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From Radiant Heart MUSH

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* '''Naru Osaka''' -  
* '''Naru Osaka''' - Usagi's best friend for basically her ''entire'' life, Naru is clever, calm, a coffee-fiend, and, finally, after nearly a full year of magical attacks and events, a magical girl! As the Lunar Knight, Usagi can charge her Big Fucking Sword with purification and give her even more oomph.
* '''Chiyo Sakai''' -  
* '''Chiyo Sakai''' - One of the first friends Usagi made at Radiant Heart, the two girls were equally shocked to find that they're cousins through their mothers' side of the family. Chiyo is both an incredibly close friend, and has been a powerful ally as Culinary Guardian Daifuku.
* '''Kyouka Inai''' -  
* '''Kyouka Inai''' - The woman who has quite honestly helped to make Usagi the person she is today, Kyouka Inai, also known as Stellar, may not be a great school counselor, but she's an incredible mentor. It's Kyouka's no-bullshit advice and counseling that has done the most to help Usagi come to terms with her responsibility as a magical girl blessed with plenty of power, and she relies heavily on her council.
* '''Makoto Kino''' -  
* '''Makoto Kino''' -  
* '''Wako Agemaki''' - The one and only Ginga Otome, she was one of Sailor Moon's first allies. A true friend, Usagi trusts her to have her back. Wako-chan has a level head on her shoulders, and her experience has proven helpful time and again.  
* '''Wako Agemaki''' - The one and only Ginga Otome, she was one of Sailor Moon's first allies. A true friend, Usagi trusts her to have her back. Wako-chan has a level head on her shoulders, and her experience has proven helpful time and again.  

Revision as of 04:44, 31 July 2024

Usagi Tsukino (Scenesys ID: 43)
In the Name of the Moon, I'll Punish You!
Name: Usagi Tsukino AKA: Sailor Moon, Princess Serenity, Neo Queen Serenity, Super Sailor Moon
Gender: Female Series: (CC) Sailor Moon
Origin: Sailor Senshi Grade: 9
Clubs: Go Home Club, Cooking Club Age: 14
Group Information
Groups Radiant Heart Academy Student


A bit of a klutz and a mega crybaby, Usagi Tsukino is a perfectly ordinary girl, with average to poor grades, plenty of friends, a lazy streak a mile wide, a love of video games, and a huge heart. Or at least, she was an ordinary girl: now she's the one and only Sailor Moon! Unbeknownst to Usagi, there's one more way she?s not so ordinary - once upon a time in a life long lost, she was Princess Serenity, heir to the Moon Kingdom, holder of the Maboroshi no Ginzuishou.


Klutz Supreme, Frisby Champ, Champion Napper, Lover of All Food Expert Carrots XOXO, Lifting Spirits, Cheerleading, Big Charisma, Goofing on Tests, Crying, Really She Can Cry So Hard You Guys, Befriending

Vital Trivia

Height: 4'11
Blood Type: O
Birthday: June 30th
Likes: Sweets, Sailor V, eating, video games, manga, napping, her friends, making new friends, cute boys, cute girls, cute everyone honestly, roses,
Dislikes: Math, English class, studying, dentists, thunder, lightning, carrots, that jerk Darien making fun of her, when her mama is mad at her, tests, grades, school in general
Favorite Food: Sweets of all sorts!
Least Favorite Food: Carrots
Favorite Subject: Home Economics (when they get to snack)
Least Favorite Subject: Every Other Subject (including Home Ec when they can't snack)
Online Tag(s): HopHopBunnyChan


Title Date Scene Summary
Karaage Karaage October 6th, 2024 Usagi, Makoto and Chiyo meet at Karaage Fried Chicken (Karaage Karaage) to indulge in some meatatarianism and chatting. Chiyo is filled in on the issue with Obsidian going after Hotaru, and passes on some information of her own.
A Clever Solution to Safe Dating October 3rd, 2024 Usagi and Mamoru have a new strategy for dates: fight first, romance second. The monsteers can't interrupt their dates if they go hunting for them first, right? And as a reward? Pizza, no sewer hunt, and a few kitchen kisses.
Downright Amazed at What I Can Destroy With Just a Hammer October 1st, 2024 Mamoru, Usagi, and Kazuo go to do a little remodeling before the contractors start their actual work.
Saturn Hunting Season September 27th, 2024 With Obsidian now magically hunting Hotaru Tomoe, Usagi thinks it's time to read Kyouka in on the other danger that Hotaru houses. Some advice is shared.
Testing A Snack Machine September 21st, 2024 A few weeks ago, Usagi recovered a machine from the Arthafall that spat out blueberries. This time, Usagi and Ami get it to spit out a few more snacks, and make plans to see if Rashmi and Chrono want to talk shop over a double date.
A Perfumed Beacon September 15th, 2024 A hunt for a mermaid's treasure turns into more than Laura, Miho, Amy and Usagi signed up for as Grand Ocean turns out to be involved and Numeri is after a cup completely full of motivation power the mermaid from the story had concealed there. In the end, the Dark General is able to secure it, while the Perfume Shiny Ring that holds a piece of home for Laura is retrieved and kept safe.
Ocean Witch Dive September 14th, 2024 On a day trip to Odaiba, Madoka, Laura, Amy, and Usagi come across signs of a Witch! Can they put an end to the Witch of Devouring's suffering?
Texts: sunshine in your heart. also pings September 14th, 2024 Having learned Laura is recruiting, Usagi contacts Hinoiri to see if she's still hoping to find magic. Meanwhile, Hinoiri's had her own recent adventures - including one that involved a ping...but from Gaito?! Could that be a coincidence? (Events referenced are in scenes 1944 and 1946)
Checking Pings September 7th, 2024 Molly organizes for a meeting at Okujoo Ramen, to discuss the dark magic ping felt in the concert attack, and plumb the depths of its dire portents.
Running Options September 7th, 2024 After Scene 1936/Checking Pings, Usagi and Ami gather Mamoru, Kazuo, Tamaki, and Naru to share the news and gather a brain trust of options on what they can do, going forward.
Pings for the Memories September 7th, 2024 Eudial starts opening a portal in the middle of a park concert! What could this mean? It means that Usagi, Molly, Ami and Laisa are going to teach her she's in the wrong neighborhood... but what was with that strange youma she summoned and was that a portal to the dusk zone? What about that weird ping? These questions and more will likely be asked in this scene!
Entropy, Energy, and This F***ing Guy September 6th, 2024 Sailor Moon and Amy Faust defeat some goofy motorcycle youma, after which Amy asks Molly if she'd be able to scan her friend Norie, who's cursed. Unfortunately, Molly isn't able to, but that doesn't stop an interesting conversation with Kyubey from taking place. Will there ever be a day where Kyubey doesn't piss off everyone they interact with?
Texts: i hope you got to kick him into next week September 6th, 2024 Usagi texts Mamoru after Scene 1931, to talk about revelations regarding two enemies: Kyubey and La Crima.
A Parfait day September 3rd, 2024 Usagi drags Adora away from schoolwork to meet with Mamoru and Bow! Parfaits are shared, conversations had, and Adora Teasing is dispensed!
Insufferable and Unavoidable September 2nd, 2024 Usagi and Mamoru are sharing ice cream and contemplating the events of Such Things As Dreams are Made Of when Kyouka joins them, and gets the lowdown. One thing is for sure: these two are always insufferable.
Such Things As Dreams Are Made Of September 1st, 2024 The final confrontation with Gretchen. Amy Faust, Pulp Noir, Sayaka, Usagi, Mamoru, Melona, Mami, Taro, Seiko and Yuki make their way through X-Paradise and into Gretchen's lair where all of her gathered dark energy is kept... in a giant new body for herself! Tensions are high, and the future seems bleak, but the light in the tunnel is very much not the end. Make way for Hope Concept!
Sharing the Wealth August 31st, 2024 Usagi took some nifty things from Arthafall, and in a moment of peace, meets up with Rashmi at Korma to share them - that, and share a conversation.
Witching Hour August 31st, 2024 Part 1 of the final confrontation with the Meanie Dokas! The sparkles have found Gretchen's Labyrinth and intend to put a stop to her mass brainwashing, but Rens and Tia stand in their way. What follows is a chaotic battle followed by the purification of the two X-Chara.
If I Had A Nickel August 30th, 2024 Some social in Game Center Crown.
A Fry-day in Electric Town August 28th, 2024 Setsuna and Usagi spend a day in Akihabara!
Boy Oggling August 28th, 2024 Date Night for Ami and Usagi! Ami's sharing her love of boybands with a concert that she's brought Usagi to. After some time spent at the merch tables they abscond with their loot to enjoy the show and oggle some cute boys!
A Purrfect Opportunity to Talk August 28th, 2024 Sailor Moon and Sailor Neptune ran into each on a patrol just in time to take down a youma. With the dark energy purged, the creature is nothing more than a little calico cat, that captures Sailor Neptune's heart, while she and Sailor Moon talk. A walk back to Casa del Outers is the first chance they've had to talk - even a little - in quite a while.
I'll Be Your Friend August 23rd, 2024 Cure Wukong, Amy Faust, Sailor Moon, Sharpsong, Pulp Noir and Hope Blossom show up to fight two Witches at once. The two Witches are cooperating very closely with each other, and that makes them particularly interesting to the Meanie Dokas. After a dangerous yet festive fight, Gretchen shows up at the last moment and takes the Witches captive, storing them within her own Labyrinth.
Career Guidance August 22nd, 2024 Kyouka has a job to do, which means she has a job for her students.
We're In Deep August 20th, 2024 Hinoiri and Usagi reconnect, talking about singing, the rules of royalty, Paris, and of course, magic.
A Selfish Request August 15th, 2024 A week or so before Obon, Ikuko Tsukino pulls Makoto aside for a little talk.
Jimono Lurking: The Jobi Job August 14th, 2024 The Azabujuuban Noryo Matsuri is once again under attack by gthe fiend of denim! It's up to Kuiper Belt Cape (The Slasher), Onihime, Cure Suzhen, She-Ra, and Rocket Girl Red to save the day from the dreaded JLAME JUKATA JOBI! Luckily for everyone, the Meanie Dokas hate crimes against fashion almost as much as they hate cheating vending machines, and their X-Paradise is a perfect place to contain this battle against fashion evils.
Jimono Lurking: Rise of Jukata Act 1 August 13th, 2024 It's the Azabujuuban Noryo Matsuri, a summer celebration starting the last day of Obon, and something new (but old), evil (and yet, almost cute?) lurks. That's right: JUKATA RISES. Can Sailor Moon, Sailor Jupiter, Lunar Knight, Tuxedo Kamen, and Jadeite save the day (and fashion)?
Opening a Door Long Held Shut August 13th, 2024 It's the first day of Obon, and after sweeping graves for their families, Usagi and Makoto share a quiet snack, and a story of loss. CW: Family Death, Plane Crash.
Don't August 8th, 2024 Jadeite's got a knight complex. Usagi and Mamoru have a lecture.
No More Mochi August 4th, 2024 Chiyo calls a meeting with several of her friends to inform them that she's lost her powers. A few misunderstandings later, everyone is properly in the know. Cookie are had, and potential plots are considered.
What Gretchen Wants August 3rd, 2024 After Scene 1822, Hope Blossom shows up too late to catch Gretchen. She has an in-depth conversation with Usagi, Hinote and Amy over the nature of Gretchen and the Meanie Dokas and what her plans probably are. Plus a bit of speculation about time travel and those with time powers.
Takoyaki Talk Time! August 2nd, 2024 Following Hinoiri's rescue in scene 1820, her brave rescuers go out for some takoyaki.
Meaniedokas at the Mall August 2nd, 2024 A youma starts trouble at the Mall and gets pasted by Gretchen's Vending Machine Familiar. Then her Familiar goes out of control and several magicals work together to take it out! Gretchen starts talking about her plans to those who ask. Sailor Moon, Sayaka, Amy, Molly, Weisser Ritter and Pulp Noir all have very pointed questions to ask the wayward X-Chara.
Rainbow Unicorn Rescue Attack! August 1st, 2024 Hinoiri's rescue is upon the mahou and they have managed to track down the dastardly Songstopper... But... What's this?! Songstopper was sent by... Sunbreaker?! AKA, Hinoiri Kirara?! What could this mean?

It means shame. So much shame.

To Fix One's Heart July 31st, 2024 'What the hell've you been up to these past few weeks, anyway? I was beginning to think you'd tried to go back to Etheria, or what's left of it.'

Words that had been echoing in Adora's mind. This world isn't her world. This world isn't her /time/. Etheria needs her.

Adora has been mostly missing since the incidents surrounding her corruption, so when Swiftwind suddenly was warning her allies that she was about to do something incredibly stupid, well...

It's time to stop her. Before she does something she can't take back. Even if it might be too late.

