Sunset of Sora

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Revision as of 05:07, 29 May 2024 by Elysia (talk | contribs)

There was once a student of a powerful alicorn who tried desperately to be worthy of her mentor's love, praise and adoration... As she felt her failures grow, the darkness in her heart only grew. While the light tried to shield her, eventually her pain was too much... and she began to share it. This is the story of her fall.

Title Date Scene Summary
Sunsetting May 17th, 2024 Following the events of a surprise party that Hinoiri could have never imagined receiving, she finally feels brave enough to face whatever message her mentor left for her. Unfortunately, what she finds is so much less than she'd ever imagined... and more painful than she would have believed possible.
A birthday intervention. May 17th, 2024 Hinoiri gets a big surprise when Sayaka, Madoka, Double Trouble (as Dianora) and Ikuto throw Hinoiri her a special birthday party. After the first impact that moves her, Hinoiri shows a lot of enthusiasm.
Exit Stage Left May 17th, 2024 Nurse Meiou arrives at Hinoiri's dorm room to aide the drained Double Trouble in making their way off campus and to a place where someone else from their team can come fetch them. It's not even a costume if they're disguised as a drama student.
Devour the Earth May 18th, 2024 It really was a wonderful earth prince they had there... a shame something terrible happened to him. As Hinoiri gets more and more out of control, she devours all of the power of her newest prey... Mamoru Chiba. The earth has been eaten, what comes next?
Burnout May 18th, 2024 CW: Graphic description of injuries. After Hinoiri drains and burns Mamoru, Sailor Moon goes to get him with the help of Sailor Mercury, Kunzite, and Jadeite.
Onset of the Sunset May 20th, 2024 Bow comes to Sayaka with grevious news, that Hinoiri has started losing control of herself, and actively attack people. They are going to pay Tuxedo Kamen a visit later, but what can be done to save everyone from a friend out of control?
Slapping the Sandwich May 20th, 2024 Taro Yamada has news for Fuyuko. In response, she decides that maybe it is time to start training him, after all. Good thing nothing bad will happen tomorrow.
You're Here With Us May 20th, 2024 In the hospital, Mamoru wakes up. Poor Zoisite. Poor Usagi. But at least he's awake.
Beacons May 21st, 2024 Naru's keeping Mamoru company, and Rashmi comes to visit! She does some diagnosing of Mamoru's problem and some relieving of his stress-- both physical and mental-- and leaves with some Ideas.
Snax May 21st, 2024 Friends visit Mamoru in the hospital! Bow brought soothing music, Chiyo brought healing foods, and Koji brought enough snax to calm a wild Usagi...
We Have to Stop Meeting Like This May 21st, 2024 Takashi comes to see his brother in the hospital, and his brother is mostly there.
Texts: bitch the fuck May 21st, 2024 Fuyuko found out that Mamoru is in the hospital. She asks Kyouka about it.
Texts: we'll all hate it May 21st, 2024 Rashmi and Usagi talk after Rashmi's visit to Mamoru's hospital room.
Greenery in the Hospital May 22nd, 2024 Cure Suzhen comes to heal the guy with the burns, and there is marked improvement.
Worse than ever before... May 23rd, 2024 After defeating a youma on her own, Molly is riding high! Unfortunately, Hinoiri is coming in low... Leaving Molly in the hospital and making Rashmi consider what she's truly willing to do...
Social Filters May 23rd, 2024 Kyouka comes to check in on Mamoru, and gives a belief/pep talk, and gets Ideas. Mamoru's just like, oh man, Kyouka's ideas are terrifying.
In the Graveyard of Eternal Gauges May 23rd, 2024 Sunset of Sora breeches the Eternal Gauge's Precure Graveyard, prompting a battle between Phantom and Sunset. Phantom does something desperate to end the battle - and both are forced to retreat - in different ways, and the Graveyard is sealed, for now.
No Platitudes for Amy Faust May 23rd, 2024 Amy comes to visit Mamoru and Kazuo, and Amy and Kazuo end up having a really good conversation on Sunbreakers's problems and motivations.
It's Not About Her May 23rd, 2024 Sunset of Sora has struck again, leaving Rashmi's heart bruised. Usagi calls her to the Shed, for a talk, and hope is shared between the two.
Appreciate the Art May 23rd, 2024 Kyouka Inai is Fyuko Yuuhi's emergency contact, a fact which comes in handy when the hospital comes calling. Information is exchanged, and the beginnings of a plan are formed.
Grievence with HR May 24th, 2024 Hinoiri decides to grab a pair who have bugging her, but Lacuna comes to stop her. Devouring flames versus Devouring void, which wins? Either way, the crazy girl. Unfortunately, now the girl focused on destruction has gained the ability to do even more damage to others... and herself.
Burning Cat Toy May 24th, 2024 Hinoiri decides to steal another toy wielding mahou's power, but fortunately the cat was out of the bag and Black Lynx managed to save her... unfortunately, it took his power and his no-burn-ward membership card to do it. Luckily, the Knight of Dawn knows the location of the nearest hospital!
Catch You When You Fall May 24th, 2024 Rashmi and Usagi visit Molly in hospital, giving her both some company and a desperately needed lift in spirits.
Sleight of Laptop May 24th, 2024 Setsuna comes by Mamoru's hospital room for a visit after-hours and finds out that he's really not mentally doing so great at night-- and has a potential distraction for him. Ft. Anko the cat.
My Girlfriend Goes Here May 24th, 2024 Double Trouble tries to sneak back into their dorm room to recover something they missed when Nurse Meiou helped them get out. They end up catching Amy's eye, and curiosity. They always love talking about themselves. They even get what they came for.
