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From Radiant Heart MUSH

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No Youma, No Problem!
Date of Scene: 04 August 2023
Location: Juuban Ward
Synopsis: What Riventon and Sunbreaker hope will be a successful experiment, some of Radiant Heart Academy's magical girls are focused and working together to stop.
Cast of Characters: Takashi Agera, Hinoiri Kirara, Chiyo Sakai, Runealy Waldia, Nanoha Takamachi, Coco Kiumi, Hannah Steiner

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Riventon and Sunbreaker are walking through the back streets of suburban Juuban. They know, logically, they don't have forever. But they're also not trying to be particularly subtle. This is evidenced by the fact that Riventon is currently holding some random salaryman up off the ground by his collar with his left hand and draining him of most of his energy into his gauntleted right hand. He at least doesn't drop him like a sack of potatoes, but leans him up against one of the walls near the house that he was perhaps headed towards.

    Riventon's gauntleted hand crackles with energy, and there's more than a few similarly slumped over bodies on their mostly aimless roam through Juuban. One advantage to working without one, is that a youma makes magical 'noise' as well as generally clear destruction, but the two of them could work through things relatively quietly. It was only a matter of time, though - and they both knew it - before some mascot sensed them, some unconscious person was seen by a girl walking home, or just someone literally bumped into them. The inevitable, inescapable truth was that it was hard to get away with things quietly in this town. But it was also the only town where one could access magically readily enough to -do- things worth getting away with in the first place.

    Riventon looked to Sunbreaker. "Air's getting tense, charged. I haven't picked anything up, but fight's brewing. So I figure they'll be here soon. That's not a magic thing, but... I'm right on this." he warned her. "Since I know you're still all sensory dulled. If I get any pings I'll let you know... But they might drop on us out of nowhere." he noted. "You're on board still, right? Doing the live-experimentation rather than trying to clear out?" he asked her. "I'm ready to burn through what I've got though. They're slow learners. Got to make an impression this time. You?"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker followed behin him, five little red gemstones hovering behind her. The crystalized essence of the power she'd managed to gather. He liked storing his in his gauntlet, she enjoyed storing it in gemstone form. It was... well. Both had their uses. The energy here wasn't... quite like the magic back home. Storing it in a gem-like form was about as close to 'her' magic as it got. It made her more comfortable.

"Of course," Sunbreaker said before disappearing in a flash of flame. A young woman passing by the alleyway was snagged, dragged in and pushed to the wall. Before she could scream, her eyes began to drift closed as her energy was drawn up and out, forming a small, green gemstone... which then turned red, giving her a sixth. It floated behind her as well.

"That's the goal," she said. "It's hardly going to be hands-on experience if I flee from the first sign of stress, now would it?" she asked, crossing her arms before giving him a small, arrogant smirk. "Don't worry, I'm not going to let a little thing like advanced de-harmonizing arcane distortions stop me from getting a firmer grasp on how this dark energy of your world's functions." she glanced back at the gemstones. "Hmmm. Six. It's... sufficient. I won't be able to do anything too excessive, like crashing the moon into the planet. But it should be ample enough for most of my spells. In the end... well..." A small bit of flame formed in her clenched fist.

"There will always be more energy to take. But the knowledge in how to harness it? How to properly *utilize* it? That is so, so much more dangerous." She held out her palm and three gemstones moved to her palm. "I wonder how quickly we could drain an entire block of energy without a youma to facilitate it..." she said, her eyes flashing black for a moment before she shook her head. "No. There is plenty of time for more experiments later. Have you been putting any of the tricks I taught you to use?"

She doesn't mention the number of tricks HE'D taught her... because it was fairly obvious. If not for his initial knowledge in dark energy, she wouldn't BE able to even henshin yet... But now, well... She'd not only been studying magic her whole life, but had more teachers than he'd likely even known as being capable of magic. She was adapting quite quickly, as one might expect any student of a particular science, even if the language changed, the groundwork was already done and easy for her to apply to the new terms.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Ahh, FaM-Mart, the perfect place to grab snacks! Or so Chiyo was assured this was the case by Koji. Usually she could get her own sweet snacks no problem so she rarely ventured there. Non-sweet though? Spicy or salty? Curiosity had led her to browsing the wares of the shop for awhile until she steps out with a fairly heavy bag full of goodies to try.

Busy thinking of all the new treats she could try while catching up on the latest issues of the manga she was into, she almost walks by the alleyway where a person was passed out. Almost. That little lump of a figure that was lain out catches her eye as she turns to stare openly. No one else was readily around... yet. A mix of curiosity and concern has her duck in to crouch beside the man to check his vitals. It's only then that the little Bao charm she always had with her on her phone gives a sharp bump into her side alerting her to *something up.*

The bag of goodies is left beside the man, maybe so he can have a snack once he wakes up, and she ventures further along with steps that start to quicken as she comes across more bodies left abandoned and drained of energy.

The half-scream of the woman further down way at the other end alerts her to the presence of the two already there. It's impossible to hide the tap-tap-tap of her footfalls as she approaches, and comes up short when she's just close enough to see the silouhettes of those there. Two. Working together. Oh no.

She was in way over her head.

Runealy Waldia has posed:
Left to her own devices, Rune prefers Juuban. She walks through its streets, still bewildered by much of what Tokyo has to offer... but this is less bewildering. Things in Juuban leave her merely wide-eyed, instead of wide-eyed and breathlessly gasping at the impossible scale of the city. "I can still scarcely imagine that millions of people reside here..." A remark to herself. "I am not even certain my home has a singular million." She hopes nobody is nearby to overhear this - Rune is not certain anyone here would believe her if she had to claim Europe does not even have a million residents.

This ends up being the least of her immediate problems, as she notices... people lying on the ground. "Hnn...?" A look further down the road explains why. Her eyes narrow - she has no name for Riventon, but she recognizes him immediately. Sunbreaker is similarly unknown, but flames make her immediately distinct. What they're doing is equally distinct, and Rune mentally 'takes notes' on how they're stealing energy.

She is too far away to hear any of the discussion between Riventon and Sunbreaker, but what Rune saw is enough. With a shout, she summons her jeweled tiara and brings it to her head. A flash of red light engulfs her, and when it fades a few seconds later she stands in magical dress...

...With a smaller than usual, ruby-tipped wand in hand. She is not about to risk explosive attacks when the duo are this close to their victims. Rune takes aim at Riventon... and unleashes a thin, sparkling red beam his way! She is far enough away that this might outright miss on its own even if he does nothing to evade it, but her aim won't be disastrously off.

Aware that she's too far out to meaningfully fight the duo, the alien princess begins running down the sidewalks toward them!

Nanoha Takamachi has posed:
Nanoha Takamachi was making her way home from an errand to acquire the number one thing needed for cupcakes by her father, sprinkles, as they had run out at Midori-Ya. So Nanoha had her big shopping bag with her and was heaving it out. That's when Raising Heart alerts her telepathically to the danger of active signals. 'So what are they'? < Indeterminate, Master! > says Raising Heart back.

So she fids an alleyway, shoves her big bag of sprinkles into Raising Heart's storage and then makes for the rooftops, hopping the short rooftops of Juuban easily as she comes down upon the whole affair...

"Oh..isn't that..." one of the people that helped steal the Jewel Seed away and--- someone else she doesn't know. But. What are they doing just.. just hurting people.

Nanoha arrives promptly by jumping off the building in front of the two, as wand beams go off.

"What are. You two doing!? What purpose could hurting random people solve!?" she asks with worry. Not attacking yet.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
The door to OSA-P with a whooshing sounds as Coco steps out of the jewerly shop, pleased with the purchase she just made. The small packages she just bought were safely secured in an orange fabric handbag decorated by teal flowers with purple pistils. 'I hope she is going to like this', she smiles, imagining the look of surprise she is going to get. This wasn't something she had planned, but she had stumbled on the jewelry shop while on a walk, so she instantly seized the opportunity. She merrily makes her way back to the dorm, a catlike smile on her face.

In her state of euphoria, she almost misses the woman slumped on the ground of an alleyway, looking like she hasn't been sleeping for quite a few nights. "Are you ok?", she asks, kneeling down to check on her, but she receives no reply from the woman. 'Right, of course she is unconscious', she says, as she is about to call for medical intervention. As she gets up to use her phone, Coco's gaze falls on a whole bread crumbs of unconscious people.

'Not natural, then...' she realises, her digit one centimeter away from starting the call. 'Better not to involve more people for now', she thinks, putting the cellphone back into her bag. 'First I'm going to stop whoever is behind this, then I can sing them a song as a pick-me-up while I wait for aid', she plans, lowering the bag with her purchases to the ground. 'I hope I can recover it later', she thinks, hiding it behind a few convenient bushes.

Already alone in an alley, Coco gets to transforming. "Yellow Pearl Voice!", she declares, her clothes turning into a kaleidoscope of colors as her pearl starts shining. In their place appear yellow gloves and boots with flowy extensions, as well as a yellow blouse with a yellow skirt. Her pearl turns into her trusty E-Pitch microphone, its blue shape settling comfily into her hand, the jewel nestled safely in the head's center.

Coco quickly follows the appalling bread crumb line of people, and soon enough she catches to the two culprits, walking without a care in the world. "You really have no shame!", she yells at them, recognising the figures of Riventon and Sunbreaker. "I don't care that the two of you have formed up a partnership now, but you have done as you please with people for long enough! You have left a whole trail of them, and I won't let you disrupt the peace entrusted to me by Aqua Regina any longer", she says, calling up the Live Stage, the sphere of white light forming around her in an instant.

