her back on Sunbreaker - she's not heartless. But she does step aside and raise her voice.

"You should really, really, really reconsider the side-effects of your plans!"

Makoto Kino has posed:
"Really?" Sailor Jupiter gives Sunbreaker an extremely unimpressed look. "You really can't get it into your head why people get mad when you go around corrupting things and stealing people's energy? Are you just trying to get your ass beat?"

She looks to Sailor Moon, listening, and nods. "Fair enough," she says, "but--"

Once again she presses fist to palm and brings it away spitting blue-white sparks of hissing energy. "--I wanna do something about those flowers, too."

She throws out a hand, releasing a thin lance of electricity that arcs toward those red-and-black flowers.

Kazuo Saitou has posed:
"Understood," Kunzite says to Sailor Moon. He reorients toward -- oh. Oh, Jupiter's already on the flowers. Excellent.

But they eat energy. Hopefully that lash of lightning will either overload them or set them on fire. If they eat Jupiter's attack, though, the next thing that happens will be his making a curving gesture with both hands, and a bubble of shadow springing up around the flowers.

Can't eat the stray energy if he's absorbing it first.

Granted, if Daifuku doesn't literally hit Sunbringer out of the air, he may be in for a headache when she crashes through the field of his power, but at least he's tuning it not to try to pull from her. Or from the flowers. That's not his to mess with.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Daifuku is mad. Amy doesn't blame her, but also can't explain out loud to anyone who doesn't know. "Uhhh... Do we... wait do you even have lethal powers? Even beside..."

    she glances at Dash. "'Guys' is pretty gender-neutral, but..."

    Frantically, Amy looks over as Sunbreaker dives for the flowers. She runs over, grabbing Daifuku's shoulder to try and get her to stop for a few seconds.

    The redhead looks at Sunbreaker. "That's it? You gathered energy with just flowers and don't need to drain people or hurt anyone? Take them and go. We don't need to fight this time. Just leave, and never come here again!"

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Loyalty looks at Sailor Moon, then she looks at Daifuku, then she looks at Sunbreaker, and back to Sailor Moon. She's at least a little troubled. "I'm not saying she doesn't deserve a few spankings or anything - she's been nothing but a pain in the butt every time I've seen her." Loyalty says.

    She doesn't go past Sailor Moon, but she does walk over and pick up a long metal peice of frame from the greenhouse. She doesn't say anything more, but there's a look of determination on her face, too. She's not opposed to seeing Sunbreaker get some airtime, but she's got her own limits on what she's going to allow, and she'll go through the other magical girls to keep her own ideals intact.

    Well, actually, she's going to go around and past them, but it's the same general idea. She idly taps the end of the broken frame against her shoe like a batter before taking a swing.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:

The word is quietly spoken to the familiar Device Mage that waved her hands in front of Daifuku. It's calm. Deadly calm. Almost pleading... Because while her rage was warranted it was also focused and not at these friends who had come to help her originally. These weren't the people she wanted to hurt so *MOVE* because ...

Because Daifuku kept walking forward one foot in front of another as if the energy that currently fueled her wasn't entirely her own. As if the firey rage that rose up in her was growing to an inferno she was finding hard to contain. Indeed the very air around her was starting to heat up enough that strands of her hair start to waft up around her floating on the updraft.


Fire flicks and licks at the apron she wore until it singes away leaving the once friendly-pink kimono she wore darkening from the ashes till it was red and singed with black. Her arm extends to sweep to the side pushing Rashmi out of her way as she starts to pick up her pace--

Just at the moment that Amy grabs her shoulder. Her head SNAPS around toward Amy with golden eyes now deep orange with sparks of red run through them.

Sanbo-Kojin, the God that provided the Culinary Guardians with their power had three faucets: Focusing fire for useful purposes like cooking. Acting as a means of meting out justice by protecting the household. And the wild, rampant, destruction of a fire out of control. Energy is practically spilling off of Daifuku.

People were trying to stop Daifuku, people she didn't really want to hurt, and it kept her from the target of the diving Sunbreaker. Her arm pulls back as she takes one final step forward to throw her hammer sending it whipping through the air toward Sunbreaker with her enough of her strength behind it that the wood of the hammer catches fire mid-flight on it's path to impact with Sunbreaker.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker did hesitate, just for a moment. When Rashmi called out. What happened?

... She didn't know. It was never supposed to happen like this. He'd been nice and... And there was no way she could admit it, though. That all of this was just a mistake. That she'd messed up. That she... that she'd... just wanted to bring a piece of her home back with her. Was that so bad? But she wouldn't be a failure. She wouldn't be... she wouldn't look a fool over something like sentiment. She was strong. She was powerful. She was perfect.

"Who cares?" Sunbreaker asked. Once she had the flowers, the old man would be fine. She'd--

Electricity. Her eyes went wide and she veered to the right, hard. Her hand reaching out.

And she caught the lightning. GAHHHHH! BAD IDEA! Okay, now she was less flying, more falling as the electricity made her body tense up and--

And she had about a second to realize 'Wait, why is that sun coming at my face?'

And then there was a resounding, flaming BOOM! As it connected with her and she was yeeted at mach Daifuku across the area. She slammed *through* the barrier of Daifuku's house, clear out the other side, smashing through many walls and out of sight...

... Was.... was she gone? It was, possibly, a bit anti-climatic. One moment Sunbreaker was there, trembling from electrical shocks. The next, just poof. Gone.

But any who decided to go around the building to check... would find her.

Cratered against the side of a building, the hammer head... lodged into the side of said building. The handle holding her 'up'... a big bruise across her chest from where it had hit her. Maybe it was luck. Maybe it was Daifuku's skill. Maybe it was the magic of the girls, but the hammer head itself hadn't hit her directly at that last moment.... possibly saving her life. As it was? She was slumped over the handle that was holding her up. Lightly groaning.

