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Yuuto Shiraishi (Scenesys ID: 215)
"Steam Sentinel Cascade!, Evil's Time IS UP!"
Name: Yuuto Shiraishi AKA: Steam Sentinel Cascade
Gender: Male Series: (OC) Steam Sentinels
Origin: Steam Sentinel Grade: 10
Clubs: Track and Field Club, Art Club Age: 15
Group Information
Groups N/A


Yuuto Shiraishi's parents are both successful in business and expected that Yuuto will want to follow in their footsteps. That is not Yuuto's plans, however! Ever since he made his first mud-pie when he was young, Yuuto has worked with his fingers in the dirt. He has found that he has a fondness for modeling clay and chipping into stone, and while his finished projects are well-made, he is sometimes too shy to show them off, keeping them to the Art Club room. Attending Radiant Heart Academy, Yuuto participates in Track and Field as a member of the cross-country team. Despite being book smart and more than capable of following in the business aspect of his family, he is fiercely loyal and dedicated to the idea to becoming an accomplished sculptor. After being found by the refugee fairy Tinker, Yuuto was transformed into a Steam Sentinel! Originally based on land, after an attack on him caused grevious harm, Tinker and Aqua Regina healed Yuuto with a new form and powers, that of a merman, and he is now 'Steam Sentinel Cascade', guardian of the waterways!


Art Room Wallflower, Nose in the Dirt - And in a Book, Sculpting and Moulding His Future, Always Getting Tinkered On, Cross-Country Runner, Business Acumen, Cast Iron Stomach, Survivior of Koharu's Cuisine (1)

Vital Trivia

Height: 5'9" (176.5 cm)
Blood Type: A+
Birthday: 22 April
Likes: Sculpting, Running
Dislikes: Math
Favorite Food: Taiyaki
Least Favorite Food: Umeboshi
Favorite Subject: Art
Least Favorite Subject: Math
Online Tag(s): StoneColdSculptor


Title Date Scene Summary
Plundering on a Timetable June 15th, 2024 A pleasant swim turns into a fight when Coco and Yuuto run into one of Red Tree's men plundering the seafloor of treasure with nefarious intent.
An Apology to a Princess June 14th, 2024 Yuuto makes an apology to Coco. She accepts but makes sure he knows she's not going to give up on Hinoiri. Follow up to 1658/The Road to Betterment.
The Road to Betterment June 13th, 2024 Coco introduce Yuuto and Hinoiri to each other, but the atmosphere ends up being quite tense with everyone going their separate ways when Yuuto and Coco have different opinions on Hinoiri.
The Witch from Mars June 8th, 2024 Amy brings some friends along on a Witch hunt. Katsuko is also there. Taro sits out, but the Backstreet Slasher joins them in the Labyrinth! Witch weirdness ensues, with a space-themed Labyrinth populated by cat familiars with fishguns and a fight against the Witch Jaidyn on the surface of Mars!
The Call of Home June 1st, 2024 Not now, not yet. Her heart has two homes.
Barrier Practice May 30th, 2024 Having recently inherited a device, and awakened her magic. Katsuko is being diligent and trying to get a decent handle on it before she ever has to use it. She's gotten a little work on the basics, but now it's time to try out the important one.

The big barrier that keeps civilians out of the fight ... surely no-one will notice that large scale effect and there's absolutely no way this leads to miscommunications of any kind.

And of course there will be no more experienced mages of dubious ethics choosing to turn it into impromptu combat training.