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Hannah...well, summer has been a little rough. Not that one would know it by her all-encompassing mask of violent outgoingness, but between the stress of knowing her Uncle's out there somewhere doing Sankt Kaiser knows what, her several failures at holding down a job, and her efforts at training, forming a proper Lance with her two new friends, club activities, and general exercise?

She's been busy and stressed. Her poor work-bag has been getting a few extra rounds as of late it's not helping. Having to work her way around Ami has also made her usual ritual of tending to Blauer Greif's maintenance needs has been far, far below her usual exacting standards. She needs an outlet. Dragging Amy out to another date is in the cards, but they haven't lined up yet.

Her next immediate choice is to go....well, full on Steiner enthusiastic in a bid to impress her new employer. After the konbini thing didn't work out, she has gone to something adjacent to her own roots. A hardware store. A little mom and pop place. The kind of thing that the very, very distant family that would eventually spawn her House owned at one point. Hand tools. It's all hand tools and wood and sheet metal, a place for home repair and hobbiests.

Once again, her job is done far, far too well. At first the couple that hired her are ecstatic, and her general oddness and lack of sight are easily brushed aside as she demonstrates a born industrialist's knowledge of making things with some coaching from the two, that every single person that comes in and mentions a project suddenly has that small repair turn into a nigh-on full gutting. That trebuchet for a college thing? Bigger. More. Hey, we have those on aisle three. Why yes, physics is amazing and no as long as you're under /that/ tonnage even by a hair, that is technically legal.

Which is why Hannah's slightly saddened as she's let go, but has gained two new friends, a set of servicable tools to work on Blauer Greif that don't run roughshod on TSAB accords, a paycheck and a store now with a backorder log that runs in months.

Too bad that 'home made catapult at scale' the couple has drawn a line at lovingly for insurance reasons.

And so, by the time a scream interrupts Hannah's walk to the bank with Lyra at her side and tools in tow? The Steiner heiress grins. Time to do some good. And hit someone in the face. One convenient adjacent alleyway later?

"Blauer Greif! Aufwachen!"

<Linker Core Online>

<Sensoren Online>

<Zauberspr?che Online>

<Alle Systeme Nominal>

<Bereit meine Herrin>

Light overtakes her, and Tragar des Blauer Greif stands in her armor-dress, pushing her golden glasses into place, and setting her bowler hat at an appropriate angel before her cane-sword, now slashed through with pulsating blue and yellow LED effects, is lifted towards the sky. One quick Area Search later to get her 'bearings', and she and Lyra are glowing blue as she gravity-lifts herself up towards a water tower overlooking where she heard that scream come from.

She widens that Area Search a little, confers with her Device and listens to the hiss-growfing of her huge lizard companion in warning.

She doesn't know those two, Blauer Greif confirms. She vaguely notes others too, are here and probably just as irritated.

"BRAZEN, GUTLESS CURS!" Yells Hannah, the Tragar pointing in the general direction of both Sunbreaker and Riventon. Oh it feels good to have someone to yell at.

"Have these poor people not enough troubles in their daily lives!? Und you have the audacity, the sheer /grausamkeit/ to steal their very vigor for...und for what!? Some nefarious scheme of avarice und personal power! I, Tragar des Blauer Greif, member of Scout Lance Terra, und defender of all those whom know glory und kindness in their hearts, shall ensure Justice is brought to you, foul knaves! Lyra! Let us show these cretins retribution for their misdeeds!" Hannah doesn't need magic to be heard. She's in full-on, speaking in a Throne Room levels of volume. While frustrated and no

Hannah Steiner has posed:
"Have these poor people not enough troubles in their daily lives!? Und you have the audacity, the sheer /grausamkeit/ to steal their very vigor for...und for what!? Some nefarious scheme of avarice und personal power! I, Tragar des Blauer Greif, member of Scout Lance Terra, und defender of all those whom know glory und kindness in their hearts, shall ensure Justice is brought to you, foul knaves! Lyra! Let us show these cretins retribution for their misdeeds!" Hannah doesn't need magic to be heard. She's in full-on, speaking in a Throne Room levels of volume. While frustrated and now upset. Hopefully she doesn't accidentally hurt her allies' ears!

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Hematite's compatriots had given Riventon at least one good idea with all of the Midnight Tokyo nonsense. The battleground. Controlling it was at least a pertinent idea. Riventon had always planned to be interrupted, this time. If he was trying to be sneaky he'd have grabbed some energy and ducked off. The problem was, he always needed a lot of energy - and that was when interruptions were inevitable. But he'd realized something, in his last fight. Besides that pipe bombs were something he needed to be concerned about. But that magical foes were also copious sources of energy, in addition to possible item delivery systems. So come, sparkleskirts. Come one and all.

    The moment he sensed them - more than he'd liked to have seen all appearing at nigh the same time - he raised up Axion, putting his gauntleted hand into the air. Triangular magical runes in blue and purple open on the ground underneath him and settle into place "Barrier field, expand."

    <GEFANGIS DER DUNKLEN MAGIE.> (Dark Magic Prison) announces Axion and as he clutches his hand into a fist and Axion's gem glows, a sudden wave of energy erupts, pulling them all into a shunted-off quasidimension that'll be familiar to anyone who is or has fought beside a Device user before - mostly. Instead of a dull, black-and-white world, this one is more like it had been painted in watercolors - dirty watercolors with a decided preference for dark purples and greens. All of the nonmagical people - victims as well as other civilians - are shunted out of the barrier and remain in the real world. A half-spherical bubble forms, leaving a battlefield of roughly a block, only this one is reinforced with Dark Energy. In fact the whole area is ever-so-lightly-tainted. Nothing that will harm the Mahou (or Sunbreaker) too much, but enough to leave a constant prickling feeling at the back of their necks. That feeling of wrongness, at the lowest volume, but in every direction.

    "Now that the battlefield is prepared... You, little girl. The people are fine. They'll just need a little - alright, a lot, of extra rest." Riventon says, turning to fix his red eyes and faceless gaze on Nanoha. "Look at all of you, so worried about the lives of the insignificant. Is that because you feel such a strong kinship with them, being insignificant yourselves? The need to do right by them so that you can have something good to think about when you lay your pretty little heads to rest? Because deep down you know that even for all of your own magic, you're not at the top, and therefore nothing you do will matter. You'll always be overshadowed and outshined by this of us with true talent and will to change the world rather than let it stagnate and die to the true threats it faces." Oh, Riventon may be on a little bit extra of a tear now.

    "I can speak German too, you know. Peppering your bad Japanese with it won't cover for you." he says, turning to look at Hannah for a moment.

    He's about to either blast Hannah or threaten her too, but the fight's getting kicked off by the Red Princess, who Riventon recognizes after he moves out of the way of the blasts. They were a little off target and he makes it look easy because of that, but there's a practical fact that they grazed his lab coat and he's just pretending not to notice. The pain is pretty low and well down on his mind's concerns.

    Coco also arrives and threatens him, which earns her a "Tch. Shame is for those who have other people's concerns on their mind. All I see here are children about to discover how vain their struggle against their better really is."

    "Hey, Sunbreaker - those two are in your colors. The red girl and the yellow girl. What say you handle them, and I'll deal with the big one and the little one to even it out while you deal with the two medium ones?" Riventon asks Sunbreaker. "Shouldn't take me long and then I'll be along to help you - if you need it against them." he half-taunts.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    He doesn't wait for her to agree to the plan before he starts acting on it, turning back to Nanoha. "Stand down, kid. The energy drain isn't going to hurt nearly as bad as me kicking your tiny butt up and down this limited space we have to fight in. One time offer, put your toy stick down and wait and I will only take your energy and not your magic. This IS your warning shot." he says before launching a casual, non-spell, low-power blast of Dark Energy at Nanoha. For a warning shot, it's direct and on target, though.

    "You though, faux-german faux-noble all-in-over-your head..." he says, and this time circular runes appear beneath him. "I just really hate your attitude." But he doesn't cast any spells. His runes are just orbiting beneath him as he charges power into his gauntlet. Occasionally, for a moment, the circling of the runes stutters a bit, like he's a laggy player in an online game.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker glanced up at the arrivals. "About time," she said, holding up her right hand. The six gems flowed down, around her fist to circle it... Then there was a barrier. Hm. Note to self, adapt that to her own purposes later. Could she make something like that? Maybe... but as extensive as her abilities were, as much as she had studied... she'd never learned any spells to create an entire arena. Note to self. That could be useful in her future domination of her home.

She chuckled, none the less, at Nanoha's comment. "Geez. Somebody failed energy extraction 101. This? This isn't hurting anybody. They just need a little nap. We're just putting the energy to more efficient use." The blast from Red Princess, aimed at Riventon, made her glance towards the girl in a tiara. She cocked an eye. "Apparently she's not the only one who needs lessons in proper allocation of resources."

The justice speech makes her roll her eyes. "Please. This 'Aqua Regina' really should have chosen her 'stand-ins' better. I'll deal with you in a moment." She then glanced back towards Riventon... and then, for a moment... she smiled.

And it was a creepy smile. For that moment, her face illuminated by the flames, red and darkness only broken by that smile... "Happily. Don't worry, I'll be with you in a moment once I'm done with these rookies," she said in a teasing tone.