Makoto Kino has posed:
"Okay," Sailor Jupiter says aside to Amy, "but where do you think these things were collecting energy from?" She rears back a fist, building charge for another blast at the corrupted flowers. "'Cause I'm betting it was the people who took care of them--"

She'd begun to shoot an accusatory look toward Sunbreaker for confirmation, except that, well... Sunbreaker is not there. Sunbreaker has been knocked into next Tuesday. Jupiter's breath hisses out of her in a sigh and she lets the energy fade from her hand for the moment, eyes tracking toward Guardian Daifuku instead. Watching to see if that massive blow has done anything to quell her rage.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Sailor Moon softens at the conflict in Loyalty's face. "I'm not going to let Daifuku-chan kill her. Even if I have to get hit with that hammer myself. But she does deserve to get whacked a few times, for what she did."

That's the least of the things she deserves. Sailor Moon won't let anyone die - but Sailor Moon hunted a Witch for her little brother. If Daifuku wants to do the same for her grandpa -

And then it doesn't matter, because Guardian Daifuku is bursting into flame, her pretty kimono turning black with char, her voice hard, her eyes sparking, and her hammer ignites as it flies through the air -

And Sailor Moon is shaking her head at Amy, for even suggesting that Sunbreaker just be allowed to go. Jupiter's got the exact right idea, and she doesn't need to say it now, even if she's feeling a spike of guilt herself. She's wondering if Sunbreaker got the idea from Catra. She's wondering if this is her fault, for letting Catra go, just because she did the same thing, but to enough people that every one of them would just have a - bit of a bad day - instead of suffering day by day, weakening, terrifying their loved ones -

And then the hammer strikes with a boom that sends Sunbreaker flying.

Well, there she goes.

And - "Jupiter-chan, Kunzite-kun, will you to stay with Daifuku-chan? I - don't think she needs to go after her, but I think she did enough, but someone should go after Sunbreaker..."

But before that - she walks over to Daifuku, with her burning kimono and angry eyes, and she hugs her, quick, tight, hard. "You got her. I'm going to go and make sure she knows not to ever, ever do that again, okay? But you got her. And that's enough, right, Chiyo-chan?"

The words are whispered, jsut for the two of them, and then before anything else can be said to her, Sailor Moon is running off after the path that Sunbreaker flew through. She'll follow the path of broken walls to find her. It's a little odd the holes are almost horse-shaped, but it's a much-needed moment of levity.

Niji Dasshu has posed:
Loyalty, does, in fact, let the attack connect. She stands by. It's a tense moment, a moment that's bookended by two very different opinions. One wanting to be merciful and one wanting her to get the beating that she deserves. She doesn't catch the girl as she goes flying through the air, either. Which she both does and doesn't regret as the girl is launched through the air and through the Barrier-House.

    That's about all she can take though, and she is gone after that. Not dissappeared - it's very easy to tell where she's gone. You just have to follow the trail of rainbow energy left in her wake.

    She's gone to end up where Sunbreaker has finally come to a stop her body bruised and battered and broken. She looks at the girl and stands atop her, that metal frame still in her grip, both hands clutched around it as she rests it on her shoulder.

    And when Sailor Moon rounds the corner, Loyalty's first reaction is to yell at her. "That's ENOUGH. The girl's nearly broken in half, and she's not a monster, she's a girl like us." she says, firmly. "Anybody who wants to hit her again is gonna find out what it's like to be clubbed with this when it's going as fast as I move." Physics be damned, that wasn't actually a benefit her speed gave her, but they didn't need to know that now did they. "So unless you want to trace her path in reverse, back off." The determination she looked at Sailor Moon with was at least -trying- to match the seriousness Sailor Moon gave when telling her not to interfere.

    "I think she is going to need a medic, not a further beating." Or maybe a vet.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
It's only kind of expected, that Daifuku strog-armed Rashmi out of the way, and the Device Mage looses a yelp as she goes sprawling a couple feet away. Pushing herself up on her elbows, she watches the path of the flaming hammer in horror. That is *not* a normal attack, not when it's preceded by the symbol of service and home care charring to ash.

Unfortunately, there's only so much she can do in her current position, and 'halting a Mjolnir-but-on-fire' is not among them.

So she picks herself up off the turf. and hurries to Daifuku's side, very consciously *not* touching the Culinary Guardian but consciously placing herself within arm's reach. "Okay," she breathes. "Okay. You got her good, Daifuku. Good job."

Glancing at Amy, Rashmi considers for a moment, then shoots a quick telepathic message to the Puella.

    << She's angry because I'm pretty sure those flowers have been draining the guy who owns this place for awhile. They *were* hurting someone, someone she seems to care about a *lot.* >> The identity-protection dance can at times be inconvenient, but very, very necessary when one does not know the score on a case by case basis.

When Sailor Moon and Loyalty run off after the Sunbreaker comet, Rashmi gives Nicomachea another quick mental command.

    << *BONG!* >> << TELEPATHY >>

    << Is she still able to make trouble? >>

All gathered hear this one in the back of their minds; a very, very careful way for Rashmi to ask 'How badly is she hurt?' that dodges the idea of recriminations toward Daifuku.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy swings up the launcher to try and block the hammer. It's too fast, she can't get leverage...

    ...But maybe it did something?

    She just saw someone she doesn't want dead get knocked through a building. Of course she's gonna go check! "Later!" she answers Jupiter, and Amy leaps through the holes in the walls.

    "[Jesus.]" she looks at sunbreaker in shock.

    She holds up a hand -- the launcher was dropped back at the greenhouse -- at Dash's words, and reaches under her cloak to pull out her first aid kit, walking over slowly to Sunbreaker. "What are we gonna do, Sunbreaker? Your current plan is hurting people. It's hurting people badly enough to make them do that to you." She waves a hand at Sunbreaker. "Maybe you're in. no condition to talk right now. But sometime we gotta talk about finding a better way to get you home. Without hurting people to achieve apotheosis. You're only gonna end up having to fight the people of your homeworld too, if things keep going like this. Is that what you want? For everyone there to treat you like this, after all this effort just to get back there?"