Mer-Visit to the Outers' Space May 26th, 2024 Wanting to check in on Coco, Amy and Yuuto head to the Casa del Outers. Letting everyone in there is Haruka, who also lays down some ground rules for everyone's safety. Their visit is definitely a well of joy for the recovering mermaid.
You Mean I Can Breathe Underwater April 26th, 2024 Yuuto learns more about himself post transformation.
The Heart-Stealing Baroque April 25th, 2024 The Black Beauty Sisters cause disasters at Yumegahama coast while gathering energy for Gaito's new plan and it's up to Yellow Pearl Voice, Steam Sentinel Propel and Magical Rocket Girl Red to stop them. Is Propel ok?
A Big Birthday April 22nd, 2024 Coco brings Yuuto to the Yumegahama Aquarium to have his birthday party.
Tarots with Yuu(to) April 20th, 2024 Coco reads Yuuto his Tarots.
A different blade training April 15th, 2024 Yuuto teaches Coco about rollerblading, and then they go for icecream and stuff.
Tiny Mermaid, Big Problems April 8th, 2024 Coco and Yuuto find a weird enchantment in the most unlikely of places.
Radiant Hearts Prom 2024 April 6th, 2024 The first ever prom at Radiant Hearts had it all! Dancing, great food, three singers, hip throws, off-world travelers and fireworks!
Voice in the Dark April 1st, 2024 While approaching Gaito's throne room, the Black Beauty Sisters block their path. Will they be able to get past the fearsome duo?
Hurdles at the Assault on Gaito - Devario April 1st, 2024 Steam Sentinel Propel fights and defeats one of Gaito's water demons during the assault on the palace of the King of the Deep Seas. Happens at the same time as Scene 1374: A Dark Lover... Trio!?
A soak for your bruises March 27th, 2024 Following the bruises Coco has gotten in the fight against Red Tree's Chambers, Yuuto approaches Coco to show her his love and care.
A (Whale)Bone to Pick March 26th, 2024 Chambers, a member of the Red Tree Board, shows up at the Aquarium to attempt to steal a baby beluga whale with her Tourist Cogs! Coco and Cho team up with Yuuto to stop Chambers' dastardly plan to make the whale into a whalebone corset and makeup!
Young Encounters of the Orange Kind March 24th, 2024 On an early morning walk, Coco and Yuuto surprisingly stumble upon Sara. An unexpected interaction gives them a first person view into Coco's and Sara's shared past.
A Light into the Abyss March 22nd, 2024 A strategy session is organised, trying to determine how to best assault Gaito's castle.
Awami Shrine Peril March 21st, 2024 White Bone Demon attacks Awami Shrine, but her evil plans are fought back by several heroes, including a last second save by Cure Wukong.
Gardens Picnic March 19th, 2024 Coco and Yuuto have a picnic and discuss his parents.
The Trackster March 18th, 2024 Hawk Moth turns a Track Star into the Trackster! Can heroes stop him!? Of course they can, bur they better be quick...!
Cinema Club: Second Meeting March 16th, 2024 The second meeting of Radiant Heart's new cinema club! This month's film is The Moonlit Cat Cafe, a romantic comedy about a college student who discovers a cat cafe, whose magical residents help her find love!
Lunchbreak Meetings March 15th, 2024 Coco and Yuuto break it to Cho that Coco has a promise ring. It takes a couple of tries for it to click.
No Longer a Dream March 14th, 2024 Yuuto surprises (except she totally knew) Coco on White Day with a trip to the Ferris Wheel and a promise for the future.
An Underwater Freaky Tuesday March 12th, 2024 After a spell of Maria gone wrong, Yuuto and Hanon find themselves in each other's bodies. While the latter works on securing their means to go back, the former and Coco swim together, both of them now merfolk.
An Underwater Fire March 7th, 2024 When Yuuto finds Coco feeling under the weather, he helps reignite her passion.
Rainbow Crystals 5: Mermadness of the Blue Crystal! March 7th, 2024 The blue rainbow crystal shows up at the island shrine in Penguin Park, just in time for Hanon of the South Atlantic Ocean to become transformed into the youma Rikoukeidar! Luckily, Coco, Yuuto, Hinote, Mamoru, Usagi, Ami, and Makoto are all on hand to help her out!
Toning Your Vocal Chords March 2nd, 2024 Yuuto and Coco spend time at Karaoke Crown, singing sweet love songs at each other, and when an accidental spill locks her into her mermaid form for a while, Yuuto lovingly princess carries her back.
