Koji Silvia

From Radiant Heart MUSH

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Koji Silvia (Scenesys ID: 61)
*sighs* "Sumimasen. I will get right on it."
Name: Kojiro Silvia AKA: Su_Miso_Sen, Hanzo
Gender: Male Series: (OC) Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
Origin: Device Mage Grade: 10
Clubs: Computer Club, Gymnastics Club Age: 15
Group Information
Groups N/A


The son of American-born, garrulous, bombastic, and 70s anime obsessed 'Saburo' (legally changed) Silvia, and the hyper-capable yet evasive Shia (Skyline) Silvia, he is a young man who's faced a lot of challenges of being the child of a foreigner in the world of Japan. It became a degree worse when his life was upended on discovering that his mother was an alien, a spy who worked for an agency called the TSAB, and does not remember why she came to Earth, as he accidentally inherited and activated her malfunctioning MidChildian Device, Hanzo. Before becoming a student at Radiant Heart Academy in the 9th Grade, he hid his control freak tendencies behind an affably apologetic personality. This was stripped away by an unlikely friendship with his dorm-mate and friend, Mamoru Chiba, and he has revealed himself to be a young man of many hats and talents, who sometimes seems to always be on the move.


Long Haired Pretty Boy, Shiny Glasses Coverup, The Smart Guy, Snark Knight, Amateur Foodtrucker, Journeyman Househusband, Ninja, Debuffer, Whips and Knives, Engineering Student, Tech Bodger, IT 'Ninja', Multitasker, Tri-Lingual, Blending into The Background, Insecure Love Interest

Vital Trivia

Height: 1.73m (5' 8")
Blood Type: AB+
Birthday: November 14th
Likes: Stray Animals, Cats, Reading Light Novels, Tinkering, Cooking
Dislikes: Clutter, Unfinished Assignments, Being Excessively Noticed, People who are Mean to Animals
Favorite Food: Ramen
Least Favorite Food: Swedish Meat Balls
Favorite Subject: Mathematics
Least Favorite Subject: Civics
Online Tag(s): Unknown


