1283/All My Homies Hate Roy G Biv

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All My Homies Hate Roy G Biv
Date of Scene: 14 March 2024
Location: Administrative Office
Synopsis: In the midst of Zoisite fetching something from Kyouka in her office, they are interrupted by a battering ram of Mamoru, Usagi, Ami, and Makoto. Crystal talk happens!
Cast of Characters: Zoisite, Kyouka Inai, Mamoru Chiba, Makoto Kino, Usagi Tsukino, Ami Mizuno
Tinyplot: Rainbow Crystals

Zoisite has posed:
    Blending in with the student populace is an easy feat, as it turns out. No one so much as turns their head when Zoisite passes by. Wait, correction: plenty of people turn their heads, but it's just to admire him, not to be suspicious of him being here. He is, after all, quite the sight.

    Or at least that's what he assumes they're looking at him for. Just as likely they're only interested because he's a new face, but the important part is that he's not questioned on his way to the Guidance Counselor's office. He's already got the school uniform, after all, and though he's tailored it to maybe fit a bit nicer than it would off the rack, he's well-within the uniform code.

    If he's done this a fair few times to study at the library already, then that just makes it all the easier for him to do it now. Zoisite's perfectly comfortable strolling these halls. Just more reason why he feels so self-assured about his upcoming placement tests.

    When he arrives at the office door, he knocks and waits outside, one hand on his hip.

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    With a school the size of Radiant Heart Academy, it's no surprise that one more student doesn't raise any particular eyebrows. Nobody knows everybody- well, nobody sane anyway. It's also completely normal, in the eyes of the students, for a new kid to be going to see the guidance counselors, so nobody should bat an eye indeed.

    "Come in!" Kyouka's voice calls from behind the door when Zoi knocks. Upon entering, he will find her seated in her big comfy chair behind her desk. She's wearing her 'school uniform', which is to say a button-down white woman's dress shirt and black slacks, her leather jacket conspicuously slung over the back of her chair. And her sunglasses, because of course she is. The office is otherwise empty.

    Upon seeing her visitor, she sits up a bit straighter (she had been slouching and quite possibly playing some kind of idle-clicker on her open laptop, although the screen can't be seen from the doorway. "Oh, hello, Saitou-kun." She says, with a lopsided smile. "I didn't think you had started yet. What can I do for you?"

Zoisite has posed:
    As Zoisite slips inside, he does a preliminary scan of the room, just a quick once-over before he finds himself eyeing up the poster on the wall. He only stares at it for a second or two before he steps fully into the office, letting the door click shut after him.

    "Inai-sensei," he says in greetings, rolling with the use of his... well, he supposes it's his new name, and he'd best get used to it. So he puts on a polite smile and approaches her desk. At her follow-up statement, he shakes his head, one lock of hair tumbling over his shoulders. "No, not yet. Not until the new year kicks off."

    The details about him having to actually test into Radiant Heart Academy goes unspoken. Details, details.

    He pulls out a black velvet box from an inside pocket of his jacket, and opens it up, revealing... nothing, but the space for something to be nestled into. "I came to pick up the stone you so graciously offered to purchase for me. It's a gift for a friend, and I'd like to give it to her during our next meeting."

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    Kyouka quirks an eyebrow over her sunglasses as Zoisite confirms that he is not, in fact a student of the school yet... but understanding dawns a moment later as he pulls out the box and states the reason for his visit. "Oh, yeah. That's right." She leans over in her chair, the leather edifice creaking slightly, to pull open one of her desk drawers. Unless he cranes unnaturally Zoisite won't be able to see what's in it, but there's all sorts of clacky rolly sounds as the drawer slides open.

    It doesn't take her but a moment to produce the blue stone though, and she holds it up for a moment, admiring it under the fluorescent lights of the office before holding it out towards Zoisite and his box.

    "It's a nice one. You have good taste in rocks." This statement accompanied by a more lopsided grin.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
So it's maybe thirty, forty-five seconds after Zoisite comes in and is greeted by Kyouka that there's a cursory knock on the door (about when Kyouka's holding the pretty blue rock out to Zoisite) and four more people pile in -- Mamoru, and Usagi, and Makoto, and Ami. Mamoru's voice comes first muffled through the door and then audible as the door opens, "...doesn't work that way, but I do know he's in there, and so is Inai-sensei, and they're the only two, so it's fine, hi!"