    "...Where does it hurt. Can we get broken bones and stuff while all magic'd up?"

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
The hammer hit, Sunbreaker went flying. Through many things. The path of destruction was so similar to ones that Sunbreaker herself had created before, back when so many of these 'sparkle skirts' ahd started fighting her. Even in as foggy a state of mind as Daifuku currently was the similarity does strike her. Enough that she stops because...

Because Sailor Moon is there in front of her giving her a hug. One she could easily break out of if need be, but the reassurance whispered to her does cause her to grow still. Long enough that she starts to look around her at the devestation that was here. Some of which she'd caused. Rashmi who she had pushed to the side brings a twinge of regret, and the destruction to the greenhouse and the buildings. Her buildings. Sailor Jupiter who was easily as strong as she was, and who shared her love of cooking. Kunzite who... Seemed really familiar but who she didn't recognize either. He hadn't done anything *wrong* though, and it seemed he was containing the flowers that her gaze had refocused on.

Those damned flowers.

Now that there was no weapon in her hands, she just lifts them up to rub over her face taking quick, fast hiccuping breaths. The heat around her starts to quickly fade and cool.

It's a lucky thing that some of the others who didn't know her identity have left already because the next breeze that runs through ruffles her skirt which just floats away like white ash on the wind as she reverts from Daifuku to just Chiyo Sakai once again.

"...Ojiisan... Ojiisan's been so sick...." The words quietly come out with a little hiccuping cry as she lowers her hands again covering just her mouth and staring at those damnable Kirakirafatasia flowers.

Makoto Kino has posed:
Sailor Jupiter makes an annoyed sound when Amy rushes off, but there are honestly much more important things to focus on at the moment. The tall senshi moves to Chiyo's side, resting a hand against the back of her shoulder - supportive, but easily shrugged off. She's quiet for a few moments, just standing there. There are things words can't fix.

On the other hand... "I don't know for sure," she says, turning her focus back towards the flowers, "but at least some of the time, when you destroy the monster, the energy it was draining goes back to the people it came from. Right?"

In any case - it has to be worth a shot. She glances toward Kunzite as she steps forward, the little lightning rod on her tiara already beginning to spark. Overhead, even within Rashmi's Barrier, the sky snarls with thunder.

"You guys might wanna stand back."

Kazuo Saitou has posed:
"They can't hurt anybody right now." Kunzite's voice is quieter, gentler, as his shoulders relax. "And if they're what's been making your grandfather sick, he'll be getting better soon. Osaka knows the best kinds of things to give him; she goes through this all the time." He pauses. "She's a fan of protein. We can finally get around to teaching you how to make baklava, it's got enough nuts to help there." It's not as good as slipping out of henshin himself, but he doesn't want those flowers to have a chance to start eating Chiyo.

A pause, then, and he moves to stand beside her and Jupiter. The shield around the flowers themselves fuzzes out. He gestures, and it reappears around himself and Chiyo, keeping them safe from any stray arcs of lightning, shadowing the world for the two of them with a gentle coolness of its own. Tight quarters, for the two of them. But they'll manage.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Rashmi lowers herself next to Chiyo, settling on her knees on the grass. "I'm sorry," she says softly in response to Chiyo confirming her guesses. "But he won't be sick anymore... And he'll get better soon.

    << *BONG!* >> << SOLAR SHIELD >>

Rather than moving back, Rashmi erects a circular, domelike shield made of golden light-made-solid in front of the trio she kneels behind, as Kunzite's protection forms around himself and Chiyo. Because while Jupiter may be the Senshi of Thunder, that doesn't provide immunity to shrapnel. And by the sound of what's brewing above, the entire *greenhouse* might be shrapnel, and it pays to take precautions.

<< Yell out if you need help, guys? >> she asks over the telepathic comms net she set up.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker just groans. Is she fine? NO SHE'S NOT FINE OW! Did you SEE what hit her?! What about that screams 'fine' to you?! She lifted her arms up, gripping the hammer and, feebly, tried to shove it off. It didn't move. It was lodged in deep. "I'm not... in half... I can... still fight..." Sunbreaker muttered. It hurt. But she was strong. Invincible. Incredible. She was...

In so much pain.

She just went limp again and let her arms droop down. And right on time, Sailor Moon comes to save her. She-- Wait. Sailor Moon didn't have a rainbow hair... That was... Who? Loyalty?

Sunbreaker couldn't help but laugh. A cold, bitter laugh. "Loyalty? Really? T-that's... not... you're... heh. You're... being loya lto the... w-wrong person... I'm the bad guy... idiot. I'm the one... I'm the one you f-fight. I'm the one... e-everyone... h-hates. I'm the... I'm the m-monster here..." she muttered.

Who was Loyalty even protecting her from? Sailor-- SAILOR MOON?! That sent a shock through her. WHAT?! Why would... she...

Oh. It all made sense now. The grandfather. Why Daifuku was so mad. Why Sailor Moon was here.

Sailor Moon was Chiyo. Heh. It made too much sense. Purple hair normally, magically bleaches it. The perfect disguise. Both sweeties. Usagi wasn't mad about the candy. It was...

... It was because she was killing Sailor Moon's grandfather. After he...

And she felt that guilt. When Amy tried to help her, she just looked to her. "Idiots... all of you. Stupid... idiots... I... could destroy you. Every last one of you. If... if I really wanted. Why... why even help me? I'm your... your enemy..." she muttered.

But then, her eyes wavered to Sailor Moon. To Chiyo. And... and... She just couldn't. Of all the people she wanted to hurt... to drive her to...

"... I'm sorry..." she finally said. "Chiyo... Sailor Moon... I never... meant to hurt your grandfather... this all just... it all... I didn't want... I just... you can't understand. NONE OF YOU COULD EVER UNDERSTAND!" she screamed before erupting into fire. She gripped the hammer and then shoved it out, sending it scattering across the ground... and then falling forward, onto her knees, panting.