Title Date Scene Summary
The Crown of Succession: King's End March 12th, 2025 The final battle with the King's End comes, and empowered by the Jewels of Succession, the heroes fight to end the Incident, once and for all!
From the Abyss February 21st, 2025 In the early hours of the morning, when Tokyo is sleeping, a dark experiment plunges half the city into darkness. Something sinister stirs. Something wicked is waking up. And an innocent soul hangs in the balance.
Five Nightmares: One Star Service February 15th, 2025 Anyone who's been on the internet for long can tell you that online bullying is its own cruel sport. It exists in every form of social media, comments sections, and now a new nightmare has been born from the venomous energy of mean spirited user reviews. Rateyourhenshin isn't just a website, it's a living manifestation of dark energy drawn from digital vitriol, it's an entity forged from the collective cruelty of the legion of internet most malignant trolls who relish in tearing down others for applause, and it has decided that the Mahou are long overdue for their reviews. Can they survive its reviews and defeat it with their self-esteem in tact?
Kinda Short On A Lot February 14th, 2025 Kazuo comes to check in on Koji. Koji is somewhat startled by this. Kazuo is somewhat tempted to shake Koji, just a little bit, but fortunately mainly does so with groceries. Okay, mostly with groceries. Okay, also with conversation. Turns out Koji is short on groceries and also intermittently short on words...
Politics are a Cold Game February 6th, 2025 An unnatural blizzard has shut down Juuban Ward in the area around the Public Library, just as National Diet Member, Representative Koyomi Tomioka is giving a talk. Unfortunately for her, Berthier of the Black Moon Clan is on the attack. In the chaos that follows, Koji, Amy, Usagi, Mamoru, Catra, and Norie give it their all - but while they're relieved to see Ice Water Berthier fall, Norie's father, Ken Okana, falls before she does. Catra swipes Chibiusa out from under her parents, driven to carry the Smol Princess from the scene of such terrible violence, and Koji risks his life - and his guts - to keep the civilians safe. CW: Graphic Description of Violence, NPC Death.
KKF Donut party! January 29th, 2025 Hinoiri invites everyone who sparkles with not-dark-energy to the shed for a donut party and to let them know about... the time loop. And to not tell those at Obsidian due to the dangers in such. Also, to share some info about Riventon having a hand and whatnot. Unfortunately, the recent loss of Molly hangs over many heads.
Which Witch is the Witch January 26th, 2025 After a witch labyrinth forms in a local game shop, the sparkles arrive to put an end to the threat... and come across Mimete carrying a cute boy. Koji, Rashmi, Amy, Coco, Lana and Bow have to (or at least, chose to) offer aid! Riventon even swung by to offer some smack talk before getting a stunning conclusion.
I have a DAUGHTER January 18th, 2025 Mamoru has some news for Koji but buries the lede.
Spirit Ember: Sense of Self January 16th, 2025 When the Spirit Ember Guardians find Catra in the school cafeteria, her true Etherian self is revealed. With the help of unexpected allies (join the MakeArt Club!), Catra finds her self-worth and stands on her own two feet. More trials await!
Mid Loop: Koji January 7th, 2025 Hinoiri ambushes Koji... over many loops. Getting angrier. And angrier. And angrier with each one... until, finally, she manages to find out his deal. It turns out he isn't the one trapping her... and his history mirrors her own. However, while he cowered from the light in the darkness... she chased it, even as it burned her. In the end, the truth was somewhere in the middle.
A Good Old Smash And Grab December 15th, 2024 Koan of the Black Moon Clan's having fun rediscovering crime when her shopping trip is interrupted by a whole host of Mahou. It's all fun and games though - at least until Amy takes on her Senshi disguise, and Koan erupts in rage. The Senshi are her enemies?! But why?
Got My Flash On It's True December 1st, 2024 Mimete is on the scene! There's one last member of the Witches 5 3, and she's out to win it, she's out to prove she's the best! She will do better than Eudial did, and GET a pure heart crystal! From someone beautiful that she saw and has SUCH a crush on, of course, like Koji Silvia! Starring Koji, Nanoha, Chat Noir, Kunzite, Ginga Kingu, and Ginga Otome.
The Best Kind Of Quest V November 25th, 2024 This time Riventon has thought of it all, from collaborating with Clarthas Anode to find where the box will be delivered in advance to preparing a legion of youma beasts - but even that isn't enough to stop the combined forces of Nanoha, Molly, Koji, Takuto, Wako, and Sugata. The final piece of the Crystal Heart is safe in the hands of the Mahou!
An Exposition Lunch November 24th, 2024 It's that time of year, when everything is chaos and the Mahou have questions. Sometimes, people have answers. Usagi Tsukino decides to don her hosting cap, and gathers a group of her friends and allies to share the word on what's going on. Rashmi, Amy, Bow, Ahmya, and Mamoru all have news to share too. Aren't business lunches supposed to start after you're getting paid?!
Direct Action November 23rd, 2024 Ember drags Hinoiri and Scorpia out to deploy one of Eudial's towers, but make it less harmful. Somehow "less harmful" also means thirty wolflike Grimm. As per her usual, Ember ended up running away, but she got what she came for, and she even did less harm that the last time. Operation success!
The Best Kind Of Quest IV November 21st, 2024 Another box, another attempt to steal it. This one looks like it's going his way until a small unforced error pops up.
Mental Gymnastics November 19th, 2024 Molly meets up with Koji and Rashmi; there's a much needed talk about devices, some ideas, and Starcrash talks smack about other devices.
The Crown of Succession: Staussfall November 18th, 2024 Time-space anomaly signatures have been flashing in and out the past few days, and Aloisia Stauss gets a message from her father, stating that all will be forgiven if she does one last thing for him.

On her ship, there was an artifact stashed away. All she has to do is get it.

The Crown of Succession. A way to prove, once and for all, who truly deserves to be the head of House Steiner.

Tune in for the start of the Crown of Succession TP.