This last is addressed to the blond and the ginger already in the room, and it's accompanied by a quick smile from Mamoru followed by a serious face. "Please get the door," he says over his shoulder to whoever came in last, and then he looks back at Kyouka and Zoisite. "Do you have the blue one on you, Zoi? Sorry to interrupt but I think we have a problem."

He steps back and to one side, gesturing Ami and Usagi forward, and he takes the spot by Makoto. "We need a second crystal's opinion."

There has to be some world in which this is a reasonable sentence.

Makoto Kino has posed:
The one who came in last - as is often her habit, so she doesn't block anyone behind her from seeing ahead - was Makoto, who duly nods to Mamoru and turns long enough to pull the office door shut behind her. Then she leans back against it, with her hands behind her, and regards the rest of the room from this vantage.

Zoisite gets the longest look; her gaze lingers on him, curious and still a little assessing, though not unfriendly. Should he notice her watching him - as he likely will, because it is Zoisite - she just offers a cheerful smile.

"Hi," she says. "I'm being a doorstop."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Five rainbow crystals found, and five rainbow crystals split between parties. Three to Mamochan's boys (Usagi is still deeply amused by the story of Zoisite protectively taking away the only crystal Mamoru had left), one to Ami-chan for research, and one that Usagi's been holding onto. This interruption had kicked off with Usagi thinking that maybe Ami-chan should get a scan of the Indigo crystal, only -

It scanned as similar. The energy reading was similar. The structure was near identical. It looked exactly like it was supposed to.

Smashcut to this moment, and Usagi had been the second in right after Mamoru, and she squeezes in front of him because being the shortest, if she stood behind anyone, no one might ever even know she was in the room.

"Hi Inai-sensei, we're just interrupting to get at Zoisite a little! Oh, we called Rei-chan too, but she might not make it, she's coming from TA and all, but anyway, Zoisite, you have the crystal, right?"

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami Mizuno slips through the door only after Mamoru and Usagi. She was even going to insist that Mako-chan go first, but that didn't happen. So it's her that comes in after the couple while flashing Mako a quick smile.

Only to gasp out a slightly amused, "Mako-chan! You're more important than a doorstop!"

The talk of issues however causes her attention to draw toward Kyouka and Zoisite whom she greets with a friendly smile. They'd already had their meeting a few times over so she was feeling suitably relaxed around the Shittenou. Kyouka? Well she knew her too.

As the crystals are being withdrawn she reaches into her purse to pull out a green one which she holds in hand. "We've got a bit of a test we need to run on the crystals," she explains.

Zoisite has posed:
    Oh, Zoisite of course knows that voice. So he reaches out to pluck the angelite from Kyouka's hand with a quickly murmured, "Thank you," and in one smooth motion tucks the stone into the box, and the box into the same pocket it came out of.

    There. Nothing to see here, friends. He turns on the heels of his boots (yes of course he's wearing ankle boots with his uniform) so that his green gaze is fixed upon the door as first Mamoru, and then the three girls that come in with him. The corners of his mouth turn up slightly but he only offers a raised eyebrow in lieu of an actual hello.

    "Yes, of course," he says as he again reaches into his jacket, but this time for an actual secret pocket that he sewed in himself. This is from where he produces the blue crystal, which he holds out immediately as he makes eye contact with Makoto.

    His mouth opens, but Ami's gasp cuts him off, and probably saves everyone from hearing Zoi's sass. So instead he drawls out a "Why don't we invite the entire club, while we're at it?" which is... you know, still sass, but maybe more generally aimed sass.

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    Kyouka has just finished handing over the rock when the door is knocked on and then quickly opened. She gives Mamoru a scowl as he just walks right in leading a posse like he owns the place, and although her grey eyes dance with amusement behind her narrow sunglasses she tacks an annoyed tone onto her voice as she says, "You know, there's a conference room right down the hall which might be more suited to your deputation, Mamoru. I only have two chairs."

    She gives Usagi a genuine smile though. "Usagi-chan! It's no trouble at all really, I believe Saitou-kun here has what he came for already. Just picking up something I was holding for him."

    Makoto and Ami are given brief smiles and nods of greeting as well, before her attention returns to Mamoru. "This is about those earth door crystals, huh? What's the problem?" She falls silent as Zoisite produces his crystal and holds it out, perhaps assuming that explanations will be forthcoming.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Mamoru is relieved Zoi has the thing on him; he is also relieved that there is omnidirectional sass; he is pleased Kyouka is that particular flavor of annoyed, and he gives her a winning grin before jamming his hands in his pockets and leaning against the wall like he thinks it'll fall down without Kazuo there to hold it up.