Oh Sora it hurt. It hurt so much. "Y-you could... never... understand... what it means... What... what I am. What I HAVE to BE! None of you could.... could ever u-understand my.... my destiny... my... everything... what it means to... for me.... to fail... I can't... I can't... I won't... be... a failure... I won't I won't I won't... I WON'T!" she screamed before she lunged forward and just *grabbed* Daifuku's hammer. Dark energy surged over her hand and across the hammer. She lifted it overhead. "I WILL BE SUNBREAKER! I WILL BE THE GREATEST! I WILL BE WORTHY! I WILL--"

And then the hammer turned into an angry orange cat.

"... What the hay? OH SORA CLAWS!" OH GOSH CAT CLAW WHIRLWIND! She shrieked and, in a poof of dark energy, was gone.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Sailor Moon skids to a stop when Loyalty yells at her, but she doesn't blame her - doesn't flinch either, puts her shoulders back and raises her head and says, "I know that. I came to make sure she was okay, because she is a girl like us. She's not a monster, but you can't torture people like that either."

And so she comes around, getting closer, because if Loyalty is going to clobber her - well, she's pretty durable. She's pretty sure she can handle it. And then - Amy is there too, and she's talking to Sunbreaker directly. Is that even going to work? Is she awake enough to hear them? Her earlier words had been pretty quiet, thinking Sunbreaker couldn't hear, but now - now she's awake and aware and protesting her own weakness, of course, and then she's - wait.

She thinks she's Chiyo?


Sailor Moon's eyes are appropriately wide and round as the full moon. She's not right at all, but - "Sunbreaker, just calm down alright, we need to make sure you didn't break too many bones -

And then there are flames and she flinches back, because those black flames are not what she wants anywhere near her, not after last time, not when it went so bad, no, no, not today. Sunbreaker is screaming and raving and then in a flash Bonito is on her, a whirling rage monster of claws, and Sunbreaker is gone. Sailor Moon is exhausted.

She'd started this exhausted, had gone on patrol to stave it off, and this - this isn't what she'd wanted. She's glad that she's understood Sunbreaker well enough, and she thinks, maybe, that this was an accident. Or at least, a little bit of one. I didn't want. I'm sorry. Those weren't words Sunbreaker said easily.

With a quiet sigh, she kneels down and opens her arms. "Bonito-kun, come here. I'll take you back to Chiyo-chan."

This is what she says first. She looks to Loyalty and Amy and says quietly, "She misunderstood. You both know my name's not Chiyo. I came after her to make sure she was alright, because Daifuku-chan deserved to send her flying, but Sunbreaker deserved for someone to come after her. She's - really messed up, and that doesn't excuse her. You can't hurt people's families, and even Sunbreaker knows that. That's... that's why she apologized."

She really, truly, wishes that Sunbreaker wasn't like this. But she remembers her loneliness and her sorrow and her stupid, stubborn pride, and she grimaces -

"She's not going to quit, Red. You can't talk her out of this. We just have to keep stopping her, and be there to pick up the pieces. Or, well, I do. I saved her life, so I've been reliably told what she does with it is on me to help fix."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy looks at the determined Sunbreaker, listens to her bluster. I can fight in that condition because this body was engineered to fight Witches. I doubt you're the same she thinks to herself.

    "Still a person. You miss your home. We can understand that. It's your methods that need to change."

    She looks at Sunbreaker for a moment. "If there are people in this world who exist only to be hated... Then I will resist the designs of such a cruel God until my dying breath. No one deserves to be destined for such. You can still change. We can fight fate."

    Aaand Sunbreaker's freaking out. Chiyo? What?? She can fight on in this condition?! "No! You don't have to! We can talk about this! Please!"

    And then, cat. She blinks at Sailor Moon, and looks away sadly. "I... I have to try, right? That's what Magical Girls do. We win with friendship."

    She looks at where Sunbreaker was standing somberly, speaking her thoughts to empty air. "This destiny you have to achieve... Is it what you really want? Is it really you, does it feel right? Or do you just... feel you have to, out of... some sense of obligation? Duty?"

    Amy hangs her head and sighs. She holds her upper left arm with her hand. "Who am I to talk? I'm always acting like I need to-- like I'm the one who has to protect you all." She shakes her head, "No, that's the wrong word. I can't protect you all. But like I'm more expendable. Because I'm old. But, she's... she was exiled from her whole world. Everything she knew. Doesn't she... what kind of life is that? What would you do? How desperate would we get in her shoes?"

    Amy sighs again, throws up her hands, and paces in a circle. "Of course in real life Magical Girling has to be more complicated than that. Nothing's ever that simple and easy. Welcome to the rest of your life, kids. It never gets simpler. Although hopefully one day you won't be in deadly combat every day." She slumps and finishes dryly, "Unless you made a contract to fight Witches..."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Bonito the rather chubby white and orange tabby cat finds himself without anything beneath him to attack as he had originally been hissing, spitting and clawing with hair raised in hackles and his tail POOFED. He hangs there a half-second only to fall to the ground landing on his feet.

Of course he did. He's a cat.

One last hiss and baring of teeth is offered in the 'direction' Sunbreaker had been, quite possibly saying something VERY unpleasant in his pidgin version of Felinese. Then he turns with a little shimmy-shake to face the remaining magical girls. One of whom he recognized at least in Sailor Moon. "... That was unpleasant." He utters in his deep bass voice, and he glances down toward his still-poofed tail with a harumph. He raises up on his hind paws to 'stand' with his tail sweeping forward so that he can try to smooth it out between his front paws.

At least until Sailor Moon makes the offer. Arms were better than ground so he bounds toward her to jump into her arms still ruffled but far more content.

Meanwhile, back at Nounamu...

