Seiko Akai

From Radiant Heart MUSH

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Seiko Akai (Scenesys ID: 262)
I want to sing but I am scared! What if people don't like me?
Name: Seiko Akai AKA: Star Shine
Gender: Female Series: (OC) Shugo Chara
Origin: Chara Bearer Grade: 8
Clubs: Garden Club Age: 13
Group Information
Groups N/A


Seiko is a very shy girl with a very big dream. She largely keeps to herself but will talk to others if approached. She has a fear of being judged and that keeps her from pursuing her dream. Still she dreams of bright lights and cheering crowds.


Singer, Showmanship, Stylish, Gardener, Piano player, Fear is normal, Stage Fright, Candle Making, Basket Weaving

Vital Trivia

Height: 5'0"
Blood Type: AB+
Birthday: May 11th
Likes: Singing, Playing Piano, making people smile.
Dislikes: Bullies, Mean people, Seeing people sad
Favorite Food: Taiyaki
Least Favorite Food: Peppers
Favorite Subject: Music
Least Favorite Subject: Math
Online Tag(s): Unknown


Title Date Scene Summary
Baby Come Back! September 14th, 2024 Utau wants Hinote back in her life. Seiko discovers that one of her Idol's isn't what she thought she'd be.
Late Summer Gardening September 9th, 2024 Seiko meets Hinata and the two have a talk about combat while gardening.
Mmm Candy! September 2nd, 2024 Seiko, Hinote, and Sayaka visit Nounamu Sweets! The conversation turns to magic!
Such Things As Dreams Are Made Of September 1st, 2024 The final confrontation with Gretchen. Amy Faust, Pulp Noir, Sayaka, Usagi, Mamoru, Melona, Mami, Taro, Seiko and Yuki make their way through X-Paradise and into Gretchen's lair where all of her gathered dark energy is kept... in a giant new body for herself! Tensions are high, and the future seems bleak, but the light in the tunnel is very much not the end. Make way for Hope Concept!
A Song in the Park August 25th, 2024 Seiko attempts singing in the Park while Hinote searches for Madoka's Charas. An X-egg appears!
Singing and Sparkling August 11th, 2024 The karaoke contest of the century occurs, with Glimmer and Ryoko facing off against the duo of Laura and Seiko! With an ominous, shadowy figure watching over them... While a definitive win isn't earned on either side, fun is had all around.
Practice Makes Perfect (Or something like that) August 4th, 2024 Seiko and Laura practice for their competition against Glimmer!
Pretty Up! A Singing Challenge! July 30th, 2024 Laura, Seiko, and Glimmer meet each other at Pretty Holic, and between discussing beauty products, a challenge is issued.
A good day for Gardening July 28th, 2024 Seiko is Gardening when she meets Madoka and Lydian.
Falling Star July 25th, 2024 Amy and Laura chase after Seiko who is feeling pretty crumby about everything. Feelings get mended. Pictures get taken!
Clashing Sides July 25th, 2024 Laura, Seiko, Usagi, Amy and Taro turn up at a meteor shower event organised by Shiori Nakagawa, but they don't get as good a night as they thought they would.
A Little Practice Goes a Long Way July 21st, 2024 Seiko practices singing only to wake up Mie! Words are exchanged and Dinner is had!
Whisked Away to Karaoke July 21st, 2024 Laura brings Seiko to a Karaoke place. Amy and Norie meet up with them and they all do some singing!
B-Point -- Calling All Heroes: Again! July 14th, 2024 Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Kamen have gathered together their friends and allies for a planning session, and a warning: they have the location of the Dark Kingdom, now, and Metallia with it. This time, the Mahou will take the fight to the enemy, instead of being taken by surprise.
The Shy Girl Singer and the Detective. July 14th, 2024 Just after Scene 1751, Hinote catches Seiko just outside The Shed and the two have hard talks.
Cracked July 11th, 2024 Seiko's Egg Cracks, She suddenly finds herself singing at an event with Coco and Amy!
Hatching Questions July 9th, 2024 Seiko gets an eggcelent surprise, and that motivates her to talk about it with Laura, Rashmk and Amy.
Movin on up! July 7th, 2024 Seiko, The new girl, gets a big welcome to Radiant Heart by Rashmi, Amy, and Laura.


Title Date Scene Summary
An Egg! (Seiko Akai) July 8th, 2024 Seiko gets a surprise first thing in the morning