Then... she disappeared, wreathed in flames... Only to appear behind the Red Princess a moment later. A hand reaching out to flick her tiara from behind. "You know, back in school? I did a whole semester on ancient magical artifacts. I aced it, of course. But then, when it came to magic what DIDN'T I ace? But you know what the number one takeaway I learned from that?" she asked.. "It's not power. It's not *strength*. Your little toys? They're nothing more than compensation. A distraction as you play... what... princess? Queen? Or maybe you fancy yourself a sovereign of some kind?" she asked, grinning wider, but not striking out... yet.

"Because, if that had been real power, real... actual power? You wouldn't have missed... so I tell you what. How about this. That little dress of yours? That little piece of tin foil you call a 'crown' make you feel 'so stwong and mawghty'? I'm *generous*. I'll even give you a free shot. Hit me with your very best shot... but you'd best make it count, dear. Because I'm not *going* to miss. And unlike your little trinkets... my power is *real*. That, or you can sit down, see that you are drastically out of your league, and I'll just take your energy and go pummel the yellow, obnoxious one before she starts singing... I'd take your little trinkets, too..."

"But unlike some people, I don't need to compensate with some shiny toys. So, what's it going to be... peasant?" she asked, her head held high, fire flashing in her eyes and the gems circling around her, just waiting for the princess to launch her attack...

If it would be going at Coco or Red Princess, however, was yet to be seen...

Actually, wait. No. That singing WAS rather obnoxious. She held up her finger and a small orb of fire appeared on the tip...

Which she launched at Coco. "Yeah, let's *not* deal with your singing magic this time, mmkay?" It traveled through the air at the flying stage girl... intending to explode. The Red Princess had better decide fast.

Nanoha Takamachi has posed:
Nanoha Takamachi 'mphs' a little and holds Raising Heart a little closer as she's talked down to. "So!?" she suddenly splutters out. "Just because the people will be okay after doesn't give you the right to attack them like this...!" she says. Then a shot is launched at her. She raises up her hand quickly and Raising Heart autocasts a round shield before she can ask for it. She frowns hard.

< Divine Shooter! > says Raising Heart as Nanoha Points at it at Riventon, four large orbs of energy forming around her as she sends them at Riventon from different angles.

"If-- you won't stop on your own accord, then.. I'll try to make you stop!" she says in a dramatic fashion, well as much as a nine year old can.

She does look around a short moment. No sign of Fate-chan. So this must just be. Badguys doing badguy things.

"Weren't you sealing something dangerous not so long ago!?" she asks with another splutter.

Runealy Waldia has posed:
Rune raises an eye as others arrive to help. Some are instantly recognized - she might not fully know who Hannah and Coco are, but she at least has a pretty good idea whose side they are on. Likewise, Nanoha is a known factor. Chiyo is wholly new to the princess, but since Chiyo doesn't seem to be immediately helping attack innocent people Rune is able to make a decent guess about her.

This leaves Rune skidding to a halt some distance away from the fight, but now close enough to have a shouting conversation with those nearby... though something else happens, instead. Sunbreaker disappears. "Hn?!"

Rune goes tense. This is something her mother has specifically trained her for - if a demon vanishes, there is a very good chance they are teleporting behind you. She knows this, and the princess swings her arm up and behind her shoulder to aim her wand behind herself due to it.

This ends up being correct, but her wand stops when it bumps against Sunbreaker, and Rune feels the flames and their heat. The poke causes her to pivot on a heel, boot wings lighting up to boost-leap away from an attack...

...That does not come. Being momentarily poked by fire hurts, but it is not truly harmful. Instead, Sunbreaker tears her down verbally... and Rune assists her in doing so. "You are entirely correct! I am a mere pretender to the throne, inadequate to the title of princess or queen or ace, or even 'peasant'! However...!" Her voice trails off with a breathy gasp, as Sunbreaker threatens to hurt others - Rune's gaze quickly shifts to Yellow Pearl Voice.

Rune lands from her boost-jump. The princess reaches into her dress' bow, and her current wand disappears into it. A larger, emerald-tipped one emerges instead. Sunbreaker is offering a free shot. This could be some kind of mind-game. It is very possible Rune is being goaded into something stupid. Nonetheless, her late mother's advice echoes in her mind as it always has: 'Hesitation will end in someone's demise - your own, or an innocent person's!' The princess aims at Sunbreaker, eyes narrowing as her staff launches its tip. Rune is going for a direct hit - if the orb makes contact, it explodes into emerald mist!

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Chiyo Sakai watches as all the magical girls converge to fight and speak so eloquently. Maybe she should...? No, she wasn't one for large speeches by far. More to the point, she had yet to transform herself which made her both a sitting duck and a liability to those already fighting.

Reaching into her purse she withdraws the saiboshi she carries with her. Those extra long cooking chopsticks that allowed her to transform. "Okay, Bonito, time to help I guess," she murmers to her spirit companion the little bao charm that plinks out of sight only to reappear as a cat bounding away from the fray. Just in case there was need for a later-on-save the spirit could assist with.

Chiyo pauses just a second when that barrier is brought up. It DID seem familiar... but it wasn't quite right either. At least she spots a few of the victims vanishing knowing they were safely away for now.

The Saiboshi are raised to clack together a single time and though they appeared to be polished wood, a spark ignites where the tips meet. "Let's cook!"

A sudden pillar of flames erupt from where she stands obscuring her entirely, though the flames aren't the thing which really hides her transformation: It's the steamy smoke that billows out filling a good area of the alley in the process. Perhaps it would help to obscure the vision of the others? Or... or maybe she just hadn't transformed in a closed space before and didn't realize that would happen. Oops. Newb mistake.

Transformed into Culinary Guardian Daifuku, she leaps toward the fray with her long handled wooden Kine swinging down to mallet smash at Sunbreaker from behind.

There's no called out attack. What would she call it, Mochi Smoosh? Hopefully The Red Princess' attack wouldn't pose a problem there either.

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Thankfully, perhaps, before Hannah can utterly blow her own cover in sheer indignant wroth, Blauer Greif does the Belkan ping equivalent of shoving an overly large packet straight into her linker core and headcase alike while Hannah's busily choking on her own words. This results in the feeling of lights being shined in the eyes after a two-week bender, and for a second her royal dignity is replaced by choking sounds.

Her head isn't exactly /level/, but those few moments give Hannah the wherewithall to choose her words carefully. The Barrier Riventon puts up is entirely Not Right. She can't deny the strength of it, or how he's actually bothered to form one. That's proper. It's the feeling on her neck, that something off is going on but she and even Blauer Greif can't drum up some ancient piece of advice or battlefield that the old grandma of a Device has born witness to.

Her face is furious, but the grin on it is a little excited. Something new to all three of them is shockingly rare, and tickles her spine even as she swallows down a bevy of curses and blasphemies upon Saint Olivie.

She is both impressed by and wants to tear the Barrier apart. But, in typical Steiner fashion, she figures the best way to do that is to sledgehammer Riventon into unconsciousness, or at least into being less of a knave and-or high and mighty. Pot and kettle, it seems.

"Mein Japanese is..." Pause. Frown. "It is a work in progress you elend! Und besides the point!" She's not above being a petty noble, even if she pretends to be.

Hannah opens her arms towards Riventon as if she's embracing an old friend. She actually /smiles/! Her golden glasses shine, and then her teeth grit audibly.

Lyra hisses angrily!

"Well then, we are at an accord, mein new freund of hubris und prole folly! A noble is one to stand above und be looked upon with envious eyes that those below may rise up and assume equal greatness through inspiration und deeds! I do believe you are in need of..."

Luckily before Hannah's grandstanding can go on too much further, Blauer Greif pipes up.

<Mein herrin. Permission to offer allianz?>

Hannah responds by making a duelist's salute, whipping out the cane portion of her Device into the air in order to set her ponytail and royal fuzzy cape fluttering dramatically. Nanoha, the small to the tall, is shooting away. A Mid-Childan Device, perhaps? Hannah gives a slight nod. Feeling partially upstaged, she leaps from the water tower and magically magnets her way towards Riventon in an arc that's...not so much an arc, as a straight-floating-beeline for the young man with the very strange Device at speed and ever-increasing terminal velocity. She only lightens this to give time for Nanoha to shoot, rather than be caught in her new fire-support based friend's line of sight.

Lyra leaps down too, but remains neatly on overwatch, hissing out helpful warnings with the rapor only two life-long partners can do. A guide animal is glorious that way, even if they're a lizard.

"The good frau makes a salient point! We may discuss intent after your surrender! Lay down your arms, und upon mein honor, you shall be treated with respect und mercy, or may the Sankt strike me down a liar!"

She does her best to confront Riventon directly, aiming a slash towards his legs at cane-point, magic only increasing the weight of the thing, likely to rend straight through concrete be it hit or miss as her Device speaks.

<Fluss: Erh?hen>

It's the equivalent of a speeding cannonball being swung in an arc towards Riventon's knees!

That done, Blauer Greif activates her communication protocalls, and pings Raising Heart.

<Guten Aben. Blauer Greif und her Tragar formally requests allianz that we may defeat this foe. Fur den Ruhm upon our Houses. Sensoren temporary link offered> Comes Blauer Greif in that way really, really old rich people talk. It's painfully Belkan.