Texts: oldora vs newdora July 31st, 2024 In Scene 1818, the Adora they all knew vanished, replaced by a new version. Usagi is absolutely not letting Makoto walk into that uninformed.
afterclashmath July 27th, 2024 Amy and Taro make plans to hang out - but when Taro's running late, Usagi has a chance to share some insight on where things stand, after Clashing Sides. Then, Taro returns and sweet treats are shared before the Oyaji Club meets.
Texts: want to hear gossip? July 26th, 2024 Mamoru and Usagi text after Clashing Sides and afterclashmath; it's been a while since they had normal drama, after all.
Clashing Sides July 25th, 2024 Laura, Seiko, Usagi, Amy and Taro turn up at a meteor shower event organised by Shiori Nakagawa, but they don't get as good a night as they thought they would.
Drink Your Words Down July 25th, 2024 After the argument at the meteor shower, Usagi walked Taro off, so they could talk privately and enjoy the show. A conversation is had, with much revealed (and yet, much kept secret) on both sides.
The Meloncholy of Setsuna Meiou Episode 1786: A meeting in the City of Lights July 24th, 2024 In the aftermath of Beryl's demise, Setsuna meets with Usagi in Paris.
Topical Drifting July 24th, 2024 Mamoru and Usagi come to Okujoo Ramen, and meet Molly for a nice, relaxed talk about all sorts of things.
B-Point: Resurrection and Recovery July 21st, 2024 Culinary Guardians Daifuku and Shokupan are returned to life after the battle is over. People cry. People kiss. People hug!
I Still Feel Alive July 19th, 2024 Usagi and Mamoru, after Paris, after midterms. What's changed cannot be unchanged, but they'll keep moving forward, into a newer, brighter, tomorrow. A world with them, and without Beryl.
B-Point: Deliver the News July 15th, 2024 There have been losses. Tuxedo Kamen and Pulp Noir are burdened with sharing the news with Glimmer, Guardian Sukiyaki, and Sailor Moon.
B-Point: The Monster at the End of This Book July 15th, 2024 (Content Warning: Death and Serious Injury) Having suffered heavy losses and overcome great odds, our heroes cross the final threshold, and initiate battle with the Demon Metallia. Under their combined force, the last of the Doom and Gloom Girls meet their end, with the extraordinary sacrifices of Guardian Shokupan, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, and Jolly Roger. Finally, the demon Metallia is pushed to her last legs... so why does the boss music come back on?
B-Point: Only A Shout Away July 15th, 2024 Kyouka pulls Usagi aside for a moment, after Beryl's defeat.
B-Point: Split the Party July 15th, 2024 Part of the Anti-Beryl Squad lands without the rest of the Anti-Beryl Squad in the catacombs and fights dark energy rats and plant youma girls in a cave of bones. And Bow and Glimmer argue a lot.
B-Point: The Main Event July 15th, 2024 Having quite literally devoured the heart of Metallia, Queen Beryl has become something more than the sum of both their parts, a towering figure set on destroying all Paris if that's what it takes to get rid of her enemies. But our heroes won't let that happen. With so many brave hearts gathered, so much determination put into the fight, it's inevitable that victory comes. Goodbye Beryl. You won't be missed.
A Leaning Tower of Closeness July 15th, 2024 The day after Beryl's defeat, Usagi and Chiyo find a quiet moment together.
B-Point: Girls Night Gone Bad July 15th, 2024 Sailor Moon, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Mercury, and the Lunar Knight run into each other, sharing a moment of confession and relief. But when the rats attack, it's Miraculous Ladybug with the plan!
B-Point -- Calling All Heroes: Again! July 14th, 2024 Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Kamen have gathered together their friends and allies for a planning session, and a warning: they have the location of the Dark Kingdom, now, and Metallia with it. This time, the Mahou will take the fight to the enemy, instead of being taken by surprise.
B-Point: Black Roses July 13th, 2024 Mamoru is found! Draining the city with dark energy brambles. His friends and loved ones gather to make sure he stops without killing anyone.
A Much Needed Reprieve July 12th, 2024 Usagi is worried, with nowhere to put her energy. Makoto knows a thing or two about channeling stress. An afternoon is spent experimenting with rediscovering an old receipe.
We Can Go After Them July 12th, 2024 Three days after Mamoru's kidnapping, the Metallidar sends out a ping. When Ami and Usagi check it out, they find that at least one thing is finally going their way - because Metallia's lair has been found. This time, they'll be the ones to stage a surprise attack.
This is FINE... July 10th, 2024 Koji comes back to a wrecked dorm. Usagi stops by to collect the drowned stuffies, and the two share a moment of worry for Mamoru.
Texts: a tale of two sets of phones July 9th, 2024 Usagi thinks Mamoru has two brothers. Takashi thinks Mamoru has two girlfriends. A conversation between all four occurs when Mamoru is kidnapped.
Texts: no way to sugar coat this July 9th, 2024 Following Scene 1736, Naru breaks the news to Usagi that Mamoru's been kidnapped by the Dark Kingdom.
Normal High School Problems July 9th, 2024 After Mamoru's kidnapping, the Slasher wants to apologize for failing to save him, and also deliver what remains of his fruit basket. A conversation ensues.
Kind of a Haruka Plan July 9th, 2024 Following Mamoru's kidnapping, Haruka catches up with her princess. Reassurances are shared, food is offered, and bad ideas are gently discouraged.
Can't Catch a Break July 9th, 2024 Kyouka finds Usagi for a chat after Mamoru's capture.
B-Point: Twist the Knife July 5th, 2024 CW: Graphic death and aftermath. Sailors Moon and Jupiter, Cat Noir, Pulp Noir, and Tuxedo Kamen face off against Fem of the Doom and Gloom girls. Fem dies badly.
Legend of Double Girl July 5th, 2024 Tamaki, Usagi, and Amy are studyinbg in The Shed, when the conversation turns to what it means to be someone with more memories than years. How does one girl, or better yet, how does one be, anyway?
Kind of Horrifying July 1st, 2024 Usagi comes to Hinoiri's dorm shortly after her door's been covered in blood(?). Hinoiri opens the door in time to see Usagi in front of her blood covered door. Somehow, that's not the horrifying thing in this scene. Featuring: teh ever looming threat of the fade, the agony of making friends, and suggestions for an outlet.
Act 10: Moon Moon June 27th, 2024 The Senshi (and Naru!) are taking a trip to the Moon, in search of a variety of important artifacts. The fallen Moon Kingdom is a place of many memories, but there is much for our heroes to gain.
Texts: we can avoid an apocalypse for a long weekend June 27th, 2024 Usagi texts Kyuoka about the Senshi's plans to visit the Moon.
Leaves of oak, Crown of Mourning June 26th, 2024 Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Kamen accompany Sailor Jupiter to reclaim the Leaves of Oak. The Capital City of the Moon is a lonely place, but good friends - and terrible jokes - can make anything better.
Hospital Visits: A Ray Of Sunshine June 25th, 2024 Rashmi, Usagi, Chiyo and Amy visit Hinoiri in the hospital, bringing much-needed advice, lectures, encouragement, and more! Also Chiyo brings a cathartic pillow-beating, because Hinoiri.
The Meloncholy of Setsuna Meiou Episode 1701: Preparing for a Trek amongst the Stars June 25th, 2024 Setsuna takes Usagi on a Voyager out to dinner one early eveninng, where the two discuss things like Deep Space, Nine people going on the coming Enterprise, and attempts at making the Next Generation of Senshi attacks.
HopHopBunnychan is now Streaming... June 23rd, 2024 On the one year anniversary of the first time Usagi and Mamoru met, Usagi hosts a stream, introducing her Mamochan to her streaming audience! With guest commentary from Amy and Glimmer, and hey, wait... is that a RING? (Happy Gameiversary!)
An Eclipse for the Sun June 23rd, 2024 As a method of respect for the 'dead' (Okay she's not really dead just no longer Sunbreaker), Aloisia Stauss drops one of the Eclipse towers in the middle of an abandoned themepark. Fighting ensues. Lots of space politics do too.

Surprisingly, there was no punching.