Chiyo stands there when the others start to gather around her. The comforting touch of Sailor Jupiter's hand on her shoulder earns a small nod of thanks as she listens. Her gaze doesn't pry away from the flowers but it was a tired gaze now as it was the last thing left. Kunzite's reassurances do bring a spark of hope. Maybe that would do it. Maybe all his energy would go rushing back and he could finally rest and recover properly. "Okay. Yes. Destroy them. Please."

A small double-blink comes at mention of the baklava comes though and she finally looks away from the flowers toward Kunzite. It's faint, but she cracks a grin as she recognizes that particular promise and who it was made from originally. "... Yeah. Yeah, he'd like that," she agrees quietly.

When the barrier goes up she takes a half-step closer. It was tight. It was safer though. The second barrier beyond draws her gaze down to Rashmi as well, the newly dubbed 'Page Mage', she would have to remember for later.

And finally that snapping of lighting causes her to look back toward Jupiter while she works to dispose of the flowers. After the heat of her fury the cool barriers were a relief.

"Thank you all."

Makoto Kino has posed:
Kunzite's shield dissolves from around the flowers. Rashmi's Solar Shield goes up. Chiyo makes the request - the last thing Jupiter was waiting for.

No dissensions.

Sailor Jupiter plants her feet at shoulder-width and lifts both hands in front of her. "SUPREME THUNDER!"

The sky opens, with a deafening kra-THOOM of a thunderclap so close overhead that it rattles walls and windows all throughout the barrier. A column of raw energy slams down from on high, blasting away what's left of the greenhouse roof and engulfing the corrupted red-and-black flowers in blinding lightning, searing them right down to the root.

Niji Dasshu has posed:
Loyalty listens, and as she listens, her grip on the impromptu metal weapon slackens. Good. She moves away from Sunbreaker, and of course Sunbreaker tries to start more stuff, only to slip into apology, then try to fight again, and then get assaulted by a whirlwind of claw.    "Did that hammer head just... turn into... a cat?" Loyalty asked, pausing to scratch the back of her head. "Magic is weird, yo."

    She looks around, at the cat, and at Amy and Sailor Moon. "I don't know." she admits. "I just have to do what I think is right, in the moment." she says. "I don't have any teammates, I don't have any benefactors, I don't have a mascot. It's just me. So the only person I have to ask questions about how to do things is me... and the only person who passes judgement on me is me. And if I'd let you keep going after her, I wouldn't have been able to sleep tonight." Loyalty admits.

    "I know she deserves a good thrashing. If the talking won't work. But I don't want to see anybody become just as bad while trying to get her to stop being as bad, you know?" she says. "There's enough crap I have to fight out there."

    "But also, Red? I don't think friendship's enough on its own. We gotta use both, and in the right amounts." she says. She brings her hands up to her torso and clutches something underneath her shirt. "That's what I believe, anyways. Like, I think you know it'd be wrong to go after her family in kind, too. So there's gotta be limits. And I don't know what those are, till I see em'." she says.

    Then she pauses. "Well, I dunno what your name is." Then she's distracted by the sound of thunder ripping through the air. "Damn. That was. Loud."

Kazuo Saitou has posed:
The lightning is exceptionally vivid even inside the double layer of shields - Kunzite flinches reflexively even in henshin and shields his eyes, but that still leaves him blinking and not quite able to see what became of the flowers.

<< The noise and light aren't trouble, >> he amends over Rashmi's telepathic network. << Jupiter was dealing with the flowers. Daifuku was able to calm down and back off on her own. >>

... that was, in other words, not anyone having to put the Culinary Guardian out of rage mode the hard way. No need to be in two places at once.

And after a moment more of blinking, he admits, more than a little anticlimactic - "I can't see yet. Did it work?"

Rashmi Terios has posed:
Turning her head as the lightning gathers yet more, Rashmi still cringes as the titanic thunderclap strikes. Some noises are too loud *not* to be afraid of, after all!

And even turned away, with eyes closed, and behind a yellow filter, it's a good bit before she can blink enough of the afterimage away to receive information from her surroundings. "...I hope so," she answers Kunzite. "Because more drastic than that, I don't think there's a shield big enough to cover us all."

Once she can identify Chiyo's shoulder, *now* does she reach out and rest a hand on it. "Anytime, Daifuku-chan," she says gently. "Friends look out for each other."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
The flowers didn't stand a chance before that assault. Electricity pounded on them, like lightning striking a tree, they were turned to ash within moments.

When the light cleared, all that was left were some scorchmarks, ash and, hidden amongst the ash... a few small, silver seeds.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Bonito hops into her arms, heavy and round and comfortably fat, and Usagi makes sure to hold him properly, making sure his legs aren't left dangling in her grasp.

"This is Bonito - he's Daifuku's friend and guardian. He's not really a cat - or, well, he's a cat when he wants to be a cat and a hammer when he wants to be a hammer?"

She shrugs a little, because in the end is that really as important as the rest of this.

"Loyalty-chan, you did the right thing. If I'd been coming to beat Sunbreaker up some more, you'd be totally right to stop me. I stopped people from doing the same thing, for the same reason. I was going to let Daifuku-chan hit her once or twice and then tell her she had to stop, because - well, if anyone had stopped me from beating the Witch up that hurt my brother, I'd have been mad - so she gets to hit Sunbreaker-chan, for hurting someone important to her. But she doesn't get to kill her, and she wouldn't want to; she's a healer as much as a fighter."

And then she's got Amy to deal with, and she nods along with Loyalty's words. "There's more to this than friendship. I don't know what you know about magical girls, but so far? It's about saving people and stopping bad guys. Sometimes, we can make friends with the bad guys, and we stop them from hurting other people, but - we can't just let them hurt people, or talk to them without fighting. Innocent people need someone who can fight for them!"

Her voice has pitched up to Justice Speech levels of passion, and she dials it back.

"I feel sorry for Sunbreaker, for what she's gone through - I know about some of it. But her problems can't be other people's problems. You don't get to hurt people and then plead sad life."