Even if the Device can't cut through all that, Hannah makes no attempt at hiding how she's trying to body-block Riventon from getting a

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Even if the Device can't cut through all that, Hannah makes no attempt at hiding how she's trying to body-block Riventon from getting at Nanoha so she can shoot freely.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
The formation of the dark sphere slightly unsettles Coco, not just for the properties of the magic by itself, but because she can recognize what this is, and most importantly how different it is from the usual form she has witnessed. She instinctively looks at Hannah, who held the version of Riventon's spell she was used to. 'If they are the same, then people should be safe', she realises with relief. It was clearly a prison meant to hold them in, but that thought didn't really bother her, nor did the dark energy prickling at her skin.

"I don't know why you went out of your way to reduce the harm you inflict to people, but we weren't going to be leaving anyway until your evil endeavours have been disposed of, so honestly you did us a favour", Coco replies, ignoring Riventon's rambling about his superiority. The duo wastes no time in separating, as Riventon sends Sunbreaker at her and Runealdy.

"I wouldn't belittle Aqua Regina, if I were you", she tells the burning girl. "The system she created has mantained the peace for an uncountable time. You are just the next squabble in the perpetual and peaceful flow of the oceans", she says, not at all intimidated by the impression the dark warrior tends to leave. What gets a response out of her however is Sunbreaker disappearing, completely surprising her. 'Where did she go...' she thinks, looking around in just about any direction.

'She is talking with Runealdy...? What for?', she wonders. It's obvious by her gestures they certainly aren't having a friendly chat, and the flame she calls for does nothing to contradict her impression. 'I should be careful, her attacks are ranged', she recalls from their last fight.

Despite taking a cautionary approach to the situation, Sunbreaker's sudden attack still surprises her, and she barely dodges it with a jump to the side, piercing the Live Stage 1 mere centimeter away from her skin. "That was a nice shot", she says, "but now I will actually make you hear my song, even if you don't like it". She calls upon the Live Stage once more. "Legend of Mermaid: Pichi Pichi Voice, Live Start!"


The song quickly spreads through the dark field, moving through the evil energy permeating the environment, seeking to purify it.

The magical notes are an emblem of serenity, promising peace and hope to anybody who listens and fights for the good in the world, for the promise that light will triumph and protect the love that permeates the world.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Riventon is actually still 'preparing the battlefield' - locking everybody in was the first part of his plan. Dividing the heroes into bite sized chunks for him and Sunbreaker was the next part.

    He really hoped the girl would take his 'helpful advice' and put the weapon down. He didn't like hurting kids when it could be avoided. But Nanoha shows that it can't be helped by unleashing a blast. The blast rocks against a circular shield that he creates out of his left hand - the shield 'fractures' but holds steady against the blast otherwise. Something about the blast - and the girl's determination - has his Device more worried than he is. Axion thinks the girl is trouble, more than she appears, and has no problem informing Riventon of this. Loudly, in his head.

    Much like Hannah's device disrupts her, Axion's warnings - the warnings of an entity who has not spent a lifetime with its Meister, only its own lifetime - are distracting. And being distracted right now is bad.

    The round barrier for Hannah's attack is a little late, and a little bit underpowered. Partly due to the smaller 'artillery-chan's' attack blasting him and taking more energy than he'd care to admit out loud to not break through. So while he doesn't get his legs literally pulverized, the shield only protects him from the worst of the hit - not all of the raw kinetic energy that the impact carries with it, and that rattles through his body painfully, as he is shunted back pretty far. He tries to shake off the pain and show no visible reaction, and the shadow guise helps in that somewhat, but the combat-trained Hannah will see it in his body.

    Riventon curses under his breath. "You hit harder than I expected." he calls. It's unclear if this call is going to Nanoha or Hannah. Or both. (It's both.) "You should tell me your names, so I know who to praise for their courage in the history books after I win. As for me, I'm Riventon."

    He shakes out his right arm like he can just shake the pain off. Sunbreaker ends up pushed to about his same location by the mallet, and Coco is singing and it's distracting (also it's making some of this area look a little bit more 'normally barriered' around her.) Backing away from the more dangerous than expected girls until he's back-to-back with Sunbreaker, he gets his head on straight. "We need to put someone out. Or at least push them back." Riventon says quietly to Sunbreaker. "Pick one, we'll focus." Riventon urges.

    Sunbreaker gives her answer. Angrily.

    "Fine, sure." Riventon says. And then the third stage of 'preparing the battlefield' from before kicks off as out of the alleyways and shadows and even off the rooftops, shadowy creatures leap at Nanoha, Hannah, Coco, and Daifuku and relentlessly swing claws at them with no regard for their own safety. They're not fully youma - barely assembled out of Dark Energy with red eyes like Riventon's mask and cackling red mouths, with gleaming claws - truly, they are closer to Nanoha's following Shoot Barrets than youma. After taking a single good hit (or even after landing a few of their own attacks against a shield) the magic keeping them together breaks and they fade out - the problem is there are a lot of them, roughly 5 for each hero, from all directions, a small swarm. Then for Runealy, it's Riventon himself - expecting Sunbreaker to follow up given his distraction for the other.

    <BERUHREN VON VERZWEIFLUNG.> (Touch of Despair) And he reaches out trying to grab the Red girl, or even just make contact. His open, grasping hand glows with a bright purple energy - an awesome dark power that unsettles those who it merely passes near, but if he can get his hands on her, or even on her wand, he'll channel negative energy into Runealy like she's a grounding wire and he's lightning - in addition to however Sunset follows up.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker blinked as... the princess talked. And then she grit her teeth. The flame surrounding her only seemed to rise. Why?

Because those words... Those words were words that were *incredibly* familiar to Hinoiri. Words she had heard about her mentor... Words she'd said about herself in regards to her mentor. Not good enough. Inadequate. An unworthy student. Nothing she did would ever be enough. No matter how hard she worked, no matter how much effort she put in...

She would never be worthy.

That voice she had silenced long, long ago. But hearing it then, now? Oh... It fueled a rage in her that only made the dark energy rise over her. Parts of her body entirely enveloped and disappearing from sight under the burning.

She held out her hand and a dome of burning red fire formed around her. The orb connected with it and, while it did crack, it didn't break. The green mist dropped and a moment later the shield did. She then smiled to Red Princess. It was not a smile of joy. She held her hand out to her.

"I'm sorry it had to be this way, princess," she said in a mocking tone that implied anything but. "But you? You're unworthy. But I figured out long, long ago I was anything *but*. And that's why I'll be walking away from this fight. And you?" She held out her right hand, an orb of fire gathering. Gathering. The flames growing, growing, only to compress. The Red Princess could likely feel the power being gathered there. The raw destructive fury being prepared to be launched at her. Fueled by those words that gnawed at Sunbreaker in a way she refused to acknowledge. The purifying music flowing over her, however, from Yellow's song was making her gathered magic harder. The flames dimming slightly. "You'll--" Bonk.

The fire was disippated as Sunbreaker was just... suddenly... cold cocked in the back of the head. The flames that the princess had amplified managed to shield her enough that she didn't just get cratered. Instead, she was sent flying forward, crashing into a wall... The dust began to fall around her as she, very slowly, began to pick herself up. "Time... immemorable? Heh. If your Aqua Regina has a problem with me, tell her to come and say it to my FACE! I'll dethrone her as well!" Sunbreaker yelled. The flames around her were once more growing, coating her so thickly that her body could barely be seen at all. The fact anything could be seen beneath that flame was a sign of just how powerful Yellow Pearl's song truly was, that even this wild fire could be at all suppressed. "I am SUNBREAKER! SHE WHO WILL SHATTER THE SUN!" she yelled.

It took her a moment to realize Riventon was asking her something. It only took her a moment to answer. Motioning towards Red Princess. "The unworthy reject," she said, the words coming out like venom.

He distracted them... And so she joined him. While he charges in to try and grasp her, she teleported in a flash of dark fire. Appearing behind her once again... However, while Riventon went after her... Sunbreaker went after her toys.

She lunged a hand forward and fire erupted from her hand, driving it forward at the girl's bow. She'd seen where that weapon had come from and now she wasn't just targetting the girl, she was targetting her very armaments.

Behind her, one of the gems she had created shattered, the magic she'd drained fueling the assault.

Nanoha Takamachi has posed:
Nanoha Takamachi answers Hannah first, well Raising Heart does with a telepathic < Acknowledged. Hello. > says Raising Heart back and soon Nanoha huhs? "Huh?" she says. The Raising Heart warns her of incoming and she tries to smack away one of the hits with Raising Heart, successful, but the others are trouble, they get through, slicing and dicing and smacking and cackling and she's lucky she has a barrier jacket that gets shredded in places by the attack.

"I'm....Nanoha Takamachi!" is that... a real name? It's totally. a Real name.

Still, she stands as strong as she can as she mutters. "Um..."

'UM.' she goes into the telepathic link. 'I'm Nanoha Takamachi. Uhm. We should... take care of them. But. I dunno how besides. Well.' she blushes for apparently no reason to everyone else. 'Shooting them a lot until they go away!'. She says into the telepathic link.

She then tries to blast more of the not!Youma before they can potentially reach other people in the fight with quick barrel shots.

Runealy Waldia has posed:
This strange barrier's odd feelings are one thing. They were bothering Rune in the back of her consciousness. Being teamed up on like this is not 'back of mind', however. It is an immediate concern. Sunbreaker mocks her again, and Rune agrees once more - even though doing this seems to be having an odd effect. "Unworthy, yes. So much refuse," said as in the same word for 'garbage', not for refusing to do something, "that as well. The only dispute is I must walk away alive from this as well, I... ...hn?!"