Tako Truck Talk June 22nd, 2024 Sailor Moon, Puella Red, and Glimmer fought a Witch. Naturally, the next step is takoyaki and talk.
Cruising for a Bad Time June 21st, 2024 A day cruise is heading from Yumegahama's port to some of the scenic waterside locations around Tokyo, and there's no way it will go wrong, right? Well, at least with this many Shitennou and Senshi around, Naru and Hinoiri are sure to get a good hit in without consequence. Right? Featuring: Sublime Thunder, Jinxes, and Whirlpools That Give Up.
But This Isn't Even A Date!!! June 19th, 2024 Usagi and Makoto are shopping at Fairy Drop when a most horrific monster makes it's debut... from the depths of fashion don't rises the abomniable JIMONO.
Texts: you know a lot of hot guys June 18th, 2024 Usagi and Chiyo text about Chiyo's upcoming date with Phillip.
Texts: not fakey nice June 16th, 2024 Usagi and Chiyo text after Chiyo's post in the Shed, in which she shared some of the information she obtained from Phantom with her.
Mahou Band vs FROGMAN June 15th, 2024 An ordinary day at Penguin Park becomes extraordinary an orange mohawked leather pants-wearing Frogman takes over the Island Shrine with his electric guitar! Can the ragtag band formed by Cure Suzhen, Hanzo, Tuxedo Mask, and Puella Red, featuring special guest, Meowth! I mean, Chat Noir!
The Sweetest Battle June 10th, 2024 Hossiwa goes after the candy shoppe where Chiyo works. Heroes arrive to defend... and the world is introduced to Groom Tuxedo Terribad.
The Witch from Mars June 8th, 2024 Amy brings some friends along on a Witch hunt. Katsuko is also there. Taro sits out, but the Backstreet Slasher joins them in the Labyrinth! Witch weirdness ensues, with a space-themed Labyrinth populated by cat familiars with fishguns and a fight against the Witch Jaidyn on the surface of Mars!
Comfort Food June 8th, 2024 Hinoiri goes to the Korma and, to her surprise... despite running into many of the people she hurt, they all seem more than willing to give her another chance. Maybe she's not quite as hated as she once feared...
Radiant Infirmary Episode 1644: Give the Boy a Hand. June 6th, 2024 After some minor surgery thanks to Setsuna and Mamoru, Ikuto and Mamoru and Setsuna and Usagi go to WcDonald's.
Metallidar, or, Metallia Radar June 6th, 2024 Luna shows Usagi and Ami the Senshi's secret base, and most importantly, the advanced computers there. With these systems, Ami is sure she'll be able to start creating scanning protocols for tracking some of the various threats that have been identified... and then Usagi and Ami get a little carried away.
Texts: i do not want a fruit basket June 5th, 2024 Sailor Moon texts Riventon with an apology about blasting him. It's a surprise first for the boy genius of Obsidian.
Lunch Rush June 4th, 2024 A series of students run across a new kid, and also each other, on the way to lunch at RHA.
Yellow Is Not the Opposite of Violet June 4th, 2024 The Yellow Rainbow crystal manifests-- and tries to take over Kunzite! Things absolutely do not go as expected for anyone. CW: High comedy and high drama in equal amounts.
Sunbreaker broke the Sun June 2nd, 2024 Hinoiri Kirara, the Sunset of Sora, finally destroys the sun. Casting the world into darkness until her own sun takes over. However, as lost as she is in the darkness, all of the friends (and rivals) she'd made over the last year refuse to let her end on that path. In a brutal, magical fight, they peel back every layer of her anguish, anger and despair, making sure that she can hear them. Showing her that, no matter what happens, she's not alone. She's seen. They came for her. And, through sparkles, violence and a massive special effects budget, they get their unicorn back... and she actually learns a lesson. The right one, this time.
Messy Teenagers June 2nd, 2024 After Sunset of Sora and the healing wave of energy at the hospital, Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion visit Molly Skyline for some healing, mistakes, and communication.
Checking on the Moon May 31st, 2024 Having visited Mamoru in the hospital a day prior, Minako seeks out Usagi on campus next, to check in on her princess. A conversation ensues.
Burning Nightmares May 29th, 2024 Usagi uses the connection she has with Mamoru to try and connect with Hinoiri. While there is some part of her still there... there's a lot of darkness enveloping her.
Fight Feast May 25th, 2024 Culinary Guardians Sukiyaki and Daifuku get together to make food before the big battle for everyone!
Guardian Knight of Mixed Metaphors and Also Great Hugs May 25th, 2024 Kazuo and Usagi share a quiet moment at the hospital, discussing the problem of Sunbreaker.
Catch You When You Fall May 24th, 2024 Rashmi and Usagi visit Molly in hospital, giving her both some company and a desperately needed lift in spirits.
It's Not About Her May 23rd, 2024 Sunset of Sora has struck again, leaving Rashmi's heart bruised. Usagi calls her to the Shed, for a talk, and hope is shared between the two.
Greenery in the Hospital May 22nd, 2024 Cure Suzhen comes to heal the guy with the burns, and there is marked improvement.
Texts: we'll all hate it May 21st, 2024 Rashmi and Usagi talk after Rashmi's visit to Mamoru's hospital room.
You're Here With Us May 20th, 2024 In the hospital, Mamoru wakes up. Poor Zoisite. Poor Usagi. But at least he's awake.
Burnout May 18th, 2024 CW: Graphic description of injuries. After Hinoiri drains and burns Mamoru, Sailor Moon goes to get him with the help of Sailor Mercury, Kunzite, and Jadeite.
Rebuilding Bridges: Independent Contractor May 13th, 2024 Rashmi asks Usagi to meet and talk in the shed, regarding the rift between Usagi and the Outers. Projections are less than encouraging for the short-term, perhaps more hopeful for the long-term.
Plotting On Her Downfall (2) May 12th, 2024 Sailor Moon has invited those impacted by Beryl's time portal - either directly or indirectly - to enjoy a meal of ramen and cupcakes, as well as plot on Beryl's downfall.
Plotting On Her Downfall (1) May 12th, 2024 Sailor Moon has invited those impacted by Beryl's time portal - either directly or indirectly - to enjoy a meal of ramen and cupcakes, as well as plot on Beryl's downfall.
Coffee is for the Birds May 11th, 2024 When dealing with a new relationship dynamic, sometimes coffee is required. Ami, Usagi, and Zoisite meet to chat and hang out. They meet Tsubasa Yuunagi already there and make introductions.
There Was a Lot May 11th, 2024 While eating So Much Chocolate, Madoka and Mamoru talk about the portal and apocalypses in general, and then Usagi arrives and lightens the mood a bit.
Dimension Past: Days of Past's Future May 5th, 2024 Luna introduces Mamoru and Zoisite to the Senshi's secret base, while the Senshi and allies are trapped in a time bubble.
Tired of Organic, Free Range Beef May 2nd, 2024 In the aftermath of disagreements with Setsuna and Michiru, Usagi sees advice from Kyouka. After all, what else is a guidance counselor for? Some realizations are made, and passions cool.
Reading You In May 1st, 2024 Two days after her fight Setsuna, Usagi approaches Minako to read her in on the situation as far as her fight goes, what's up with the Outer Senshi, and especially, what she knows about Hotaru (Firefly) (Maybe Sailor Saturn).
Real Solutions April 30th, 2024 After the meeting with Michiru, Ami storms off in frustration. Usagi quickly catches up with her to calm her down. A few solutions to the problematic relationship with the Outer Senshi are discussed, and a few decisions are made about their own relationship.
Chill Waters April 30th, 2024 Michiru, Ami, and Usagi have a conversation the day after their argument with Setsuna. Nothing was resolved, but positions are certainly being drawn.
So Something Happened April 30th, 2024 Usagi isn't planning to repeat the mistakes of the Outer Senshi. The day after her fight with Setsuna, she approaches Makoto to share the truth, and seek the Senshi of Courage's advice.
You Are Not The Mom Friend April 29th, 2024 Emotions run hot as Usagi storms out of Setsuna's house with Ami on her heels, both of them shocked at the revelations that unfolded in 1513. But there's fury, frustration... and something more than friendship unfolding, when Ami scews up her courage.
Back To School Again April 29th, 2024 Rashmi finally makes it back to her dorm room, glad to see a Chiyo who is even gladder to see her. Then Usagi comes to check up on them, and Chiyo learns a *lot* more than she bargained for about what they all faced within the portal. And learned that Beryl *needs to go.*
It's About Trust April 29th, 2024 Following her argument with Setsuna in Scene 1513 and their text messages, Usagi finally rejoins Mamoru to share a whole host of things that have gone down, from the Cringe Cave of Jadeite to the blow by blow of the Outer/Usagi divide.
Days of our Outers Episode 1513: Revelations April 29th, 2024 On the heels of escaping the portal to the reflection of the past, Usagi finds out about Hotaru's presence in the Casa...and things come to light about her past. With all parties fragile and with nerves raw from their recent ordeal, words are shouted, cold declarations are made...and a rift thought healed is torn open once more.
Texts: oh, joy, i've discovered a new layer of mad April 29th, 2024 Usagi texts Mamoru immediately after storming out of Casa del Outers and finding out that 1) Hotaru is Firefly 2) Hotaru has been hiding with the Outer Senshi for weeks. But also? A reaction to kissing, the possibility of jealousy, and the training of a new boyfriend for Mamoru. Set post-scene 1513 and during scene 1514.
Dimension Past: End of an Era April 25th, 2024 Those who traveled through Beryl's portal have had a variety of revelations, adventures, and experiences they'll never forget. They might have been separated along the voyage, but now, they've been brought back together for the end: it's the fall of the Silver Millennium, and the only way out is through (well, that, and magical connections to the Earth's very own special guy).
Dimension Past: Aftermath Sleepover April 25th, 2024 Freed from Beryl's time echo and more than a little traumatized in the aftermath, Usagi and Naru corral the Inner Senshi into a sleepover at their apartment. No one's going home alone tonight.
Dimension Past: Prop Hunt April 24th, 2024 Trapped in the past but seeking advantages, Sailor Pluto walks the aftermath of a tragedy on the hunt for those items most useful to the Senshi of the Present. CW: description of fatal injury, death.
Dimension Past: Jolene, Jolene April 24th, 2024 Jadeite's crush on Mamoru is exposed in the most mortifying way possible - by his past self spouting love confessions to a statue of his prince. Will he survive the mortifying ordeal of being known by Usagi and Kazuo? And more importantly, can Usagi and Kazuo survive Jadeite's cringe behavior?
Dimension Past: Serenity's Earth Wardrobe April 24th, 2024 Our heroes are hungry and need new clothes. They find a kitchen, Endymion, and new dresses, in that order!
Dimension Past: Questions of the Moon April 24th, 2024 Queen Serenity seeks to enjoy a moment of peace on yet another beautiful day in the Capital City of the Moon. Sunbreaker seeks knowledge. Maybe at least one of them will get what they want?
Dimension Past: Let's Go In the Garden April 24th, 2024 In the ancient past, a peaceful moment plays out between Princess Serenity and Sailor Venus.
Dimension Past: Construction in the Cosmos April 24th, 2024 Madoka, Rashmi, Amy, Hinoiri, and Makoto successfully escaped Kunzite - and landed on the Moon, where they encounter Princess Serenity, Sailor Mercury, and a very lost construction worker. A discussion of futures, presents, and the ethics of the Prime Directive ensues.
Dimension Past: Yours Truly Angry Mob April 24th, 2024 Dancing, laughter, the end of one world, and the beginning of the end of everything.
Dimension Past: Pretty Kettle of Fish April 23rd, 2024 After Kunzite, Mercury, and Naru go through the portal, there is a BIG PROBLEM and a little problem. Somehow, the gigantic fish-dinosaur with a glowing spiked tail and flaming fins is the little problem.
Venus Moonlight shining on a city at night! April 23rd, 2024 Sailor Venus and Sailor Moon patrol, talking of challenges past and challenges to come!
Dimension Past: Chaos in the Kingdom April 23rd, 2024 Trapped in an echo of the ancient past, Hope Witch, Rocket Girl Red, Sailor Pluto, and Sailor Venus find themselves in the midst of a monster attack in the Golden Kingdom. Their deicsion to intercede ends the attack early, but in this tumultuous snapshot in time, the people of Earth - mistaking them for the people of the Moon - are none too pleased with their rescuers.
Dimension Past: Dreams April 23rd, 2024 Usagi may be trapped in a glimmer of the ancient past, but Mamoru's connection to her is stronger than any of Beryl's tricks. Separated physically but together psychically, they share information, and a sweet dream.
Dimension Past: The Radiant Dark April 23rd, 2024 Echo-Kunzite needs energy for his Great Leader. He means, to protect Earth and Endymion. Yes. So he goes to get some. By eating a city. It's all fun and games until senpai notices Erika...
Dimension Past: Riventon Helps April 23rd, 2024 Desperate for help and apparently being owed a favor, Mamoru asks Riventon for help getting everybody back from the hell portal Beryl opened.
ON A QUEST April 23rd, 2024 Taro Yamada decides to take advantage of the spooky glitter doom portal in the middle of town by selling supplies to any fools willing to traipse in. Meanwhile, Stellar and the Sailor Senshi who weren't trapped by Beryl begin to contemplate how to rescue their allies from the portal. Cue an unlikely alliance bridged by a mutual dislike of Queen Beryl.
Dimension Past: Please Do Not Stab Anyone April 23rd, 2024 Some of our heroes come in on the aftermath of a fight, and after the initial kerfluffle, a quiet moment of encouragement in the face of oncoming doom.
Dimension Past: Back to the Past April 22nd, 2024 When a youma fight interrupts Queen Beryl's latest plans, she faces the mahou themselves, putting on a terrifying show of power - particularly when she takes note of Tuxedo Kamen. The taunts and insults of our heroes don't go over well, and the Queen of the Dark Kingdom decides to send the group on a trip down memory - transporting them to an echo of the past! Trapped first in the center of the Fall of the Moon Kingdom, our heroes eventually find themselves somewhere less awful... but still trapped. CW: war, death. You came for back to the future but eneded up in Saving Private Ryan
This Cat is One Life Down: Usagi is Going to Kill Ikuto! April 21st, 2024 Ikuto made a grave mistake at prom, and Usagi Tsukino has come to collect. Of course, it turns out Ikuto has made other grave mistakes since then... will his shins ever recover?
Finally, Information Released April 18th, 2024 Ami and Usagi hang out in the Tsukino-Osaka dorm, talking dresses, Lunas, and boys. On the one hand, Luna is probably avoiding Ami. Maybe even all of them. On the other? At least Ami isn't in love with Zoisite!
A Maiden's Pure Desire - Rise of the Dark Twilight Pact! April 17th, 2024 A group of 5 kids cause 'havoc' in the mall, provoking a response from some Very Responsible Mahou! The Pure Heart of a Maiden(Tuxedo Kamen) was stolen! Also they were told to knock it off cause it's dangerous and they more or less agreed.
The Meloncholy of Setsuna Meiou Episode 1405: Rectifying Conflicting Impulses April 12th, 2024 After learning about Sunbreaker's identity, Setsuna goes to consult with the person she regards as her moral compass: Usagi Tsukino. Discussions are had about the redhead in question...and later possibilties are floated about enacting retribution towards Chiyo's 'date' to the prom.
Full Mental Jacket April 8th, 2024 When Jackets Attack!
Texts: promise me you'll abide by that April 6th, 2024 Rashmi texts Usagi about Chiyo's terrible night at prom. Usagi has her fingers crossed for all promises.
Radiant Hearts Prom 2024 April 6th, 2024 The first ever prom at Radiant Hearts had it all! Dancing, great food, three singers, hip throws, off-world travelers and fireworks!
A Dark Lover... Trio!? April 1st, 2024 The heroes start their invasion of Gaito's palace and successfully defeat their first obstacle: the Dark Lovers.
Voice in the Dark April 1st, 2024 While approaching Gaito's throne room, the Black Beauty Sisters block their path. Will they be able to get past the fearsome duo?
Requiem of the Nightmare April 1st, 2024 It's the conclusion to the nightmare brought on by Gaito. Sailor Moon can now rest at ease, and Aqua Regina appeared to answer some important questions.
Extracurricular Activities March 27th, 2024 A gathering in the cafeteria after finals, discussion of clubs and the joining thereof. Ft. fairy tale tropes.
A Light into the Abyss March 22nd, 2024 A strategy session is organised, trying to determine how to best assault Gaito's castle.
Texts: it's me, moon girl March 20th, 2024 Hinoiri texts Usagi to rub the benefits of Obsidian in... and to warn her that the next time they fight, it's on for real.
Eclipse Zone Feedback March 19th, 2024 Bow and Ami present their idea for how to turn the Eclipse Zone on Obsidian and a plan is made to carry it out. Prom is also discussed, and Usagi finds out Ami has a date. And Bow has completely forgot to ask his.
Scraping Her Off the Pavement March 18th, 2024 After Disrespect, Usagi and Mamoru come to rescue Kyouka from the parkbench where Fuyuko left her after getting slapped into a bus by Beryl.
Rainbow Crystals 6: Orange-ins Unknown to Baseball Kind March 17th, 2024 Baseball practice goes awry when Niji catches the Orange rainbow crystal instead of the ball! Luckily, Hope Witch, Guardian Daifuku, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Moon, Tuxedo Kamen, Zoisite, Jadeite, and - Sunbreaker?! - are here to save the day. Wait, what's this?! A totally explicable and yet sudden betrayal from Sunbreaker?!
When Mascots Clash March 17th, 2024 Luna rescues a vending machine from the wrath of Gretchen! Only to carry her off to see Usagi. The misunderstanding is soon cleared up, and Madoka catches up she and Usagi get to know each other a bit better. That vending machine still has Gretchen's money, though!
She-Rally March 16th, 2024 After Swiftwind alerts Bow that Adora is in immediate danger, a group is assembled to heal Adora and bring her home.
FIX HER! March 15th, 2024 After Sunbreaker's recent encounter with She-Ra's temperment (and sword), Double Trouble finds themselves in a race against time to keep their unicorn. Forcing them to track down Mamoru and ruin the prince's date with his princess, Usagi.
Samosas and Flirting March 15th, 2024 Ami, Usagi and Zoisite meet at Korma for some food. Usagi is REALLY REALLY hoping they aren't flirting!
All My Homies Hate Roy G Biv March 14th, 2024 In the midst of Zoisite fetching something from Kyouka in her office, they are interrupted by a battering ram of Mamoru, Usagi, Ami, and Makoto. Crystal talk happens!
Royal Concerns March 14th, 2024 Tadase Hotori follows the time-honored teenage tradition of talking to a girl's best friend instead of the girl directly.
Eclipse Investigation: A&U March 13th, 2024 Usagi plays distraction while Mercury tries to investigate the eclipse zones. While only a little bit of info is gathered, Mercury finds she can access parts of them... but, fortunately, Usagi manages to get out before things take a turn for the worse... and she has to *study*.
Info Share - Eclipse Zone Scan One March 12th, 2024 Bow, with the help of Usagi, contacts Ami, Mamoru and Zoisite to share what information he and Sayaka gathered on the Eclipse Zone project in scene 1259 and the ties between the technology it's using and Etherian technology.
Texts: you have sunackies?! March 11th, 2024 Usagi texts Hinoiri for the first time since learning her identity. After all, she has to know more about these sun-snackies. What do you mean they're suna-ckies?