Taking the stage May 25th, 2024 Hinoiri has set her eyes on the local musical sensation, Yellow Pearl Voice! What follows is a flaming ambush, leaving the mermaid not just wounded, but trapped in her natural form. Will this spell disaster for the young mermaid?
Burns Yet Again May 25th, 2024 Following Hinoiri's assault on Coco, Setsuna shows up for a timely rescue, providing the now powerless mermaid with a safe haven and important treatment for her wounds, and then informs her she will have someone to get along with for the duration of her stay.
Guardian Knight of Mixed Metaphors and Also Great Hugs May 25th, 2024 Kazuo and Usagi share a quiet moment at the hospital, discussing the problem of Sunbreaker.
Mer-Visit to the Outers' Space May 26th, 2024 Wanting to check in on Coco, Amy and Yuuto head to the Casa del Outers. Letting everyone in there is Haruka, who also lays down some ground rules for everyone's safety. Their visit is definitely a well of joy for the recovering mermaid.
Mochi to Ease the Pain. May 27th, 2024 Guardian Daifuku drops by Ikuto's hospital room after hearing a commotion, and turns out to be someone he knows!
There's a mermaid IN the bathtub! May 27th, 2024 Hotaru meets the little mermaid, Coco, in this mini-episode that's fun for the whole family! Together, they explore many topics such as fork-giving, the history of mermaids, royal lineage and what kind of board games to play. Also, Hotaru hugs an otter... and requests a fin-o-graph.
Starbreaker May 28th, 2024 Stellar confronts Sunset of Sora. But she actually has a plan?
The Waiting Room Queue May 29th, 2024 Minako, Bow and Ami are waiting for their turn to visit with Mamoru. Ami is ~doing homework~ taking note for Usagi, Bow has Mamo's homework, and Minako just wants to visit. But then Ami lets it slip that she and Usagi are kissing and well. The Senshi of Love is dumbstruck.
Visting Hours May 29th, 2024 Taro visits his mentor/teacher/boss in the hospital. He has lunch. She has... wisdom?
Burning Nightmares May 29th, 2024 Usagi uses the connection she has with Mamoru to try and connect with Hinoiri. While there is some part of her still there... there's a lot of darkness enveloping her.
Physician Heal Thyself May 30th, 2024 Chiyo and Kyouka come by Mamoru's hospital room and catch him up on the hot goss.
One real shot May 30th, 2024 Madoka comes visiting Coco with gifts that would help tide her over till things go back to normal. Exchanging reassurances for what is about to happen soon, Coco gives her trust to Madoka, and the pinkette reciprocates with a promise to take care of things.
I know that magic May 30th, 2024 Sunset of Sora attacks Loyalty and, as she takes her power, realizes it's not just any magic. It's Kirakirafantastica magic. Loyalty makes so much sense now. She decides to show Loyalty what loyalty earns you... and fortunately, Cure Wing and Madoka are there to step in and protect the fallen mahou. Sharpsong joins in as well, bringing a song that is all too familiar for the dark mahou, managing to pierce even her darkened heart and forcing her to flee.
Checking on the Moon May 31st, 2024 Having visited Mamoru in the hospital a day prior, Minako seeks out Usagi on campus next, to check in on her princess. A conversation ensues.
The Call of Home June 1st, 2024 Not now, not yet. Her heart has two homes.
An Undead Pirate, a Recovering Mermaid and a Yurari Dream June 1st, 2024 Erika comes in to visit Coco and besides finding out she had a mermaid friend all along, she gets brought up to speed on the current danger with Sunbreaker. In spite of this, things end on a high note, with a promise to form an idol group and them having a karaoke session.
What is evil June 1st, 2024 Keaka is run into by Sunset of Sora while examining things in the dusk zone... it goes about as well as could be expected. Keaka learns a valuable lesson... jerks were jerks, even when they were, once, on your side.
A Visit From Some Inners June 1st, 2024 While Ami's keeping Mamoru company in the hospital, Minako and Rei stop by.
Sunbreaker broke the Sun June 2nd, 2024 Hinoiri Kirara, the Sunset of Sora, finally destroys the sun. Casting the world into darkness until her own sun takes over. However, as lost as she is in the darkness, all of the friends (and rivals) she'd made over the last year refuse to let her end on that path. In a brutal, magical fight, they peel back every layer of her anguish, anger and despair, making sure that she can hear them. Showing her that, no matter what happens, she's not alone. She's seen. They came for her. And, through sparkles, violence and a massive special effects budget, they get their unicorn back... and she actually learns a lesson. The right one, this time.
Sunset Aftermath: Ex Astris, Scientia. June 2nd, 2024 In the immediate aftermath of the defeat of Sunbreaker, Coco's magic comes back...and Setsuna discusses various things with her...including one of Setsuna's favorite television shows. Happens right after The Sound of the Bell of Hope (Coco Kiumi).
Lend a Hand June 2nd, 2024 After Sunbreaker's defeat, Endymion checks in on Ikuto post healing-wave.
Messy Teenagers June 2nd, 2024 After Sunset of Sora and the healing wave of energy at the hospital, Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion visit Molly Skyline for some healing, mistakes, and communication.
Seems Like Years Since It's Been Here June 2nd, 2024 After Mamoru teleports from the hospital room, Zoisite and Kunzite share a quiet moment as the sun comes back.
Texts: A New Dawn June 3rd, 2024 After she got brought back from the Sunset of Sora, Hinoiri texts Sayaka to let her know she is at a hospital.

Involved Cutscenes

Better hated than forgotten (Hinoiri Kirara)