"The indigo one is either broken or fake. It doesn't feel right to me even though it scans exactly the same as the green one. Maybe you can tell if it smells funny. But, either way, it should be pulled toward the green and the blue. They want to stick together. But the indigo's not going for the green. I want to see if it goes for the blue. And I want you guys to see the green and the blue sticking together so you see what I mean."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Inai-sensei's obvious enthusiasm earns a bright smile, a bit of satisfaction, maybe. Hey, Usagi just isn't used to being a teacher's favorite!

But she grows more serious as soon as Zoisite digs out the Blue crystal, digging out the Indigo one and saying off-hand, "Is Indigo really different enough to justify being in a rainbowy?"

Unlike Zoisite's specially sewn secret pocket, the indigo crystal is just tucked away in Usagi's perfectly regular jacket pocket, in her perfectly regular, hideous pink jacket. The Indigio crystal just sits there in the palm of her hand, perfectly inert, not reacting in any way to the other crystals.

Makoto Kino has posed:
Makoto favors Ami with a pleased grin, blissfully unaware of what kinds of sass her fellow senshi narrowly averted from being unleashed right here in Kyouka's office.

She returns to observing, as the crystals come out, studying the indigo crystal as it sits on Usagi's palm doing a whole lot of not much.

"Usagi-chan," she comments mildly, aside, "there's enough colors of the rainbow in here right now I'm not sure we should start that argument."

Ami Mizuno has posed:
"That's just how rainbows work, Usagi. It's the splitting of the visible rays of light. There are actually quite a few more colors no doubt, it's just that our vision can't pick them out. There's some birds that can likely see them though," Ami informs matter-of-fact as she steps forward to tap the Green crystal she holds to the Indigo one that Usagi has. There's a little clicky-clack but nothing else. They are just what they are.

It's just to show how they work (or rather DO NOT work) together before approaching Zoisite. He holding the Blue crystal, her holding the Green. For a moment she has to admit she was a bit amused by the fact that they each had the color the opposite was usually fond of. But they were here for SCIENCE.

"Let's test our attraction, Zoisite!" Of the crystals. She TOTALLY means of the Crystals which is why her hand has stretched out to hold the Green crystal out toward the one he currently has.

Zoisite has posed:
    When Kyouka mentions the conference room, Zoisite's head swivels and he gestures towards her with clear agreement, but it seems like this is happening here, and anyways he's already offered up the crystal, hasn't he? So he steps in closer to Usagi and her indigo crystal, to see if his blue crystal does anything.

    He even gives it a little jiggle in his hand, as if to say "Go on. Do something."

    Alas, like Ami's green crystal, it does nothing.

    But then Ami steps forward, and so too does Zoisite, with a serious expression on his face. He nods at her and says, cheekily, "I'm sure we'll find ourselves to be quite a good match," before he brings his hand forward as well. At a normal pace at first, but as the two crystals grow closer together, his arm is tugged forward so that they meet in the middle with a soft, satisfying clack.

    "It does feel like they're magnetized together," he mentions as he gives a light pull that serves only to flex his arm a bit, the crystals staying snug together.

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    Kyouka squints at the indigo crystal in Usagi's hand, then observes the way that the blue and green crystals pull each other together, while neither seems to do anything when exposed to the indigo crystal. She considers this for a moment.

    "Isn't that one," a gesture to the indigo crystal, "The one we got when I punched that dick Riventon in the noggin?" She gets to her feet, sending her chair spinning lazily behind her as she walks over to where Usagi stands.

    She offers no commentary on whether indigo deserves its own place in the color pie, but instead (with a glance to the girl to make sure it's okay) picks the thing up from Usagi's hand and eyes it, then sniffs it delicately. She then turns and does the same to the other two, like a sommelier testing a vintage, before each crystal is returned to the hand of its original holder.

    "It's definitely different." She confirms, with a shrug. "I mean, I don't know what it's supposed to smell like, but those two," a gesture to the green and blue, "smell more or less the same. That one," she points at indigo, "is different from them. Subtly. But definitely different."

    "Combined with the fact that it don't do the clacky thing, it does seem like something is off here."

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"..." says Mamoru, staring at Zoisite and Ami, then staring at Zoisite and Ami, then bringing his hand up to cover his mouth. He does not look at Usagi. He also doesn't look at Makoto for the rainbow comment, he just closes his eyes for a moment and ducks his head a little, hiding his attempt to avoid laughing.

But then they're actually doing a science and he looks up again and watches. And then Kyouka sniffs them and confirms that line of questioning-- and opens another.