And then, thunder booms, and concern crosses her face. "That was Jupiter-chan! Let's go Bonito!"

She leaps up onto a nearby lightpole, then to a roof, and goes running back to Nounamu Sweets to make sure that thunder wasn't a sign of the fight picking back up after all.

<<Is everyone okay?!>>

Kunzite's calm, steady voice gives the answer, and she breathes out in relief. When she reaches Nounamu Sweets' roof, she hops down to join her friends, releasing Bonito to reach Chiyo's side.

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Loyalty just exhales. "All of that makes sense then. It's just. A lot. To walk into. You know? I was just buying some b... some balls. For sports. Sportsballs." she says, blinking. That was close. "uhh I'm gonna go see what that noise was!"

    And she's off to meet with the rest of the group, and looking at the little silver seeds left behind. This may be problematic given that civilians are not supposed to be in barriers, according to what someone else said. "Wait, who is this?" she asks, inclining her head to Chiyo.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy walks over to pet the cat in Sailor Moon's arms. Her eyes widen a bit. "So soft..." The red Puella Magi looks to Loyalty when her alias is said, and nods. She looks away when Moon speaks up. "I've read a lot of manga. Heh. I just. Want to get away from that mindset of solving everything with brute force. I guess we wouldn't get magic attacks if they weren't needed sometimes. B-but... I kill Witches. Monsters. Not..."


    Amy jumps and looks in the direction lightning struck. "What was THAT?!" Rashmi's telepathy answers, and she relaxes, turning back to Loyalty. "When I'm like this? I'm thinking of 'Magical Rocket Girl Red.' What do you think? I've always been kinda bad at coming up with names."

    Except Amanda. She likes Amanda. And Amy.

    She looks between Loyalty and Moon (Or at least, the way Moon leapt off to.) Real magical girls. Or at least, realer than her. Right? Actual teenage girls chosen by whatever are saying not to lean into the solve-problems-with-friendship thing too much. They probably have a better natural sense of it than her.

    Rocket Girl Red cocks her head to one side, scratches the top of her head, and gives a smile. "You're right. Maybe I've... overcorrected... I do feel sad for her though."

    She turns and walks back through the building. And attempts to resume petting Bonito if he'll allow.

Makoto Kino has posed:
Sailor Jupiter was between the others and the lightning bolt, which means they don't have to see how she has to blink the dazzle of her own lightning out of her own vision before she can get a look at where the flowers had been. She steps carefully forward, mindful of the places where the ground is still smoldering, and kneels down to comb her fingertips through the ash left behind. "It worked," she reports over her shoulder, answering Kunzite. "They're gone. But... they left seeds behind." She pinches one of the small silver seeds between her fingertips and looks at it critically. "I don't know if they ought to be purified or what..." Looking over, she turns her gaze upward to Chiyo. "If you don't want them around, I can take them."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"Sailor Moon's idea," Rashmi chuckles, letting her shield shatter into shards of light, that sparkle away into nothingness. "And you're welcome."

With her sight mostly back to normal, and the tinnitus at manageable levels, she levers herself to her feet -- wobbling a bit to one side, yay inner ear! -- and turns to the returning mahou. "So... I don't hear any yelling anymore, I guess she left?"

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai draws a deep breath at that first kra-koom of thunder as the lightening starts-- And though she tries to watch the destruction of the flowers by Sailor Jupiter it becomes impossible. Instinct takes over. Perhaps a good thing, since self-preservation wasn't something she'd really been practicing much of lately. Her head snaps to the side toward Kunzite as he was the tallest, most shadow-casting figure around to help block the light. Much as she could. It still left after images behind her eyelids by the time she looks back, ears ringing as well.

"What?" It wasn't that she didn't hear, it was that it didn't quite parse at first because it felt like her brain had taken in a LOT of information at once via the light, and loud noises.

"It's over then?" She asks quietly looking forward with eyes gone back to their natural golden color instead of that nearly-red she'd had as Daifuku losing her mind. When the 'Culinary' part of Guardian Daifuku had fallen away.

The hand on her shoulder from Rashmi earns a thankful smile. "Thanks... Page Mage." Oh she'd have to tease her about that one a little bit, for certain, but it was at least a bit better of a name than just using her civilian one. Right? She'd never really thought to ask Rashmi if she used a different moniker, an oversight on her part.

BBonito for his part is satisfied being a cat. Even being a PET CAT when Amy comes to pet him. His eyes half-lid in a tired manner and he picks up a deep rumbling purr in spite of the fact he could talk a few moments ago. Then the thunder, and lightning. Very, very frightening though he surprisingly doesn't react to it as a normal cat would. Thankfully.

As soon as they're back in the courtyard, Bonito leaps out of Sailor Moons' arms as soon as he's allowed to so that he can bound over toward Chiyo's side. He attempts to at least as one paw raises to bop at the shields around the trio while they were protecting themselves from Jupiter's power.

When Loyalty asks 'who's that', it draws Chiyo's attention to blink in her direction. The figures were a bit fuzzy still though it was difficult to mistake the rainbow hair as anyone other than the girl that had been here prior. "I'm ... I was... Culinary Guardian Daifuku."

Kazuo Saitou has posed:
A squint, and Kunzite bows toward the - well - cat. "Ah, my apologies." The shadow shield dissolves away in the wake of Rashmi's sparkles, and he steps half-aside to clear Bonito's path. Still angled toward Jupiter and Chiyo, and Moon by default given her likely proximity to the two of them: "Do you want me to check one of them? I might be able to tell if they're still a problem."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai shakes her head quickly at Jupiter. "No, no thank you. I don't want to see those things again. Maybe they'll be useful somehow, somewhere else." And she's soon finding herself jumped at by a very rotund cat that she grasps in her arms without any issue. The furry canonball is easily held.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"She's gone. She says - she thought I was you, Chiyo-chan, and she's said she was sorry. I think - even with everything else she said, I think she meant it. I don't think she meant for things to get as bad as they did. Even when things are at their worst, she never, ever backs down - so... I don't know why she put these flowers here, but I don't think she really wanted them to hurt your grandpa. It doesn't make up for what she did, not at all, but - those words were for you, not me."