Riventon is upon her. Rune jumps away, but her ankle is seized and she trips to the sidewalk, screaming as purple energy flows into her! She spins to face Riventon, jewels on her tiara lighting up to spray a stream of tiny sparkles at him in an attempt to break the hold...

...but these are interrupted, as her dress bow ignites. This might not be a direct attack on her, but immediately adjacent fires do not feel good and Rune acknowledges the damage to her magical form with a shriek as her head whips back and forth, spraying more sparkles wildly between Riventon and Sunbreaker - anything to make it stop.

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Hannah can't help it. For all his arrogance, and relying on that strange..../something/ she's never encountered before that makes her feel ill, he's strong. And willing to dish out as much as he takes both in banter and fighting prowess. Also the fact his Device -so clearly glitchy - pumps out some proper Belkan slowly endears the little jerk to her. He is, very clearly, a Jerk and Arrogant. He has an Agenda, a purpose, and offers his name.

She's smiling. It's still angry, but some of the distaste in her visage is bleeding away. An arrogant, affable jerk in his own way. She hastily throws up a duelist's salute in response.

She's going to return a good turn, even if it's an enemy. This feels a bit more...proper. She can fight this young man and maybe, just maybe, respect him if he keeps it up.

"Tragar des Blauer Greif in this form, herr Riventon! Despite being an enemy, I wish that the Sankt guides you back to Her Light one day! Mein companion Lyra, und of course, Blauer Greif." She briefly notions to the sword in her hand.

"You have mein deepest apologies that mein true nomen must needs be concealed. I shall repay this shameful dishonesty through martial vigor!" Proclaims Hannah firmly, only for massive amounts of Not-Quite-Yet-Kinda Youma attack her with really, really nasty claws.

Hannah responds to this by first kick one directly in the dome with her armored heel, ducking the second and sending a vicious sword-slash through it, only to eat one claw on her gauntlet, tearing away some of the manathreads that make it up only for her to backhand the thing into a wall.

The last one is more troublesome, as it manages to get both of its' claws raking into her armor. A Belkan shield spell is able to ward off most of the damage, sending both arms in opposite directions for the thing. Hannah lets Blauer Greif's sheath float beside her. One hand goes for the not-Youma's throat, she /lifts/ the thing up bodily, plants her feet, and then whips the creature behind her. Her Device inloads a general flight path, and then Hannah bodily tosses Riventon's own minion at him as she baseball-pitches the offending thing with sheer contempt!

"Such strange magics, mein freuend! Impressive, yet unworthy of the words your Device speaks!" Comes the Tragar, trying to rub it in more than a little. She's openly taunting Riventon, and smiling fiercely while doing so.

Oh this is fun! Her day is made.

Twice, in fact. With two Devices at an Accord, Hannah returns the telepathy with her fellow Device User.

'Well met, frau Takamachi! You may call me Tragar for the moment! In mein professional opinion? You are what we of more....martial temperment call 'Feuerunterst?tzung'! Fire support mein freund! Shooting until they cease being fools is your path, I have no doubt! Ha! Feuer frei! Use me as your shield!' Comes Hannah encouragingly! The girl is strong, and so young too.

She likes this kid, even if Raising Heart is just the picture of Mid-Childan ranged treachery. She doesn't hold it against either of them. More melee for her!

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Guardian Daifuku hops back from her attack which had solidly smashed down on Sunbreaker leaving her... dazed? Stunned? Pissed off. That was it. Uncertain how the retaliation might come she hops back further and pauses to brace herself... But it seems that Sunbreaker was focused whole heartedly on the Red Princess.

A small relief, really, as she wasn't sure if the flames of others could harm her. Her own couldn't but she wasn't about to believe she was immune to fire entirely. She had been burnt too often cooking to completely trust fire, even her own.

But then the shadows grow claws and eyes, and begin to rake at her and the others as they simply attack outright.

Swinging out the hammer again she lashes out, and then pulls back hard on the staff so that she can jab into one behind her, too. There were so many coming at once.. She hadn't yet had enough experience or practice in how to handle group attacks! It was time to test herself!

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Things are going well, all in all. Despite some close calls on their side, they have been gradually pushing back Riventon and Sunbreaker. 'This is going well, I think'.

Despite the unusual strategies and Sunbreaker teleporting around, her allies' attacks are going well, and her song is repelling the dark energy. Then Riventon start talking with Sunbreaker, and the two of them suddenly switch tactics.

"They have started cooperating?' As Coco sees the two of them going after Runealdy, Coco wants to shout her a warning and hover towards the Red Princess, but she finds her paths blocked by several shades.

"Runealdy!" she calls out with worry to the other magical girl, realising how they have been all outsmarted. But she barely has the time to worry about herself as the creatures start slashing at her from every direction.

The Live Stage doesn't survive the assault, and Coco suddenly finds herself with only her E-Pitch. "Stay back, you foul demons!", she yells, not giving up despite lacking any obvious solution.

Deprived of the time to sing, the best she can do is improvise some strikes with her microphone. "Take this!", she exclaims, bashing frantically the first youma with the musical item, turning the shade into splinters of dark energy.

'It's working!" she exclaims with stupor in her mind, while she barely dodges the creatures' claws. Armed with this confidence, she keeps alternating miraculous dodges and bashes with her E-Pitch, until all of the shades are gone.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Runealy shrieks and somewhere deep down he feels a little bit. Very deep down. But in this mode, in fighting, he can't be the one who feels bad. Still, maybe he won't develop much fire himself. He debates draining her of energy right here, but there's too many enemies and she looks worn out, so he throws the Red Princess back and away from him. She's probably not a threat, not really, not after the fire and the dark energy that pulsed through her. Certainly, throwing her off to the side like a discarded soda can would not come back to haunt him later. He sees the youma and shifts his body just out of the way of his own 'projectile' though that just leaves it on course for Sunset. But he lets her worry about that...

    He looks at Nanoha and Hannah as they fight through his distraction attacks."You two girls, both old and young - you two work well with your devices - practiced. You've clearly been taught." For some reason, Riventon says the word 'taught' with disgust. Like he's accusing them of bringing a book to a test (and additionally like he doesn't cheat on tests). Then again, maybe it's jealousy? Their devices are all so put-together, Nanoha's and Hannah's. So... single purposed. So... And then Axion just pings at him. Just once, no words, just to kick him out of the loop.

    Riventon looks to Sunbreaker. "I choose now. Let's keep going after the quasi-nobility here." he says lowly. "Keep the louder one pinned down for a bit. No, not the singer. The big loud one." Riventon advises. "Pressure her and keep her shielding."

    Magic circles form under Riventon once more, and one of the little arcing sparks of dark energy electricity on his gauntlet is absorbed by the jewel on the back of his hand. This attack is for everybody (except Rune, who he is currently disregarding) but it's *designed* for Hannah as Sunbreaker keeps pressure on her.

    <NIGHT BELOW.> Axion calls, giving the attack for once in Mid-childan rather than Belkan. But there's no blast from him - just a surge of energy that goes somewhere - until the attack's name is matched. Underneath everyone but Runealy, the ground suddenly rumbles and there's a few moments of purple flashes before columns of dark energy erupt from underneath them. The vertical (and generally sneaky) nature of the attack means that most grounded opponents who think of defending on a fixed plane may not be expecting it. And particularly one who is already trying to fight off a field of fire from the front.

    "You know, you're only getting hurt right? Like your red-dress friend soon you'll all get a taste of Dark Energy directly." he calls. "And then I'll drain every last drop of energy from you and leave with everything magic you have. And you can go back to those normal people you care about so much. The boring, normal world. Go get a job working a convinence store. And then maybe you'll finally be doing something that you're worthy of. But Sunbreaker and I - we change the world. No. We change *worlds*, plural! You want to talk about nobility and peasantry? We're the nobles, and it's tax season. We know better what to do with your share of magic, energy, and everything else than you do. So give up before you just keep getting hurt more."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker feels quite validated when the girl screams. Even more so when Sunbreaker believes she'd destroyed the other girl's trinkets, burning her bow. She's going to be so annoyed later when she finds out it doesn't work that way. "The problem with power that's not your own, reject, is that it can be taken from you. Let that be a lesson for you, from the worthy to the unworthy," she taunted. "And if you choose allies... make sure that they're able to keep up with the destiny you have laid out before you."

Still, as the girl was disgarded, the flames died slightly. Her rage mellowed. Was she calm? HA! No. The youma came flying at her... and she lifted a hand up. A wall of fire rising up between her and the youma, nearly singing Riventon but DEFINITELY incinerating the youma. Behind her, another one of her gems disintegrated. She'd expended more magic than she cared to admit. As much as she was loathe to admit it... they were pushing her more than she liked.

Or maybe she was expending more energy than she should have. Bah. No matter. There was always MORE power. She glanced toward Hannah. Go after nobility? Easy enough. "It's a crutch," she told Riventon. "Their devices, cobbled by others, something they have to depend on for power. It's fake. True power doesn't come from a toy." The comment was there, likely clear for him. 'Cobbled by others'. Unlike them, he'd made his own. His device stood as a testament to HIS power. Even if it wasn't as strong as theirs, the fact it was HIS power meant, in a way, it couldn't ever be taken from him.

She snapped her fingers. "Now then, sparkle skirts. Allow me to show you the difference between power you are given by others... and power you *Earn* through hard work, determination, study and devotion!" she yelled.