"... Riventon did tell me he needed to get at least one to avoid pissing Beryl off," he says, slowly. "And that he wanted to make sure neither side could bring them all together. He also said he'd rather destroy one of the crystals than see either side get all of them, but I don't believe him, he doesn't destroy anything he doesn't think he can put back together relatively easily."

He makes a sour face. "And he's working with the girl that made a million fake silver crystals. Ugh and if I say anything about it to him now he'll be all smarmy like 'I was wondering how long it'd take you to figure it out'. Let's just concentrate on getting the other ones."

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    "Do you want me to punch him again?" Kyouka asks Mamoru, strangely eagerly. "I'll do it for free."

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"Sure," says Mamoru equanimously, arms crossed, expression benevolent. "Just remember to dodge."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
There is a sound like a whistling kettle - no, wait, that's just Usagi sucking air through her teeth, trying not to cringe out of her skin. Supportive, supportive, supportive, don't betray Tadase-kun, he's going to ask in his own time, don't -

Thank god for science. Thank goodness for science. The crystals clink together! But the indigo one is still inert in her hand, doing absolutely nothing.

Then Inai-sensei remninds her of just who they fought for this crystal, and Mamoru confirms even more, and yeah, they have definitely been tricked with a fake. Definitely.

"Ugh, and Sunbreaker joked about giving me up to Beryl, so they're definitely both working with her," Usagi groans, before realizing that maybe, just maybe, that's not something she just mention so casually.

Makoto Kino has posed:
Makoto's eyebrows go up at the exchange between Ami and Zoisite, exactly in time with the whistle of Usagi's indrawn breath. Her face says: oh, really?

She bites her tongue and doesn't say anything, instead focusing her attention on what their little experiment proves about the indigo crystal, and what's said after. "How many are still left to find?" she asks Mamoru.

--and doesn't get a chance to hear the answer before Usagi drops that last comment and Mako's head whips in her direction. "Sunbreaker what now?"

Ami Mizuno has posed:
"Which *reminds* me," Ami says suddenly rather serious. The teasing and joking with Zoisite aside, the science aside, Ami turns to fix a stern look toward Usagi. "Have you told Mamoru-kun that *she knows your identity?*" Or any of the other of them for that matter.

"She was guarding one of those towers when we went to scan them the other night, and she just lets me know she'd be recognized if she transformed because Sunbreaker knows her identity!" Her hands are resting on her hips now, a deep huffed breath exhaled sharply. "--Which we can't do anything about now, but we should at least make sure the rest of us know this as well so that we can look out for you, Usagi-chan."

Zoisite has posed:
    The smelling of the crystals earns Kyouka a raised eyebrow from Zoisite, but he offers up his for the sniffing, and nods once it's back in his palm. The results of the smell-test, and the explanation about the fake indigo crystal's likely origin, have him frowning in thought.

    "Likely for the best that they go on thinking we're still in the dark. I'd keep the crystal on you, for the time being," he says to Usagi, nodding down to her crystal. Though then something occurs to him, and he narrows his eyes at it. "Unless there's a possibility it's been modified somehow to be used against us?"

    Maybe it's paranoia, but then again, Obsidian really is out to get them.

    Zoisite's eyes narrow at mention of Beryl, but Ami is already on the case, so he just looks back and forth between the others as he works to put the pieces together and clue him in to this part of the story that he's as of yet unfamiliar with.

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    "Sunbreaker is about as scary as a summer thunderstorm," Kyouka says, dismissively, as she returns to her desk, after making a bitchface at Mamoru for his comment about dodging. "Significant gusts of hot air, a lot of noise, maybe a little light wind damage, but significantly more bark than bite. I broke her nose once." That's an exaggeration, but not much of one. She throws herself back into her chair, spinning slightly to face the desk again as she leans an elbow on it. "Which doesn't mean you should be careless with your secrets, Usagi-chan. Just saying.. could be worse."

    "As for that-" she nods towards the fake crystal Usagi is holding, "I agree with Saitou-kun. Don't let on you've realized it's fake yet. If they still think we're not looking for the real one, they won't try as hard to hide it."

    She considers the point that it may have been modified to use again them, and shakes her head. "Maybe. If it was, I'd think it would be when we went to use them, or something. But we're a ways out from that being a possibility anyway. I wouldn't worry too much about it for now. Though definitely let someone know if it starts beeping or ticking or something, Usagi-chan."