Lunch Sentinels March 2nd, 2024 Finally! Two of the Steam Sentinels meet. They discuss things. Yuuto tries to eat the cupcake of doom. Koharu gets a confession of love?! And is it Fours or Force?
Window Shopping with Coco February 29th, 2024 Yuuto and Coco visit the mall to do some shopping.
Morning Run February 28th, 2024 Coco and Yuuto go for a morning jog. They have a misunderstanding, but their relationship is only made stronger from it.
Lunch with Coco February 21st, 2024 Coco invites Yuuto to share a mermaid's meal with her boyfriend along with conversation on the upcoming track season.
Visiting Awami Shrine February 17th, 2024 Coco gets Yuuto to come to a nearby shrine for the next date, and shares with him the origin of this goddess of marriage. The two then make an offering to ensure their love is protected forevermore.
Texts: Statue Completion February 17th, 2024 Yuuto shows Coco the fruit of his work and they discuss how to have Yuuto circumvent the Fade.
Valentine's Day Shopping and Dinner February 14th, 2024 Coco takes Yuuto out for Valentine's Day and their date takes a deep emotional turn.
Breakfast at RHA February 12th, 2024 There's a little bit of everything in the morning rush to get fed and caffinated before class, conversation and teasing, some couples being cute and oh yes.. food.
A Pool of Plants and Love February 9th, 2024 Yuuto and Coco have a lovely date exploring the mermaid's underwater garden. How to best conciliate teamwork between the Steam Sentinels is discussed too.
Pulled Under February 7th, 2024 Coco checks in on Yuuto's progress with the statue and learns of his nightmare, before the pair speak further on it.
Texts: New Sentinels and Bruises February 6th, 2024 Talks about new sentinels occurs, and Yuuto reveals he got hurt in that battle.
Texts: Recounting of a Nightmare February 6th, 2024 Yuuto has snitched on himself about staying up late working on Coco's statue. When inquiring as to why, a nightmare comes up.
Healing Song February 6th, 2024 Coco finds out that Yuuto is injured and comes over to treat him and scold him a little before getting into talking about what happened.
A Crafted Situation! February 5th, 2024 Craft turns a public library into a noodle factory. Steam Sentinels (and friends!) stop him!
Under the... Aquarium February 3rd, 2024 Coco and Yuuto visit the Aquarium, and Yuuto gets Coco to start to slowly open up about her past.
Texts: Prelude to the Aquarium February 3rd, 2024 Yuuto invites Coco to the Yumegahama Aquarium and Marine Center.
Breaking in the New Boyfriend February 2nd, 2024 Coco brings Cho with her to meet Yuuto. Cho gets in an early ambush and drinks all the tea on her roommate's new relationship.
Cinema Club: First Meeting February 2nd, 2024 The inaugural meeting of Radiant Heart's new cinema club! This month's film:
Sea this sculpture February 1st, 2024 Yuuto comes to Coco's dorm room to fulfill something he had intended to do: sculpt a statue of her. As a mermaid.
How How Do You Like Your Curry January 29th, 2024 A date between Coco and Yuuto is interrupted by Amy's inability to pay for her meal - but she is invited into the conversation and food, even if Yuuto had to excuse himself for a moment to deal with an attack!
Texts: A Very Green Date January 28th, 2024 Coco and Yuuto decide on their first day. It's time to visit the Botanical Garden!
A Stroll Around the Garden January 28th, 2024 Coco invites Yuuto to the botanical gardens for a stroll and her flirting pays off.
Hungry for Action January 27th, 2024 Sunbreaker decides to take one of the DG girls out on a mentorship energy gather... running into Daifuku, Propel and Sukiyaki. Unfortunately for Daifuku... it turns out the girl is going through a few, ahem... boy troubles. Sunbreaker offers some totally helpful advice.
Friends... Maybe January 27th, 2024 After a fight against a Dark Lover, Coco and Yuuto decide to stop for a friendly chat. Maybe things won't just stop at friends.


Title Date Scene Summary
A Mermaid's Tail-Tale (Yuuto Shiraishi) February 6th, 2024 Yuuto completes part of the statue he is creating for Art Club and Coco Kiumi. He has a disturbing dream in the aftermath.