Walpurgisnacht October 31st, 2024 On October 31st, 2024; a powerful and sudden storm strikes Tokyo. But to those in the know it's not a storm, but the legendary Witch, Walpurgisnacht.
HopHopBunnyChan is Live & Streaming: Silent Hill October 31st, 2024 It's late afternoon/early evening on Halloween, and with the storm of the century breaking over Tokyo, HopHopBunnychan - aka Usagi Tsukino - is doing a Scream Stream! Join Hopchan, UnMaskAlive0807 - aka Mamoru Chiba - and a number of friends as they stream Silent Hill. Streams don't count as dates, right? They're not going to be interrupted... right?
Not Distress, Dat Dress October 27th, 2024 When Koji comes home to Usagi and Mamoru playing with the Luna Pen, his utter done-ness with the two of them results in an impromptu two-person fashion show in Usagi's room. Then there are makeouts.
Hotel Amelioration October 3rd, 2024 Rashmi, Amy and Hanzo go with Coco to set up a few improvements for the Pearl Pier in preparation for the establishment of the hotel. Gaito and other magic phenomena are discussed.
Information sharing session September 20th, 2024 Hinoiri meets up with Setsuna, Rashmi and Koji in order to get some help on the weird tracking system she stole, as well as exchange information about her Eclipse Zone towers. Additionally, Setsuna and Rashmi lend Hinoiri a book of ancient magic that will definitely NEVER cause them problems, especially if it's real.
Mahounet: Design Concept September 17th, 2024 Rashmi calls Koji into a Barrier'd Shop Club room, to discuss the possibilities of Mid-Childan technology, magic in general, and a means by which all mahou may call on each other without needing to risk their phones. The dream of a Mahounet is born, and so much work needs doing before it can be realized.
A Mollycious Kidnapping August 29th, 2024 Molly is kidnapped by an Aloisia making seemingly-desperate moves. A group comes to stop her, and information is revealed.
The Best Kind Of Quest I August 6th, 2024 Riventon tries to steal one part of a relic bound for RHA.
Grimm Business August 4th, 2024 Ember goes to recover a dust emblem. She releases her grimm and they start to cause the havoc she wanted, and also havoc she didn't. Cats were a terrible choice. In the end there's massive destruction and she doesn't get anything except a concussed girlfriend, a bruised ego, and a doomed certainty that The Grim Queen will be displeased. All because Hinoiri just happened to pocket the dust emblem just before she was put in mortal peril by the Grimm.
No More Mochi August 4th, 2024 Chiyo calls a meeting with several of her friends to inform them that she's lost her powers. A few misunderstandings later, everyone is properly in the know. Cookie are had, and potential plots are considered.
B-Point: Black Roses July 13th, 2024 Mamoru is found! Draining the city with dark energy brambles. His friends and loved ones gather to make sure he stops without killing anyone.
This is FINE... July 10th, 2024 Koji comes back to a wrecked dorm. Usagi stops by to collect the drowned stuffies, and the two share a moment of worry for Mamoru.
Help me put all this together July 4th, 2024 Hinoiri and Coco work to get the magic testing equipment setup, though there's a bit of a... problem. Fortunately, Hanzo is able to swing in and offer some advice on how to operate the electronic part of the device and together they manage some success... and a small pack of otters.
Catboy On A Hot-Tin Dilemma June 19th, 2024 Misunderstandings lead to Ikuto getting a little sage advice from the oddest place...
Mahou Band vs FROGMAN June 15th, 2024 An ordinary day at Penguin Park becomes extraordinary an orange mohawked leather pants-wearing Frogman takes over the Island Shrine with his electric guitar! Can the ragtag band formed by Cure Suzhen, Hanzo, Tuxedo Mask, and Puella Red, featuring special guest, Meowth! I mean, Chat Noir!
Sunbreaker broke the Sun June 2nd, 2024 Hinoiri Kirara, the Sunset of Sora, finally destroys the sun. Casting the world into darkness until her own sun takes over. However, as lost as she is in the darkness, all of the friends (and rivals) she'd made over the last year refuse to let her end on that path. In a brutal, magical fight, they peel back every layer of her anguish, anger and despair, making sure that she can hear them. Showing her that, no matter what happens, she's not alone. She's seen. They came for her. And, through sparkles, violence and a massive special effects budget, they get their unicorn back... and she actually learns a lesson. The right one, this time.
Finding a Focus June 1st, 2024 Bow calls Koji with a tech emergency. He locked himself out of his henshin device. With Chiyo, Koji calmly explains that Bow is magical and needs to come up with his own focus and stop hiding behind 'being the tech guy'. Maybe it'll finally get through?