She's stepped up to be with Jupiter and Chiyo, and she nudges Chiyo very gently with her shoulder. "And hey, if she thinks I'm you, she'll probably stay away from your grandfather."

Comfort offered, she looks to Makoto and grins. "We heard your lightning from all the way down there! We were like, half a block down the street! Page Mage, your barrier is amazing, haha!"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "Soooo sooooofft." Amy dismissed her gloves to pet Bonito and is now... well, she needs a break too after all the stress and shouting, and if Bonito will accomodate the petting, she's happy to keep giving it. Smiling at the purring. Just. Petting the cat.

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Loyalty smiles and looks around. "Frankly, everybody was amazing." she says. "Also if Guardian Daifuku was the one with a hammer remind me to never get on your bad side either." she adds. "And also, I don't know anything." she winks.

    "But yeah. Is there... anything else we need to take care of?" she asks, looking around. "Eventually we gotta end up back up the regular world, right?"

    Loyalty pauses. "I'd like to corner her and figure out why she's doing all of this. Sunbreaker, I mean. Last time we fought our magic kinda cancelled out, and she ended up without any powers and just..." she pauses. "Maybe I should have hit her then after all, when she was unpowered. Maybe it could have saved her from eating a giant flaming mallet today. Then again, maybe she's just that thick-headed." she says.

Rashmi Terios has posed:
As was probably the point, Rashmi gets a little bit more used to the moniker the more often it's thrown around, and she chuckles, lifting her shoulder in a shrug. "I mean, it's *definitely* the second-nicest thing Nicomachea lets me do."

She mulls Sailor Moon's words over, frowning to herself, and privately resolves to ask about it, if ever the chance arises.

    << Thank you, by the way, >> she sends in a message confined to Loyalty, Moon, and Red. << For making sure she wasn't hurt to badly, I mean. Daifuku... I've seen a lot of people in that mood lately, and it was the best thing you could have done. So... thank you, again. >>

Letting out a long, slow breath, and nods to Loyalty. "Soon as everyone says they're ready, we can take a walk and I'll let the Barrier drop. Just... I don't think we all need to be clustered around Daifuku's greenhouse, people might ask questions y'know? And Iunno about the rest of you, but I'm a *terrible* liar."

Makoto Kino has posed:
"Please do," Sailor Jupiter answers Kazuo, already setting herself to the task of picking the silvery seeds out of the ash and dirt, gathering them into a cupped palm. "I kind of want to plant them," she admits, "but it'd be good to know before that if there's any dark energy left in them. It's not like my lightning purifies, beyond... well... the old-fashioned way."

She looks over to Sailor Moon with a rueful laugh. "Sorry," she says with cheerful self-deprecation. "I guess that was a little much, huh? It was the only way to make sure, though."

Kazuo Saitou has posed:
Without a word, Kunzite steps over to where Jupiter's picking at the ash, and lifts a hand again, cupping it to direct the effect ... and lets it glow with borrowed lightninglight. Much less of it than hit their eyes. Just enough to be able to see silvery glints clearly by.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai flashes a sad bit of a smile. She was much more soft spoken out of her henshin, but somehow her voice is still easily heard. Maybe because the ringing in her ears was making her talk a bit louder than she usually does. "That's me. I'm not usually like that," she admits to Loyalty.

Her gaze shifts to fix on Sailor Moon listening with eyebrows raising just slightly. Sunbreaker thought SHE was Sailor Moon? That was odd. The expression softens again looking merely worried, guilty, as the message of apology is passed on. "I see. I'll speak with Ojiisan and see where he got them from, perhaps. I..." She looks back to the ruined green house that she knew was only inside the barrier. It still was difficult to look at now. "I'll have to figure out an explanation for why they're gone now, too."

Slowly nodding, she draws a deep breath. "Right. The police are likely to come by to check on the alarm, too. Thank you. All of you." A walk would likely be needed to resolve everything once they popped back to the real world.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"No way, it was great. Evil-doers beware, Jupiter will be there!" Sailor Moon grins, butting up against Jupiter's shoulder - or, well, her elbow, with the height difference. "We can plant them at the school! In a pot, maybe? That way, if they go bad, we'll be around to make sure. I mean, I could try and purify them, but..."

She would rather not have them dissolve, like that poor dog did.

Even if it was a bit of a menace.

She reaches out and hugs Chiyo-chan again, tight, then steps back.

"I was out on a patrol - and I kind of want to keep going, if anyone's going my way? Which is, anyway, i guess."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy hears something that draws her attention away from Cat. Briefly.

    Loyalty asks why Sunbreaker is doing this. "She was exiled from her homeworld. She's gathering energy so she can transform into some kind of more powerful being and go home. She seems sure it's the only way to go home. But if she was exiled, won't she just have to fight whoever exiled her trying to do it again?"

    An explanation? "Your burglar alarm went off, and flowers have been burgled. Seems straightforward... although a bit odd. I guess it would leave people asking why..."

Rashmi Terios has posed:
At the question of whether there's anything left in the seeds to worry about, Rashmi throws a questioning glance at the huge book floating at her shoulder. Receiving only a << *BONG!* >> as audible answer, she looks back at Moon, Kunzite and Jupiter. "Nicomachea says if there *is* any Dark Energy, he can't detect it. Which is a pretty expert opinion, given the sensors he packs."

"And the explanation's pretty easy, Red-chan. The alarm went off because of a rock that broke a window. There's literally nothing else about what happened here that happened in the real world, far as I saw?"