Two more of the gemstones shattered before small little burning birds formed around her. Dozens of them. With a flick of her wrist, they then surged forward. Flying through the air like flaming phoenixes, a few of them went after all the girls, though for the most part only two or three went after most of the girls... except the discarded princess. Hannah, unfortunately, gained the vast majority of them. Well over a dozen of them swarmed her, like angry bees that were also on fire. Swirling around her and attempting to drive her down to the ground if she didn't want to be incinerated in their dark flame.

"You lot can't even begin to understand the *folly* of standing in our way. Sovereign Sora couldn't stop my rise to power, what makes a bunch of pathetic sparkle skirts who barely understand the steps of a complex four dimensional counter spell matrix could have even the slightest chance?"

Runealy Waldia has posed:
Rune's tiara blasts cease when she realizes others are running in to help - she wants to make sure she doesn't end up spraying Coco or Daifuku. Riventon ends up forcing the matter anyway as he hurls the princess aside, and she lands in a twitching heap.

She does not immediately rise, even as attacks fly in the distance. She listens, though - a horrified chill runs through her as Riventon mentions 'worlds, plural.' Does he know about her world? She hasn't told anyone, steadfastly insisting she is from 'Europe' and instructing her Guardian Knights to do the same. Or is there a third world - or more than three - unknown to her? Or have they indeed found out her secret, and are planning to 'change her world'?

It's a lot to think about as she continues to twitch on the concrete, still recovering from a hands-on introduction to dark energy.

She has no reply, witty or defiant or otherwise, to Sunbreaker in light of this.

Nanoha Takamachi has posed:
Nanoha Takamachi looks down after fending off attacks and just...takes off skyward, moving out of the way of the column of dark energy forming below her, frowning as she takes in the name of that attack. Some of this is in German and she doesn't understand it. Raising Heart seems to understand it as Belkan but... Nanoha doesn't really know what that is.

That's when phoenixes attack and she throws up shields, letting the phoenixes smack shields as she fires off standard shoot barrets off into them to make them go away, save for one that gets through, leaving scorch scratch marks on her barrier jacket before she can dispatch it.

She finally aims Raising Heart at Riventon and calls out, shakenly. "Hammer Shot!" before firing off a loud, heavy blast of energy from Raising Heart that's like the energetic version of a shotgun slug being flung out in energy form towards him!

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
"YOU TALK TOO MUCH! If you were really confident in yourselves, you wouldn't have to be arguing like a bunch of school yard children over who has the better marbles!"

Angry, annoyed, and tired of listening to such... horribly pessimistic chatter, talking of harming people and true power this and true power that. Did it really matter in the end? It didn't to Guardian Daifuku, and she's had enough of hearing it. Right and wrong were different than power. You could have power and do right. Or wrong. Or have none and do the same. Stealing energy from people certainly was in the 'this isn't right' category for her.

Those remaining few half-youma shadows she'd been fighting are quickly smashed with one circular spin that lets her hammer-slam them with the Kine. Before she can even properly step back to gather herself though, those little pheonixes come...

Daifuku has had enough.

The Kine is swung around in hand twirling it once, twice, and then she slams it down into the already rough ground. Steam was the ultimate end to this attack generally, but first, fire licks up through the cracks created. Fire eating other fire, it becomes difficult to tell where one ends and the other begins. As the fire ends, and the steam rises up in geysers pocketing all around the ground, she calls out:


Hannah Steiner has posed:
Hannah can hear the envy. She's used to that. Likes it, even, to some degree. But this feels different. Trained. Practiced. Her brain swirls as she tries to pick out meaning in Riventon's distaste.

Has he had to learn all on his own? Putting aside Dark Energy, and then as Axion calls out in Mid-Childan? Suddenly an inkling of understanding hits her. Belkan and Mid-Childan technologies are incompatible. That's been wisdom even after the Accords, and so the distinct schools have grown up beside one another, odd siblings that are each utterly unique. Built of different purposes. One for ranged supremacy and for peacekeeping. The other for front line duty when the old need for war out of a shameful past calls.

Part of Hannah feels affronted, that noble arrogance rearing its' head. She grits her teeth. Were someone to marry Mid-Childan tech to her venerable Device, with all its' history and significance? She would most wroth. And yet, the fact Riventon has seemingly done the impossible?

This isn't a man to be underestimated, and he proves as such quickly.

Particularly when Sunbreaker brings the fire.

"You know naught about what I have...." Comes Hannah, snarling at Sunbreaker.

<Incoming, mein herrin> Offers Blauer Greif calmly as ever. Sunbreaker's power is impressive, but the old girl believes in Hannah. This kind of firepower and strange magic is odd, terrifying, but between the intruiging Nanoha and Hannah?

They can do it. They just need a push.

<Livin> Comes her Device as a shield once, then twice, and then again forms. Those multitudinous firebirds lash out at her. Hannah isn't Nanoha. Her 'flying' is more rapant abuse of gravity, and she's always far more home on a flat surface or at least floating on top of a lamp pole dramatically.

A few meet her shields, and peel them away in intense heat. Her hat goes flying, only to end up incinerated as her long blonde locks are freed from her ponytail! Her cape sizzles and catches on fire as Hannah's forced to slash, dodge, and throw up shield after shield to not end up burnt into nothing.

Live. Live. She can't die here. She /has/ to live. For her parents. For her friends. So she can track down the Kinslayer.

Her flowing emotions grant her grace, and her motions are faster. She kicks down one firebird at the cost of her armored-skirt blackening and portions burning away. A quick duck down has her golden glasses melting into slag, and she feels hairs singing. She screams in pain and in pride, burning through her magic reserves as she lets much of the fire burn into her chestplate. It's melting. Pain is working its' way into her sightless eyes, but she pushes on regardless.

"I've...TOO MUCH TO DO TO FALL HERE!" Rages the young Steiner amidst the firestorm.

Lyra hisses out a warning, and that's the only thing that saves her from being shattered and giving Riventon a buffet of Device knowledge. That erupting column of dark energy hammers into her even as she's throwing herself towards the wall of the alleyway. Which, by a hair, she's successful in doing. But the energy of Night Below still sends her upwards, resulting in the Belkan Knight making a hole in the side of the alleyway only to be erupted up and through and into the air with catastrophic damage.

Her landing is barely cushioned by Blauer Greif, whom Hannah has tucked legs and arms around to protect. Her back is exposed and she's utterly battered. The armored portions of her Knight Armor are shattered utterly, the rest of it ripped, and her cloak is a burning wreck that detaches as the darkness takes it.

She still bounces with enough force that her head hammers into the ground along with the rest of her, and she coughs and has the air driven out of her lungs.

She blacks out for a moment, only for a jolt from her Device into the brain has her pushing herself to her knees. Gasping, she drps to her knees again twice as she returns sheath to cane. Leaning in sheer agony as she gets back up with pure stubborn grit.

"Change it into what shape, mein freu

Hannah Steiner has posed:

"Change it into what shape, mein freunds? By the Sankt. Just tell us what you are after und abandon the perfity of draining innocents. Perhaps we would even be allies if you could find proper means! Justifying the ends with tragedy inevitably leads to destruction, no matter how holy the purpose! Turn away from this path, I beg you!" Comes the impassioned bid to change...well, Riventon, but she hopes it might give Sunbreaker pause to rethink things.

A quick scan shows her ally is in the air. Good. And mostly intact. That /hurt/.

'Keep firing frau Takamachi! No need for us to hold back, we've little choice!' Telepath's Hannah to Nanoha encouragingly, battered as she is.

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Riventon only knows of two worlds directly - the Dusk Zone and this one. He does, however, know that Sunbreaker and Catra both hail from other worlds. And the fairies that the Pretty Cure defend also come from other worlds. There are many other worlds, even if Tokyo seems to be the hub for them all. It only stands to reason that, eventually, another world would be on the menu after this one. At least, right now, as Riventon, hopped up on Dark Energy and winning and ego and showing off. Takashi Agera might truly want to only worry about this world and his Dusk Zone, but the science nerd wasn't really 'driving' him right now so much as the megalomaniac mage.

    There's another pang of... conscience? That exists for just a moment and is quickly wiped away when Hannah hits the ground so hard. But that doesn't mean he's happy when she talks again. When she's still *capable*. He wanted two down. To keep turning the tides in their favor.

    "Look at yourselves. There's so *many* of you girls here, and you're pushed to the brink just fighting the two of us. Broken your bodies. If you keep fighting you'll keep getting hurt. That's what's causing you pain. Standing against me. You'll watch everything you've valliantly defended fall apart like sand castles on the beach in a storm. Stop fighting destiny. You're the ones causing others pain, causing yourselves pain, by fighting against the inevitable."

    "Come on and surrender and I can stop actually hurting people - nobody was being injured before you stepped in and decided I didn't need to requisition this energy. Plus, you can't leave unless I let you. And with Sunbreaker's power following my brilliant commands, all combined you still do not stand a chance." Of course, Sunbreaker takes this announcement super-well, causing him to turn and laugh. "Oh come on, we started winning when you began to follow my directions! You're an excellent sidekick though."

    Yeah, that devolved into arguing incredibly quickly. Riventon and Sunbreak gesturing and each trying to take credit for their more recent string of successes. "I'm sorry, WHO grabbed sparkle-red over there? Yeah that was me. Otherwise she'd have just flown off and kept peppering you with green pain."