    She then glances at the clock on her wall. "I have another appointment in ten minutes, so ya'll better clear out of here." She makes shooing gestures with both hands. "But keep me informed about the situation, yeah? I'm available if there's more punching to be done."

Makoto Kino has posed:
"Hey," Makoto protests mildly, from across the office where she's still leaned up against the door, in the wake of Kyouka's dismissive comments about thunderstorms.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"Well you like Sunbreaker," Mamoru points out, as if it were in any way salient. "You've gotten over your whole thing. She wouldn't give you up." He glances at Ami, then shrugs and shakes his head; he nods cheerfully to Kyouka, then looks back to Usagi. "Do you at least know who she is, too? I mean that makes it fair."

He doesn't sound like he's remotely asking 'who is she,' for the record. He doesn't even actually sound concerned.


Then he says firmly to Kyouka, "Okay we're gone BUT. Zoi gets to be Saitou-chan because Kazuo is already Saitou-kun."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"Ami-chan," Usagi hisses, as if it's Ami's fault when she herself had let it slip, and she grimaces and drags a hand up over her face, fingers pushing her bangs out of the way. She exhales with a huff.

"It's under control. We found out each other's identities, which, I might add, is not my fault, because she thought I was Daifuku, because - well, due to things she figured out I was magic and thought Chiyo-chan was me and I was Chiyo-chan, because of that thing with Chiyo-chan's grandpa and some other stuff, so really, it's just that now she knows the truth! But it's totally fine! She thinks Beryl is a psycho, because she's not stupid, and she doesn't want me telling anyone anymore than I want her telling anyone."

She pauses. That as a lot of talking, even for her.

"Also she might be planning to kill La Crima, but I don't think that's any of our business?"

A weak effort at a deflection.

And then, a better deflection, Inai-sensei kicking them out. "Alright, we can go on to that conference room, I'll keep holding the crystal - and seee, Mamochan gets it? He's not scared! But just so we're clear, a summer thunderstorm is pretty scary!"

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    "It's clear who I mean by context." Kyouka snaps at Mamoru, making more shooing gestures, then a warding sign with her fingers.

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
"It is, but think of poor Saitou-chan's feelings," Usagi pouts, "Being constantly at risk of being mistaken for the Cooler Saitou-kun!"

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"Okay let's leave before anyone dies--" Mamoru says, eyes widening, hands going up.

Makoto Kino has posed:
"Okay, okay..." Makoto is sighing heavily as she moves away from the office door. "We're getting kicked out, you guys."

She's addressing the room at large, but it's really mostly Ami she's talking to as she opens the door and starts into the hall. "We should go now."

Ami Mizuno has posed:
Ami Mizuno gazes resolutely back at Usagi even when she hisses at her. Sniff. No, no backing down here. "So long as we all know so we can protect you. You *are* our Princess too, remember," she points out before things start to go down hill more.

Aaand she sidles over to Mako nodding emphatically in agreement. "Yes, lets."

Zoisite has posed:
    Given that he was the one, technically, to bring all of this down on Kyouka (even if it was simply because he chose to exist in her office at an apparently inopportune moment, he starts in on the wordless ushering gestures, trying to wave people out through the door.

    Only for Usagi to try insulting him.

    A beat. On a drawl, Zoisite says, "I'm not even going to pretend to be offended by someone with the fashion sense of an over-the-hill business woman."

    He flicks a strand of hair over his shoulder and slips out of Kyouka's office, but not before turning on his heel to offer a polite bow and a grateful, "Thank you for your time, Inai-sensei."

    And then he makes an executive decision to find this conference room, so he sets off down the hallway, heels clicking imperiously.

Kyouka Inai has posed:
    "If anyone is going to commit murder in this office, it will be me! I worked hard for the privilege!" Kyouka lies, shooing all the more vigorously. "Saitou-/san/ please refrain from fashion-related assassination in my territory. Now out, all of you."

Usagi Tsukino has posed:
Yes, yes, she's the princess, so she has to be protected she gets it - oh, Mako-chan and Ami-chan are going, going, gone, huh?

And then Zoisite says that, and Usagi blinks, and he's gone, and she turns to look at Mamoru and she genuinely looks a little baffled.

"But it's true? Kazuo-kun is the Cooler Saitou-kun? He has to know that. He's met Kazuo-kun in this lifetime! He exudes the embodiment of cool!" How can the truth be an insult, huh?

Then she pauses and cocks her head and says, "I could look like a business woman, huh? I didn't think Saitou-chan thought so highly of me!"

You actually had to graduate to be a business woman!