A conversation that stretches many topics, from Beryl, to ascension, to the essential need to have people with you.

Texts: Seeking a Meeting March 11th, 2024 In which Bow has data, and could use people to share it with. Luckily, Usagi knows plenty of people, and is happy to suggest that Sailor Mercury is just the person Bow is looking for. Set just before Scene 1262.
What Even Is A Prom March 7th, 2024 Usagi has rallied the troops to help with brainstorming ideas for prom! Only... there's a valuable point to be made. Namely: what even is a prom? What does a prom look like? What do you wear to prom? It's too early to decide, but all this and more are posed by and to Madoka, Hitomi, Ami, Luke, and Coco.
The Call, Answered March 7th, 2024 Kyouko gets in over her head in a Witch's Labyrinth, and calls out to Kyouka Inai for assistance. Kyouka brings the force of the Senshi and Shitennou to bear for her mini-me apprentice.
Rainbow Crystals 5: Mermadness of the Blue Crystal! March 7th, 2024 The blue rainbow crystal shows up at the island shrine in Penguin Park, just in time for Hanon of the South Atlantic Ocean to become transformed into the youma Rikoukeidar! Luckily, Coco, Yuuto, Hinote, Mamoru, Usagi, Ami, and Makoto are all on hand to help her out!
Not Burying Him March 4th, 2024 Chiyo still needs advice about the boy who asked her out on her First Date. Naru and Usagi have suggestions. Some are even good!
Just a little something... March 3rd, 2024 Hinoiri gives Chiyo a gift, for Sailor Moon... and Usagi and Chiyo finally come clear to her... And Hinoiri accidentally comes clear to them. Two of the three handle it better than the last.
Oh No, Cornsequences! March 1st, 2024 LaCrima makes good decisions and finally gets her just just reward in the form of a whole bunch of heroes to save Naru and Hinoiri from her clutches and bet up her corn.
Back On Campus March 1st, 2024 After the Angry Corn Massacre Rescue of Naru and Hinoiri from La Crima, and after Mamoru healed Hinoiri, and then both Kyouka and Fuyuko, and after Mamoru got attacked by Taro and Kyouka rescued him, Mamoru is beset by help.
Rainbow Crystals 4: The Good, The Bakene, and the Violet Crystal February 29th, 2024 Luna's rough day takes a worse turn when dogs start chasing her! The Bakeneko saves her - and promptly eats the Violet Crystal. Yikes! It's up to Luna, Magical Rocket Girl Red, Tuxedo Kamen, Hero Karin, and Hero Fu to chase her down, while Hinote and Tracy try to crack this case! At the end, Himeko shows up to save the day... but she doesn't look too good...
DJJDite in the House February 29th, 2024 Jadeite has finally invited his prince over. Mamoru has come armed with Usagi, Kazuo, and more takeout than their arms can easily carry. Over the course of their conversation, new matters are revealed, others are put to rest, and it becomes very clear Tamaki Suikawa is finally coming back to school.
Texts: Abductions and Dark Energy February 28th, 2024 Usagi texts Sayaka to inform her that La Crima has kidnapped Naru and Hinoiri. A discussion about the vampire's warped emotions ensues.
Love, Ghosts & Other Delusions February 27th, 2024 Rei texts Usagi about love and ghosts, among other things.
Procurement February 27th, 2024 Takes place immediately after scene 1189/Good Morning, Amy. Natsumi and Amy go out to get some new clothes and meet Usagi. Natsumi discovers that the real clothes were the friends she made along the way. Also the actual clothes they bought; those, too, were real clothes.
Princesses and Powers: Etheria Campaign February 26th, 2024 Bow lays out the situation with Adora, Catra, Etheria, and everything else he knows - and asks for help. Help recieved. A new, stronger Rebellion, is born.
Fryer Soul February 25th, 2024 Rei invites friends and acquaintances and hopefully new friends to WcDonald's for lunch. Just to get to hang out with everyone, get to know them better... And thank them for being there for her.
Project Eclipse Begins February 24th, 2024 Sunbreaker has initiated Project Eclipse! A plan that is flawless, perfect, definitely has NO flaws! So secure in her victory, in fact, she lets the girls tour the area.
Texts: single week in this world where we are not PLAGUED by CHAOS February 24th, 2024 Usagi Tsukino texts Kyouka, Mamoru, Wako, Naru, and Kazuo after Scene 1178, Project Eclipse Begins. She's totally not mad, though. Meanwhile, Wako and Mamoru have their own updates to share, following Scene 1172 and Scene 1177.
Rainbow Crystals 3: Indi-Cho Gone Wild! February 22nd, 2024 The third Rainbow Crystal shows up, this time at Radiant Heart Academy's library, and it's bad news for Cho that Wuwu handed her the crystal. Luckily, Bow of Etheria, Magical Rocket Girl Red, Yellow Pearl Voice, Culinary Guardian Sukiyaki, Sailor Moon, and the one and only Stellar-sensei are on the scene! Unluckily... so is Riventon. Who's going to get the crystal this time?
Challenging Times February 22nd, 2024 Ami's decided to schedule some fun, and Usagi, Haruka, and Hinoiri answer the call! Sweet times take a dip into the spicy when Hinoiri gets fired up, but the Senshi end the day with some fun on the games - and some info, for Haruka.
Let There Be Chocolate February 21st, 2024 A short while before Valentine's Day, Usagi Tsukino utterly fails at making Valentine's Chocolates. Good thing the good people of the Radiant Heart dorms can't ;eave a girl when she's down, right? Your classic making Valentine's Chocolates moment!
Facets of Our Situation February 20th, 2024 It's time to get updated! Usagi, Naru, Kyouka, Ami, and Mamoru swap information about the rainbow crystals - and Usagi's on-going nightmare problem.
Texts: You Need A Sleepover February 20th, 2024 Hinoiri finally texts Usagi back after the situation with Sayaka. A break up has occurred! There's only one possible thing to do!
Time to go home February 14th, 2024 Klarissa has become the Witch Oktavia, and despite the chances being against them, this isn't a battle to eradicate the threat she represents, even as Kyubey pushes them towards that choice, but to rescue her.
Key of Hope February 13th, 2024 Sailor Moon calls Yellow Pearl Voice to hand over the Sealing Key given to her by Sunbreaker, and gets some reassurance from her friend.
Rainbow Crystals 2: Rashmi on the Loose February 13th, 2024 The Green Rainbow Crystal shows up at Twin Bells Toys and Card Store! Good thing Rashmi is on hand to put in storage, right? ...right? Wuh oh! It's a host of mahou against Veena, the unlucky youma to take over Rashmi Terios in front of her friends and boyfriend. Is Riventon going to help? No. Just, no.
Family Discount February 11th, 2024 Usagi and Ikuko visit Nounamu Sweets only for a family secret to be revealed! Hinoiri has her suspicions of their magical identities (incorrectly) confirmed when Chiyo and Usagi are revealed to be second cousins.
The games we play! February 10th, 2024 After the recent... accident in their home, Dianora and Hinoiri go with Usagi to replace some of their lost games. As well as a little bonus... stuffies!
Little Talks February 9th, 2024 Somehow, despite everything, Sunbreaker and Sailor Moon are - almost friends. It makes it easier for information to flow between them. Sunbreaker learns a little more about Beryl, Sailor Moon, and ancient kingdoms. Sailor Moon learns a little more about Sunbreaker, and, - leylines?
So There's These Crystals... February 8th, 2024 Usagi corners Ami and Minako to catch them up on the rainbow crystals, but it turns out her friends have plenty to catch Usagi up on too.
Payback Time February 7th, 2024 Sunbreaker decides to finally turn over the key to the sparkle skirts. By giving it to Usagi, who she believes can give it to Sailor Moon, who ca ngive it to Yellow Pearl Voice. However, when she tries to meet with Usagi and Naru to begin her grand plan she runs into a... minor snag.
Rainbow Crystals: Crane Game Joe on the Loose February 6th, 2024 Crane Game Joe shows up the rock the crane games at Game Center Crown, ends up rocked instead when finding the Red Rainbow Crystal transforms him into Gesen, one of the Seven Great Youma! Except unfortunately for him, this arcade is full of mahou... welp, couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.
Texts: so you can cook? February 6th, 2024 Usagi and Chiyo text about Sunbreaker's misunderstanding in Rooftop Ramen, as well as hair, ambitions, and cooking.
Rooftop Ramen February 5th, 2024 A trio of heroes decide to get ramen after a hard night's off-screen battle, and encounter Hinoiri. Continued miscommunications lead to some surprisingly honest thoughts - and leave our heroes waiting for the next time they catch up with Hinoiri.
Convenient Meetings February 3rd, 2024 Various people are buying dinner at the convenience store.
Texts: Benevolent Ruler January 27th, 2024 Hinoiri texts Usagi with concerns following scene 1050. After all, if Mamoru (Culinary Guardian Sukiyaki) is gay, won't that have an impact on his GIRLfriend?
Texts: embarrassment central 2: sunbreaker boogaloo January 26th, 2024 Horrific embarrassment strikes again, this time when Chiyo lets Usagi know that not only does Sunbreaker think Culinary Guardian Daifuku is Usagi... now she thinks Culinary Guardian Sukiyaki is Mamoru - and that he's gay and uninterested in her. Whoops?
Texts: douse him in water! January 26th, 2024 Ami texts Usagi shortly before she heads off to meet Zoisite - Izou Saitou - in scene 1047/The Babe Wore Blue. Usagi tries to be supportive. Keyword, tries.
The Unflinching Truth January 26th, 2024 Following scenes 1031 and 1032, Usagi Tsukino and Kyouka Inai catch up on the nature of Firefly, the hero's burden, and the existence (and lack thereof) of the villain's burden. CW: Discussion of past suicide.
A Tale of a Cursed Painting, Diving of Selene January 23rd, 2024 A pair of koi earrings need to be retrieved and Tuxedo Kamen, Cure Wukong, Puella Magi Red, Platinum Royale, the Princess of Sarek and Sailor Moon step up to take part in this whimsical underwater retrieval mission.
Personality Clash January 21st, 2024 After the encounter with Riventon and Firefly, Sailor Mercury insists that Tuxedo Kamen and Sailor Moon join her in a trip to Setsuna's house to ensure they are all right, as well as discuss the incident. Some tensions arise before dinner, and more information is sought by Setsuna and Ami.
Proud As A... January 21st, 2024 A simple plush youma is just an appetizer to the complicated and problematic situations between Obsidian and the Sen/Shi.
Hot Wheels January 20th, 2024 Sunbreaker has the absolute perfect plan to ensure the sparkle skirts can't stop her AND won't know it's her! Her plan turns out, alas, to not be quite as perfect as she expected it to be. Between Sharpsong, Amy, Itsuki, Sailor Moon and Uranus it turns out to be a disaster. She loses more wheels this way...
Makeup Magic (Without the Power) January 20th, 2024 Minako, Usagi and Ami are hanging out at Minako's place. Ami suggests studying, but the girls realize she's reading fashion magazines!? Makeover Magic Time!
I Always See It January 19th, 2024 Before Christmas, while the Gates of Time are still an essential shelter, Princess Serenity and Sailor Neptune finally speak. Hope is alive and well, but the Silence lurks.
A Tale of a Cursed Painting, The Shining Deep January 16th, 2024 While investigating a painting, Taro, Veronica, Usagi, Amy and Anna get stuck inside it, exploring the world it contains and then finding their way out again.
Texts: embarrassment central January 15th, 2024 Chiyo texts Usagi after her unfortunate confession to Kazuo resulted in surprising new information.
Garden Crasher January 14th, 2024 Sunbreaker decides to break into Nounamu Sweets greenhouse to retrieve some flowers. This draws in EVERY SPARKLE IN A THREE-HUNDRED YARD RADIUS and teaches her to fear the hammer of Daifuku. Beware, there is cat tail grabbing.
Even Nerds Need Food January 12th, 2024 Usagi finds Ami having lunch in the cafeteria. They catch up from the holidays, theories are shared, and plan a shopping trip to help Ami pick out belated New Years Gifts for their friends.
Curry Time January 11th, 2024 It's a boisterous gathering at Korma Chameleon! Chiyo, Sayaka, Klarissa, Hinoiri, Niji, and Usagi make it a busy day for Rashmi.
Putting 'Inai' In Perspective January 9th, 2024 Kyouka invites a few of her trusted students to her apartment for a bit of storytime regarding her past.
An unpleasant meeting under cloudy skies January 8th, 2024 Usagi is having sweet dreams, but a certain villainous king of the depths has other plans.
Three Dog Moon January 8th, 2024 Posing as Shadow Weaver, Double Trouble summons a giant dusk zone cerberus above the pond in Penguin Park and lets it rampage toward the playground full of children. Then, when the magical girls inevitably show up to save the day, they pose as Dianora and let them rescue her, plan a sleep over, and start a search for her missing roommate. It's really nice when a plan works out perfectly.
New In Town, and Other Things January 8th, 2024 Newcomer Taro Yamada tries feeding the cats, only to end up accidentally going mano a womano over the hand who holds the treats with Usagi Tsukino and Amanda Faust. Despite Taro's lack of filter, he and Usagi manage to hit it off, while his unstoppable bluntness and Amanda's immovable bafflement manages to bamboozle them both. But he has, very tenatively, made his first friends in Tokyo.
Texts: Texts 4 help January 3rd, 2024 Hinoiri sends out some texts for help with... relationships. Fortunately, she has a great support network. Ha ha. Ha... ha... In the discussions she learns a bit about herself, about Takashi... and the meaning of family. She also stays up WAY too late and learns about EMOJIS! The unicorn is developing, people, be afraid!
Star Search Concert January 3rd, 2024 Easter's plan to pull Heart Eggs and Energy from an entire concert comes up against Sailor Moon, Yellow Pearl Voice, Hope Blossom... and Ikuto?!
The Meloncholy of Setsuna Meiou Episode 943: Boxing, Tea, and Taboos. December 30th, 2023 In the wake of hearing what the Taboos her Mother laid on Sailor Pluto were, the new Princess decides that they WILL NOT STAND and does something about them.
Milkshakes and chatter at the Crown December 26th, 2023 Apparently youma take the holidays off too. Various mahou (and adjacent) play games and eat fries at the Crown.
Texts: Moon Mama Why Were You Like This December 25th, 2023 Rashmi texts Usagi about Setsuna's decision to return to the Gates of Time. Later, Usagi texts Ami in hope that her moon mana didn't give everyone horrifying orders.
Fried Chicken By Moonlight December 24th, 2023 Meet the parents! Then on their KFC Christmas Eve date, Usagi and Mamoru talk about things they've needed to talk about since the showdown at Soryuu Jinja.
Lost & Found: King and Lionheart (Second Take) December 23rd, 2023 CW: Abuse. The last of the Dark Generals faces purification. But what tricks does the most crafty of the Shitennou have in store for Princess Serenity, Prince Endymion, and Kunzite?
Inner Conflict: Stand By Oneself December 21st, 2023 The youkai march on a hospital funded by Obsidian, and Himeko's new body receives its new owner, each with their own obstacles and objections.
Lost & Found: Destroyer (First Take) December 21st, 2023 Jadeite's rescue-- from the airport, Metalia, and himself. Ft. Serenity, Endymion, Mercury, and Mars.
Lost & Found: Human (First Take) December 19th, 2023 Sincerity, Intelligence, and Comfort. Usagi and Mamoru go looking for Nephrite to purify him, and are unsurprised to find Naru there, but VERY surprised to find another young person in attendance... Usagi's brother?!
The Meloncholy of Setsuna Meiou Episode 892: Camping at the Gates of Time December 17th, 2023 Following on from Soryuu Shrine: Silver Crystal, Sailor Pluto takes the newly identified Prince and Princess to safety at the Gates of Time. Brought along are Sailor Uranus as her guard and Kunzite as his. Naru manages to hitch a ride because she's NARU. Very tentative plans are made, tents are set up, futons are placed...and a gift to Mamoru and Kunzite of Sir Terrence Pratchett to keep them occupied.
Soryuu Shrine: Silver Crystal December 15th, 2023 The final shrine is assaulted. Secrets and hearts are laid bare. Does Midnight Tokyo end here? Does the door to Yomi open? Will the Moon Princess emerge? Who will live and who will die? The culmination of many intertwined fates, connect together to form a Bridge of Many Dreams.
What's One More Apocalypse December 12th, 2023 After the big meeting, Homura stays to disclose some additional concerning information about Soryuu Shrine to Kyouka, Naru, and Sailor Moon. Warnings are received, but the plan doesn't change. After all, what's one more apocalypse?
Decision Time, Princess December 11th, 2023 Catra and Sailor Moon have a run in at the Botanical Gardens. Things don't go the way they think they will.
Calling All Heroes December 10th, 2023 The forces of Known Good gather in The Shed to learn about the true threat of the Midnight Tokyo Project. The danger is unveiled, the risks are discussed, and a plan is hatched.
Act 6 - Tuxedo Mask December 9th, 2023 Professor Izono is set to give a special interview about magic crystal from the Moon... Is this a trap? Or finally a lead on the Silver Crystal? And who is the mysterious Tuxedo Mask!? And also that other hottie, the one with white hair.
Texts: goodnight dirt boy December 9th, 2023 Hematite and Usagi text around a professional disagreement.
Are you seeing double? December 7th, 2023 A Lost Logia is chased, but for its sealing, it's two steps backwards.
