Koji Silvia

From Radiant Heart MUSH

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Koji Silvia (Scenesys ID: 61)
*sighs* "Sumimasen. I will get right on it."
Name: Kojiro Silvia AKA: Su_Miso_Sen, Hanzo
Gender: Male Series: (OC) Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
Origin: Device Mage Grade: 10
Clubs: Computer Club, Gymnastics Club Age: 15
Group Information
Groups N/A


The son of American-born, garrulous, bombastic, and 70s anime obsessed 'Saburo' (legally changed) Silvia, and the hyper-capable yet evasive Shia (Skyline) Silvia, he is a young man who's faced a lot of challenges of being the child of a foreigner in the world of Japan. It became a degree worse when his life was upended on discovering that his mother was an alien, a spy who worked for an agency called the TSAB, and does not remember why she came to Earth, as he accidentally inherited and activated her malfunctioning MidChildian Device, Hanzo. Before becoming a student at Radiant Heart Academy in the 9th Grade, he hid his control freak tendencies behind an affably apologetic personality. This was stripped away by an unlikely friendship with his dorm-mate and friend, Mamoru Chiba, and he has revealed himself to be a young man of many hats and talents, who sometimes seems to always be on the move.


Long Haired Pretty Boy, Shiny Glasses Coverup, The Smart Guy, Snark Knight, Amateur Foodtrucker, Journeyman Househusband, Ninja, Debuffer, Whips and Knives, Engineering Student, Tech Bodger, IT 'Ninja', Multitasker, Tri-Lingual, Blending into The Background, Insecure Love Interest

Vital Trivia

Height: 1.73m (5' 8")
Blood Type: AB+
Birthday: November 14th
Likes: Stray Animals, Cats, Reading Light Novels, Tinkering, Cooking
Dislikes: Clutter, Unfinished Assignments, Being Excessively Noticed, People who are Mean to Animals
Favorite Food: Ramen
Least Favorite Food: Swedish Meat Balls
Favorite Subject: Mathematics
Least Favorite Subject: Civics
Online Tag(s): Unknown





Koji In a Suit