    The youma are dispatched, steam rises around them - and then Nanoha's Hammer Shot finds Riventon's exposed back - exposed because he was busy explaining 'how great his plans are' to the 'book smart practicals lacking' Sunbreaker loudly. His device puts up an auto-barrier but the Hammer Shot breaks through it, and is sent off course - into the side of his back instead of him directly. He gets cut off mid words and lets out a truly brutalized noise as the weighty blast forces his lungs empty. Ow.

    Somewhere in the smoke is Riventon on one knee with the wind knocked out of him. For all his bluster, falling prey to a very human physiological problem. A good hard impact at the right (wrong?) spot. As the smoke clears slowly, for the moment he's not looking particularly inevitable.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker knows of countless worlds... existing. In theory. But she doesn't actually care about any of them. The only one SHE cares about... is her own. And that isn't this one as far as she knows. She had to give them props, they were able to actually deflect and destroy... some of the birds. But they weren't the focus. THAT was Hannah.

She glanced towards Daifuku and chuckled. "Oh, I'm *so sorry*," she said in a mocking tone. "But you see, once you're in the top percentile, you find you're more than capable of both taking out the trash *and* talking at the same time. Maybe if you work really hard, you'll be able to do it too," she said. "As for 'righting wrongs', the only thing 'wrong' here is believing that you can stand to us," she said with a laugh. "And the last thing I plan to do is ask permission from a bunch of kids from the magical equivalent of... of..." She sighed. "I don't even know what the proper term would *be* in this place."

Of course, it was during this moment of frustration that Riventon said the *worst* possible thing.

'Following his brilliant commands'?

And just like that, she was back in the fairy world again. So young. So naive. 'Did you see Hinoiri's summoning spell? Why, she could be a member of the royal guard one day. Perhaps even a commander.'
'Hardly. I'd expect far more from the student of the Sovereign. She has power, but without Sovereign Sora to give it direction, she'd be hopeless.'
'I... guess. Maybe commander is too much.'

Follow... his... direction? She turned towards him, the fires rising again. "WHAT? Follow YOUR direction? You followed MY direction. Destroying the pathetic REJECT first!" she snapped. "I only helped you against that one because you were struggling! I am NO ONE'S SIDEKICK!" she yelled at him.

Sure enough, within moments the two were arguing, any confrontation with the sparkle skirts forgotten. While she tried to get the 'self taught to a C+, at best' level Takashi that she'd had more experience with magical combat by the time he had launched his first blast than he'd had in his entire life. Sure, a lot of it was practical, because fairies didn't have a lot of wars in their realm, but she left that part out.

And then his arrogance (in her mind) led to his downfall. "Heh. Oh, I can see just how 'great' your plans are. How about you take a breather and let someone with *both* knowledge and experience handle the rest of this?" she asked, before shattering the last of her gems... and launching blasts of fire at ALL of them...

But... all of that power? Wasn't focused this time. Instead a bunch of unfocused blasts and, despite all her objection to it... they were nowhere near as powerful as they'd need to be. More than that... they left her *open* for the counter attack. Especially without Riventon to help draw aggro.

Runealy Waldia has posed:
Daifuku calls for everyone to fight, and Rune has been shakily working on this - the princess nods aside to Daifuku. Fortunately, leaving her alone for several seconds gives the princess a chance to stand up. She is notably leaning away from the ankle that Riventon grabbed earlier, favoring her other leg...

...but Rune is up. She decides not to mock either of her attackers for this, silently thankful that they did relent. Despite her terrible self-image, Rune is aware of one key fact: If she dies, her world will die within the next two years or sooner. All taunting them would do is make it more likely they learn to finish her off in the future, so she does nothing of the sort.

She does have something to say to Riventon though, staring at him with narrowed eyes as he remains cloaked in steam and smoke. Perhaps not a 'cloak' he wanted, but he is in there and Rune has to make a best guess at his location. "You strive for a goal that is absolutely vital for you. However, there are others whose needs cannot and must not cede to yours!"

With Riventon and Sunbreaker pretty close together - she's more sure of it now as her view begins to clear and the bickering continues - the princess aims at Sunbreaker. With an aggressive shout, Rune launches a staff orb at her! The staff grows another one immediately, and Rune fires this as well. A third grows, and her aim pivots just enough to cover Riventon instead - this third orb also flies forth, all of them intending to make contact and explode!

Nanoha Takamachi has posed:
Nanoha Takamachi is more mobile this time in the air. So she avoids being hit by Sunbreaker's unfocused shots as she weaves in the air. She gets an idea, and Hannah's belkan device gets a pang of a sensor data, targeting data... and a signal of preparedness.

"Yes, we should stop letting ourselves be hurt while you're hurting people because you think you own their energy." she says, dripping with angry sarcasm. Is this the kind of people Fate-chan hang out with?...

Still, she starts casting while Riventon takes a knee. Good. This gives her a good moment. "Ready....!"


< DIVINE.... >

"....BUSTER!" she calls out. < ....BUSTER! > Raising Heart calls out after as she fires off a dramatic shot while Raising Heart sends a ping to Trager's Belkan device, as the huge, rocketing beam of bombardment energy towards Riventon!

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Hannah leans on her cane, struggles a touch to keep upright, but listens. She really, honestly listens to Riventon. No one is that strong and with a Purpose is to be underestimated. There's a sting to her pride, definitely. But she smiles. It turns into a battered grin as Riventon tries to demoralize them all.

She takes it all on the chin, and with pride on her mussed up features, somehow manages to look even more noble despite the battle damage as she forces herself straight backed and proper.

"Undfortunately for you, herr Riventon, I am quite durable as it turns out. By all means. UNTERBRICH MICH! For so long as I draw breath, I shall stand up for the powerless, as is mein duty so long as I have legs to stand up with! Deprive me of those? I shall crawl upon you und bite out your ankles, you Sankt Kaiserless little heathen! I spit upon destiny, raise mein blade, und shall carve a path towards Justice regardless of whatever you think you're accomplishing here!" Comes Hannah sharply, not bothering to hide her hurts. It only adds to her battered gravitas.

And then before she can start spouting Belkan wisdom about Anti-Barrier Melee Spells, Sunbreaker and Riventon are fighting.

She actually pinches her nose for a second.

"...Just like children. Or perhaps ill-tempered siblings." Mutters Hannah. Sorry you villains, Respect Levels have just dropped a single notch. She shakes her head.

Nanoha lays out pure truth, so succinctly. Hannah finds herself nodding at the elegant simplicity with which the young girl lays out matters. And as that ping hits her Device?

She rolls her neck, and gets to business, magnetizing herself up to float roughly beside her far more aerially mobile ally. Luckily, despite their different styles, 'sheer force' is something a Steiner appreciates as much as a Takamachi as it turns out. With a silent blessing to Nanoha and all her kin, she for once forgoes her extensive vocabulary alongside breaking things, and decides to just let Nanoha's words hang in the air as she writes power that has Hannah unable to stop an exhilarated laugh at being so very close to.

She'll never admit to feeling humbled at such power. But it sparks just a little more fire in her heart at the force of Divine Buster. Blauer Greif's sensoren flares to get a good picture of this moment.

Which is probably the only reason she doesn't stop her User from doing something incredibly and shamelessly reckless.

<Fluss: Akkretion> Hannah forces Blauer Greif to invoke. A talking-to later is scheduled, and Lyra up there is just laying in her lizardy paws from the sheer audacity this silly little Steiner is going for here. Maybe it's the combined thrill of a good fight, the frustration she's been feeling, both the power of her new compatriot Nanoha and her enemies alike all punching her in the gut. She's definitely aiming to not be outdone, as her own Binding spell wraps around the more vulnerable joins on her arm ominously and sinch tight.

Blauer Greif floats aside her, and then Hannah takes a 'step' forward to keep her dear friend out of her own localized disaster. Knuckles pop as wave after rounding wave of sheer gravitic excess forms in conflicting, growing counterpoints. They spin, a little miniature war of essential forces driven by magic and emotion and the desire to measure up to friend and ally alike. To be worthy of her Titles and Name and Blauer Greif gifted to her.

And they spin, and grow, and the entire area around her starts to fisheye as she draws concentric circles of gravity right into her hand. Her arms audibly shudders as this still imperfect spell finds it's zenith. Another Bind on her own leg towards the ground such that she's not immediately blown away.

Divine Buster is on the wind, and then bending backwards painfully, she /throws/ that ball of gravitics straight in front of that laserbeam, one last Bind set to chain the two together.

Only to pull taught, just as it's in front of Riventon, and explodes inwardly even as Divine Buster makes its' presence known,

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Only to pull taught, just as it's in front of Riventon, and explodes inwardly even as Divine Buster makes its' presence known, her own spell one part focusing laser for Nanoha's one-mage calamity, and one part attracting void-bomb to try to ensure Riventon gets all and again of their combined power.

Luckily for Hannah, she merely ends up with her arm popping out of its' socket as her own spell -still incomplete and unready for combat use - sends her flying backwards into a dumpster with a loud THUD that has a Hannah-shaped crater in it now. She's given it her all.

And is hugging her Device as she kind of sinks into the metal. Lyra leaps down to help keep her upright.

Despite the agony, Hannah is smiling in her one-hundred watt way, somehow proud of it all!