Budget Cuts December 5th, 2023 Cyprine, the most powerful of the witches five decides to take matters into her own hands, facing down Sailor Moon, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus and special guest Stellar. Unfortunately, welllll... It turns out there were time for some budget cuts and as she brings in two salaries it just made good financial sense. (CW: Death)
I'm Definitely Not A Murderer December 5th, 2023 The day after Cyprine's shocking death, Usagi Tsukino comes to Kyouka Inai's office.
Hikawa Shrine December 5th, 2023 Zoisite attacks the next Shrine on the list... Hikawa Shrine. Unfortunately for him, all the Inner Senshi are in attendance, more magical girls drop in, and there's even a ghost handing out knives in the back room! Total chaos ensues!
After the Battle: Hikawa Shrine December 5th, 2023 After the battle for Hikawa Shrine, Sailor Moon has some answers. Everyone else has some questions.
Texts: still alive December 4th, 2023 Takashi texts Mamoru to ask if Sailor Moon killed him. Mamoru texts Usagi to see if she's okay and whether or not she killed one of the Witches 5. It's a whole thing.
TSAB Requires Extraction December 4th, 2023 Chrono has been corrupted and needs some help from his allies to remove the dark energy from himself! Rashmi brings him to Sailor Pluto who calls in for aid from the legendary.,.. SAILOR MOOOOON! Things are about... to escalate.
Glitter, Gleam, Glow December 3rd, 2023 A Phantom Silver Crystal lollipop has been possessed by the spirit of everyone's greed! Good thing Guardian Daifuku, Sailor Moon, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Mars, Cure Fortune, and Puella Red are on the scene! One monster later, the mahou take a moment to exchange information and their origins. Cure Fortune even tells Sailor Moon's fortune! Y-yay...?
All Things Come in Good Time December 3rd, 2023 Usagi and Naru catch up on life, bizarre occurences, and future doom, in this backscene set pre-Soryuu Shrine!
Totally just a one time thing December 3rd, 2023 Sunbreaker goes to Naru and Usagi's dorm to deliver a message for them to deliver to Sailor Moon, to meet with her on a nearby roof. Sunbreaker then proceeds to insult Sailor Moon's hair, her wisdom in even coming and tells her, for all her silly hopefulness... in one way, at least, she was right. And that they would never, ever, EVER, under any circumstances, be friends. She only let very special people be her friends. Like Usagi. Now that girl knew how to wear double rope hairs in a way that WORKED.
Seeking: One Princess, Freshly Found, Please November 30th, 2023 Five kids walk the path to Soryuu Shrine. Eventually, four will go home. See you next time, Himeko.
Grant Unto Us the Path of Light November 29th, 2023 Usagi and Darien visit Sailor Pluto to give her the actual details on who, exactly, she offered refuge to -- and Setsuna has gifts!
A Good Book November 29th, 2023 After Veronica's Book was recovered from Sensoji Temple, she found some strange writing inside - shortly after, Usagi, Naru, and Adrien join her in the Shed to look into it, and talk about what's been going on with Midnight Tokyo, anyway.
Meiji Shrine November 28th, 2023 Nephrite and La Crima assault the Meiji Shrine as part of the Midnight Tokyo Project, and heroes respond to stop them... Just as planned?
Crystalline Witch November 28th, 2023 True Facets Jewelry Boutique claims to have found the Silver Crystal, but before the truth of that claim can be tested, a bizarre familiar steals the gem for itself! It's up to Hope Blossom, Sharp Song, Red, Hematite, Sailor Uranus, Onihime, and Sailor Moon to venture into the labyrinth.
Texts: Calling for Backup November 27th, 2023 Hinoiri reaches out to Usagi about Sayaka's on-going crisis following the revelation about soul gems. Usagi in turn reaches out to Chiyo. Takes place during scene 811.
Texts: Aftermath of Backup November 27th, 2023 After responding to Usagi's request to help Hinoiri and Sharpsong out, Chiyo updates Usagi on the situation with Sayaka.
Curry All Day, Curry All Night November 25th, 2023 Nothing is better on a cold autumn day than some curry. Adrien spots Ryoko's fencing bag while they're standing in line to order, and ends up introducing her to several other Radiant Heart students as they eat their meal.
A Book in the Origin November 23rd, 2023 More Midnight Tokyo data changes hands, this time in the rooftop greenhouse of Korma Chameleon.
Texts: Soul Gems Are What? November 21st, 2023 Amy texts Usagi seeking advice on talking to people. Why? Well, it turns out Soul Gem is a pretty literal name...
Some Innocent Gossip, Gone Awry November 21st, 2023 A chance to catch up with Daifuku turnss into chaos when Dark Lover Maria starts freezing people at Radiant Heart Academy and calling for Sailor Moon. Can a team up between Sailor Moon, Guardian Daifuku, and La Crima chase her off? Later, Coco arrives on the scene and is looped in on her enemies actions.
Planety Revelations November 14th, 2023 Luna gathers the Inner Senshi to share with them the last of the secrets she's been keeping: their origin, and the true nature of their enemy.
Texts: The Aliens Are Coming From Inside The Dorm November 14th, 2023 Following Planetary Revelations, Usagi has some news to share with Naru and Mamoru. Mamoru has some news too, and Naru and Usagi make a (perhaps disastrous) plan to test if becoming a magical girl lets you breathe underwater.
Mistaken Identities Righted and Pacts Made by Odango-light! November 13th, 2023 Usagi brings along one Mamoru Chiba to introduce the boyfriend otherwise known as Hematite to the wounded Hannah Steiner. She is not, in fact, Sailor V. Pacts are made for the future!
Secret of The Phantom Silver Crystal Candies! November 12th, 2023 Working off the popularity of the viral video from Hematite asking for the Phantom Silver Crystal, Chiyo has used the opportunity to market a jewel shaped candy! The lollipop release party is complete with decorations and a cardboard cutout of a screenshot of Hematite for photo ops. Darien, Hinoiri, Sayaka arrive for the event! When Usagi arrives so does the real Hematite!
Digital Business November 11th, 2023 Riventon and Viluy attempt to steal some equipment - and Takuto Tsunashi's heart crystal when he stumbles upon them. What's victory worth, though?
SILVER CRYSTAL DOOM RACE November 11th, 2023 Bass-chan claims to have the Silver Crystal, and offers it up as the prize for a high-stakes rollerblading race through the street of Tokyo!
The Job Never Stops November 11th, 2023 Sailor Moon and Sailor Venus halt patrol for a quick snack - and are joined by Cat Noir! Conversation gets underway, but before long, the trio are given a pair of unexpected visitors - Sailor Mars, in hot pursuit of a nekomata!
Orbital Alignment November 10th, 2023 Sailor Moon and Sailor Eris meet face to face - or rather, Usagi and Hikaru do. Names are exchanged and communicators too.
Ducks and Dialogue November 9th, 2023 Usagi (and Luna!) finally take Himeko to see the ducks.
A Crystal in a Haystack November 8th, 2023 Usagi calls for a meeting at the Shed, and reads Naru and Kyouka in on the hunt for the Silver Crystal, as well as some of the on-going danger of the youkai invading Juuban.
Catching a Breather November 7th, 2023 Secret identities are no longer secret after Sailor Moon and Hanzo catch a breather on Game Crown Arcade's roof!
Hangin' at the Cafeteria November 7th, 2023 Usagi Tsukino's got an empty table in the cafeteria plaza, but not for long. Over the course of a long lunch, Veronica guesses Miya may be a Pre Cure, Jason Dite meets Rashmi, Veronica, and Usagi, news about ~boyfriends~ is shared, and the Princess of Sarek allows a recovered relic to be examined.
Paint the Town Pink November 4th, 2023 Following Lunar Eclipse, Sailor Eclipse hosts a tea party at Clover Tower! Too bad it doesn't end so well.
Texts: siiigh i know youre right November 4th, 2023 Kyouka texts with both Sailor Eclipse and her boyfriend
Texts: Take selfies! Post them up November 4th, 2023 Hinoiri tests Usagi to see how the test of courage went; she's surprised to get a reply from Sailor Eclipse. Featuring: felt coffee, a request for selfies, and new ambitions.
Lunar Eclipse November 4th, 2023 The Culture Festival takes a twist when Sailor Eclipse attacks Grade 9 Class C's Test of Courage! Usagi Tsukino has been akumatized - and with the power to turn people into toys, she's having a great time! A cohort of heroes steps up to save the day - but they aren't able to prevent her from fleeing the scene with Naru Osaka. How could they? It was Hematite who spirited her away.
Lunar Eclipse 2: The Hamster Ball-ening November 4th, 2023 It's the grand end to Sailor Eclipse's reign of ...terror? toyrror? and everyone's here! Hannah, Amy, Ginga Otome, Cure Spanner, Yellow Pearl Voice, Cat Noir, Himeko & Bakeneko, and even Sunbreaker join forces against Sailor Eclipse and her loyal boyfriend Darien in an epic standoff in Kobayashi Toy Shop!
There Are No More Do-Overs November 2nd, 2023 Usagi and Setsuna have a lot to talk about. Featuring: ramen, the mercury computer, the concept of being the sole survivor, and teleportation.
A Word Among Letters November 2nd, 2023 Usagi and Setsuna get read (hahaha) in on the cipher Naru and Mamoru have been working on from Nephrite's journal. Secrets are desperately kept, then shared anyway.
Welcome Home (Third Take) October 31st, 2023 Welcome home, Himeko.
The (Magic) Shed October 30th, 2023 Kyouka calls on a few trusted students to show them a handy secret.
Hyakki Yagyou: Night Parade of One-Hundred Demons October 30th, 2023 The Night Parade of One-Hundred Demons is about to begin. For the first time in centuries, the youkai will be marching from their Spirit City into the physical realm... Unless the local defenders and also a cat have anything to say about it!
Texts: luna showed me the video October 30th, 2023 Usagi and Mamoru text about the Silver Crystal clock app video, princes, youkai, and the culture festival.
Phone Call with a Phantom Thief October 30th, 2023 The Princess of Sarek (aka Phone Thief) calls Sailor Moon on a phone she stole from Hematite. It's a phone call between a 12 year old and a 14 year old - so it goes better than could have been expected.
Tourist Destination: Deer Forest October 27th, 2023 Adrien, Usagi, Naru, and Ikiko are offer to feed the deer who bow! They encounter Tadase along the way, and have a good time.
Shameless Self Promotion October 27th, 2023 Mizudori Teion has a plan to make sure nobody forgets her little autograph signing session.
The Best Donut October 25th, 2023 La Crima and Usagi meet. Accidently. They have a talk. Then Usagi offers energy. That becomes a problem. Oops!
Call Me On My Cellphone October 25th, 2023 Sailor Eris reaches out to Sailor Moon on the advice of the mysterious Hematite.
Texts: how dare she take your phone October 24th, 2023 Hematite and Usagi text after Inner Conflict: Body Paint. The Princess of Sarek stole Hematite's burner phone. Usagi is not amused.
Kiss October 21st, 2023 In an interlude at the Masquerade Ball of Princess Dia, giddy teenagers have their first kiss.
After the Ball October 21st, 2023 The day after Princess Dia's Masquerade Ball, Usagi Tsukino runs straight to Makoto Kino. After all, she's Sailor Jupiter!
Questions of Philosophy October 21st, 2023 Usagi Tsukino and Michiru Kaiou meet again, for the first time since the Outers drew a line between themselves and the Soldier of the Moon. Can the differences of opinions between the Outers and Inners really be solved?
The Masquerade Ball of Princess Dia October 21st, 2023 The D----- Kingdom is hosting a masquerade ball to celebrate Princess Dia coming of age. It might be an expensive, ticketed event, but that hasn't stopped a variety of RHA cast members from attending! There are dances, conversations, and of course, the stunning revelation that Hannah is Sailor V!
Save Princess Dia! October 21st, 2023 The forces of the Dark Kingdom and the Inner Senshi clash at Princess Dia's Masquerade Ball after the young princess is possessed by Nephrite's shadow. All seems lost - until Sailor Jupiter awakens in the nick of time!
Texts: Volatile Diamonds October 20th, 2023 Rei and Usagi text about the sleepover's volatile conversation and a potential lead on the Silver Crystal and its princess.
Texts: can you 'embezzle' from your job October 20th, 2023 Usagi and Mamoru texting.
Merciful Musings October 19th, 2023 Usagi and Rashmi run into each other after a patrol - as it turns out, there are things they need to say to each other. Featuring: the heavy subject of mercy, a trip to a greenhouse, and wishes for the future.
Shopping, Shopping October 18th, 2023 Adora and Usagi bond during a shopping trip for the Masquerade Ball. Is there anything better than clothes to bring two young warriors together?
Inner Conflict: Sphere Joint October 18th, 2023 An end to one chapter. The beginning of another.
Pajama-Rama Party: The Pajama-ing October 17th, 2023 Usagi Tsukino is throwing a slumber party, and everyone at RHA is invited!
Ghosts, Princesses, and Boyfriends mayhaps October 17th, 2023 Rei finally knows about Usagi and Mamoru - or rather, Usagi and Hematite. She's summoned Usagi and Minako to a sleepover at Hikawak Shrine, where she intends to get answers - and when Usagi provides them, she and Minako have doubts.
Inner Conflict: Face to Face October 16th, 2023 The being behind the Dark Energy Impacts is confronted at the Soryuu Shrine...
Questions October 15th, 2023 Amy Faust has questions for Hematite and Sailor Moon.
It's Pronounced Rifle 3 October 15th, 2023 Norie Okana shoots Naru with a heartstealer rifle. Oops.
Inner Conflict: Build Limbs October 14th, 2023 CW: Horror, Body Horror, Monster Guts. A doctor from afar comes to show off some medical advancements in prosthetics at Mitakihara Hospital. Another Dark Energy Impact site is the result.
Are Our Lives Weird? October 11th, 2023 Naru and Usagi have a talk about life, the weird, and jealousy.
Spooked and Spookled October 10th, 2023 With the Culture Festival coming in just a few weeks, Usagi, Naru, and Adrien are hard at work setting things up for their classes event - a test of courage (much to Usagi's dread). They're joined by Sayaka, Hinoiri, and Amy, and conversations ensue about Halloween, jewels, and being tall.
Hopes October 10th, 2023 Sailor Uranus and Sailor Moon talk about the worlds they hope to be able to see come about... and what they're willing to do for it.
Weird, But Not Forgotten October 9th, 2023 Shortly after her encounter with Sunbreaker, Makoto Kino tries to sneak back to her dorm, only to be (mildly) abducted by Naru Osaka and Usagi Tsukino, who have few answers and much sympathy.
So Your Thoughts On Murder Are... October 8th, 2023 Usagi needs Minako's opinion on an important topic, after her confrontation with the Outers.
Inner Conflict: Blueprint October 8th, 2023 Strange happenings are occurring at Masato Sanjouin's mansion... And Darien and Usagi are just the ghostvestigators to solve it!
Youma'd, Bro? October 7th, 2023 In which a small child's birthday party is attacked by a Dark Kingdom General for reasons.
Carrots x Cake October 7th, 2023 Nanoha Takamachi sells cakes to Usagi Tsukino. Also, do carrots really belong in cake!?
I Know Who I Wanna Take Me Home October 3rd, 2023 After Sunbreaker burns Sailor Moon a lot, she calls Mamoru, and then Naru and Mamoru help her with first aid. Featuring jkgdlajdfl and surprises.
Philosophical Questions October 3rd, 2023 Following scene 545 (in which Sailor Moon rescued Sunbreaker from the Outer Senshi after getting thoroughly burned), Usagi Tsukino seeks Kyouka Inai for advice.
Sensoji Temple October 3rd, 2023 The Sensoji Temple is chosen as the place to challenge Sailor V to battle! Unfortunately, she doesn't show up, and a Dark Kingdom general is on the scene with his own plans.
Texting with Wako-chan 2 October 3rd, 2023 Following her encounter with Sunbreaker and the Outer Senshi (scene 545), Usagi Tsukino texts Wako Agemaki about teams, murder, and the illegality of guns in Japan.
Culminating Plans October 2nd, 2023 Sunbreaker has it out with Sailor Moon... but when the outers get involved, suddenly Sunbreaker finds out the consequences of her actions. Something that shakes her to the core.
Quadrapeds Gotta Stick Together October 1st, 2023 With the children in school, the mascots will play - or at least, communicate. Luna of Mau reaches out to Vice President, cementing an alliance between likeminded parties. After all, quadapeds have to help each other out in this thumbs and fingers needing world!
Inner Conflict: Rough Sketch October 1st, 2023 The renowned mangaka, Shin Hayazaki, has a meet-and-greet handshake event and book signing at the Book Nook in Juuban Ward. However, he seems to be a bit... Off. And so are the people who buy his books.
Hunting the Blue Griffin Part 2 September 29th, 2023 Riventon takes up a job to ostensibly murder Hannah! ...Or at the very least scan her stuff. Luckily, Riventon has /some/ morals as it turns out and Hannah has friends!
Texts: A Motorcycle-Gravity-Sword?! September 26th, 2023 Hematite and Hannah text Usagi about the fact that Hannah's ended up in the hospital. Usagi is not amused. Featuring: fire, carrots, final fantasy 7, and news of a boyfriend.
Payment Due September 26th, 2023 Sunbreaker decides to pay Naru a visit... for actually perfectly good and reasonable reasons. After that, a steady stream of totally unrelated guests pop by to keep her company.
Roommate Break September 25th, 2023 Adrien decides to finally check out Korma Chameleon! Running into Makoto Kino he invites her to join himself and Naru for dinner which turns into an entire dinner party when Usagi and Darien join in.
Princess, Princess September 22nd, 2023 Usagi and Kyouka meet to share info and dish. Europe has more than one country, right?