Snax May 21st, 2024 Friends visit Mamoru in the hospital! Bow brought soothing music, Chiyo brought healing foods, and Koji brought enough snax to calm a wild Usagi...
Plotting On Her Downfall (1) May 12th, 2024 Sailor Moon has invited those impacted by Beryl's time portal - either directly or indirectly - to enjoy a meal of ramen and cupcakes, as well as plot on Beryl's downfall.
I Get Around April 28th, 2024 Goldenweb Yorotsuchi, Chrono Harlaown, Nanoha Takamachi, Rashmi Terios and Hanzo take on Fate Testarossa, Riventon and Arf for a Jewel Seed which has possessed a classic American muscle car on a rampage!
Ladies and Gentlemen... The Weekend. April 26th, 2024 Friday Afternoon, After School. Sure all the students at Radiant Heart are still going back to class on Saturday, but they can at least PRETEND it's the weekend for a little bit.
I Really Want Hugs April 25th, 2024 In which Jadeite, fresh from the horrors of the Fall of the Silver Millennium and the Golden Kingdom, gets hugs. And also kisses. Two of them. Two kisses. Also featuring texts from Koji Silvia.
Cat Stalker April 16th, 2024 Someone has been following Chiyo. Koji catches on to something being off, and confronts the stalker. Only for them to have a run in with Chiyo herself to inform her what happened. Why has Ikuto been following her?
Radiant Hearts Prom 2024 April 6th, 2024 The first ever prom at Radiant Hearts had it all! Dancing, great food, three singers, hip throws, off-world travelers and fireworks!
We All Meet in the Middle April 4th, 2024 Koji and Mamoru catch up, finally, and discuss whether they'll still be roommates this year.
Texts: Camping Plans March 3rd, 2024 Bow accidentally texts Koji about camping options - and they set plans to camp. Little did he know what it was going to turn into!
Guy's Camping Out March 3rd, 2024 A camping trip for Bow becomes a camping trip for a lot of the guys and new bonds are forged over mutual interests and good food.
Rebuilding the Rebellion February 21st, 2024 Sayaka and Rashmi bring the unconscious Bow to Nurse Meiou so he can be looked at, and after important contributions by Setsuna and Koji, and an additional service by Ula, it is with Hope and Resolve in a sparkling future that they part with the knowledge that Bow, now Luke, has provided them.
Rooftop Ramen February 5th, 2024 A trio of heroes decide to get ramen after a hard night's off-screen battle, and encounter Hinoiri. Continued miscommunications lead to some surprisingly honest thoughts - and leave our heroes waiting for the next time they catch up with Hinoiri.
Nounamu Sweets: The Re-Opening January 21st, 2024 Mr. Sakai, the proprieter and owner of Nounamu Sweets had been ill, thanks to Sunbreaker's energy-sapping flowers. With those removed and repairs to the shop made, it's time for a re-opening! Koji, Makoto, and Norie are here to make sure it's a success for Chiyo and Mr. Sakai.
Flood December 27th, 2023 Koji and Mamoru come back to their dorm to find it exactly one-half flooded. Mamoru's half.
Texts: Be careful December 14th, 2023 Mamoru warns Koji he's quitting.
Calling All Heroes December 10th, 2023 The forces of Known Good gather in The Shed to learn about the true threat of the Midnight Tokyo Project. The danger is unveiled, the risks are discussed, and a plan is hatched.
Catching a Breather November 7th, 2023 Secret identities are no longer secret after Sailor Moon and Hanzo catch a breather on Game Crown Arcade's roof!
Texts: naruplush.png November 4th, 2023 Sailor Eclipse kidnapped Darien and Naru and honestly doesn't care that they can text.
Eclipse Interlude November 4th, 2023 Koji closes a loop on communication with Adrien, following his tests with Mamoru in Texts: NaruPlush.png
Ramen And Couches October 30th, 2023 The smell of Ramen brings some of RHA's boys together. While Mamoru has to leave, Takashi, Koji, and Adrien remain to talk about ramen, and love lives.
Advice of the Belkan Kind October 22nd, 2023 Hannah seeks advice of Koji, and Koji seeks advice on the state of his Device.
Pajama-Rama Party: The Pajama-ing October 17th, 2023 Usagi Tsukino is throwing a slumber party, and everyone at RHA is invited!
Ramental Health October 11th, 2023 Koji and Kazuo catch up, and in the process, discover they have a few unexpected things in common. (Making sure Darien actually eats regularly may not be unexpected in this context.)
Autumn Leaves October 9th, 2023 As the season turns, some students think of those furry friends who don't have a dorm room or parents' homes to sleep in, and friends intersect and reconnect.