    << Also, let me know when you've got free time, Amy-chan? >> Rashmi sends to the Puella. << You said you wished you could fly, and if you want I can give you lessons? In case we ever end up in a fight together again, and we need air-superiority. >>

Niji Dasshu has posed:
    Loyalty shrugs. "I was... actually on my way home. From. A place." Loyalty is, it turns out, not the best at lying either. "So... I should get my stuff and head back. I had to hide it somewhere to come over here." she explains. "So as soon as I can leave I'm gonna get back to that. But we should meet sometime soon. Maybe in the place. The one with the room that keeps getting bigger? Sorry I'm trying not to give anything away. I just. Ah." she says, clamming up. And when the barrier is gone, she has books to get. Hopefully they're still okay... she'd hate to have to wait even longer to finish her series!

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy's eyes go wide as she stares at Rashmi, mouth agape. "That's a thing you can TEACH?!" She holds her fists together a little below her chin. "Oh my gosh! That's awesome! Wait, shouldn't we all learn to fly, then??"

Rashmi Terios has posed:
"...Aheh," Rashmi says, looking around, then sticking one foot out to display the dragonfly-like wings fluttering just a bit away from her ankles. "...I mean I can put the spell on *people,* and they can get used to moving around with it. Also I've never *taught* anyone before, so..."

Perhaps there's a reason she was being quiet about it, Amy...

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy has gone from soft cat to omigosh I can fly?????? and some subtleties are lost on her. She looks at the wings. "Ooooooh. Neat! And so I'm good to start with since I can use explosions to slow my fall and worst case I probably won't die from a fall. Although I hope it doesn't come to that. Makes sense." She nods.

Makoto Kino has posed:
Sailor Jupiter grins over at Sailor Moon, though she keeps still so that Kunzite and Nicomachea can do their thing checking the seeds for Dark Energy. "That's pretty much what I was thinking," she agrees. "Pot them and see what sprouts... and if it's something bad, we'll handle it, but maybe it won't be? -- Anyway, once these are checked out, I'll join you, I was patrolling anyway myself."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai was about to start moving away toward the back of the shop while others spoke of possible excuses, and flying. Her gaze does linger on Kunzite and Jupiter checking on the safety of the seeds. When Rashmi's device confirms it she allows herself ot let out a small breath of relief. No one else would be harmed by them at least.

Sailor Moon draws her attention away as she's hugged again... and she leans into it lifting her arms to wrap around her friend tightly in return. It's held a few seconds longer than she normally would if only because she really DID need that hug at this point. She lets her go though with a nod, and a flash of a grin.

"I'm going to stay. I want to check on Ojiisan, and then there's the police or at least the alarm people I'll need to speak with. I'll handle it," she assures while stepping away again to run a hand back through her purple curls. "I'll let you know if he's all right," she assures. "If not, I'll ask... You-know-who." Did Mamoru have a secret name anymore? She'd have to figure it out.

Kazuo Saitou has posed:
Kunzite nods back to Rashmi, and says, "Thank you, Nicomachea," straightforward as if he weren't talking to a book. He touches one single seed; it shivers into black for a moment, then returns to silver as he withdraws. "I don't pick up anything either, so we're in agreement. We can always test at intervals if you're worried." The light, he does keep providing, so that Jupiter can comb the seeds out of the ash more easily. All a team. "Should I let him know about this?" he asks Chiyo, regarding Not Naming Mamoru. Usagi probably will anyway, but asking is polite.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Tuxedo Kamen," Sailor Moon says cheerfully, "That's his new name." Girlfriend naming privileges! Also, she's confident he'll agree. They're very in sync! "Definitely call him the second you need him. It's important! We've got to stick together. And we'll give you an update on the seeds! Well, Jupiter-chan will, I am... not a good gardener."

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai glances back over to Kunzite with a slight dip of her head. Sailor Moon may let him know but... it didn't hurt if Kazuo did either. She knew they were friends, and given Kunzite's attire, likely part of the same group. "Yes, please. I already owe him, he healed Ojiisan once already, but right now I don't think I could change back if I wanted to." Which meant she wasn't sure she could produce the healing foods she usually did.

A wan, hopeful smile is given. She usually did try to remain upbeat but it was hard to keep it up with all that went on.

Looking back to Sailor Moon she nods a single time. "Tuxedo Kamen, yes. Okay. Thank you, and yes, let me know about the seeds too if.." She pauses as her gaze drops downward. Her foot moves on the ground, and she crouches to pluck up a silver seed she'd almost been standing on. It's offered out toward the pair gathering them as well. "Here's another."

Makoto Kino has posed:
"I will," Jupiter promises Chiyo. She smiles as she holds out her hand for the seed Chiyo offers, adding it to the grubby little pile of them glimmering against the ash-smeared fabric of her glove. "Thanks. Don't worry about a thing, okay?"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker teleported into Obsidian. She.... she hurt. She was burnt. Her arm was scratched up by cat. She had a big bar mark across her torso from the hammer. She was slightly limping. And those flowers were... were dead. They were dead. Because the sparkle skirts won. Just like they always did.

Ugh. Well. It didn't... matter. It'd never matter. At least Sailor Moon's grandpa was okay. Heh. No wonder Sailor Moon had popped up near Usagi's place so often. Usagi WOULD be good friends with the candy making girl.

Ow. Ow. Ow. Did they have any Bactine?

Fortunately, most of those in Obsidian were wise enough to stay out of her way at the moment...

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Of course, Takashi was there, playing around with some magic doodad or another, so he heard the door open and... well, how unlikely would it be that people would be coming in to Beryl Holdings this late on a weekend? So he stuck his head out of his office as she shuffled in.

    "Wow. You look like hell. Did you lose a fight with a cat? An electrified cat? With a... solid metal tail?"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker just... just looked at him. Just... turned. Stared. Stared. Stared.

Ten seconds later...

"Don't ever touch Daifuku's hammer," Sunbreaker said. "I need to go fill out some paperwork with HR."

When she opened the door, smoke billowed out from the room. She, at least, felt a little better.