Frozen Fish Fry September 22nd, 2023 Sunbreaker and Maria work to take down one of the magical girls, Yellow Pearl Voice, with a trapped concert! Will Sailor Moon and Greta Legend be able to stop their dastardly plan or will the mermaids lose a second of their princesses yet again?
Kind of Unfair September 21st, 2023 In which Wako purifies Hematite. A little.
Feat of Clay September 21st, 2023 Sentai assemble! It's time to fight CyberBeast Linxus, as he tries to prove himself before the wicked and powerful Lord Hematite!
Share The Apocalyptic News September 21st, 2023 The Senshi gather for an exchange of information about the coming apocalypse - what's that? There's more than one? Why.
Texts: Mood Swings September 21st, 2023 Usagi, Mamoru, Naru: A rose throw, arm day, and dark energy. First convo happens the night after Subsidaries, second convo happens the day after Subsidaries but before Feat of Clay.
Princess and the Moon September 20th, 2023 Sailor Moon and the Princess of Europe meet in the Forgotten District. A miracle - and a general - are discussed and an alliance made.
Gacha Goners September 17th, 2023 A teacher at Radiant Heart Academy gets akumatized into the Gacha Villain Highroller and starts turning students into in-game currency - but luckily, a whole host of magical teens comes to the rescue! This won't turn out as well as Highroller hoped.
Questions from a fish to a bunny September 16th, 2023 After lots of thinking about Naru's supposed trip, Coco transforms into Yellow Pearl Voice to seek to understand from Usagi why she sought to cover up Naru's disappearance, thinking the buntailed girl could have already known about Sunbreaker
And Finally, Mall Rats September 16th, 2023 Usagi and Rei go out for a day of shopping, and this time, nothing will go wrong. Minako joins them - and even less goes wrong.
Texts: The Prince of High School, Vol. 13 September 14th, 2023 Mamoru's phone is a little busy today. What with Naru wanting him to relay messages. And Takashi having a quibble with a senshi. And Usagi fussing. And ... Luna? And a DATE?
Text: Discussing Firefly September 14th, 2023 Usagi reaches out to Michiru after hearing Riventon is putting out a no-contact request between the ocean Senshi and Firefly.
How It Ended September 12th, 2023 Sailor Moon gathers her friends together to launch a rescue for Naru! Unfortunately, things won't always be as simple as they may hope. Can the power of love, friendship and a warehouse filled with sparkles save the day? Hopefully! Tune in to find out!
So We Go Forward September 11th, 2023 After Double Trouble impersonates Naru and before Pyrite asks to meet Sailor Moon, there is comfort and reassurance in the middle of the night.
Definitely Not Naru September 11th, 2023 Double Trouble shows up at Naru's & Usagi's room for their debut performance as Naru Osaka. It does not go well. What kind of girl has a pre-determined test for if their roommate is an impostor?!
Sailorphone September 11th, 2023 Pyrite needs to meet with Sailor Moon because she has an IDEA.
The Witch That Ate Tokyo September 9th, 2023 A foot chase across the neighborhood results when a Witch is on the run.
Checking In, News Gained September 9th, 2023 Following Naru's kidnapping, CHiyo Sakai comes to check in on Usagi and Luna. Partway through, a few texts change the mood: there's hope for Naru yet.
The Truth Of Her September 9th, 2023 Truth is a mirror, if you have the courage to face it. Takes place directly after scene 397/The Witch That Ate Tokyo
Crying bunny and uncomfortable unicorn September 8th, 2023 Hinoiri runs into Usagi, grieving over the disappearance of Naru. She... offers some advice and tries to cheer her up. Not that she was responsible for any of these hurts or anything. Nope. Not at all.
Texts: Ghost Writer September 8th, 2023 A ghost is used to pass along messages.
Fights We Didn't Start September 7th, 2023 Usagi and Darien arrive at Kyouka's office to learn the details of Naru's kidnapping by Sunbreaker.
Moonlight to Ease the Darkness September 7th, 2023 Usagi Tsukino tracks down Hannah to try to convince her to spare her Uncle's life. Usagi learns more of Hannah's inner turmoil, love is shared, and Hannah decides to at least consider mercy to be an option
Texts: technically i only agreed not to get set on fire September 7th, 2023 In which Kazuo checking in with Naru's roommate after Naru misses their morning run prompts an entire cascade of Things, ranging from Usagiflail to Bad Ideas to everything basically hating everything to discussion of Murder Missions (and yet Hannah does not actually appear in this log!) to Kazuo getting handed almost all of the things he was carefully trying to duck having stored in his head. (Strong language, mostly between Kazuo and Kyouka.)
Snapping One, Two, Where Are You September 7th, 2023 Following Scenes 376 and 380, Hematite, Sailor Moon, and Nephrite put their heads together to try and find Naru. Well, they try to, anyway. Hematite's the only one getting useful information so far. Also including: booster seats, tears, and Nephrite's surprisingly masterful craftsmenship.
Texting: Naru Needs Help 1 September 6th, 2023 Following Scene 376 and during scenes 380 and 382, Usagi Tsukino texts Chiyo Sakai for help. She gets a promise of support and a lead.
Texting: Naru Needs Help 2 September 6th, 2023 Following Scene 376 and between scenes 380 and 382, Usagi Tsukino texts Wako Agemaki for help.
Texts: Naru Needs Help! September 6th, 2023 Naru's been kidnapped. Usagi reaches out to Ikiko for help.
Texting with Naru-chan 2 September 4th, 2023 Following Scenes 366 and 373, Usagi texts Naru for advice on complicated thoughts of murder and revenge.
Monkeyin' Around September 4th, 2023 The library is where those souls surrendering to their studies find themselves - or, where they still dare to goof off. Cho catches Usagi doing just that, and a bargain over studying blossoms into a new friendship.
Just Cats Talking September 4th, 2023 Kyouka goes to talk to Luna about some stuff.
The Blue Griffin's War Room September 4th, 2023 Hannah Steiner reveals herself and her plight to her compatriots, even as she asks for their help against their Uncle. Failing to push anyone away, she finds true friends and allies.
Sun vs Moon August 31st, 2023 An effort to recover a lost skirt turns into a battle for Usagi and Naru when Sunbreaker enters the scene! The fires of hate can't beat the power of two good friends!
Like Confetti August 30th, 2023 Himeko-chan visits Usagi in the dorms, showing off her new form and revealing some of her past. Usagi reacts appropriately, of course - with much friendly affection and upset over the horrors such a little kid has had to endure. Also, there are bandaids.
So I Heard You Have a Cat August 30th, 2023 Usagi tried to escape to the cafeteria to escape all of Luna's talk of destiny and duty, only to encounter the oh-so-pretty Michiru and all her talk of destiny and duty. Poor Usagi just want's to be a middle school girl so much.
End of the world vs boyfriends. August 27th, 2023 Meeting day was a very very busy day. Information shared, people dropping in. Very busy.
Planetary Alignment August 27th, 2023 When everything lines up just right...
An Unfortunate Presentation August 27th, 2023 Kyouka shares what she has found out about Midnight Tokyo with her trusted allies.
Putting The Clues Together August 25th, 2023 Chiyo reaches out to Usagi about her suspicions as to who she really is. Bonito and Luna meet, hissy cat mascot ensues, and Usagi realizes that not only is her secret as Sailor Moon out but Chiyo is also a magical girl!
Lunch of Champions! August 24th, 2023 Hinoiri is taken to get curry for the first time in her life by Usagi and Niji. Rashmi is their server. All in all, Hinoiri is unimpressed, how good could this slop possibly be? ... Then her life was changed forever.
Texts: i lied there is anxiety August 23rd, 2023 Hematite texts Usagi Tsukino, ninth grader and definitely not a magical girl, about warning Kyouka and also about relationship advice, because he is a coward
It's Just Ghosts August 23rd, 2023 Usagi calls Darien immediately after Scene 300, A Ruinous Pair They Make, and he is at a haunted shrine so there's some disturbing background noise.
Perfect August 21st, 2023 It's not a date. Usagi and Darien go to the arcade.
An evening discussion. August 15th, 2023 Setsuna and Luna finally get together to discuss what to tell Usagi and the other Inner senshi.
New Perspectives August 15th, 2023 Usagi has something to say to Kyouka, and hopes donuts will ease the conversation. A discussion on the nature of evil, Dark Energy, and how to deal with Darien Shields begins.
Girl Talk August 15th, 2023 It's time for secrets to be shared - at least, one or two mega secrets, anyway.
Le Cirque qui Brule August 10th, 2023 A witch's labyrinth lurks in Juuban, inviting the unwary to a circus where the shows flametacular ending never stops. Officer Usagi is on the case - and before she knows (or agrees to it) is joined by The Red Princess, Puella Red, Yellow Pearl Voice, and Trager des Blauer Greif. The civilians Madoka and Hinote are drawn into the drama as well, and meanwhile Haruko gets a Witch's Kiss - can all this really be wrapped up in one thirty-minute episode of Radiant Heart Academy?
Everything at Steak August 7th, 2023 The long-awaited wagyu beef cookout!
Forever, With Fireflies August 7th, 2023 For some reason, Naru wandering off at the cookout makes a couple of people nervous. Especially when she doesn't come back. Nothing happened! ... she thinks. (Hint: Naru is not the best judge.)
The Games We Play August 6th, 2023 Three girls enter a game shop, but only one can come out on top... of the scoreboard, anyway. Hinoiri, Niji, and Usagi meet for the first time in the field of digital battle (and the real world).
Games and Gals August 4th, 2023 On a casual summer afternoon, Usagi and Minako get to know each other over a few rounds on Game Crown Arcade's finest titles.
It's A Beach Episode, Kids! August 2nd, 2023 What summer is complete without a trip to the beach? Usagi, Ami, and Rei are happy to enjoy the sea and sand as friends. (Note: Posted Incomplete.)
In the Wake of a Cat-astrophe July 31st, 2023 Nurse Setsuna conducts a wellness check on one Usagi Tsukino, and encountering a recovering Luna leads the nurse and secret senshi to only one conclusion.
Like Rain On Your Wedding Day July 30th, 2023 CW: Animal Injury. A star named Luna lights up two lives in exchange for her own.
Texting with Wako-chan 1 July 28th, 2023 Following the events of Black-Hearted, Usagi turns to the first person she thinks will understand: Wako. After all, with Jadeite after Naru, she's got to spill the beans, right?
Bad News Brigade July 28th, 2023 Usagi takes a moment to catch Ikiko up on what she knows. The conversation is good for both of them (even if Usagi still can't believe Ikiko wants to volunteer for more school. With *Luna!*)
Black-Hearted July 27th, 2023 An investigation into the Black Jades leads to the first confrontation with a Dark General.
You and Me and - the Catra In the Room July 27th, 2023 Chiyo's got questions after her 'borrowed' dress turns back into her old one in the drycleaners - and Usagi doesn't particularly want to give answers. And hey, what's Catra doing in the background there...?
Elephant-san July 26th, 2023 Before fight club: What starts out as guidance-counseloring turns into a bickering match turns into Kyouka stalking off and Usagi dealing with heartfelt confessions of trouble from Darien.
Survey Says July 26th, 2023 A give-away of an Obsidian-brand product in exchange for a survey! Surely there is nothing suspicious or untoward ab--OH MY GOD A YOUMA, GET IN THE CAR.
Catching Up, Catching On July 24th, 2023 Sometime after Kokytos, Usagi and Wako meet to exchange information, tease each other about romance, and have a treat. Also? Luna and Vice President are Watching Each Other.
A Totally Normal Summer Picnic (Or Else) July 24th, 2023 Usagi Tsukino is hosting a picnic, and everyone who happens to walk by is invited. Oh, sorry, not invited - everyone who walks by is attending. Lucky, Ikiko, Niji, Himeko, Molly, and Hotaru are all in a mood to join in! And if anything weird happens - no it didn't. <3
The Steak is Not a Lie July 23rd, 2023 In the aftermath of Kokytos, Usagi is feeling more than a little beat up. Luckily for her, Darien and Koji are determined to help. Also featuring boundary crossing dads, wagyu steaks, texts from Naru, and the mysteries of boys.
Kokytos July 22nd, 2023 Carbonado attempts his first gambit to collect energy. Then he's ganged up on by a lot of Mahous. At least they're terrified the whole time?
When Succulents Attack! July 21st, 2023 A sunny afternoon of painting and fun with learning (ew learning) about succulents at Radiant Heart Academy becomes a battle when ait's revealed as a youma plot! Can Snow Angel Mou Fubuki, Cute Wolf Tsukiko, Ginga Otome, and Puella Magi Red save their fellow students? Can Darien believe his ears when he finds out what the youma's plan was? and can anyone be prepared for the threat that rears it's head when the youma is defeated?
A Fortuitous Meeting July 21st, 2023 Ami meets Usagi Tsukino and Rei Hino while at the library. She gets bullied by a librarian.
Are The Answers Out There July 21st, 2023 In the aftermath of When Succulents Attack, Usagi Tsukino finally braves the Guidance Counselor's office. Her conversation with Kyouka Inai is not comforting, but it is clarifying.
Self Defense 1 July 20th, 2023 At Kyouka's self-defense class, Sailor Moon gets paired up with Trager, aka Hannah Steiner for some Tiara excercises!
Loose Meows Sink Secrets July 19th, 2023 Usagi and Luna confront Ikiko with the truth: that Ikiko is a magical girl! Of coursde, a talking cat isn't exactly normal, so it doesn't take Ikiko long to realize that Usagi is also a magical girl.
A Not So Disastrous Encounter July 16th, 2023 Usagi may have hurt her leg after the school dance. School nurse Setsuna may have some remedies.
Meddling (with) Kids July 15th, 2023 Kyouka calls Usagi with a warning she doesn't want to hear.
ReFashioning July 15th, 2023 During the Summer Dance, Chiyo and Usagi sneak off to make up - and to help Chiyo get made up, in a new dress, that is. Surely this can't cause problems in the future.
Summer Dance July 15th, 2023 It's the event of the summer, Radiant Heart Academy's summer dance!
Melonpan Meeting July 14th, 2023 The rabbit trap is baited and sprung! Kazuo and Usagi finally meet, and an understanding is formed.
You're Here to Study July 13th, 2023 The study group comes together! Then ditches Usagi and Darien.
Friendship Sweeps In July 13th, 2023 A fateful collision ensues! Makoto Kino was minding her own business when Hurricane Usagi swept in... but she doesn't seem to mind, as the two strike up a conversation and fast friendship.
Fe-lyin' Around July 11th, 2023 It's a meeting of friends and mascots when Usagi and Luna encounter Chiyo and Bonito on their way to the Animal Care Club! While there, Usagi is surprised to learn that Ikiko can speak to animals - and Luna is surprised to learn that Bonito the Cat can't. In the course of their conversation, secrets are teased and revealed. and friendships grow.
Parfaits and Questioning July 11th, 2023 Naru and Usagi try and explain desserts and games to Prismara Bree. It only mostly helps.
Recruiter, I hardly Know 'er! July 8th, 2023 Club Recruitment season is underway! On a beautiful day, Usagi, Chiyo, Madoka, Ikiko, Koji, and Haruki share an afternoon of club recruitment blunders, successes, and intrigues.
Office Hours 6 -- Usagi July 8th, 2023 Kyouka goes wabbit huntin', utilizing a strategy laid out by Naru.
Odango Tango July 6th, 2023 Chiyo meets Usagi and Darien while working at her grandfather's shop, Nounamu Sweets. A friendship forms between her and Usagi, while Darien gets busted on his crush.
Mars, the Guardian of Fire July 4th, 2023 People are disappearing from the streets of Juuban. Usagi and Luna are on the case, but what role does a shrine priestess play? Could she be one of the Allies they are looking for?
Loose Ends on Weekends July 2nd, 2023 Not everyone has something to do on a cooling Saturday Night. Not even at such a social hub like Radiant Heart Academy. But hey... the dorms have great A/C and plenty of places to relax. It just means sometimes you meet someone who's just not a friend yet...
Stray Cat Strut July 2nd, 2023 Francesca Leon is under attack by a two-headed bear youma! Luckily, Ginga Otome, Sailor Moon, Cute Wolf Tsukiko, Zephyr, and Cure Tide are on the scene to help her - and civilian Rei Hino, who's wandered into a nightmare.
Green With Envy July 1st, 2023 The chaos that comes from the first fight on a warm Saturday morning.
You Were Not Refreshing July 1st, 2023 All Hematite wanted to do was steal some energy for Beryl via horrible fake fake ice cream, but then a bunch of magical girls decided they wanted horrible fake ice cream, not knowing it was fake fake instead of just fake. Featuring Sayaka, Madoka, Sailor Moon, Guardian Daifuku, Kyouko, Hanako, Misery Melon, Kyubey, and Hematite. And also not Gritty.
Act 1 June 23rd, 2023 (Backscene set pre-Game Opening) A normal trip to Osa-P Jewelry takes a turn when Naru and Usagi discover Osa-P is having their first ever sale. At the same time, Usagi has a fateful encounter with a Mysterious(ly Uncool) Guy in Radiant Heart Academy's uniform - or at least, her failed test has a fateful encounter with his head, leading the two to butt heads for the first of many times to come. And later that night: the Moon Shines Bright, when Sailor Moon takes to the stage to rescue the Osaka family! It's a terrifying night to be a new magical girl, but good thing Hematite's there to encourage her!