Koji TSAB Experience October 5th, 2023 Chrono and Koji have their training session! After which, well... Chrono makes a discovery about the young mage...
Best cookies ever October 2nd, 2023 Koji has some news for Chrono... very, very interesting news. One of the crew of the Arthra... have finally been found.
Souls at Lunch September 28th, 2023 Naru, Koji, Takuto and Sayaka chat about powers, souls and guns over lunch.
We Threw Gasoline on the Fire September 22nd, 2023 Steel Barrier Match, no holds barred! Hannah and Hematite, FITE! And then Koji and Coco, HEAL! Yikes.
Radiant Infirmary Episode 463 September 19th, 2023 This time on Radiant Infirmary...a mahou in need of some records comes in. Nurse Meiou manages to help him out and dispenses some classic strategy advice.
Collecting Long Stories September 18th, 2023 Koji stops by to visit Naru after both of them return from 'time away' and chat about magic, and life and a desire for normalacy.
Coming Off The Bench September 13th, 2023 Rashmi and Chrono finally learn what happened to Koji after the events of 'Digital Divide' and meet the person who saved his life, as well as her secret identity. A discussion of the repurcussions of secrets, and telling truths ensues.
Goodbye, Elephant-san September 12th, 2023 Koji and Mamoru clear the air. A lot.
Phoning A Friend September 5th, 2023 In the aftermath of 'No One Sleeps In Tokyo', a heavily wounded Koji has to face what his own choices have gotten him into, and it's up to Hanzo to finally do what his Master can't... ask for help. And like a ray of sunshine, Chiyo Sakai arrives. Both have to reveal secrets, but in doing so, a friendship is strengthened.
No One Sleeps in Tokyo September 4th, 2023 Taking advantage of the chaos in the wake of the crash (See Scene 357: Digital Divide), Koji makes to strike back at Obsidian by robbing them of their data. Fate, however, has other things in mind...
Digital Divide September 3rd, 2023 Chunks of the Artha fall out of space time, and everybody fights over them. Also the space police show up. Well. A space police.
Smol Meets Sneaky In The Park! September 1st, 2023 Rashmi takes a still-recovering Chrono to Penguin Park for some fresh air and the exercise of having walked to the park! There he meets Koji, and much of the two boys' pasts is learned. Also, apparently there's a mahou fite class?!
Magic Fight Night September 1st, 2023 After magic fight night, Naru learns more about Device magic from Koji.
Texts: Should I be worried? August 23rd, 2023 After Scene 300 and the Backlash cutscenes, Mamoru texts Koji and Takashi.
Rainy day in the cafeteria August 22nd, 2023 Koji, Coco, Greta and Naru chat about food and music and technology and art and secret selves in the cafeteria.
Is There Anyone Else August 22nd, 2023 Koji has some friendship questions for Darien. Also, a beach trip to propose.
Elephant in the room August 19th, 2023 Firefly pet an elephant. Is there any reason to say more?
Hunting the Blue Griffin Part 1 August 19th, 2023 Count Otto Bismark von Karstein-Steiner decides the time is ripe to end his pesky niece's life and claim what is his. It almost works, if not for the bravery and selflessness of the mahou at RHA.
Adrien Moves In August 17th, 2023 Mamoru and Koji meet Adrien Agreste, a new student here at Radiant Heart Academy.
The Path of Website Creation is a tough one August 10th, 2023 The student council has run into an issue with a new project. Fortunately, they are able to reach out to some students for help. In this case, Koji. Can Koji get the site working in time, with the assistance of Reika? Probably.
Everything at Steak August 7th, 2023 The long-awaited wagyu beef cookout!
An Inevitable Encounter August 3rd, 2023 An unintentional meeting between two people at cross-purposes but the same goals...
Texts: I'm Erasing This Convo August 2nd, 2023 Darien is worried, and makes Koji worried too.
You Can, In Fact, Make Friends without Breaking A Few Legs. August 1st, 2023 Today is a big day for Hannah. Today is a day she reveals her reasons for being on Earth, of the pain in her heart, and her need to reach out to others. And there is lunch.
Evening Snacking July 31st, 2023 Norie Okana as La Crima tries to feed at Radiant Heart Academy. Magical girls try to stop her and... help her? What is this madness.
Phone A... Friend July 30th, 2023 With worries piling up far beyond her ability to do something about them, Rashmi turns to the only other mahou she knows for help. Getting his attention, turns out, is the hard part. Everyting after that? A lot easier.
Another Text Conversation July 30th, 2023 In which Chiyo reaches out to Koji to clear the air and to find context.
Black-Hearted July 27th, 2023 An investigation into the Black Jades leads to the first confrontation with a Dark General.