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Guardian Daifuku watches with some relief as Riventon and Sunbreaker start to argue. Moreso when Riventon gets the air knocked out of him, and then that stunning duo move from Nanoha and Hannah. It's almost blindingly bright seeing this attack, and she has to flinch back a moment. It almost makes her miss the other lights that start to come her way--That aimless yet dangerous fire from Sunburst.

The Kine is quickly brought to bear again to spin in hand using it as a twirling shield to deflect the flames that come her way. The air created by the motion is enough to cause the fire attack to swirl around caught up with the sudden wind.

The others had tried so hard to fight. Here she was just yelling at them to fight harder. Even if she might not be as experienced or powerful as them, that didn't mean she shouldn't fight harder, too. Setting her face with grim determination she feels the flames within herself start to boil up. The fire flickers out from her hands, to the pole of the kine, to the tip joining in with the swirl of flame already there until it coalesces together into a whirlwind of flame.

Her foot slides back widening her stance to brace herself for what she was about to attempt. Something new. Something she hadn't done before, but what may work with just that extra OOMPH of power she put into it. Suddenly her opposite arm shoots out to grasp the twirling end of the Kine so that the flames are thrown back toward Sunburst with a cry of, "FLAMBE!"

Takashi Agera has posed:
    Someday - maybe as early as a week from now, Takashi will actually look back on today with some degree of happiness. It was today, after all, he got a lot of data. Belkan data from the Blekan Noble, Mid-childan data from Nanoha Takamachi, a strange sort of musical data from Yellow Pearl Voice, otherworldly magical data from the Red Princess, and Cullinary Guardian data from Daifuke.

    Unfortunantly for the Riventon of this particular time, though, he got it all by getting hit with most of it. It is also a good thing for Riventon, for Takashi, that his device has redundancies, particularly for memory, as it's going to be... a repair job after today. For Takashi and likely for Hotaru.

    Riventon was going to say something, but it's actually really hard to say much when suddenly your local gravity is collapsing inward. It's not a fun feeling, having bits of you pulled and pushed and reoriented wrong. Gravity based attacks just feel wierd. There's at least two shields up from Riventon - one is his own and one is his device - and he's trying to hold back against the gravity alone, and that's when the second part of the one-two combo connects - that brutalizing surge of bright pink energy from Divine Buster. Focused on him. It's a good thing Mid-Childan magic is nonlethal at its core. But nonlethal doesn't mean nice, gentle, or painless. Riventon's first shield would hold on - except for then the Red Princess' brilliant green orbs also sink into that gravity well and break, the sparkling energy from them all drawn into Riventon and they first crack and then shatter his first shield, and it's just his device's auto holding back during the warped gravity, but then in the shockwave, the second shield shatters as well, and it's just his device covered hand trying to take the burst. As the gravity well ends, Riventon's outstretched hand begins to lose... parts. Chunks. Bits of gemstone from Axion's core as cracks form across its screen and he's lost in the bright pinkness.

    When the light passes, Riventon is standing, left hand bracing his outstretched right. He's shuddering, his device's gem is cracked and there are bits of it no longer attached, lost to the Divine Buster.

He hits his knees first before toppling over sideways towards Sunbreaker, hitting the ground with his shoulder and then he's out.

    For a moment. His eyes open to see Sunbreaker still standing and he reaches out with his right arm before stopping with a pained look and then using his left instead to grip her shoes. "Leave. We. Leave!" he implores, demands. Other words are too many words. He's pretty sure he's gonna pass out again, soon. What is she DOING.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Sunbreaker glanced over to Red Princess. Ugh, she was still standing? What did it take for them to LEARN?! She held out her left hand, forming a barrier to block the strike. "Seriously? You've--" The first blow cracks it slightly. Uhhhhh... Oh. Right. She'd expended her energy gems. She--

Then a purely cosmic blast of power struck Takashi. Just... OW. Even SHE felt a little bad for that. Sure, he deserved it, after talking such to her. But he certainly did!

Only for the girl with the hammer to spin and GATHER her flames?! Impossibu! NO! And then launch them BACK at her! She held out her right hand, forming a second barrier! The fires striking it! Burning at it! Then the second orb from Rune! Her twin barriers breaking. "NO! I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED BY FIRE!" she yelled. "I AM SUNBREAKER! I WILL BREAK THE SUN ITSELF! I CANNOT BE BURNED!" The rage in her voice strong... unlike her crumbling barriers. Her arms scrunching in around her as she tried, desperately, to hold the barriers up. Riventon told her to leave, but well...

"I can handle it! There's ONLY five of them!" Only five of them! Her barrier was already collapsing... then the third blast hit it... and they crumbled, the fire and orb coming at her... She lifted her arms, trying to will another barrier around herself, but she couldn't. Not in time. She...

And then they were gone. The blasts striking where the two had been. And the last words she said before she, too, crumbled to her knees. "I... could... have handled them," she'd rasp.

No. She couldn't.

Runealy Waldia has posed:
Rune flinches as everyone's efforts pour in to one another - it might not be aimed at (or even near) her but it is still quite the brilliant display, and loud as a hammer is added to the mix! Her hearing clears before her vision does, and she calls to Sunbreaker, "I have what, precisely? Scant right to speak of such matters, granted. Yet it is true - look to those around us!"

When her vision clears, Riventon is... declaring a retreat. The princess is scandalized by the idea, and makes a breathy shout: "That must not happen! Apprehend them, that we might learn what apocalypse they strive to preve--" It happens, as the duo warp away even as Rune tries to exhort others. "Rather... I suppose that puts an end to the matter for the time being." she admits, her voice far less imperious than it had been just a few seconds ago as she looks to Daifuku, Nanoha, Yellow Pearl Voice, and Hannah in sequence.

Nanoha Takamachi has posed:
Nanoha Takamachi is shaking too because Divine Buster is one of those attacks that drains her reserves heavily. But she had an opening, and she took it. She then snaps, finally into the air. "L..leave!" she says, resolve still in her voice despite the shakiness of it.

"Leave before.. before I get angry about this!" she says as she grips Raising Heart more heavily. Wait.

She wasn't angry yet?

"Just.. just go and stop hurting people!" she yells.

And then the pair are gone and she relaxes a little, and watches the barrier leave.

"Well.." she says. "They're gone." she says as she looks around and then closes her eyes, letting her barrier jacket drop as it's taken most of the hits for her, leaving her just tired.

"What would we do if we could apprehend them?" she asks to The Red Princess, head tilting. "Tell the police they we're draining energy from people. I don't wanna have to explain to my parents why the police think I made a prank call." she shifts a little.

"Thank you, Miss Trager!" she finally says as she summons out the cup cake sprinkles from Raising Heart in their bag.

"Awugh. They're okay! Good. I need to. get home fast..." she says, Starting to leave.

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Fire has the dumpster around her sagging and then melting concerningly, Hannah not able to invoke her own defense. Blauer Greif takes pity on her young fool of a charge, and does so personally. The fire suddenly arcs away from the center of where she's been self-ejected into. By the time it fades?

Lyra has leaped down, massive talons scraping up concrete menacingly. The guard-lizard is ready to take whatever else can be thrown at the exhausted Belkan if need be. Such a good hissing pup!

Hannah basically is peeling herself out of metal. Her one currently functional arm leans on Blauer Greif hard, and...

Well after burning through all those shields, her back has not escaped the inevitable results of Sunbreaker's flame even by proxy. Luckily magical healing is a thing. She is definitely going to need to visit her ally after this though, less in a Time Guardian sense, and more in helping her get patched right back together.

But it works. Their enemy falls, quite literally, and it's Hannah's turn to feel a pang of regret. To damage a Device feels...wrong. Viscerally so. Such that with a sound that is, well, entirely unhealthy as she takes an exhausted step forward? When they're both on the brink of teleporting out, she shouts not to Riventon, but to the wounded Device he wields.

"Mein apologies! Livin! Livin, I demand of you, kin of both of us!" Comes Hannah's words, for once quick, without arrogance, and immediately regretful. It's an 'IOU' in shout form, and legitimate concern. Unhelpfully for her very pink ally, she doesn't explain exactly what she means.

"May you...walk under the Sankt's blessings frau Takamachi! Train together some time, yes?" Offers Hannah...a little deliriously. Okay a lot actually. She's serious about that offer though.

The culinary guardian introduces that sweet mochi to her mouth, and despite her dubious flick of her eyebrow?

Oh that feels good. Suddenly her back is mostly not on fire. And she can...walking is being generous, but it's what is keeping her from just straight up falling over.

She mutters some vague words that are very Space German, very positive, she's laughing way too much and her guide lizard is dragging her away before any of her words even vaguely make sense.

She has a phonecall to make after all, lest a certain Pluto gets really angry.

Chiyo Sakai has posed:
Guardian Daifuku brings her kine down again to rest against the earth, the 'business end' up while the handle makes a nice solid staff to lean against. Though scratched, bruised, and even a bit singed she hadn't taken the brunt of the attacks as the others had. A lucky thing, that, for it means she can put one last effort into play. With a deep breath she states to those remaining, "If you are hurt, wait just a moment, please."

A moment indeed. A flicker of a moment as time gets a bit hazy. A kitchen, fully stocked, and the magical girls here the audience to the craft. Daifuku molds mochi, Bonito the white and orange cat paws it into shape (with little food service gloves on, naturally), and then the 'scene' comes to an end.

A pile of daifuku mochi are on a plate which Daifuku hands around to the others with a simple, "Eat this, and be revived. I'm sorry I can't fully heal anyone but this ought to help," she assures.