Title Date Scene Summary
The war is over and we are beginning (Usagi Tsukino) July 15th, 2024 Usagi Tsukino wakes up the morning after the final battle with Beryl and smiles.
A Surprise Lunch (Ikuko Tsukino) July 14th, 2024 On the day an alliance of Mahou set out to save the world, Ikuko Tsukino reflects on the last-minute, surprise luncheon she shared with her daughter's friends.
Sharing the Good Ne- WHY WAS THAT YOUR FIRST QUESTION? (Usagi Tsukino) July 3rd, 2024 A few weeks ago, Mamoru Chiba asked Usagi Tsukino to marry her. In this flashback, we see what happened when she told her parents.
Sky Goes Dark (Usagi Tsukino) June 2nd, 2024 Usagi Tsukino's spending Sunday morning with Mamoru Chiba, keeping him company in the hospital, when the sky goes dark. Wait, what?
Range and Precision (Usagi & Mamoru) June 2nd, 2024 Usagi has the idea that she and Mamoru should heal the whole hospital with the power of the Silver Crystal boosting Mamoru's healing power. After teleporting back from the fight against Sunset of Sora, they try and do just that.
Message via Communicator: DANGER ALERT (Usagi Tsukino) May 18th, 2024 Sailor Moon uses the communicators to put out an alert after Mamoru Chiba is rushed to the hospital in scene 1559
As If The Sun Had Stopped Shining (Usagi Tsukino) May 18th, 2024 Usagi Tsukino is preparing for a date, when something - someone - vanishes from the world. Concurrent with Scene 1554, Devour the Earth.
Nightmares (Usagi Tsukino) January 22nd, 2024 Usagi's on week three of the nightmare's Gaitou promised to send, and it doesn't seem like they're going to stop anytime soon. She could tell people about them but - how could she ever bring herself to admit what they're truly about?
Waiting Endless and Ending (Luna) December 17th, 2023 During and after the assault on Soryuu Shrine, Luna is left to wait. But all things end, especially waiting. At long last, her princess is found.
Flip Side (Pyrite) December 7th, 2023 More mysterious, and increasingly urgent, dreams arrive for one Usagi Tsukino.
Fearful Symmetry (Pyrite) November 26th, 2023 You're walking in the woods.
Mysterious Dreams ??? (Usagi Tsukino) November 23rd, 2023 It's been months. The dreams have never stopped. And with the hunt for the Silver Crystal now a nation-wide viral sensation, they've only been more and more urgent.
Prelude to the Eclipse (Usagi Tsukino) November 4th, 2023 Radiant Heart Academy's Grade 9 Class C decided that for the Culture Festival, they wanted to host a test of courage. As part of those preparations, Usagi Tsukino's been scared, spooked, and set upon by all manner of ghouls and goblins - much to the amusement of her classmates. One last scare tips her over the edge, however, and with Hawk Moth looking for a new target, the birth of Sailor Eclipsde is complete!
Live Luna Reaction (Usagi Tsukino) October 30th, 2023 Luna is browsing the Clock App when she sees Hematite's video on the Phantom Silver Crystal.
Moon Healing (Usagi Tsukino) October 24th, 2023 Now that the Inner Senshi have all awakened, Luna has a gift for Usagi Tsukino. Moon Stick, get!
Mysterious Dreams 2 (Usagi Tsukino) September 3rd, 2023 Usagi Tsukino's dreams are still haunted by requests for the Silver Crystal.
Backlash (Usagi Tsukino) August 23rd, 2023 Usagi Tsukino was laying in the sun under a tree when the world broke, and memory unfolded like the petals of a rose.