Semi-Ferals July 27th, 2023 Koji gets grilled about the grilling! Okay, let's amend, Kazuo has some questions. ... this may involve some plotting. At least it's not RomCom Plots this time?
Casual luncheon meeting! July 26th, 2023 Cho, Koji, Darien, Ikiko, Chiyo and Niji all end up meeting at the karma chameleon in one of those strange, random encounters that certainly don't mean anything... until they do.
Mistaken Circumstances Sure Do Hurt July 25th, 2023 Two old Devices meet in the most unlikely of planets, and Hannah suspects a plot. One case of violent mistaken identities later, and Koji has a new ally.
In a Summer Daze July 24th, 2023 The end of school and finals leaves a lot of students reeling from the fact that they once again have the freedom of youth and summer. To celebrate, many of them congregate in places like Gullwing Coffee... to enjoy a sweet treat and commisserate. New friends are made, and plans for the future are discussed.
The Steak is Not a Lie July 23rd, 2023 In the aftermath of Kokytos, Usagi is feeling more than a little beat up. Luckily for her, Darien and Koji are determined to help. Also featuring boundary crossing dads, wagyu steaks, texts from Naru, and the mysteries of boys.
Free Range Student Sunday July 16th, 2023 Just after the dance, some students converge on a local hangout to just... hang out. Guest Starring: MR. VICE PRESIDENT!
Don't Do That To Me Again July 14th, 2023 Darien is big mad at Koji and says so.
Fashion Disaster July 14th, 2023 Scorn attacks Fairy Drop Fashion and nearly wins, until a new magical girl is born!
You're Here to Study July 13th, 2023 The study group comes together! Then ditches Usagi and Darien.
Currying Favors July 10th, 2023 A small unexpected meeting occurs between Chiyo, Ikiko, Koji and Melona. Food is ordered, bullying is discussed, and in the end things are left in emotional turmoil for several. Melona rushes out with her food. Koji rescues Minako from a bad fall. More confusion ensues.
When You're a Newbie Magical Girl... July 9th, 2023 When you're a newbie magical girl, the world is a strange and dangerous place all of a sudden! Even more than it used to be! But thankfully... not everything you're about to face is a bad thing. And sometimes, there are those willing to help you prepare.
Recruiter, I hardly Know 'er! July 8th, 2023 Club Recruitment season is underway! On a beautiful day, Usagi, Chiyo, Madoka, Ikiko, Koji, and Haruki share an afternoon of club recruitment blunders, successes, and intrigues.
A Girl Scorn'ed! July 4th, 2023 The newbie Phantom Empire General Scorn attacks penguin park! Magical Girls (and boys) stop her from ruining a hot summer day's ice cream!
Good At Lying July 4th, 2023 Koji comes in late this time, and Darien is still the one who gets lectured! >:O
Eating Curry and Spilling Tea July 3rd, 2023 Hoovering up food and studying after a long day, Rashmi gets a front row seat to the one-act dramedy that is Koji, Ikiko, Darien, and Chiyo. Being an inveterate people-watcher, she immediately starts speculating on their inner monologues, not realizing that in at least three cases, that monologue is WACKY WAVING FLAILING INFLATABLE TUBE MAN!
Loose Ends on Weekends July 2nd, 2023 Not everyone has something to do on a cooling Saturday Night. Not even at such a social hub like Radiant Heart Academy. But hey... the dorms have great A/C and plenty of places to relax. It just means sometimes you meet someone who's just not a friend yet...
Stuck With A Bad Rap July 2nd, 2023 A witch awakens in Mitakihara ward... and a lot of people have made it THEIR problem.
What. Did. You. Do. July 2nd, 2023 Koji confronts Darien over certain nefarious acts he's been guilty of perpetrating recently. Follows 5/You Were Not Refreshing and 11/Loose Ends on Weekends.


Title Date Scene Summary
End of the Chapter (Koji Silvia) February 2nd, 2025 Would the last Mahou to leave the room please turn off the lights?
What Silence Brings (Koji Silvia) October 20th, 2023 When Saburo has to step in between his equally stubborn son and wife, it means things may have gone on too long or too far. (Guest Starring Saburo & Shia Silvia)

(Some Swearing)

All For Nothing (Koji Silvia) September 4th, 2023 Koji learns first-hand the subtle scope of power that can be brought to bear by their enemies, and the advantage he thought he gained is wiped from the board.
All Warfare is Based on Deception (Koji Silvia) August 27th, 2023 The burns that can come with passing the torch are not still healed.

(Guest Starring Shia Silvia!)

Texting - Study Group Setup (Mamoru Chiba) July 11th, 2023 Darien texts Chiyo, Usagi, and Koji to work out study group details, and Takashi to invite him to it, and everyone's got tangled side conversations going on.

Koji In a Suit