Concurrent with Scene 300.

Prelude to the Cirque (Usagi Tsukino) August 9th, 2023 A prelude to Cirque de Flambebebe - how does Usagi Tsukino end up on the trail of a Witch, when she's never even heard the words Puella Magi?
Mysterious Dreams 1 (Usagi Tsukino) July 27th, 2023 Usagi Tsukino dreams of a mysterious boy who has a single request: find the silver crystal.
You're Sailor Moon (Usagi Tsukino) July 22nd, 2023 In the aftermath of When Succulents Attack and Kokytos, Usagi Tsukino has an important question for Luna. The answer she receives isn't one she wants.
Texting - Study Group Setup (Mamoru Chiba) July 11th, 2023 Darien texts Chiyo, Usagi, and Koji to work out study group details, and Takashi to invite him to it, and everyone's got tangled side conversations going on.


The Silver-Golden Polycule

  • Mamoru Chiba - Usagi's fiance, and quite likely the only man she'll ever love. They've come a long way from their first meeting at Osa-P, and together they've overcome endless obstacles. Also known as Endymion, the prince of Earth. Formerly known as Hematite.
  • Ami Mizuno - Usagi's girlfriend, but also, her friend, first and foremost. The one and only Sailor Mercury, who Usagi can always count on as a source of wisdom.
  • Kazuo Saitou - Mamoru's boyfriend, the ever-cool Saitou-kun! Once and forever, he is Kunzite, one of the Shitennou. In another life, he joined forces with Beryl and helped to destroy the Silver Millennium, and inadvertently, the Golden Kingdom. But that was in another life - Kunzite is a reliable and trusted friend, now.
  • Tamaki Suikawa - Once known chiefly as the enemy Jadeite, who joined forces with Beryl to destroy the Silver Millennium, and inadvertently, the Golden Kingdom, he was purified with the combined forces of Usagi and Mamoru, and he remembers little of his time as their enemy. He's Mamoru's boyfriend too, and Usagi considers Tama-kun a friend.


  • Michiru Kaiou - An exceptional violinist and artist, Usagi knows her chiefly through her role as Sailor Neptune. Early on, Michiru warned Usagi of a coming apocalypse, and later, about the danger of Sailor Saturn. Her position has changed since then - now, she is the potential Sailor Saturn's protector, and Usagi the wary watcher. There's trust between them, as Senshi, but they aren't particularly close.
  • Homura Akemi - A Puella that Usagi first met at a meeting regarding the Midnight Tokyo Project. She seems to have a lot of information, but also - she seems pretty close to Madoka-chan! Usagi's got to ask her friend about that, one of these days.
  • Chrono Harlaown - A Device Mage and representative of TSAB, Chrono is Adrien's roommate and Rashmi's boyfriend - and a reliable ally! He's serious but kind, and Usagi thinks well of him.
  • Kyouko Sakura - Kyouka's mini-me of a student, Usagi met her once in a Witch's labyrinth. She's a Puella, but otherwise Usagi doesn't know much about her.
  • Izou Saito - Called Saitou-chan by Usagi, he's actually Zoisite, who long ago joined forces with Beryl to destroy the Silver Millennium, and inadvertently, the Golden Kingdom. After he was purified with the combined forces of Usagi and Mamoru, he joined their side as an ally! Usagi doesn't really get him, but she's sure of Mamoru's faith in his loyalty. Bafflingly, he's good friends with Ami, so she guesses he can't be that bad.
  • Nephrite - Long ago, he joined forces with Beryl to destroy the Silver Millennium, and inadvertently, the Golden Kingdom. He was the chief mind behind the Midnight Tokyo Project, and once sorta-kinda attempted to use Usagi's brother Shingo as a hostage, when Hematite was freed. He was finally freed alongside the others, and is an ally now. Usagi doesn't really know him, but she's sure of Mamoru's faith in his loyalty.


  • Naru Osaka - Usagi's best friend for basically her entire life, Naru is clever, calm, a coffee-fiend, and, finally, after nearly a full year of magical attacks and events, a magical girl! As the Lunar Knight, Usagi can charge her Big Fucking Sword with purification and give her even more oomph.
  • Chiyo Sakai - One of the first friends Usagi made at Radiant Heart, the two girls were equally shocked to find that they're cousins through their mothers' side of the family. Chiyo is both an incredibly close friend, and has been a powerful ally as Culinary Guardian Daifuku.
  • Kyouka Inai - The woman who has quite honestly helped to make Usagi the person she is today, Kyouka Inai, also known as Stellar, may not be a great school counselor, but she's an incredible mentor. It's Kyouka's no-bullshit advice and counseling that has done the most to help Usagi come to terms with her responsibility as a magical girl blessed with plenty of power, and she relies heavily on her council.
  • Makoto Kino -
  • Wako Agemaki - The one and only Ginga Otome, she was one of Sailor Moon's first allies. A true friend, Usagi trusts her to have her back. Wako-chan has a level head on her shoulders, and her experience has proven helpful time and again.
  • Setsuna Meiou -
  • Bow -
  • Minako Aino -
  • Amy Faust -
  • Adrien Agreste -
  • Rashmi Terios -
  • Madoka Kaname -
  • Rei Hino -
  • Sayaka Miki -
  • Koji Silva -
  • Taro Yamada -
  • Haruka Tenou -
  • Coco Kiumi -
  • Hannah Steiner -
  • Niji Dasshu -
  • Ikiko Hisakata - Secretly, Cute Wolf Tsukiko! She's an ally who knows Usagi's identity, and also a friend. Definitely the Animal Care Club's best member.
  • Adora Rainbowfist - A girl from another world, she's actually She-Ra, a super tall and buff mahou! Usagi considers her a friend, though she doesn't know her very well


  • Takashi Agera - Sort of her brother-in-law, Takashi grew up with Mamoru. Usagi considers them on friendly terms, though they're not very close. He works in Obsidian, which is a little sus, but he's been pretty helpful.


  • Riventon - Mamoru's brother, he also works at Obsidian (what is it about brothers and Obsidian huh, does she have to worry about Shingo?!). He's got one of the Rainbow Crystals, and he's always up to something - still, he's way more sane than some of those in Obsidian, so they have more of a superhero vs supervillain dynamic than any real enmity.
  • La Crima - A vampire-esque girl who's hunted around Radiant Heart Academy. She kidnapped Hinoiri and Naru once, and Usagi's never forgiven or forgotten. Once, she offered to let La Crima feed from her, only to be told her energy was too tasty. Having woken as the princess, she thinks she understands why.
  • Catra - Usagi's only encountered Catra twice - once, when she tried to steal her Disguise Pen, and once, when she did a stealthy, careful drain from civilians. Sailor Moon let her go, that time - because if their enemies are going to drain, they should encourage them to do it smart. She considers Catra to be one of the most clever of their enemies, and probably the most stable.
  • Glimmer? - Bow's queen and best friend, she's with Obsidian for reasons she won't explain. She doesn't seem to be cruel, but she still helped steal a Rainbow Crystal. She took Usagi's advice about embezzlement, though!
  • Monster Inside Hotaru - A being inside of Hotaru, which apparently caused her to kill Cyprine and try to crush to death Sailors Moon and Mercury. Ami is currently running a scan to track her energy signature, so they can be ready if the thing that helps make Hotaru so unstable attacks again.

It's Complicated

  • Phantom - He's a villain who kidnaps girls - at least, Pretty Cure ones - but he's also the guy Chiyo-chan is dating? He stole her corpse, but to protect her? Usagi's just going to have to meet him, to settle it in her brain.
  • Hotaru Tomoe - A younger girl who has been both Firefly and Sailor Charon. Hotaru has healing powers that Usagi has experienced first hand - but she's also been a source of tremendous trauma, what with her murdering both halves of Cyprine right in front of Usagi and then stabbing her with her energy glaive a bunch and trying to kill her. That first one and last one were actually a monster inside of Hotaru, but Usagi learned that later. Also? She's almost definitely the unawakened Sailor Saturn, and Usagi sure would love for her to stay unawakened.
  • Hinoiri Kirara - Once, she was Sunbreaker, who was both enemy and sort of friend to Sailor Moon. At that same time? She was Usagi's friend Hinoiri-chan, a newcomer to Tokyo that Usagi both admired and was often a little exasperated with. Then she lost her mind, ripped the magic out of Mamoru and many others, and tried to destroy the sun. Usagi hasn't forgiven her, but she believes Hinoiri can be better and do better, and of course, she'll still try to protect her if she's in danger, now that she's a civilian.
